Face Detection in Copenhagen

(28.Okt.2019) Today is Monday – the last in Oktober – and it’s a bit chilly outside.

Actually I ought to have been visiting Dorrit in the hospital because she had an operation last week. But on account of several warnings I’ve had to think twice before going.

The Herlev hospital has large structural repair works going on presently, which has resulted in several more or less hidden nooks and crannies in the access ways. And the main entrance to this giant 25 storey hospital is now two small glass sliding doors in a particular dark and shabby corner of a small, shabby courtyard (with a large pool of dirty water directly in front of the doors, to boot!).

I visited Dorrit a week ago in the weekend and couldn’t help noticing that large parts of this giant hospital seem almost desolate in weekends.

Hence approaching the hospital could be dangerous for myself at any time, but in weekends it might possibly be well nigh suicidal?

So, sadly Dorrit has to wait until things might possibly calm down a little. It may or may not be a consolation that I’m supposed to know when – i.e. the year and week – Dorrit is scheduled to pass on, as I’ve seen it in a nightly vision.

In the meantime, lets take a look at a couple of recent tweets.

Oh – but by the way. After 38,000 tweets the friendly folks at Twitter (rogue elements?) has seen fit to lock me out from my account. I believe they fancy I’ve linked to a rather uncouth account of the demeanour of one seemingly wery well connected power-puppet troll of the reigning global power-puppeteering master-robots? (note 1, below)

But ofcourse! My bad! – We certainly wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of ANY trolling puppet – be they large or small, sane or insane, good or evil, would we?

So the following ‘tweets’ are not in fact real tweets, but rather only ‘dormant tweets’. An asterix * indicates these P.T.’s and an arrow > my comments.

* Berlingske mener: Danmark skal ikke
kopiere Kinas overvågning og kontrol

* Københavns Politi vil gerne bruge ansigtsgenkendelse, og dermed står vi med et svært valg mellem bedre politiefterforskning på den ene side og frihed og privatliv på den anden. Fra et borgerligt-liberalt perspektiv må det sidste veje tungest.

* »Hvis man har rent mel i posen, har man ikke noget imod, at politiet hurtigere kan fange en terrorist,« sagde Skaarup og afviste dermed enhver tanke om, at almindelige lovlydige borgere kan have lyst til at leve deres liv i fred uden hele tiden at blive kigget over skulderen.

* Ansigtsgenkendelse er utvivlsomt et meget effektivt redskab, hvilket den store globale interesse vidner om. Men læg mærke til, hvem der er allermest interesseret og har rykket hurtigst i forhold til implementeringen: Det er de autoritære regimer.
Der er god grund til at sige nej tak.

> The story is that the Copenhagen police wants FaceDetection cameras all ower Copenhagen. And the above extracts link to an admirable op-ed by this most honourable woman – the brave, clever and honest Amalie Lyhne – at the large Copenhagen daily Berlingske Tidende. (note 2, below)

Firstly: The Copenhagen police don’t go public with a wish like that all on its own!

The modus operandi now is and henceforth will probably always be: The government’s strong-arm robot-puppet-man tells the P.M. what the global power-puppeteering master-robots has imparted unto him about what they want from her.

The P.M. then tells the M.o.J. what is expected from him.

The M.o.J. then tells the Cph. Police what to go public with.

Is this really that difficult to grasp? I beg to assure you there’s ‘Keine Hexerei – Nur Behändigkeit’!

Secondly: – you have the political spokesman of the until recently largest center-right party D.F. blabbering out with almost childish thoughts – or pehaps lack of thoughts? – on the matter: FaceDetection basically a good thing for the police.

For the POLICE STATE – yes!

Small wonder that he and his party was humiliated – halved – in the most recent election: Their leaders are obviously almost clueless? Hardly evil people – just perhaps quite clueless.

Incidentally here is yet another instance where you clearly see the dangers of having young political leaders at the wheel. Because if someone had told my parents at some point in the 1950’s that the Government henceforth would photograph and film everyone everyhwere they were and moved and at all time – then my parents (and their generation) would instantly have understood, that it was now GANGSTERS THAT WERE RUNNING GOVERNMENT.

But if you have no recollection or otherwise a genuine knowledge of the thinking and feeling in the 1950’s you might perhaps not understand this – just like today.

But here’s the lowdown:

If FaceDetection is generally established in (any) democratic (western) country – THEN THIS COUNTRY CANNOT POSSIBLY BE DEMOCRATIC ANYMORE!

And why is that, you may ask: Because then all critical journalism and other serious critique of government and police and secret services and secret police will in quite short order be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!

And again, why is that you ask: Because any and all real critical journalists and other serious critics can and will be harassed – possibly, or even inevitably, harassed to death!

But when any serious critique of government and all its angencies is either prohibited by law or otherwise impossible (for instance by badly harassing or even ‘disappearing’ all intelligent critics), then THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY!

And as another op-ed asked recently: Do you dare to trust that your government will always be benign?

Of course, you dare not! Because the crux of the matter is, that the weak link in any democracy is exactly this: That the general public and the man in the street are basically unable to (always or ever?) spot the two-faced, fourflushing shyster – or even traitor – flimflamming them with sweet words and snake oil – or to talk turky: damned lies. Incidentally precisely the kind of people that always MOST BADLY want access to ultimate (government) power.

It shouldn’t be necessary to remind our intelligent parliamentarians of how, exactly, Mr. Hitler reached power, I take it?

But today is also the 6th day of the ongoing dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House in downtown Copenhagen. The price is 45 Kr (abt. $6), and I bought one book:

1. MENNESKER OG OPLEVELSER. By F. Hendriksen. Ny Rev. Udg., København 1932. Hardcover. Slightly shabby outside, but fine inside. 448p, ill.

This is the second edition of these valuable memoirs. The first ed. came in 1910, but of which only 110 were printed.

In the preceeding days I bought a handfull of old french books, among which:

2. MEMOIRES ANECDOTIQUES SUR L’INTERIEUR DU PALAIS ET SUR QUELQUES EVENEMENTS DE L’EMPIRE DEPUIS 1805 JUSQU’AU 1er MAI 1814 POUR SERVIR A L’HISTOIRE DE NAPOLEON. Par L.F.I. de BAUSSET, Ancien Prefet Du Palais Imperial. Leipsic, 1828, Teubner. Vol. 1 & 2 bound in One Volume. (Vol. 3 & 4 missing). 304 & 248 pages. Hardcover, slightly shabby outside, fine inside.

Memoires anecdotiques are ofcourse basically much more interesting than more or less official (solely) political histories. Whence I’m looking forward to perusing at least part of it more closely.

Here are a couple of sample quotes (page 204-5):

‘Ici finit le role politique de Charles IV (of Spain, * Naples 1748). Ce prince etait d’une taille elevee, d’un port noble et assure: la parfaite harmonie de son visage annoncait la bonte et le calme habituel de son ame: en le voyant on etait certain d’avance que ses moeurs avaient ete toujours pures.

‘C’etait un roi-bourgeois et sans caractere politique. Ses seules passions furent l’amitie pour Godoi et un asservissement sans mesure aux volontes de la reine. Je crois meme que son amitie pour ce favori l’emportait sur tout autre sentiment. Il lui sacrifia tout sans regret et sans hesiter.

‘Il avait mis la vie privee sur le trone, et il ne perdit aucune jouissance en resignant la monarchie d’une partie des deux mondes, pour entrer dans cette vie privee. Il s’y trouva naturellement place dans un etat approprie a ses gouts simples et faciles. Et lorsque sa sante, alteree par des acces frequens de goutte ou par l’age, ne lui permit plus de se livrer aux delassemens de la chasse, il sut remplacer ce plaisir par celui de la musique, et en rendant heureux le petit nombre de sujets fideles qui s’etaient voues a sa personne.

‘Non-seulement il aimait a entendre les artistes distingues qu’il s’etait attaches, mais il executait lui-meme sur le violon quelques morceaux de symphonie, tant bien que mal.

‘C’etait toutefois un amateur d’un genre nouveau. J’ai ouï raconter a l’un de mes amis qui connaissait beaucoup M. Boucher, son premier violon, que tres-souvent Charles IV commencait seul un morceau d’ensemble, et que, sur l’observation de cet artiste celebre, il lui repondait gravement, qu’il n’etait par fait pour l’attendre!!!’

‘La reine Marie-Louise, sa femme (* Parme 1751), etait petite; a l’epoque ou j’eus l’honneur de la voir, il etait difficile de juger si elle avait ete jolie. Ses yeux etaient vifs et ardens; qu’elle avait du caractere et de l’esprit, et sa physionomie prononcee annoncait une preoccupation d’habitude, qui semblait la rendre indifferente aux devoirs de son rang, quand ils se trouvaient en opposition avec son idee dominante.

‘Cette espece de monomanie fut, dit-on, l’affaire de toute sa vie: l’on disait que la causerie intime en tete-a-tete etait plus de son gout que cette vie toute en dehors que l’on appelle cercle de cour. Il ne faudrait pas supposer cependant qu’elle fut indifferente aux soins de la toilette.

‘Ce gout conservateur ou reparateur faisait une partie essentielle de cette concentration de toutes ses facultes. Elle faisait venir de Paris tous les objects les plus a la mode. Cet hommage rendu au gout et aux modes francaises me rapelle une anecdote qui m’a ete racontee par plusieurs grands seigneurs espagnols.’

However, this anecdote about ‘La duchesse D…, jeune, belle, spirituelle, et veuve immensement riche…’ is too longwinded to recount here, I’m afraid.

But it’s now getting dark, and I want to get home before the rain starts. Thanks again for joining, and be safe!

Note 1.
Ofcourse this is possibly or even most likely just a pretext and guise for the real reason: That said power-puppeteering master-robots – that are now running our World? – want me shut down, – and badly? (link 1)

I can’t help thinking of Ms. Naomi Klein, that was maliciously harassed like this some years ago (according to her own reporting, then). Ms. Klein being Yewish ‘they’ couldn’t wery well just kill her, whence they took recourse to plan B, i.e. the underhanded and nefarious ways of malevolent harassment seen here.

The analogy: Their endeavour to outright kill or kidnap me have thus far proven somewhat elusive, perhaps. Whence their recourse to the nefarious ways of sundry malicious harassment?

(Incidentally, on 31.Okt. I discovered ‘they’ had once more abused my Visa-card; this time they’ve stolen 955 DKr (abt. $150), whence I’ve had to cancel my Visa-card once more. I’ve now decided to do without a Visa-card altogether, until the matter has been thoroughly investigated. Obviously I shouldn’t try to hold my breath, because after last month’s incident the bank (DANSKE BANK) flatly refuced to investigate! (link 4).

And by the way – ofcourse you’ll remonstrate that I myself am certainly not in the NaomiKlein-leage? Mayby and maybe not. N.K. was and is a world renovned critic, in her heydays perhaps known by almost every adult newspaper reader all over the world? While I’m basically only known by the global power elite. But then again: Perhaps you should heed the prophesy? (link 5).)

Note 2.
(Update 29.Okt.) Only today I saw yesterdays op-ed by Mr. Mads Kastrup in the large Copenhagen tabloid EKSTRABLADET.
Obviously mr. Kastrup is – no less than Ms. Lyhne – a totally honourable, fearless, intelligent and honest critical journalist. Certainly like Ms. Lyhne at the apex of danish critical journalism today.

Here are a few sample quotes from his post (marked with an asterix, while my comments have an arrow).

* Mads Kastrup 28.10.2019
Vi ender alle som fredløse.
DET ER SVÆRT at skabe et frit samfund. Men det er nemt at ødelægge det.

> The word OUTLAWED (fredløs) seems perhaps quite pertinent? If everyone are to be watched, bad-eyed, surveyed and followed in any way imaginable – in short: recklessly harassed – basically without any genuine reason at all – then we’re all in fact OUTLAWED.

For myself that has more or less been the state of affairs for several years now: No matter what happens to me I would have no recourse to – not to speak of protection by – the law! Whether I am burglarized, water-inundated in my flat, arsoned, mugged, kidnapped, killed or maimed in hospital (or anywhere else) – no matter what, the police would never, ever lift a finger to assist me – except ofcourse perfunctorily? (link 3)

I guess that just about defines the state of being FREDLØS (outlawed). And mind you: my ONLY two crimes is: that I have dared to protest against abuse from superiors (in the then Ministry of Transportation (link 2, danish)) and that I have dared to criticzise subsequent abuse by the SecretService/SecretPolice and their friends. (Note 1)

But ofcourse, anyone can see that these are capital crimes?

That is – in a police state they are!

* ‘Danmarks nye regeringsparti, der med sin seneste ’sikkerhedspakke’ med 300 yderligere overvågningskameraer er trådt i karakter som noget nær den hidtil mest totalitært tænkende regering, vi har haft.’

> See the above and my earlier posts
Lykketoft – Bjerregaard – Pind
The Putsch and the Hit-Squad (upd.)

* DET VIL VÆRE ’en kæmpe fordel’ for det københavnske politi, hvis de får mulighed for at benytte ansigtsgenkendelse til at overvåge borgerne, lyder meldingen fra Københavns Politis chefpolitiinspektør, Jørgen Bergen Skov, i et interview med Berlingske.

* Helt sikkert. Og det vil være en endnu større fordel, hvis alle borgere får indopereret chips i nakken og dermed kan overvåges og registreres døgnet rundt.

> Of course it’s difficult to precisely know if this police officer (chief-inspector) is just an order abiding civil servant, or perhaps blatantly clueless or even blatantly evil?

* For nu ved vi fra Jørgen Betjent, hvad de 300 kameraer egentlig skal bruges til: Ansigtsgenkendelse ligesom i Kina, som vi alle ved er et retsstatsligt forbillede.

> I fear the honourable Mr. Kastrup has perchance not fully grasped the real meaning of the much quoted ‘300 extra cameras’?

The 300 extra cameras are not meant to merely supplement the already existing 1,5 million fixed surveillance cameras in all of Denmark.

On the contrary, they are supposed to be available to police to pinpoint surveillance on something or someone in particular. For instance if some rogue police agents (in the ordinary police, secret service or secret police) would like to know something about the associates, correspondents, whistleblowers and other sources of the honourables mr. Kastrup or ms. Lyhne and/or their family – then said agents would just put up a few cameras outside the homes of these journalists, at their favourite restaurants, at their lovers residence, at their family homes and so on and so fort.


* ETHVERT KONTROLLERENDE tiltag finder sted med henvisning til terrorbekæmpelse eller beskyttelse af borgerne som sådan
Hermed spiller man imidlertid terroristernes spil. Terror angriber indirekte demokratiet ved, at frygten for den dikterer ufrihed for alle. Den ernærer sig ikke af den tilslutning, den kan opnå, men af den frygt, den kan sprede.

> Very true. Whence you have to ask yourself if there is perhaps a certain degree of truth to the sometines propounded view, that various secret services are in fact behind most terrorism? With no terrorism there would be little need for the worlds secret services! Might eventually imply that half of Denmarks 1000 SecretService/SecretPolice agents could ultimately become redundant and/or be pounding the pavement?

* VELKOMMEN TIL til familieovervågning. Og velkommen til samfundet, hvor den udøvende magt har udvidet retsprincippet om, at politi og myndigheder skal have ’begrundet mistanke’ til nu også at omfatte ubegrundet mistanke.

* Det er dertil bemærkelsesværdigt, at mens vore politikere frejdigt erklærer visse folk fredløse i overvågningssamfundet, påberåber de sig ret til selv at gå fri.
DEN SENESTE offentlighedslov har ikke ligefrem kastet lys ind i magtens korridorer ej heller oplyst forvaltningen af Danmark.
Her skal for guds skyld ikke registreres eller kontrolleres noget.

* Og hvad gør et samfund, der har sat al mulig overvågning i værk og alligevel rammes af et terrorangreb, vil jeg gerne spørge.
ER DET SÅ IKKE HER, som indledningsvist antydet, man ved lov indopererer chips i nakken på alle?

* Det er jo det sikreste. At alle til enhver tid i alle sammenhænge er under systemets overvågning, kontrol og registrering.
Det vil, med chefpolitiinspektørens ord, være ’en kæmpe fordel’.

* ’Ingen frihed, uden tryghed,’ som daværende vicestatsminister Bendt Bendtsen sagde, da nye antiterrorlove skulle indføres efter 11. september 2001. Bendt, der også var betjent, kom i vanlig stil til at vende det hele på hovedet.
Det er selvsagt omvendt: Ingen tryghed uden frihed.

> Kudos to ms. Lyhne and mr. Kastrup for their brave and bright posts!

Link 1.
The Robots’ Cash Ban

Link 2.
Nullermand eller regimekritiker?

Link 3.
Småting og bagateller (3)

Link 4.
September Colours

Link 5.
Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis

Note 1.
(Update 30.Okt.) In a vision I had early in the a.m. today, I saw one of my former chief’s (though not whom exactly) in the Ministry of Transportation mocking me slightly for pretending to be absolutely innocent in our 13-year fight for justice.

But ofcourse not; in a fight that long there will be committed wrongs on both sides. Still – in the interest of justice you should take the trouble to study the first few pages of the first letters/docs of the case; at least if you want to comment; but always glad to communicate, ofcourse!

A CD with all letters will be gladly supplied on application to any legitimate party (use comments facility, please).


Blog posts may or may not be crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and http://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com

My twitter account www.twitter.com/gamleboeger is now not updated as I’ve been shut out.

Lykketoft – Bjerregaard – Pind

Today is Wednesday and it’s quite nice out there.

In today’s café there’s a copy of the danish national daily JyllandsPosten available. Hence let’s take a quick look at a few of the headlines.

On page 4 there’s an article about our M.o.J. wanting to court marshall IS-warriers through a tribunal somewhere in the Middle East.

I don’t know enough of the technical details to comment on the feasibility, really. But every time court marshalling war crimes/criminals comes up you usually miss half the culprits.

For instance, in Nuremberg, only the party that started the war was court marshalled (as far as I know?); although there were certainly many horrible war crimes perpetrated on behalf of the victorious parties?

So what about the agressors in Syria? Aren’t the foreign countries that bombed the Syrian nation and people in unprovoked wars of agression not undeniably war criminals – by almost any standard?

Ofcourse you may say – ‘we’re the (militarily) strong part and we give s**t about righteousness in justice’. You may say this ofcourse, but like for Nuremberg the truth will get out eventually and karma may ultimately hit you like a boomerang.

Just for the record: The demeanour of our new M.o.J. reminds me a great deal about that of his mother, whom I knew from high school.

Perhaps tending a tad towards the grey and anonymous, but no doubt a very likable and entirely honourable person.

Only it’s probably VERY difficult to be an inspired govt. minister under the aegis of our new P.M. and her power-micro-managing close entourage: No room for any ministers personal mark on their department, perchance?

On page 12 there’s something about US-president Mr. Trump. But I don’t follow US national politics close enough to be able to comment sensibly on Mr. Trump’s apparent predicaments. Only I would like to warn against most danish commenters, that are usually far too superficial.

On page 18 a slightly confused ‘someone’ reviews three recent books with the memoirs of as many retired (danish) top politicians: Mogens Lykketoft, Ritt Bjerregaard and Soren Pind.

They have all three been VERY prominent politicians in their heydays. All have been ministers more than once, although none of them made it to PrimeMinister.

Why is that, you may sensibly ask, as most all of them obviously had the wherewithall to qualify?

The answers are, like most often, probably complex; but perhaps they all were and are just a tad to decent to make it to the very top? Perhaps they were not willing to sell out enough of their principles and betray nation and people?

Not that being a traitor is an imperative quality to qualify for PrimeMinister! But in most cases it helps and it probably always makes things happen more smoothly?

Speaking of P.M.’s: Last night i read about our new P.M. having decided to establish way more camera surveillance on public places. I believe she used the expression ‘increase massively’?

Obviously our new PrimeMinister’s apparant propensity for secrecy – as opposed to openness in government – and for surveillance is somewhat disappointing to many observers (and voters?).

This conundrum must have occupied my mind a good deal just before turning in; because during the night I dreamt about our P.M. and her friends for what seemed several hours.

Some of the dreams were apparently visions of a clairvoyant nature, whence I’ill use this chance to comment on some of them.

But firstly a few generalities. Obviously our new PrimeMinister is young, and pretty, and attractive. Anyone can see that, at least if you go for the brainy, slightly boyish type of women.

You may say, you don’t think she is boyish? But then imagine her with an eton crop. Right? – You see it now, I suppose?

Also she is clever! You may safely assume she has long ago been fingered as a political whizz-kid by the TPTB. But why?

Because otherwise she would never have been featured prominently on The Drudge Report even before having won the last election (link 1). I certainly would be very surprised if she isn’t to be seen on the Bilderberg participants list in quite short order.

She is that clever, and also hard as nails.

But what did I see in my nightly visions?

Firstly and unsurprisingly that she is attractive and slightly boyish.

Secondly that she has a propensity for secrecy and aloofness. ‘We’ wanted to visit her on her job; but we had to access her through a tower where most of the ladders were removed – so as to make access difficult – if not impossible.

The spacious tower room was completely clad in oriental rugs and plush: has she one or more oriental roots, perchance? If so, this might perhaps help to explain why she was ‘choosen’ by Mr. Drudge?

One of her friends was driving a giant, brutally powerful motor cycle.

Was this perhaps her right hand spin doctor? If so he may be regarded as immensely dynamic, but also, perhaps, as being on a somewhat frail footing?

Might fit the bill perfectly if this gentleman, as I suspect, is heavily left-brained dominated. Left-brainers, like aspergers and autists, are basically almost never on a particular firm footing in their personal life.

They basically perceive and live their whole life in two dimensions. Whence they have no deep roots anywhere – except perhaps in disruption and chaos: ‘Burn everything down every seven years’. (link 2)

Next Saturday is my old friend Dorrit’s 88th birthday! Ofcourse I should have been there and take tea and chocolate with her. But, but – sad to relate I’m still occasionally harassed by police agents.

The thing is that Dorrit’s care home is situated on the edge of Greater Copenhagen in a somewhat isolated place. And as I talked to Dorrit a couple of weeks ago, and it was quite apparant that she would like me to soon visit her – then the SecretService and/or their friends would have another great opportunity to prepare a hit, down to the last and least details.

Whence a trip is simply too dangerous to risk. It’s a pity really, as it’s quite impossible to explain my predicament to the elderly.

Within the last fortnight I’ve spottet at least two agents (and possibly four) harassing me, but for once they didn’t look like Mossad? They mostly looked like danish SecretService/SecretPolice agents to me, although ofcourse always hard to tell.

Their mission may, perhaps, most likely have been to try and get close enough to once more swipe-copy my new Visa-card? (compare what I wrote here – link 3).

(For some reason I had given up carrying my Visa card in a Faraday-cage some time ago, and this carelessness may perhaps have caused the abuse of my card, as detailed. Ofcourse I’m now using my Faraday-cage again.)

But it’s getting late and regrettably I have to take leave from our attractive young P.M. for today.

Be seeing you in my dreams?

Link 1.
The Putsch and the Hit-Squad (upd.)

Link 2.
Disruption and Wispy Trails (Upd.)

Link 3.
September Colours


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

No Eton Cut

Today is Wednesday and it’s quite nice out there.

Next Saturday is my old friend Dorrit’s 88th birthday! Ofcourse I should have been there and take tea and chocolate with her. But, but – I’m still occasionally harassed by SecretService/SecretPolice agents.

Læs resten

September Colours

Today is Saturday, and it’s the 14th of September.

September is my favourite month, although for reasons perhaps not entirely obvious? For one thing my mother died quite young on September 30th (1953).

So perhaps I’m just an autumn sort of guy – or a fall-guy, if you’ill excuse the pun? For instance I cannot wear clothes in ‘spring-colors’ – always make me look ridiculous.

I need and love the autumn colors brown, wine red and orange or perhaps better still, dark grey and steel grey shades.

I love the clear, lunimous nordic sunlight of a fine September day, like this Saturday. Also makes a great day for photography with one of my large, old cameras, except for today is a bit windy.

The wind mostly is a problem, ofcourse, if you plan to make macro photographs of trees, plants or flowers; or if you have to use a tripod. Like when I’m using one of my large old plate cameras – my favourite photographic tool.

I missed today’s opportunity to take som photographs, on account I slept late. Hence I didn’t manage to make my photo shoulder-bag ready for action. But, then, let’s talk old cameras for a change.

Today I saw a couple of old Kodak cameras swimming around in one of the odds-and-ends boxes, usually residing in front of well known photografica.dotcom camera store, here in downtown Copenhagen.

The frindly store assistants accepted my modest offers for the two cameras, so here we are. The premier buy is the

1. Kodak Retinette 35mm folding camera from the late 1930’s or perhaps very early 1940’s.

I believe it may well be the most basic camera in the Retinette camera family, that again is the junior line of the larger Retina-family.

The ‘junior’ epithet pertains to the technical features; like lens quality, shutter speeds, range-finder or not and light-meter or not.

This particular model of the Retinette lineage is, as told, perhaps the most basic of the line. It has a three element Kodak Anastigmat lens of 5cm focus and a relative aperture of f:4,5, and the lens appears to be uncoated.

The shutter is a simple 3-speed Prontor-type shutter, with speeds from 25 – to 125.

But everything is outwardly in great condition, and it has a fitted ever-ready-case in nice condition to boot.

So why did I only have to pay 50 Kr (7.50 Dollars) for this pretty camera?

The thing is everyone, including myself, honestly thought the shutter was totally defective, or even incomplete. And only a careful, half-hour inspection revealed that the modus-operandi is just quite unusual and counterintuitive.

But now everything seems to be working ok, and I look forward to clean it out, including the inside surfaces of the lens. Also to check, and if necessary recalibrate the distance scale with a ground glass over the film gate.

A three-element lens may often be quite satisfactory for most amateur photography, both for colour prints and black-and-white negatives.

2. The second Kodak is the much more advanced Retina IIa. This particular model is from the 1950’s and sports a fast, high-quality Rodenstock Heligon-lens of 50mm focus. It’s largest aperture is f:2,0 and it’s coated.

But the general cosmetic as well as mechanical condition of this specimen is very nearly horribel. Neither the shutter nor the rangefinder is working at all, and everything looks worn and shabby.

The interesting thing is, that the front of of this collapsible camera – like almost always for Retina and Retinette camera – is still rock steady. Hence I accepted the modest prise of 25 Kr (4 Dollars), and hope I may eventually manage to restitute it to a working condition.

Yesterday, ofcourse, was Friday the 13th! On that particular day I visited the other large and well-established camera store here in central Copenhagen: Foto/C in Holbergsgade, situated just behind the Royal Theatre.

So, just around noon I had the audacity to visit said camera store; nothing unusual here, to be sure, I’ve been a faithful guest – and too often also customer – of theirs for some twenty years, I’m afraid.

The first thing I saw when entering the store, was a most unsightly spectacle: One of the camera assistants had just finished the sale of a Speed Graphic 2×3 camera (to an old friend of mine), and for a pittance.

Well, you may ask, why is it this spectacle was so ghastly, not to say shocking?

The thing is I’ve been collecting old plate cameras for well nigh half a century. But I don’t remember to have ever seen a 2×3 Speed Graphic for sale here in Copenhagen.

The Speed Graphic is quite another camera than the (Century) Graphic 2×3. Generally a much higher-quality camera, much more elaborate and usable than the plain Graphic (or Century Graphic) 2×3.

While I congratulated my friend to his lucky find, I’m afraid I was unable to hide my distress. Nay, I know I could not hide being disappointed: I’m simply unable to hide from my features anything approaching anger, if triggered. (Note 1)

Now everyone will surely reproach me for perhaps getting angry over a friend making an interesting buy in my presence? But I have to plead non-guilty, because it’s not as simple as being about just envy and jealousy.

The thing is I’ve tried time and again for abt. two decades to communicate to the friendly store manager this special interest of mine – the old plate cameras.

I know he has always had a habit of reserving interesting items for the collectors he know: like of Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Voigtlander and movie cameras – and probably others. These collectors thus get a chance to inspect the items before the general public.

But I’ve also long suspected, that a ‘collector’ (and, to be fair, I’m not a ‘genuine collector’, but a so called ‘user-collector’) of something as obtuse and unglamorous as old plate-cameras didn’t really register in his mind.

At least it’s not the first event of this kind; in fact I’ve repeatedly watched friendly photo-freaks buy old plate cameras in my presence from said store-manager. And as I know the buyer(s) I’m able to state quite certainly, that he/they had no particular interest in this kind of cameras. Just like today.

So if you’re an old plate-camera-buff, you’re seemingly more or less under everyones radar. In fact that has obviously been the case for myself for decades; that is, until this happened:

About a decade ago I had taken stock of my collection and made a CD with a rather complete listing. I intended to consult a lawyer in consequense of the constant danger of being assassinated by Mossad and their friends.

Not to ask advise how to protect myself from being assassinated, ofcourse. But to ask advice in respect to insurance and the execution of my eventual estate.

I visited the office of a downtown lawyer, but found her out of town. But it was agreed with the office manager that I could return to discuss the matter later.

However I decided to inform the law office about what I wanted to discuss, before showing up personally once more. Hence I sent them a letter and – quite foolishly, perhaps – attached a CD with the listing of my collection.

I never got a reply from the law office; and the letter and the CD obviously evaporated into thin air.

But by inference and conjecture it’s perhaps not too difficult to figure what basically happened?

Because only days later I was contacted by one of the zar’s of the danish photohistorical community; ‘he had learned I was an expert on historical large format cameras and if I would please give a talk in one of the photo historical communities’.

And shortly after that a new store opened that ostensibly specialized in large format cameras (incidentally the then principal owner had no interest in- and basically knew nothing about classic large format cameras!); furthermore it seems there was an extended family relationship between the two gentlemen and Mossad?

The reason for ‘talk and store’ may perhaps be assumed to most likely be, that a) these gentlemen wanted by all means to prevent myself for opening a like shop (they had realized, perhaps, that I had both the stock and the expertise?) and b) if I was in short order to be assissanated by Mossad, my flat and collection would be robbed within hours, to perhaps then be sold locally?

You think this sounds rather outlandish? But I can assure you, it is hardly! But ofcourse you have to know something of the extent of my collection of old plate cameras – it’s quite extensive!

Now back to my friend and his ‘new’ Speed Graphic. When we happen to meet at the Foto/C store, or elsewhere, we usually arrange to take a cup of coffe in a nearby café.

Which we also did yesterday; we agreed to meet in one of the Magazin du Nord’s café’s a short walk from the store. Only I had to visit my bank firstly (on account of the Visa-card sham I suffered a few days ago – link 1).

Hence it was only about 3/4 of an hour later I met my friend in one of the top floor Café’s in Magazin du Nord. I then had a chance to inspect the Speed Graphic and show my friend how to operate it. He is an avid collector of old movie cameras, by the way.

Now you have to know, that the Foto/C store without doubt has been bugged by Mossad and/or their friends (I’ve written about this already in one or more former posts)(Note 2). But it nevertheless surprised me somewhat, that they seem to have managed to put a hit-team in place on the top floor of Magazin d.N. only shortly after I arrived.

That is, about one hour after we made our appointment in the store. But being Friday there could perhaps be expected to be one or more Mossad-teams on stand-by in the city?

After having talked with my friend in the café for about 15 mins(?), I noticed a gentleman sitting alone at a table less than 10 feet from us.

Even if the café is somwhat dim he was wearing dark glasses of the type going around almost to his ears – like bodyguards of Mossad and their friends like to wear them? He was having nothing, but looking fixedly at his smartphone, and seemed very careful nok to look my way. He had Mossad/CIA written all over him.

A few minutes later he was joined by a middle aged man, that could have been taken directly out of an italian mafia film? The sun-glass guy then disappeared. The mafia-man likewise had nothing.

(For obvious ‘hit-team-reasons’, perhaps: a) the area we occupied in the café was hidden from direct oversight by the staff; hence the agents didn’t want to be registered with the staff when making orders? b) the agents didn’t want to leave DNA on their cups and/or plates? c) dito for fingerprints?).

Shortly after that I and my friend parted. I wanted to visit the rest room, directly adjacent to the café; but I soon thought the better of it.

Because abt. 8 feet in front of the door to the rest room another middle aged man in a black/red sporting outfit was standing, looking fixedly on the door.

When I began approaching him/the door and was about 6 feet away, he began mowing slowly toward the door; eventually he slowly opened the door, while looking searchingly inside. But he still didn’t enter the rest room.

I got the impression he wanted me to overtake him. Would I then have got a cut or prick, or blow in the ear (with poison) in passing him? Or perhaps when inside or in one of the stalls?

But I got cold feet long before that, and left the building in quite short order.

Whether this set-up was planned as a genuine assassination attempt or mostly as an offence to make me angry, or perhaps both, of that I know nought.

Note 1.
I learned already in my younger years, that when angry I may get an almost forbidding expression in my face. This does not mean, however, that I cannot control my anger; that I can to a very high degree. Only I cannot control the forbidding facade, when on rare occasions my anger is suddenly triggered.

This rare, forbidding look, by the way, happens to have controlled my livelyhood to a large degree and quite arbitrarily.

Especially one event stands out for it’s fatefulness: When employed in the Ministry of Communication in the early 1980’s we got a new minister; that minister – quite likable as a person, by the way – at some point wanted to greet everyone employed in our department (General Directorate of Post- & Telegraph) of his ministry.

But (one of) my superiors had already learned to fear my ‘general cleverness’ (sorry, but it’s on record) and, being quite clever himself, had probably made preparations to try and stop me. So on my way to the minister’s reception I was openly insulted by said superior.

This was as completely unexpected as unmistakeable, so that I was simply unable to instantly control my face expression; and I’m quite sure I must have looked forbidding with anger, when the minister came to greet me.

Sadly, but perhaps also understandably, the minister took offense – being a bit paranoid himself, perhaps? And it’s from this fateful occurrence that Mossad’s zeal to assassinate myself originates. Silly indeed?

(Update Monday, 16.Sept.) This morning I had a clairvoyant dream vision like this:

I saw a young man wanting to leave (for somewhere) in his car, and he was readying his car for the trip. Someone feared he would drive (West?) against the direction of traffic, and tried to stop him; but didn’t make it.

He therefore drove off, although seemingly in fact to the East? But he was soon meet by opposing traffic. And, lo and behold, the opposing traffic consisted of giant tanks with giant cannons.

Consequently the young man and his car was destroyed below the tanks; I saw one particularly large tank destroy the car completely.

It’s cannon was so large it almost swiped us down from the balcony I occupied together with others. I asked: ‘Is it Russian?’ – and then woke up.

>Exposition: As I felt the tanks and landscape in some ways looked Russian, but was still in doubt, probably both tanks and landscape were Ukrainian?

Presumeably Mossad and their friends are VERY unhappy with my latest half dozen blog posts? Nay, they are probably as unhappy with myself as have become with Mossad and their friends?

And perhaps the Mossads are right now planning to marshall the Ukranian mafia (often called the Kosher Nostra?) and said to be perhaps the most powerful and reckless at least in all of Europe?

Note 2.
I’m afraid I’ve been a bit feckless in believing the store to be bugged. That’s ofcourse completely unnecessary. You only have to listen in on the store managers iphone, probably carried at all time.

Link 1.


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(9.Sept.2019) Today is Monday, and it’s wet out there. From the cafè where I’m writing this I have a view of the Copenhagen City Hall Plaza, and it seems there’s a demonstration going on; lots of red banners and a few hundred people taking part, and everyone getting a bit wet.

Incidentally, there’s not necessarily much going on in our small capital – Copenhagen always appeared to me to be in many ways an almost dead city.

I’m talking of soul and spirit, ofcourse, and only in so far as we’re concerned with movies and theatre- or TV-plays, i.e. when the spoken word is important.

The shallowness of the Copenhagen vernacular as it’s spoken in the movies and in TV- and theatre plays – ‘die Bühnensprache’ – is for me still rather startling, even after all these years; after all I’ve been living in the Greater Copenhagen area for more than forty years.

Ofcourse it’s not so with the graphic arts and with the music and opera scene. I believe Copenhagen is as admirable with respect to these arts as most everywhere else.

But you just have to watch a few danish movies to know what I mean – embarrassingly devoid of any traces of soul and spirit. (Generally speaking, no rule without exception, ofcourse).

Except if you reckon pathetic shallowness and/or Satanism and all sorts of allied perversities as your soul and spirit?

Personally I believe most of the missing soul may have gone up the chimney when Copenhagen had it’s natural roots from the easternmost part of (what was then) Denmark brutally and permanently cut after the disastrous wars with Sweden in the mid seventeenth Century and later.

Now, the historians (or some of them at least) tell us there always was sort of an ethnic boundary down through the GreatBelt between the western part – Funen and especially Jutland – and the eastern provinces – Seeland and Skania. Which means that Copenhagen probably never got adequate compensation for the important but now lost Skania part of its soul and vitality?

You might perhaps compare this Great Belt boundary to the boundary between England and Scotland?

Incidentally you can just now ‘enjoy’ the spectacle of this discord between West- and East-Denmark. I’m thinking of the fight for power in the recently toppled ruling political party, Venstre.

Obviously the western – Ultra-Great-Belt – fraction don’t neccessarily function in concordance with the eastern part, made up mostly of the big city’s folks?

The former PM’s ‘city slickers’ want to reacquire government, no matter how and ‘no questions asked’.

Whereas many westeners still want to adhere to certain principles, be it within or without government.

Here we have to remind ourselves, ofcourse, of what morals and principles is really about: Morality means respect and responsibility for our common Cosmic heritage! That is, you have to try and always keep the big picture in mind so as to avoid getting bogged down in trifles and hankypanky.

But the danish Westeners are apparently more and more squeezed by their own ‘city slickers’, that perhaps increasingly acquire the soulless qualities of the New-World-Order globalists, that controlled the former govt. totally? (Note 1).

But luckily there are still a few hotbeds of life to visit for a musing book lover, and yesterday was the last day of the recent dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House, a brisk 10 min. walk from here.

The final price was 5 Kr ($0,75), and I managed to make my escape with only one bagful of books. Here are a few of them.

1. PHYSIOLOGIE DE LA CRITIQUE. By Albert THIBAUDET. Paris, 1930, Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Critique. 213 p., paperback, original edition.

It seems the 6 essays in this trim volume were originally written before 1922; but only published in bookform in 1930.

My danish Gyldendals Litteraturleksikon tells this a.o.:

A.T., 1874-1936, critic, pupil of Bergson and his introspective point of view, somewhere between Lemaitre’s impressionism and Taine & Brunetiere’s positivism.

First success came with ‘La Poesie de Stephane Mallarme’, 1912. In 1936 posthum. was published his Histoire de la Litterature Francaise de 1789 a nos jours.

He is described as inciting and precise, both scientific and subjective.

From my Oxfort Companion to French Litterature:

A.T. – one of the foremost lit. critics of the first half of the 20th century. Became prominent with his book on Mallarme.

Later was professor of French literature in Geneva. His uncompleted History of French Litterature (above) groups authors by generation (1789, 1820, 1850, 1885, 1914-18) rather than in the usual epochs and literary affiliations. Other works are for the most part essays and reviews, mostly for Nouvelle Revue Francaise.

Quite by chance we open the book on page 102, whence we can read (sorry, no diacritics – I’m writing Braille on a danish keyboard):

‘Cette critique des maitres, elle n’est pas une imagination de classificateur, une fausse fenetre que nous supposions pour faire pendant a la critique professionelle.

‘Elle existe au XIX’e siecle parallelement a l’autre. La chaine critique Chateaubriand, Hugo, Lamartine, Gautier, Baudelaire, Barbey d’Aurevilly, peut se comparer a la chaine de La Harpe, Villemain, Sainte-Beuve, Taine, Brunetiere, Lemaitre, Faguet.

‘Chateaubriand a baptise cette critique. Il l’appelle la critique des beautes. Mais on peut en discerner l’origine dans ce pre-romantisme que sont l’oeuvre et la conversation de Diderot. Sainte-Beuve l’a dit:

‘Avant Diderot, la critique en France avait ete exacte, copieuse et fine avec Bayle, elegante et exquise avec Fenelon, honnete et utile aved Rollin. Mais nulle part elle n’avait ete vivre, feconde, penetrante, et, si je puis dire, elle n’avait pas trouve son ame.

‘Ce fut Diderot qui, le premier, la lui donna… C’est bien a lui que revient l’honneur d’avoir introduit le premier chez nous la critique feconde des beautes, qu’il substitua a celle des defauts.’

>I think this is a very nice buy for seventyfive cents, and frankly I hope to live long enough to get around to scrutinize mr. Thibaudet more closely.

But life is fragile, lot’s of small cogs, levers and wheels have to work more or less flawlessly together to make it happen. I have – often enough, I believe – told about all the fancy kinds of more or less malicious harassment that the DeepState has found pertinent to apply to myself throughout a couple of decades.

But to our next seventyfivecents-book:

2. LA POSSESSION DU MONDE. By George DUHAMEL. Paris, 1924, Mercure De France. Paperback, 270 p. The cover quite shabby, but inside nice and the pages are not yet cut open.

The Oxford Companion says this (a.o.):

Georges Duhamel, 1884-1966, poet and essayist etc. He was an army surgeon during the first WW.

Published poetry from abt. 1907 and published books about his life as army surgeon in 1917/18, written with much compassion for the sufferings.

After 1920 his career was mainly literary, wrote mostly novels. Published books of literary critique in 1912, ’13 and ’25. Essays on various aspects of modern life, among which LA POSSESSION DU MONDE, that came in 1919.

Four vols. of reminiscences (Lumieres Sur Ma Vie, 1950). Finally came nature studies, poetry, plays, and in 1930 Scenes de la vie Future (danish ‘Red Dig, Europe’ (1931)), a warning against the overly mechanized society.

But it’s a bit ackward to find a specimen to quote, as the pages is not cut open, and I don’t have a penknife handy.
Hence here’s another quote, quite found by chance (p.54, from the essay RICHESSE ET PAUVRETE):

‘Toutes les philosophies ont fait entendre magnifiquement ces verites immortelles. Que peut-on ajouter aux paroles de Marc-Aurele, d’Epictete, du Christ, en ce qui touche la vanite de ces richesses que la societe admet comme seules valables?

‘Mais les poetes nous ont dit: ‘N’abandonnez pas le monde, car il regorge de joies pures et vraiment divines qui seront perdues si vous ne les moissonnez pas!’

‘La voie qu’il nous serait doux de suivre croise parfois celle des chretiens, parfois celle des stoiques. Nous nous arreterons parfois au jardin des oliviers, parfois au seuil de cette petite maison sans porte et sans meubles ou vivait le maitre d’Arrien.

‘Notre chemin nous conduira plus souvent encore a travers les solitudes agrestes, ou au chevet d’un homme terrasse, ou dans la souriante demeure d’un humble ami, ou encore dans l’ombre melodieuse que peuplent a jamais les ames de Beethoven ou de Jean-Sebastien Bach.

‘Nous ne nous obstinerons pas, envers et contre la masse de hommes trompes, a posseder le connu, alors que l’inconnu reste sans maitre. Nous nous detacherons de la posssion brutale pour mieux rever a la possession intime.

‘Non, nous ne pouvons plus renoncer a notre royaume, alors qu’il nous reclame et chante, pour nous, hosanna!’

>Seems nice enough; but if I get around to reading more of La Possission du Monde it will probably be mostly to enjoy Mr. Duhamel’s very pleasing mastery of the french language: Clear and unpretentious.

3. L’ALITTÉRATURE CONTEMPORAINE. By Claude MAURIAC. Paris, 1958, Éditions Albin Michel, 259p. Paperback. Original edition. Cover slightly shabby, but inside very good.

Off hand I know nothing about M. Mauriac, and I have nothing in my dictionnaries, I’m afraid. (Could it perhaps be a son of ‘le grand Francois’?).

Here’s what the publisher says on the back cover:

‘Ou en sont les ecrivains dans leurs tentatives d’apprehension et de recreation du reel?

‘Qu’a-t-on cherche et decouvert de nouveau dans les lettres depuis Mallarme et Proust?

‘Le nouvel essai de Claude Mauriac fait le point des manifestations les plus avancees, les plus audacieuses, les plus neuves de la litterature d’avant-garde.

‘La litterature?

‘A ce mot trop souvent avili, Claude Mauriac en a prefere un autre qu’il a cree en usant de l’a privatif grec: l’alitterature.

‘L’alliterature, c’est la litterature en son point extreme de rigueur: pole jamais atteint en direction duquel les auteurs se sont toujours diriges.

‘Claude Mauriac a borne ses intentions a l’alitterature contemporaine qu’il etudie chez certains de ses representants les plus significatifs.

‘Ces auteurs enigmatiques et difficiles, dont on parle si souvent sans tres bien savoir qui ils sont et ce qu’ils font, les voici examines a la suite de leur predecesseur Kafka: Antonin Artaud, Georges Bataille, Samuel Beckett, Henri Michaux, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Nathalie Sarraute, d’autres encore.

‘L’alitterature contemporaine est un livre indispensable a la connaissance de la litterature contemporaine.’

>Here also the first paragraphs of the authors introduction:

‘Les expressions: ‘C’est de la litterature’, ou: ‘Le reste est litterature’ montrent a quel degre de complaisance est trop souvent tombe l’art d’ecrire. Tout en utilisant les procedes de leur epoque et en suivant peu ou prou les modes, les meilleurs auteurs ont toujours cherche a transmettre l’inexprimable par les moyens de la litterature mais, dans la mesure du possible, sans litterature.

‘D’ou le mot alitterature que j’ai forme a l’exemple d’amoralisme. L’a privatif, au lieu d’indiquer un manque designe toutefois ici une qualite, litterature, contrairement a moral, ayant dans cette acception un sens defavorable.

‘L’alitterature (c’est-a-dire la litterature delivree des facilites qui ont donne a ce mot un sens pejorativ) est un pole jamais atteint, mais c’est dans sa direction qui vont depuis qu’il y a des hommes et qui ecrivent les auteurs honnetes. Aussi l’histoire de la litterature et celle de l’alitterature sont-elles paralleles.’

>Finally, here’s a small sample quote from page 31:

‘Kafka fut le premier a signaler sa parente avec Kierkegaard: ‘J’ai recu aujourd’hui le LIVRE DU JUGE de Kiergegaard. Comme je le pressentais, son cas est tres semblable au mien en depit de differences essentielles, it est situe pour le moins du meme cote du monde. Il me confirme comme un ami…’ (21 aout 1913).

‘Il revient le 27 aout 1916 sur cette fraternite et l’inutilite des comparaisons insensees qu’il a coutume de faire entre Kierkegaard et lui. (Il y ajoute Flaubert et Franz Grillparzer). Nous devons surtout retenir cette indication sur les etres situes du meme cote du monde.

‘La encore, la surtout, le physique ouvre sur le metaphysique. Toute une race d’ecrivains de Kleist a Dostoiewsky vivent sur cet autre versant. Kafka fait penser a un auteur contemporain qui est bien de son espece, celle des endormis (mais il s’agit de l’autre sommeil), des reveurs eveilles, des David (combattant quel Goliath?): Julien Green.

‘Le sentiment d’etrangete a soi-meme et au monde (ce sont tous les deux des etrangers sur la terre); la toute particuliere importance donnee aux songes et la tendance a les juger d’une verite plus grande que la pretendue realite exterieure, bien d’autres trait encore rapprochent ces deux hommes.

‘Mangue il est vrai chez Kafka, tout au moins dans sa forme sensible, cette initiation au surnaturel qui caracterise Julien Green. Mais il a neanmoins ecrit: ‘Je vis en ce monde comme si j’etais absolument sur d’une deuxieme vie…’ (21 fevrier 1911).

‘Et ceci encore (qui pourrait etre de Green): ‘Comme j’aimerais expliquer le sentiment de bonheur qui m’habite de temps a autre, maintenant, par exemple…’ (16 decembre 1910).

>What made me buy the book, though, was mostly that GEORGES SIMENON appears among the 17 authors treated.

In my late teens and early tweens I read stacks of Simenon’s crime novels in french. It was probably more to hone my french rather than by an irresistable attraction to the plots, I think. Frankly I thought his books rather boring, and I’m certainly not planning to read them again.

But I look forward to reading twenty pages of critique of Simenon, the author, and his books, and hope I may get the leisure.

4. BILAN LITTÉRAIRE DU XXe SIÈCLE. By R.-M. ALBÉRÈS. 1956, Aubier, Editions Montaigne. 272 p. Paperback, original edition.

Like for M. Mauriac I have no informations about this author, M. Albérès. The book seems to be another literary history of 20.century french poetry and fiction.

There’s a wast table of content on the last pages, too much to copy here. I have to contend with giving a very small sample quote from chaptre III, part 2.: ORIGINES ESOTERIQUES DE LA POESIE MODERNE. On page 145 you can read:

‘Le debut du XXe siecle opposait la critique dogmatique de Sarcey a la critique universitaire de Lanson, la critique systematique de Brunetiere a la critique impressionniste de Jules Lamaitre.

‘Ces divergences ont perdu leur sens. La critique savante a repris sa place d’element fondamental mais qui ne saurait se suffire a lui-meme. Le dogmatisme du gout a cede au sens de la relativite et a la modestie, tandis que l’impressionnisme se donne pour ce qu’il est: la reaction d’une sensibilite, dans un article de journal(?).

‘Pourtant M. Robert Kemp ou M. Marcel Thiebaut unissent avec charme des gouts personnels tres fins et des principes. Quant aux systemes, sauf chez les sartriens ou les marxistes, ils ont totalement disparu: il ne peut etre question que de methodes.’

Note 1.

Like it may control our new government completely?

Lykketoft – Bjerregaard – Pind

Face Detection in Copenhagen

The Autodafés and The Secret Courts of Law in Denmark








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Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis

(6.Sept./Orig. published 8.April.2019) Today is Monday and a very nice Spring day, albeit a bit on the chilly side.

The friendly folks at the Photograficadotcom camera store a short walk from the café in downtown Copenhagen where I’m writing this, today had a seemingly real nice Voigtlander Perkeo camera swimming around in the odds-and-ends box.

The Perkeo is a classic ‘square’ folding camera from the fifties. The film size is 120 roll film giving negatives 6 x 6 cm (2-1/2″ square). This particular model has the budget 3-element lens named Vaskar in a prontor 5-speed shutter.

The cosmetic condition is extremely good and everything seems to be in good working order. I look forward to put it through its paces.

However I have to admit I don’t have the best experience with the Vasker lens type. About 35 years ago I owned a likewise quite beautifully preserved folder, i.e. the Perkeo’s big brother in the 6 x 9 cm size and also with the Vaskar lens.

But no matter what devices I invented and how clever they were administered it was to no avail – I never ever managed to get a single sharp picture.

But old lenses, and especially the simpler types, may be prone to relatively large variations from specimen to specimen when put to task in practical photography and I hope today’s find will surprise me positively – please. The investment was just around 15 dollars.

Today I’ve brought three more ’75-cents-books’ from the December close-out sale in the Vangsgaard store in the CoalMarket to run through my micro-micro-review robot.

But firstly lets cast a quick glance at a few recent tweets (may not yet be tweeted). As usual the asterix * indicates the tweet, and a chevron > my comments.

* Kirstjen Michele Nielsen was born on May 14, 1972, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Phyllis Michele Nielsen and James McHenry Nielsen, both United States Army physicians. Nielsen’s father is of Danish ancestry while her mother is of Italian descent (Wikipedia)

> Mrs. Nielsen was until April.7 Secretary of Homeland Security for somewhat more than one year. Off hand I would guess she may well be the highest ranking US-government person from (partly) Danish stock, as her paternal grandfather seems to have been Danish.

I don’t count Jeff Bezos of Amazon lore in this connection, as he’s a private business man. But I seem to remember he had either grandparents or great-grandparents in Denmark?

But does the US-President or rather his backers really hate the Danish? They don’t like mr. Bezos and they certainly don’t like mrs. Nielsen. Also it appears his backers definitely don’t seem to like our Queen, based on their quite uncouth demeanor toward her recently?

Incidentally it could perhaps appear generally to be somewhat perilous just now to be a top leader and of female Danish stock at the same time? (The following isn’t from a tweet, though, but a headline from one of the Danish newspapers):

* ‘SWEDBANK FYRER DANSK TOPCHEF’. (Swedbank fires their Danish General Director)

> Swedbank is among the three largest Swedish banks. It was consolidated by uniting two large saving-banks, ‘Sparbanken’ and another whose name elopes me at present.

From these two countrywide saving-banks thus – a trifle mysteriously perhaps – ermerged a very large business bank, one of whose recent CEO’s reportedly had a close (business?) relationship to certain WallStreet billionaire investor-tycoons.

But on account of certain CEO-problems there was a clean out in the board and a Danish woman was appointed as general director (CEO) a few years ago (Link 2).

Several large Nordic banks seem to have recently been targeted by shady money men wanting to launder billions of dollars. And the boards of the banks in question seem to have been quite clueless and unsuspecting of the wast, shady money flows?

Perhaps you can’t blame the gentlemen and -women of these boards; after all, who wouldn’t become a bit conceited and unsuspecting of the hard laws of the Universe if you regularly and legally could create money – to the tune of billions or trillions – out of thin air?

If there has in fact been a concerted attack (link 1) on Nordic banks from the wast shadowy world of shady billionaires – read WallStreat-London-TelAviv-Moscow – who claim they are ‘doing gods work’ and hence of course are operating completely above and outside the law of ordinary Earthlings, – then the planning and coordinating cabal will most likely never be exposed, much less apprehended?

But why is that? Simply because its the same shady money men and their billions that on a Global scale run most governments – including the Nordics – by way of certain contrievances, among which psychic terror by the Illuminati-Cabal (Link 7) and the Global allotment of retirement jobs – the so-called fat-cat-jobs: Can anyone spell to NASO and Save-The-Quids, by the way – seems to elude myself right now?

Hence it stands to reason that no real investigation will ever be instigated, much less actually carried through.

Also one can’t help wonder if we’re perhaps in fact dealing with more or less the same networking of shady money men and billionaires that in recent years have fraudulently drained the Danish national tax dept. of tens of billions?

I’m not sure I’ill long for Mrs. Bonnesen a lot, however. I was living in Helsingborg, Sweden for a decade until about 30 years ago, and still maintain a small account with the Swedbank branch there; I have even – somewhat foolishly, perhaps – maintained my safe deposit box account with the branch, located abt. 30 miles from where I now live. (link 2).

But a few months ago I got letter from the management, that box rent would immediately be raised from abt. SKR 850 to SKR 1800 (ca. $200) per annum! That’s a raise of about 112% – and that’s a lot…

(Isn’t it in fact a raise so considerable that you perhaps ought to suspect a cabal? I mean, could it be, that the (NWO-puppet?) Swedish Government would be particularly happy if I would please come storming into a border-check set-up?).(Link 8)(Note 1)

* UK’s Home Office said it’s also seeking to tackle the spread of ‘fake news’ and interference in elections.
In short: wholesale government censorship under the guise of cracking down on the private sector.

> It seems the UK now goes nuclear for censorship. The tell tale is the mention in passing of ‘fake news’. Because ‘fake news’ is entirely undefined, and thus can and will be applied to almost ANY written message – except ofcourse their own or ‘friendly’ governments official propaganda releases, so eagerly gobbled up by the mainstream press?

* Trump’s Neocons See Erdogan As Their Ticket To A Region-Wide MidEast War
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-07/trumps-neocons-see-erdogan-their-ticket-region-wide-mideast-war (Link 3)

> This is almost a given if we look back on a couple of Globally very important developments from a few months ago.

Please compare my blog post from last December 28. (whence I repeat the highlights concerning the recent G.20 conference):

*In early a.m. of Wednesday Nov.28.2018 I had a clairvoyant vision of the US-President donning his new, green Chinese generals uniform. The Uniform was however in Russian Style. Thats why I tweeted that same wednesday that Xi and US are going to embrace in #G20 and split up #Russia:

*(28.Nov.2018) In early a.m. there were rumours in the ether that US & Xi are going to embrace at G20. The split: US to have Europe to Urals, Xi to have Siberia to Urals and IL gets MiddleEast?

>The above two tweets seem to have made quite an impact. You can follow a bit of the resulting panic reaction here:

*Trump Cancels G-20 Meeting With Putin

*One Snub Too Many: Kremlin Sours On Trump As “Patience Coming To An End”
“We can do ‘give and take’ but not ‘give and give’.”

(Please see the full thread below – Note 2)

My guess is it has come as a real nasty surprise for both Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogan, that their partners in both East and West were connieving to cut them out of the global NWO cabal?

I mean, realistically you have to surmise they are both NWO (New World Order) men and accordingly almost certainly hadn’t expected to be not only cut out of the cabal – but even set up to be robbed blind?

If China and the US/IL split up Russia in ‘Chinese-Siberia’ and ‘US/IL-European-Russia’ (a là Ukraine) where would Mr. Putin and his lieutenants be in that equation?

And when IL is to have the Greater Middle-East – where would that leave Mr. Erdogan and his generals?

Furthermore my guess is that Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogan are perhaps both a tad too honest for the NWO-cabal and consequently perhaps had expected a certain level of honesty from their partners-in-cabal?

* “I Am An Assassination Risk”: Julian Assange And Ecuador’s Attorney General Face Off In Leaked Transcript.
“It’s not a joke. It is a serious business.”

> But certainly! If you’re not an assassination risk – you’re a fraud. (Which I don’t imply, you are!)

* Top Bond Strategist At World’s Largest Asset Manager Says ECB Should Buy Stocks Next.
“That would basically signal to me that, again, we are at the end of the world rather than things are getting better.”

> Exactly what does it mean when Central Banks buy stocks?

Simply, that the chosen few – the multi-millionaire and billionaire stock-holders – will tolerate no risk of loss of their own! The money-printing Central Banks have to relieve these ‘investors’ (read ‘billionaire-gamblers’) of their worthless stocks in their overly indebted, asset-stripped companies.

And every time the central banks print a few billions the value of YOUR savings and YOUR salary are shrinking correspondingly: The new (in reality counterfeit!) money STEAL their value from YOU – that must necessarily be so, as the money-printers do not create real values concurrently with printing.

Incidentally housing, any type of housing, become priced absolutely out of reach for your children and grandchildren.

* On 8.April.2019 in early a.m. had clairvoyant vision of half a dozen (or more) ‘devils’ with flames emanating from or above their heads seated around table in a dark coven- or cavern like room: Hell on fire?

> Looks like the Emperor of the Underworld and his entourage of Black-Magicians are perhaps ‘inflamed with fury’? (Link 4)

Hopefully they won’t unload their fury on Aangirfan for her/them gracefully having admitted my blog to the April issue of their much admired list of critical blogs http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/04/links.html

Like they did a few months ago, and possibly on account of a comment of mine on the Aanirfan blog relating to the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

Or on entirely innocents:

* On 6.April.2019 in early a.m. had clairvoyant vision of my niece and nephew both having their (public service/government) jobs closely examined.

> It’s almost as important – or even more so – for the masters of the underworld to hit a targets family or friends. Why is that? Partly because it’s the apex of evil to hit the entirely innocent! (Link 5). And Evil is the supreme objective of our deranged Global leaders. Remember – THEIR supreme leaders are in fact Robots! (Link 6)

Furthermore ‘human Robots’ feel inferior to humans. Except torturing and killing the innocent make them feel superior to humans; humans have empathy and cannot torture or kill the innocent.

*(10.April.2019) This morning had an intriguing (perhaps clairvoyant?) dream:

I and ‘associates’ were about to leave a room or shelter after a (nuclear) war, or perhaps after a space voyage?. We were anxious to learn if we could see the sky when outside. We could, but it was murky and sombre all around.

A few ‘entities’, i.e. human-like figures were roaming the wildernes outside; they had a certain type of hat, that I recognized as being just like my own except for a small color pattern. They seemed neither aggressive nor friendly. Were they aliens? Were they robots?

One of the women wanted to fraternize with these entities, because ‘that’s what she was supposed to’, but was warned to stay away by a leader, that asked everyone to go inside again.

> If this strange dream has any bearing whatsoever upon the Israeli Lunar landing module that catastrophically crashed on the moon the next day – of that I have basically no idea (see below, though).

But that the equally catastrophical terrorist shooting in SriLanka ten days after the crash has just that – well about that I have just a faint idea, I’m afraid?

But now let’s consider the above intriguing dream somewhat closer with respect to a hypothetical bearing on the Lunar crash.

Dreams are most always many faceted with respect to content and meaning – somewhat like a holograph: A slight change of point of view may give additional information. Here’s an interpretation from a slightly changed perspective:

a) My mind was with other minds in a confined space.

b) We (i.e. all these minds) were set to leave the room, and were anxious if it would go well.

c) Once outside we met, or feared to meet, entities that in reality deterred us from staying outside.

d) These entities looked much like myself.

Here’s one stab at cracking the code:

Ad a) and b) – Some important minds in mission control in IL may have had myself in mind also, while watching the Lunar lander descend; if they hadn’t had me in their (perhaps subconscious) minds, I could not have been there telepathically.

Ad c) and d) – Some entities that the minds in mission control perceived to be much like myself were feared to could possibly prevent the lander (the minds behind the lander) from fulfilling the mission and explore the ‘new world’.

> This tentative decoding attempt necessarily presupposes 1) that aliens were feared by mission control to plan to make – and in fact eventually made the Lunar lander crash and 2) that (someone in) IL mission control consider myself to be (more or less) ‘an alien’; or at least, perhaps, as communicating with aliens?

But how on earth is that mindset possible?

Firstly – there is (or was) something about an ancient prophesy with respect to King David, Jutland and IL; I’ve alluded to this once before (Link 9, scroll way down). I don’t know whence this prophesy originates, and I’ve only learnt about it by telepathy.

Secondly – I’ve repeatedly designated humans as ‘earthlings’. Just attempting to obtain the birds eye perspective, I’m afraid, but may look suspicious to some people?

Thirdly – Once I had – and have in fact reported about – a dream vision, that to some inquisitive minds just might imply a telepathic message from (real) aliens? (Link 10, scroll down).

> By the way one has to remember that the IL Lunar lander crash was the second catastrophe in recent IL space program. The first was the giant ‘communication’ satellite that crashed more than one year ago. Hence the IL space program direction may naturally have become somewhat paranoid?

Sadly both the terrorism in SriLanka on 21.April as well as the destruction of NotreDame in Paris on 15.April tend to support the above tentative interpretation. That is if the two terror attacks should be interpreted as revenge terrorism?

Why is that? Simply because all three events – the Lunar lander crash, the SriLanka terrorism and the torching of NotreDame – are connected by my person, albeit very, very indirectly. Here’s how.

In another blog post (Link 11, Danish) I’ve established beyond resonable doubt, I believe, that I have one or more Danish seventeen-century kings among my ancestry. Perhaps – just possibly – as many as half a dozen ancestry lines to 17th century Danish Royals, which no doubt would make it a slightly unusual case.

Obviously I have no idea if the Danish Royal House are aware of this. They may be, ofcourse, and if so it’s a given that the international SecretService community will know. That’s because the telephones (and perhaps the rooms) of the Royals are certainly tapped or bugged by rouge CIA/Mossad fractions (note 3).

Should the Royals ever have taken a certain interest in my person as a blogger, it would be tantamount to painting themselves as a target for revenge by said rouge agents.

Now, the hit in SriLanka targeted the (reportedly) very best friends of our Crown Prince; three of the friendly family’s four children were killed.

The torching of NotreDame in Paris occured on the day before our Queens birthday; as close as you could reasonable get – if the birthday itself had been choosen, it would have been too obvious!

The Prince Consort (now deceased) of the Queen was french, of course.

But now my micro-micro-review robot will present three more 75-cents-books for you; however these will probably be the last from the December close-out:

1. THE BOOK OF INSULTS – ANCIENT & MODERN. (An amiable history of insult, invective, imprecation & incivility (Literary, political & historical) hurled through the ages & compiled as a public service) by NANCY MCPHEE. 1978, Paddington Press Ltd., A Jonathan-James Book, NewYork & London, 160 p. softcover.

Surely one of the most entertaining books I’ve come across for some time. There are four chapters:

I. I’ll tickle your catastrophe! (An introduction to the wonderful world of bombast, invective and ab use in all its forms, on every subject under the sun).

II. I would the gods had made thee more poetical (Writers, critics and sardonic onlookers use all their verbal skills as they indulte in literary feud and character assassination).

III. The land God gave to Cain. (An unpatriotic trip around the world as one country and city after another is vilified by its own citizens and outraged foreigners).

IV. Of the badness of the government (Everyone has always agreed that the government is bad and the politicians are rotten – including the politicians themselves).

There is also an index of authors, sources and subjects.

Here are a few samples from part II (that takes up 45 pages).

a) ‘A thorn in the side of the complacent for more than half a century was the Irish-born playwright and critic-at-large, Bernhard Shaw. Shaw’s views on just about everything set Establishment teeth on edge.

‘Many of Shaw’s own plays received a (equally) nasty welcome:

‘Superabundance of foulness … wholly immoral and degenerate … you cannot have a clean pig stye’
‘Smells to high heaven. It is a dramatized stench.’

(from Newspaper reviews of Shaw’s Mrs.Warren’s Profession, 1905)

b) ‘This was a form of rough justice, for Shaw himself did not hesitate to criticize other writers. He was (also) fastidious about the smallest details of how his own work was presented:

‘A more horrible offense against Art than what you have put … on the cover of the Essays, has never been perpetrated even in Newcastle. I reject your handbill with disdain, with rage, with contumelious epithets….

‘Of the hellish ugliness of the block of letterpress headed ‘What the Press says’, I cannot trust myself to write, lest I be betrayed into intemperance of language … Some time ago you mentioned somethings about changing the cover … This is to give you formal notice that if you do anything of the sort … I will have your heart’s blood’.

(Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Letter to his publisher).

c) ‘Shaw’s self-satisfaction and self-appointed status as a gadfly invoked the wrath of a wide assortment of detractors:

‘An Irish smut-dealer’ (Anthony Comstock, 1844-1915).

‘An idiot child screaming in a hospital’ (H.G.Wells, 1866-1946).

‘George Bernard Shaw, most poisonous of all the poisonous haters of England; despiser, distorter and denier of the plain truths whereby men live; topsyturvey perverter of all human relationships; menace to ordered social thought and ordered social life; irresponsible braggart, blaring self-trumpeter; idol of opaque intellectuals and thwarted females; calculus of contrariwise; fliplpertygibbet pope of chaos; portent and epitome of this generation’s moral and spiritual disorder’. (Henry Arthur Jones, 1851-1929).

d) ‘Gosse was particularly outraged by the publication of James Joyce’s monumental Ulysses. As far as he could understand it, he disapproved of it. So did almost everyone else – including, surprisingly, D.H.Lawrence, who found the work immoral:

‘The last part of it is the dirtiest, most indecent, most obscene thing ever written. Yes it is, Frieda … it is filthy.’

‘My God, what a clumsy olla putrida James Joyce is! Nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest, stewed in the juice of deliberate, journalistic dirty-mindedness.’ (D.H.Lawrence, 1885-1930).

‘But Lawrence’s characteristic attitude was one of rage against all the dolts who would not appreciate him:

‘Curse the blasted, jelly-boned swines, the slime, the belly-wriggling invertebrates, the miserably sodding rotters, the flaming sods, the snivelling dribbling, dithering, palsied, pulseless lot that make up England today.

‘They’ve got white of egg in their veins, and their spunk is that watery it’s a marvel they can breed. They can nothing but frog-spawn – the gibberers! God, how I hate them!

e) ‘Leading the field as a one-man demolition squad was the cantankerous Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), who, afflicted by cronic dyspepsia, suffered fools not gladly and his fellow writers hardly at all:

‘Charles Lamb I sincerely believe to be in some considerable degree insane. A more pitiful, rickety, gasping, staggering, stammering Tomfool I do not know’.

‘Gladstone appears to me one of the contemptiblest men I ever looked on. A poor Ritualist; almost spectral kind of phantasm of a man … (On William Ewart Gladstone)

‘I have no patience whatever with these gorilla damnifications of humanity’ (Thomas Carlyle on Charles Darwin).

Regrettably, I have to stop with these few samples so as not to risk being accused of plagiarism. Quite a buy for 75 cents – one might almost think no other burghers in our small capital understands English?

2. DIE GNOSIS. Von Hans Leisegang. Leipzig, Kröners Taschenausgabe, 1924, 404 p., org. cloth.

There are 12 chapters; here is a small sampling from chapter 12 – ‘Pistis Sophia’ (‘Glaube, Weisheit’) (page 350ff):

‘Pistis Sophia ist der Titel eines gnostischen Werkes in koptischer Sprache, das gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts von einem Engländer Dr. Askew in Aegypten gefunden und 1851 von dem deutschen Professor Petermann zom ersten Male herausgegeben wurde. Es ist das einzige gnostische Buch, das uns vollstaendig erhalten ist…..

‘Der das Ganze zusammenhaltende Gedankengang ist folgender: Jesus erzaehlt im zwoelften Jahre nach seiner Auferstehung seinen auf dem Oelberg versammelten Juengern die Reise durch die Welten der Aeonen (ewige Geistwesen) und Archonten (Beherrscher des Kosmos), deren Macht er gebrochen hat.

‘Bei seinem Aufstieg begegnete ihm die Pistis Sophia, deren Schicksale ausfuehrlich geschildert werden. Sie hatte einst im dreizehnten Aeon (Ewigkeit?) ihren Wohnsitz und blickte auf zu dem Licht in der Hoehe, vom Verlangen nach der oberen Lichtwelt erfasst.

‘Dadurch zog sie sich den Hass der Archonten der zwoelf Aeonen zu. Unter ihnen wird man die den zwoelf Tierkreiszeichen entsprechenden Beherrscher des Fixsternhimmels zu verstehen haben. Zwischen ihm und dem Lichtreich, im Orte der Mitte, ausserhalb der durch den Sternenhimmel begrenzten Welt, wohnt die Sophia.

‘Durch ein Irrlicht wird sie in die Welt hinabgelockt und in die Materie verstrickt. In ihrer Verzweiflung schickt sie dreizehn Bussgebete an das Licht in der Hoehe und bittet um Erloesung von den Nachstellungen (persecutions) ihrer Feinde.

‘Als das neunte Bussgebet erklungen war, wurde Jesus auf Befehl des ersten Mysteriums in die chaotische Welt hinabgesandt. Er laesst die Pistis Sophia aus dem Chaos in einen der Welt entrueckten Ort versetzen.

‘Eine Reihe von Hymnen schickt Pistis Sophia als Dank fuer ihre Rettung aus der Not zu Gott empor. Zuletzt steigt Jesus auf und fuhrt die Pistis Sophia in ihren frueheren Wohnort, den dreizehnten Aeon, zurueck.

‘An den ihnen Erschienenen aber richten die Juenger und Maria weitere Fragen ueber die Beschaffenheit der oberen Welt, die art der Wirkung der verschiedenen Mysterien des Lichtes, die man kennen muss, um in die einzelnen Raeume des Himmels eintreten zu koennen; sie fragen nach den sittlichen Forderungen, die an den Mysten gestellt werden, nach der durch die Mysterien zu erlangenden Suendenvergebung und den Strafen, die in den aeussersten Oertern der Finsternis gebuesst werden muessen. Auf alles erhalten sie die ausfuehrlichste Belehrung.

‘Man ersieht aus diesen Fragen, was fuer den Gnostiker wichtig und wesentlich war. Es geht um das Heil der Menschenseele. Soll sie dieser Welt entrinnen koennen, so muss sie Gnosis besitzen.

‘Gnosis (Wissen, Erkenntnis) aber ist hier nichts anderes als Magie: Kenntnis der okkulten Wirkungen der Mysterien, Kenntnis der magischen Mittel, durch welsche die einzelnen Raeume des Himmels der aufstrebenden Seele erschlossen und die Kraefte der Archonten gebannt werden. Hierzu aber muss sie selbst rein sein, sie muss sich – und das wieder auf magische Weise – die Suendenvergebung sichern.’

> The above extract is less than 2 pages of the 40 pages of the whole chapter 12.

There is also an index and a helpful list of ‘gnostic words’.

It’s an outwardly very unasuming little book, printed on the poor paper quality typical of the 1920s in then economically destroyed Germany.

But seemingly the author is a true scholar, clearly able and willing to enlighten the reader. Hans Leisegang (1890-1951) was professor of philosophy at the universities of Leipzig, Jena and – after the war – in Berlin.

3. A FRONT SEAT AT THE OPERA. By George R. Marek. NewYork, 1948, Allen, Towne & Heath. 307 p., full cloth.

There are five parts:

I: A Few Glances at Opera in General.
II: Operas in Particular.
III: Some Composers.
IV: Opera in America.
V: The Public, Performers, and Performances.

From part I, p.27 – The Forgotten Man of Opera:

‘Can you tell me offhand who wrote the libretto for La Traviata or La Bohème or Rigoletto?

‘Of all creative occupations, that of the libretto writer seems to be least grateful. Anyone who has ever tried to write words to be sung knows what a devilishly difficult job that is.

‘What Mozart said still holds true – that is, that in opera the text has to be the obedient daughter of the music.

‘But for all the obedience, ingenuity and work that have gone into opera librettos, most of the writers (there are exceptions) have not only earned no fame, but are solidly wrapped in such obscurity as used to be proverbial of the vice president of the United States. Most people who go to the opera do not even understand the words they wrote – let alone remember their names.’

> An interesting issue. When listening to Opera on my radio I’ve often been starkly irritated by having to suffer being dragged through endless accounts of the silly stories that make up most operas. For me the music and melodies were always of preeminent importance.

Note 1.
‘I’ill call myself a conspiration theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist’. (John Judge)

Note 2.
Please compare my blog post from last December 28. (whence I repeat the highlights concerning the recent G.20 conference):

*In early a.m. of Wednesday Nov.28.2018 had vision of US-President donning his new, green Chinese generals uniform. The Uniform was however in Russian Style. Thats why I tweeted that same wednesday that Xi and US are going to embrace in #G20 and split up #Russia.

*(28.Nov.2018) In early a.m. there were rumours in the ether that US & Xi are going to embrace at G20. The split: US to have Europe to Urals, Xi to have Siberia to Urals and IL gets MiddleEast?

>The above two tweets seem to have made quite an impact. You can follow a bit of the resulting panic reaction here:

*Trump Cancels G-20 Meeting With Putin

*One Snub Too Many: Kremlin Sours On Trump As “Patience Coming To An End”
“We can do ‘give and take’ but not ‘give and give’.”

*Trump told Erdogan in the Dec. 14 call, “OK, it’s all yours. We are done.”
Turkey Says US Agreed To Vacate Syrian Kurdish Enclave As Ground Attack Imminent

*(The Race to Obfuscate: Meng Wanzhou The Red Herring?)
What does NOT make sense is that the arrest happened on Saturday and markets did not find out about it until Wednesday night.
This is where what had to be a massive conspiracy of silence begins to raise some interesting questions.

*And then? Come G20, ‘nothing’. Trump stalks the edges of G20 looking tense and defensive. He was no alpha-male, dominating these events. He looked crocked. It was all a bit of a dud, really

*The Presidents of two pre-eminent military and nuclear powers, who sit astride major geo-political faultlines, and who need to talk, circled each other, closed-faced, and without stretching out hands – they could not find even, the subterfuge for sitting together.

*Jatras concludes, more in sorrow than in anger, “it would be only a small exaggeration to say that with respect to foreign and security policy, Trump is now a mere figurehead of the permanent state. Even if Trump and Putin do happen to meet again, what can the latter expect the former to say that would make any difference?”.

>Also the former insider, gen. Wesley Clark, is obviously confused. He would be, ofcourse, because he haven’t had a chance to read my blog (unlike a few other top players), hence he simply don’t know the lay out:

*Ex-NATO Commander Wesley Clark To CNN: Did Erdogan Blackmail Trump?
“Was there a payoff or something? What was it? Why would a guy make a decision like this?”

> And almost as insanely as tellingly, the US is now again preparing new sanctions on Russia – while concurrently doing everything to negotiate a trade deal with China. Sadly, on this issue nothing of real importance has changed materially since December 28th!

Note 3.
But haven’t the Danish SecretService informed and warned the Royals about being tapped and bugged? No, ofcourse not. Almost all national secret services are NOT feeling any allegiance to their nation or head of state – whatsoever.

They feel allegiance to the international secret service community. Period. The I.S.S. – a pestering sore of foulnes! (Link 12)

Link 1.

Disruption and Wispy Trails (Upd.)

Link 2.
Sverige, Oh Sverige.

Helsingborg’ske shenanigans? (updated)

Link 3.

Link 4.


Link 5.

The Nice Crowd

Link 6.
The Robots’ Cash Ban

Link 7.


Link 8.

Le Marechal Soult – and other fatalities

Link 9.


Link 10.
Disruption and Wispy Trails (Upd.)

Link 11.
Bogsamlere Uden Bøger (rev.)

Link 12.
Madame de Staël – Proust – Russia’s Rockets – CIA’s Hit Teams (upd.)


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and http://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

The Summer Cabin – Charles Lamb – Johanne Louise Heiberg – Rudolf Schmidt – Proust

Today is Tuesday, and it’s nice out there! This Sunday, i.e. day before yesterday, I had the great pleasure being invited by my old friend J.A. to join him in an outing to his summer cabin a few miles west of Greater Copenhagen.

His cabin is on a plot of land taking up more than one acre, and the house is brand new with all reasonable amenities.

We breezed out there in his sleek BMW and stayed for about five hours.

There is a small lake on the parcel, and most of the plot is surrounded by old, real tall treas. You might perhaps regard it as a very large voliere, sort of? Except there was absolutely no birds; nil! Which frankly surprised me somewhat.

However there were lots of frogs and some insects, although perhaps mostly wasps? But it again begs the question – why no birds?

After 2-3 hours of mowing the giant lawn and all, we had one or two hours of leisure.

J.A. – like most of my old friends – is an avid and gifted amateur photographer, whence it pleased us both to inspect my ‘new’ Canon 20D digital SLR, that i had just bought that Saturday for a very reasonable 75 Kr ($10), without the lens (Note 1).

The flea-market seller insisted it was working all right. But after having charged the battery at home it turned out it didn’t; although after having manipulated the wheels and buttons and controls it slowly came to life again, and is now working fine. Probably a case of a bit of dirt and other coatings on electrical contacts.

The day was a great opportunity to get lots of real fresh air down into your lungs; also I got a chance to drive a tractor mower and push another, smaller specimen of that particular race.

I missed the birds, however, and I learned I should probably never buy a summer cabin for myself. Because I’m afraid I’ll much rather sit in my dusty and cramped living room reading books than on a tractor mowing lawns?

That same night I had a lot of quite muddled and disorderly dreams, which surprised me slightly. I mean, after having absorbed all this fresh, oxygon rich air, you would expect your spirits to have become more sound and healthy than the other way around?

One short dream stood out, however. I dreamt I was helping J.A. pulling up weeds around the hut. But the weeds were trying to pull me down into the ground with them, instead.

This strange dream has made me wondering if the sinister party that torched J.A.’s old cabin half a dozen years ago (Link 1) might perhaps have cast a hex on the place – just for good measure? Also I noted that J.A. seemingly didn’t enjoy staying inside the cabin at all.

At any rate I’m not sure I should accept another invitation to visit this cabin, even from friendly and always helpful J.A.

Yesterday the books in the Dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House are 25 Kr each ($4). I bought a handfull, among which:

1. THE MEMOIRS OF ERNEST A. FORSSGREN – PROUST’S SWEDISH VALET. Edited and annotated by William C. Carter. Yale University press – NewHaven & London, 2006. 164 p., illustrated, hardcover & dustcover. In condition like new.

From the dustcover:

‘The memoirs of Ernest Forssgren (1894-1970), the young Swede who served as Marcel Proust’s last valet, provide new insights into Proust’s life and death.

‘Previously, Forssgren’s memoir has been published only in excerpts, in French, with serious omissions and alterations.

‘To have this memoir and the ancillary materials made available is important for Porust scholarship, and of considerable interest for a general public endlessly fascinated by Proust.

‘It should also attract those interested in American immigrant history and sociology, and those who enjoy variations of the ‘upstairs-downstairs’ theme.’

Here’s a specimen quote from page 84/85. Sorry, it’s not from his Paris days with M.Proust, but from his arrival in NewYork in April 1915:

‘It was the day after landing in NewYork and time to look for a job. I had been told the best place to get work in private service was the Seeley employment agency on West 52nd Street.

‘I had the same luck there as I had when I first arrived in Paris. I was sent to interview a Mrs. V. who lived in a mansion only a few blocks away.

‘She belonged to NewYork’s top 400. By a strange coincidence she knew Prince Orloff and had been entertained in his palace in Paris.

‘She was pleased with my very excellent European references, but remarked how badly I spoke English; so she switched to French which was as bad as my English, as far as the accent was concerned.

‘If I was satisfied to take the position at $50 per month and ‘all found’, I could start the next day, to which I agreed.

‘She rang for her butler, an Englishman, of course, and told me I was to address him by his surname J. according to English custom. I had been engaged and would he please show me my duties.

‘He was the typical English gentleman’s gentleman of impressive appearance. He was my height and yet was able to look down on me, which he did by the simple expedient of tilting his head backwards and looking down his nose.

‘The effect awed me to the point I wanted to address him ‘your majesty’ or at least your highness, but to call him plain J., I couldn’t think of it, at least I couldn’t settle for any less than Mr. J., rules or no.

‘He told me of my duties and finished by saying: ‘You speak English very badlai’, for which compliment I thanked him, but he did not catch on – what englishman could? ‘You must improve quicklai as you will be required to answer the telephoun and receive guests.’

‘He introduced me to the footman who had ushered me into the presence of the lady of the house, a pleasant appearing young man, a Scotsman, and I felt we would get along well.

‘He showed me my room which was very nice, and gave me some pointers about the rules of the house and told me I had to address the butler and ladies’ maid by their last names.

‘He showed me the help’s dining room which also served as the help’s sitting room. He introduced me to the ladies’ maid who was having a cup of tea. He had warned me I had to be especially respectful to her.

‘It seems she had been the personal maid of the ‘Duchess of Uppermost’, of London and Kent. She was frightfully upperty. I was thinking that something of the Duchess must have rubbed off on to her, a more duchessy lady I had never seen.

‘How could I call her just plain H.? I decided as for the butler and the ladies’ maid, it would have to be Mr. J. and Miss H. A more ducal pair I never saw.

‘They had their own little dining room, the three of them, Mr. j., Miss H., and Mademoiselle. They could not be expected to eat with the common servants. They were waited on by the kitchen maid the same way as the employers were waited on by the butler and footmen.’

2. THE ESSAYS OF ELIA and the LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA. & MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS & SKETCHES. (2 Vols.) By Charles Lamb. With an introduction by Robert Lynd and notes by William Macdonald. Illustrated with photogravures and drawings. London, 1929, J.M.Dent and sons. Hardcover, full cloth. The cloth bindings just a tad shabby, but inside both volumes almost like new.

Here are a few highlights from my ‘Readers Encyclopedia’:

Charles Lamb (1775-1834), Eng. essayist of the romantic period. His essays known for their humor, whimsy and faint overtones of pathos.

He was also a perceptive critic and wrote in a vivacious, ideosyncratic style.

Much loved for his personal sweetness and good humor.

Being a stammer he couldn’t qualify for a University position and worked as an accountant for the East India Co.

Here’s a specimen from vol. 2 (above), p.160 – the sketch ‘Charles Lamb’s Autobiography’:

‘Charles Lamb, born in the Inner Temple, 10th February, 1775; educated in Christ’s Hospital; afterwards a clerk in the Accountant’s Office, East India House; pensioned off from that service 1925, after thirty-three years’ service; is now a gentleman at large, can remember few specialities in his life worth noting, except that he once caught a swallow flying.

‘Below the middle stature; cast of face slightly Jewish, with no Judaic tinge in his complexional religion; stammers abominably, and is therefore more apt to discharge his occasional conversation in a quaint aphorism, or a poor quibble, than in set and edifying speeches; has consequently been libelled as a person always aiming at wit, which, as he told a dull fellow that charged him with it, is at least as good as aiming at dulness: a small eater, but not ((small)) drinker; confesses a partiality for the production of the Juniper-Berry; was a fierce smoker of tobacco, but may be resembled to a volcano burnt out, emitting only now and then a casual puff.

‘Has been guilty of obtruding upon the public a tale, in prose, called Rosamund Gray; a Dramatic sketch, named John Woodvil; a Farewell Ode to Tobacco, with sundry other Poems, and light prose matter, collected in Two slight crown Octavos, and pompously christened his Works, tho’ in fact they were his Recreations; and his true works may be found on the shelves of Leadenhall Street, filling some hundred folios.

‘He is also the true Elia, whose Essays are extant in a little volume, published a year or two since; and rather better known from that name without a meaning, than from anything he has done, or can hope to do, in his own.

‘He also was the first to draw the Public attention to the old English Dramatists, in a work called ‘Specimens of English Dramatic Writers who lived about the Time of Shakspeare’, published about fifteen years since. In short, all his merits and demerits to set forth would take to the end of Mr. Upcott’s book, and then not be told truly….’
(Charles Lamb, 10th Aprilo, 1827)

Finally yet another 75 cent book from the previous sale in the HeiligGeist Church House, this summer.

3. HAANDTEGNINGER. Af Rudolf Schmidt. 1881, København, 431 p. Bound in plain half-cloth.

For me it’s not the 11 novels in this small volume that’s interesting. It’s the authors incription on the titel page: ‘Til Fru J.L.Heiberg’.

And although hardly anyone nowadays has ever read or just heard of the author, Rudolf Schmidt (1836-99) many, or even most Danes will still know Mrs. Johanne Louise Heiberg (1812-90) by her name and profession – the famous actress. Here are a few highlights from her biografy in my Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (from the Danish):

Born i Copenhagen in a home of small means, that suffered much during the English bombardment of Copenhagen a few years before she was born.

Her father was reportedly rather weak, whence her vigorous mother took over; she even held open an inn during the summer season in the amusement park on Dyrehavs Bakkerne North of Copenhagen.

Not yet 11 years of age Johanne performed for the first time on the National Theatre in Copenhagen in 1823, and the following year as solo dancer.

In 1829 she was appointed Royal Actress at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen and especially in the 1840s and 1850s she became the driving spirit of the Danish National scene.

Only certain women figures by Holberg and in particular Oehlenschläger’s Nordic lasses she did not master, reportedly.

From 1867 she jobbed as instructor but from 1874 she retired altogether from the scene, after having served it with an excellence as nobody before her.

She also was a giftet writer, particularly her letters and memoirs are noteworthy.

Among her less admirable qualities was her difficulty accepting anyones right to be hinting her not being the greatest. Nevertheless she was regarded as one of the greatest Danish women through the ages.

In 1831 She married the equally famous Danish author Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791-1860).

I wonder how many books from her personal library are still extant?

Here a few highlights from Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon’s biography of Rudolf Schmidt:

Born in Copenhagen as the son of a poor cobbler family. He was supported by friendly mentors, f.i. the redoubtable literary critic from the newspaper ‘Fædrelandet’, Clemens Petersen.

In the academic battles of the 1860s about the relation betw. faith and knowledge, idea and reality he advocated the philosophy of Rasmus Nielsen against theology (Scharling) and freethinkers (G.Brandes) in a suite of spirited and cleverly written articles.

He was one of the editors of the journal ‘For Idé og Virkelighed´(1869-73) and he here wrote another suite of valuable pieces.

He also wrote poems, stories and plays. While travelling in Europe in 1880 he began writing novels, the first volume of which was HAANDTEGNINGER (above).

As translator he introduced Walt Whitman into Denmark. Finally he wrote valuable articles of literary critique.

He appeared concurrently with Georg Brandes but ended up in bitter opposition to this great Danish critic, who eventually overshadowed him.

I’ve tried reading a couple of the novels in HANDTEGNINGER, and no doubt Mr. Schmidt had a supreme command of the Danish language. But I have to once more admit that fiction is simply not my cup of tea, whence I see no reason giving my opinion of one of more of the novels.

Note 1.
The Canon Eos 20D was introduced in 2004 as a medium priced option. Costing almost $2000 (in Denmark) it sported still useful 8MP but only a 1,8″ display (that’s almost useless in bright light outdoors). It’s a rather heavy camera but like all Canon digital cameras I’ve ever tried or heard of – old or new – it makes beautiful colours.

Link 1.
Småting og bagateller (2)


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Madame de Staël – Proust – Russia’s Rockets – CIA’s Hit Teams (upd.)

(Update 14.Aug.2019) *This morning early in the A.M. had a clairvoyant vision of meeting my niece in the courtyard of my (now deceased) uncle’s farm. Nothing out of the ordinary, of course, – except she was obviously quite dead!

In an earlier post I’ve commented on threats like that (Link 1, whence I quote):

* (23.7.2019) This AM in clairvoyant vision saw my niece hanging with her head down. Obviously the DeepState psychos plan to perhaps have her kidnapped?

> The DeepState power brokers are in fact Robots! (link 2) – and love to have their SecretService kill or torture the completely innocent! Why? Because it makes the Robots feel superior to humans. Humans have empathy and cannot kill or torture the innocent!

Like expanded upon in another post (link 3, quote):

The main provenance and venue for dissemination of amorality (evil) is now probably the worlds Secret Services. They’ve managed to assume supreme power all over the world as their evil masterminds have – without too much trouble – managed to convince gullible parliaments everywhere, that the world will go under if they are not allowed to operate in total darkness, without any oversight by parliament and constitution whatsoever.

These SecretServices are arguably behind nearly all acts of terrorism in the civilized world? They are generally controlled and led by left-brain dominated entities (‘Of the Left Path’), more correctly described as psychopaths – or robots – rather than humans.

They have no ‘human feelings’ (empathy) whatsoever; in this respect they are handicapped vis-a-vis less degenerate humans, and surely they feel this handicap intensely.

This keenly felt inferiority complex makes it important for them to kill, torture and harass as many as possible; and in particular killing, tortureing and harassing the innocent make them feel superior to humans. This is because humans have emphaty and thus cannot kill or torture the innocent.

It’s this type of entities that now are the supreme leaders of the (western) world and leading us directly into the abyss.

Due to their inferiority complex robotic types of men have an extraordinary urge to climb to any leading position whenever possible. But sadly – they are ofcourse without any compass at all to successfully be at the helm and take care of the most important duties as leaders; destitute of any moral compass they can only lead you into misery and ultimate destruction.

From the dustcover of whistleblowing Mossad-agent Victor Ostrowsky’s book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ (N.Y.,1994)(note 1):

“Certainly it’s message is too chilling to be ignored: Should the world’s most famous intelligence agency continue to enjoy freedom from government oversight, it will ultimately threaten us all”.

Finally a few notes on why it’s so important just now to kill, kidnap or harass myself (or my extended family or friends).

Firstly: The US-SecretService/CIA want me on their plane back home (in a coffin) – but perhaps mostly by request of IL?

Second: Mossad is hardly amused by me elucidating on the possible, perhaps very successful attack on Russia’s missile program?

Third: Putin and his SecretService Directorate (or is it perchance the other way around?) is hardly amused by me pointing out their common predicament of allegiance? And there is such a thing as the Russian Mafia (often called the Kosher Nostra?) said to work closely together with Russian SecretPolice?

Fourth: We have already a few years ago seen how closely Mossad works with the Japanese Jakuza (link 4). Which part of the then Danish Government made the deal ‘with-the-devil’ (CIA/Mossad) alluded to in the linked post, ofcourse you don’t know. If it perchance should turn out to be one of the two leading entities in our new government, then the Danish Govt. might hypothetically feel an urgent need to have me silenced?

But which party of these may at present present the largest threat, of this ofcourse I know nil.

Here’s what I wrote yesterday (slightly expanded):

(13.Aug.2019) Today is Thursday and although it’s a bit on the soggy side in the streets here in downtown Copenhagen, ofcourse I had to take a quick look inside the HeiligGeist Church Community House.

This is because a new Dutch book sale just opened, and even though the price today is 80 DKr ($12.50) I didn’t resolutely enough resist the book-worm’s urge to buy a handful. Here’s a couple:

1. MISTRESS TO AN AGE. A Life Of Madame De Staël. By J. Christopher Herold. London 1958/1960. Readers Union. 486p., Hardcover and dustcover.

Here is what the publisher says on the dustcover flaps.

‘Germaine De Staël was the first woman of Europe during the cataclysmic eruptions of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars.

‘It is a rueful measure of her greatness that her own voice was heard above the roar.

‘Germaine demanded of life that it satisfy her virile thirst for glory and her feminine yearning for love. But love and glory became inextricably intertwined in her mind.

‘Her marriage to the Swedish Ambassador, de Staël, had the cognizance of Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Gustavus III of Sweden and William Pitt, and made her a Baroness.

‘Of her five children only the first, with any certainty, could be considered de Staël’s.

‘Talleyrand was probably the first of her lovers, Narbonne, the Minister of War, another; Benjamin Constant she held captive the longest, but a complete list of those whom she loved (they were as often concurrent as successive) would include many of the most profound political, literary and philosophical minds of her time.

‘Passion and intellect, drama and, often, comedy are intermingled in Madame de Staël’s life. In this outstanding biography, Mr.Herold has succeeded in presenting all the contradictory facets of her personality, her thought, her behaviour and her impact on her time.’

There are ten, all highly positive, reviewer’s opinions on the back of the dustcover. Her the last one:

‘Mr. Herold is the ideal biographer, sympathetic but ironical, admirable in his descriptions and summings-up, equally at home with the politics, literature and personalities of the period.’

And finally, here the first paragraph of the authors preface:

‘This work is not offered as a ‘definitive biography’. In the first place, despite the impressive literature and documentation already published on Madame de Staël and her friends, a still larger mass of material remains unknown; in the second place, definitive biographies can be written only about people who are quite dead. Sometimes, to be sure, they still show some feeble signs of life, but the definitive biographer gives them the ‘coup de grâce’.’

From the text of the book, here a sample quote (p.286):

‘When the French invaded Switzerland in 1798, Bonstetten emigrated. He had begun a lifelong friendship with Frederika Brun, the Danish poetess, in 1791, and it was at her house in Copenhagen and at her country seat, Sophienholm, that he spent the years 1798-1800.

‘Married to a rich philistine of a merchant, Frederika cultivated her frustrated sensibilities by taking opium and writing poetry. Overwrought, sentimental, platonic, and three-quarters deaf, she regarded herself as a poet of genius.

‘Her house was a literary centre; Oehlenschläger, the future national poet of Denmark, made his debut there. Under Frederika’s influence Bonstetten began to write in German, which he had nearly forgotten. He returned to Switzerland in 1801, was nursed back from a near-fatal sickness under the care of Necker and Madame de Staël, and then proceeded, as Sainte-Beuve puts it, to rejuvenate.

‘Madame Brun appeared in Geneva at about the same time. On her first visit to Coppet she arrived at dawn, was overcome by the splendours of nature, burst into a quotation from Ariosto, and sent to bed by Germaine. She was a frequent guest from 1802 to 1810, bringing Oehlenschläger and the German poet Matthisson in her wake.’

I’m sure the book will be a valuable addition to my small collection of books on and by the French.

2. A PROUST SOUVENIR. By William Howard Adams. With Period Photographs by Paul Nadar. London, 1984. 128 p., hardcover with dustcover.

This is a beautiful book, with an interesting text and beautifully printed photographs by Nadar. Here is what they say on the dustcover flaps:

‘Like all novelists, Proust nourished his creative fancy with a rich diet of fact, and a variety of fact for which he had a voracious appetite was the photograph, especially portrait photographs.

‘Not only did photography have all the allure of newness, but from the outset it was seen to offer a startling potential for revealing previously undisclosed or unspoken qualities of character.

‘In his eagerness to redeem the past by reconstructing it imaginatively, Proust often rummaged through his vast collection of photographs as a stimulus to his memory.

‘You could see’, his housekeeper wrote, ‘that his thoughts were following a kind of underground track, as if he were organizing everything into images before putting them into words.’

‘Thanking the Marquise de Brantes for the photograph she had sent him, Proust declared that his own ‘imagination’ would retouch it ‘to the point of perfect resemblance.’ ((As an old photography buff I would say, that was funny!))

‘In Paris in the ‘belle epoque’, debate and speculation raged in society circles, and has continued to this day, as to the identity of the real people on whom Proust based his characters in ‘Remembrance of Things Past’.

‘Embarrassed outrage or delight on the part of those thought to be Proust’s models has been followed by intense professional interest on the part of scholarly researchers.

‘In ‘A Proust Souvenir’ Howard Adams pursues this fascinating search for Proustian sources. Sensitively and perceptively he juxtaposes the character studies of Proust with the images of Paul Nadar, the leading Parisian portrait photographer of the day, and the principal photographic influence underlying Remembrance of Things Past.

‘Nadar’s work gives us a rare insight into the milieu Proust satirized in his masterpiece: the fifty-four portrait photographs reproduced here depict key figures active in the worlds of the aristocracy, the bourgoisie and the arts who made up Proust’s circle – diplomats, doctors, salonistes and servants, duchesses and barons, actresses and models.

‘These portraits, together with Howard Adams’ analysis of their inspirational effect on Proust, provide a fresh understanding of Proust’s life and times, and of his novels, letters and criticism.’

An highly interesting addition to my books on the Frensh; only I fear I have to give it to my kid sister, who also read (and perhaps even lectures on?) his fiction.

Finally, lets take a quick look at a few recent tweets. As usual the asterix * indicates the tweet (that may not yet be tweetet!), while the chevron > indicates my comments.

Firstly let’s recap a few lines of what I wrote here
How To Shanghai Russia’s Space Age Future? (updated)

*(1.Aug.2019) Tonite in clairvoyant vision saw someone hijack a Russian ‘Buran’ spaceship and it’s giant booster rocket-ship. Is Russia’s ‘partners’ again planning to ‘Shanghai’ the space-age future of Russia?

‘In the vision, playing out like a movie, I was there as ‘an observer’. From a kind of escort vehicle I saw the beautifully crafted, finished and colored Buran space ship after it being successfully hijacked.

‘I then saw the hijack crew working on the giant (booster) rocket-ship, still on the ground. I saw someone overwriting a ‘blackboard’ or ‘blackbox’ (with new codes?). I then woke up.’

> In the week after I wrote this, Russia has successfully tested it’s first, very large military (bomber) drone. Ofcourse the drone is no ‘Buran’ – in fact the Buran spaceship is (as far as I know) moth-balled, and not scheduled to be rejuvenated?

What I saw in my vision was an advanced air- or space-craft successfully being flown; but someone mentioned ‘Buran’, and the ‘feeling’ was of something hijacked or stolen.

But wait – hasn’t there been (at least) gossip on the web about the Buran and the bomber-drone both being ‘hijacked’ – or stolen – designs? If this is so – perhaps it was in fact the drone I saw? (I just saw the air- or space-craft from behind, like you see the back of a car in front of you on the highway).

However the vision of a ‘hijack crew’ working on the large rocket is perhaps more likely still to have been the ‘secretive missile engine’ on a teststand?

I saw persons working underneath the vertically supported, large rocket; in fact I only saw the bottom part of the rocket relatively clearly. That means the crew were working directly beneath and near to the rocket-motor.

And someone was wiping clean a blackboard obviously to substitute text with something illegal, for example a virus code?

One reason a hacking (from afar or from a mole in the workforce or among the scientists) seems likely in this case of the highly secretive rocket motor that exploded on Aug.8th, is the fact that five scientists / engineers / designers reportedly were killed in the explosion.

The fact that adequate precautions were not taken to prevent this kind of major catastrophe – that may have set the highly trumpeted rocket technology back for a long time? – seems to indicate, that the technology was already regarded as mature.

Whence no strict security measures were taken: no one had expected the set up to be hacked by trojan horses (Mossad or CIA?).

One has to supose, that IL is not satisfied with their friend Putin, that has not accepted IL to Holocaust Iran? Is the hack possibly their revenge?

Ofcourse, one has to understand and sympathize with Putin being squeezed between a rock and a hard place: Being yewish he want to accomodate IL as far as possible; but he also need Iran to secure Russia’s southern flank.

Why did Putin’s SecretService not see this coming; no doubt they read (or at least they have read!) my blog. The Russians just have to hope that the General Directorate of their SecretService don’t have precisely the same problem as Mr. Putin: Wanting to accomodate IL as far as possible?

*The powerful explosion of a secretive missile engine (on August 8.?) with an “isotope power source” blew the device into pieces and threw workers off a sea platform, Russian nuclear agency Rosatom said. Searches for the missing went on all day.

*Russian scientists admit they were working on miniaturized sources of nuclear energy when a rocket engine exploded Thursday Aug.8, saying the accident occurred while testing an experimental cruise missile powered by a small reactor.

*The view among independent experts was that the explosion appeared to have been caused by the failure of an experimental nuclear-powered cruise missile known in Russia as the 9M730 Burevestnik and by Nato as the SSC-X-9 Skyfall.

*Putin had first unveiled the experimental technology during a 2018 speech showcasing Russian defense technology developments. The chief stunning claim behind the hypersonic missile is that it can traverse the globe indefinitely at “faster than Mach 5” based on its nuclear powered core.

*Deadly Explosions Aside, Kremlin Says Putin’s Nuclear-Powered Missile Far Ahead Of US Technology.
“Russian developments in this area surpass the level achieved by other countries, and are quite unique.”

This morning I tweeted this:

*13Aug2019 Tonight had clairvoyant vision of being intercepted by two US-Am hit teams 1) Two ‘#death-like’ figures wholly cloaked in (dark brown) friars cowls 2) Three entities on Amagertorv, the middle being the white, US-Am Eagle
How To Shanghai Russia’s Space Age Future? (updated)

*13Aug2019 I Guess I have to be very careful especially if I want to visit the dutch book sale opening up today close to Amagertorv. Has CIA/Mossad instigated several recent bombings to justify Copenhagen now crawling with CIA wanting their President to have me on plane – in a coffin?

As I mentioned in the linked blog from Aug.1st (excerpts below), no doubt the US ‘SecretService/CIA would like a lot to take myself back with them – in a suitcase’?

Excerpt from what I wrote Aug.1st:

‘At the corner of a nearby building I saw a large man (abt. 6feet6 and 35 y.o.a?) standing vigil and smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a somwhat smallish(?), grey business suit and heavy black shoes, size 13?, that needed a shine.

‘By the look of his shoes he had probably been pounding a lot of pavement already, so as you almost felt sorry for him. Except he did NOT invite friendliness!

‘When he spotted me (wearing my usual summer (panama) hat) he turned his back. And as I went past him he was careful to concurrently turn his body so as to always have his back to me. He obviously didn’t want me to get a good look at his face?

‘Ofcourse I cannot tell if he was US-SecretService or CIA. But I’m not in the least surprised he knew me by sight. The instant I learned Mr. Trump was to visit Copenhagen I was ofcourse fully aware, that the SecretService/CIA would like a lot to take myself back with them – in a suitcase.

*Blast hits Copenhagen police station, second explosion in Danish capital in 4 days.
Published time: 10 Aug, 2019 06:07

> Has CIA/Mossad instigated the several recent bombings to justify Copenhagen is now crawling with CIA personnel – wanting their President to have me on plane – in a coffin?

Note 1.

From the dustcover of whistleblover Mossad-agent Victor Ostrovsky’s book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ (Harper Collins, NY, 1994):

“The truth about the death of Robert Maxwell and the story behind the near assassnation of George Bush are just two of the revelations contained in this headline-making account of one man’s journey into the dark heart of Mossad.

“Never has there been so detailed a look at the hidden agenda of extremists within a major intelligence agency – nor one so worrisome in its implications.

“In 1990 Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, became an international celebrity when the state of Israel attemted to ban his first account of Mossad misdeeds, “By Way of Deception”. Few who watched that book soar to the top of the New York Times bestseller list anticipated that an even more shocking story remained to be written.

“Ostrovsky reveals here for the first time that for several years following his termination from the Mossad, he worked clandestinely with agency moderates. Under the guise of “disaffected former agent”, Ostrovsky infiltrated the KGB, MI5, and French, Jordanian and Egyptian intelligency in an attempt to derail operations planned by Mossad extremists.

“Frighteningly, the activities pursued by right-wing factions within the agency constitute a massive abuse of power that has had global concequences. They include:

– undermining the Arab-Israeli peace process through counterfeiting, assasination, and support of religious radicals

– facilitating lethal biological experiments on Palestinians and Soweto blacks

– organizing smear campaigns against world leaders

– offering support for at Soviet hard-liner coup (targeting Gorbatchev)

– killing an Israeli general, a leading German politician (the Prime-Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Uwe Barschel), a Canadian scientist, and a Kuwaiti journalist

– using “disinformation” to trigger American combat strikes against Israel’s enemies

– and much, much more…

“With the gritty authenticity that only truth can provide and a narrative pace that rivals the very best thrillers, The Other Side of Deception stakes a powerful claim to being THE espionage read of the year. Certainly its message is too chilling to be ignored: Should the world’s most famous intelligence agency continue to enjoy freedom from government oversight, it will ultimately threaten us all”.

Link 1.

Mossad Safe Space & War on Iran? (updated)

Link 2.
Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

The Robots’ Cash Ban

Link 3.
Fleas On The Loose?

Link 4.
Spooky Times: Seriality or Jakuza?


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Fleas On The Loose?

Today is Saturday and it’s quite nice out there. A bit on the windy side, perhaps – which I like a lot; makes everything seem a bit more living, the trees, the clouds, the flowers, – and even Earthlings seem slightly more alive?

Generally this is pleasently at variance with society at large: Because our western civilization is clearly dying, – and fast.

Nay, more specific and to the point, the whole Earthly civilization is obviously at this point of time just Dead Man Walking. Sad but true.

The culprit is, ofcourse, the death of morals; a deadly scourge of amorality now spreading with lightning speed over all of Earth from one or more ‘black holes’ in the old or new world.

The main provenance and venue for dissemination of amorality (evil) is now probably the worlds Secret Services. They’ve managed to assume supreme power all over the world as their evil masterminds have – without too much trouble – managed to convince gullible parliaments everywhere, that the world will go under if they are not allowed to operate in total darkness, without any oversight by parliament and constitutions whatsoever.

Ofcourse the exact opposite will be the case.

These SecretServices are arguably behind nearly all acts of terrorism in the civilized world? They are generally controlled and led by left-brain dominated entities (‘Of the Left Path’), more correctly described as psychopaths – or robots – rather than humans.

They have no ‘human feelings’ (empathy) whatsoever; in this respect they are handicapped vis-a-vis less degenerate humans, and surely they feel this handicap intensely.

This keenly felt inferiority complex makes it important for them to kill, torture and harass as much and as many as at all possible; and in particular killing, tortureing and harassing the innocent make them feel superior to humans. This is because humans have emphaty and thus cannot kill or torture the innocent.

Due to their inferiority complex the robotic type of man have an extraordinary urge to climb to any leading position whenever possible. But sadly – they are ofcourse without any compass at all to successfully be at the helm and take care of even the most basic duties as leaders; destitute of any moral compass they can only lead you into misery and ultimate destruction.

From the dustcover of whistleblowing Mossad-agent Victor Ostrowsky’s book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ (N.Y.,1994)(note 1)

“Certainly it’s message is too chilling to be ignored: Should the world’s most famous intelligence agency continue to enjoy freedom from government oversight, it will ultimately threaten us all”.

Like I’ve said before, to have or feel morality means to have and feel responsibility for ‘our common Cosmic origin and heritage’. (link 1 & 2)

But everywhere you see – as they fittingly say in German ‘wohin man sieht’ – you see the exact opposite.

But – as likewise exposed before – destitute of a genuine moral compass Earthlings will be totally unable to navigate and cope with the extreme dangers of an unforgiving Universe: They are then in fact Dead Men Walking! (link 3)

This almost total absence of morals is certainly – and perhaps even notably? – ubiquitous in Danish society.

You can behold it f.i. in the Comic Opera just now playing out in the fight for power – note, not for ideas but just for the naked power, just like naughty children fight for power in the schoolyard – in the political party of the former PM. (And, tellingly, a large part of the mainstream press only has this struggle for power – not for ideas – in their telescope) (Link 6)

Or you can encounter this in your daily petty tasks and events – like the following incident for example – so childishly irresponsible that you have to cry but also roll on the floor laughting at the same time!

Yesterday I talked to the friendly manager of a large photo store near the Royal Theater in downtown Copenhagen.

Somehow we got to talk of this summers flea markets popping up all over the city. I mentioned I rarely visit these markets now from fear of hauling more old cameras home with me.

Instead, I said, perhaps I should consider taking some of my stuff, deemed not usable or desirable any more, to one of the flea markets and try to sell it.

My friend thought that was a great idea. He even wanted me to take some stuff from his shop with me to sell. Which I ofcourse had to decline.

Mainly because I am very well aware that the SecretService / SecretPolice will swoop down hard on me, if they could in any way, form or fashion prove I had taken stuff – however minute! – directly from a shop to the market stall.

And you can bet your bottom buck they’ll be there; after all the SecretService / SecretPolice has a staff of about 1000 persons. Who does what? They don’t do counter-espionage – like trying to block alien agents from harassing or killing Danish citizens or f.i. the family of acting (foreign) ministers; that would apparantly not interest them even remotely? (link 5)

Question: Do they always have available personnel if some alien agents want help with harassing, kidnapping or assassinating Danish citizens? Would they always have personnel available to harass any citizen on a flea market – because this is definitely very important for ‘national security’? Oh, and yes, I talk and I ask on the basis of about 25 years of harassment!

But back to our friendly photo store. I bought a few items on the cheap, stuff that I mostly wanted for my own use: F.i. a compact Tokina Zoom lens for the Pentax-A system – which makes it usefull for my digital Pentax. Personally I often prefer manual focus lenses even for my digital SLRs.

And a Canon 28mm f.2,0 wide angle lens for analog Canon. This one had a bad case of fungus growth on at least one inside lens surface; but as I own a good deal of special tools, I thought I could perhaps fix it (it turned out I couldn’t).

The 28mm f.2 lens is not very common; I saw only two specimens for sale on German ebay yesterday, priced at abt. $200.

Hence I thought I could risk paying 200 DKr (abt. $30) for the two items; in the bargain I got three more items – mostly without real value, though.

That evening I threw some of the stuff I don’t really want any more into a couple of small suitcases, planning to take them to one of this Saturday’s fleamarkets. But already my sixth sense had begun making me wary.

In the night I experienced this:

Firstly – in two clairvoyant dreams I was ‘sternly’ warned not to go to the market today. (I’ill be so kind and spare the esteemed reader for the dreary details).

Secondly – someone or something ‘banged a door’ the whole night – that is, from approx. the time I went to sleep (shortly before midnight) and until (almost) exactly 6 in the morning, when I rose (and normally would have risen to be on schedule for the market).

This apparent ‘banging of a door’ the whole night is ofcourse more than a little suspicious. Who on earth would bang a door throughout more than six hours of the night? The bangs, at least twice or trice each hour, were so loud that the walls of my appartment actually quivered.

Hence the bangs must have originated rather close by, either above or below (you cannot really tell if either). And even if it was a bit windy in the night, in the morning there didn’t seem to be large, open windows – with or without storm fasteners.

But luckily – we are not conspiracy theorists! On the contrary, – we are coincidence theorists! That’s why we can conclude with near absolute and positive certainty, that said ‘banging’ (obviously not just a sound but an actual physical banging on some fixture in a nearby flat) was certainly not caused by any sort of malign cabal of the SecretService and/or their friends.

Also that would have been preposterous, really, because it hypothetically might have had the hoped for consequense of making my sleep fitful and shallow so as to prevent me from telepathically receive clairvoyant warnings during the night.

In an earlier post I’ve – then perhaps somewhat outlandishly? – hypothetized, that said large photo store has been bugged by the SecretService and/or their friends. But now I’m afraid I have to necessarily regard this as affirmed, as I didn’t discuss my flea-market plans with anybody else.

But in the end I feel it’s safe to say we now know our Danish SecretService would never stoop to the unfathomable lows of aiding and abetting a rogue, foreign SecretService with kidnapping or assassinating one of their law-abiding citizens!

Even if said citizen occasionally had criticized the Ministry of Justice and their SecretService for their way of handling certain, minor matters – like f.i. the very minor matter of an attempted, but only NEARLY fatal, assassination plot targeting the wife of an acting Danish foreign minister (link 5).

But as it happened I didn’t feel like partaking in the fleamarket today, anyway. Perhaps another Saturday, who knows? By the way, the weather today turned out to be nearly perfect for the event.

Come to think of it: Day before yesterday (Thursday) in the morning at abt. 9.50 I chanced to meet a gentleman in front of our appartment house, that certainly did not ‘belong there’.

Said gentleman was just mounting or dismounting his bike on the sidewalk directly in front of our house. Ofcourse I can’t know, if he had been visiting or perhaps planned to visit our house.

He could be around 25-28 and about my size (6feet2) and perhaps weighing in at about 85 kg? His apparel was slightly uniform-like, – dark blue trousers, blue shirt and black rucksack. He was dark and unfriendly, and he had Mossad/CIA written all over him.

I believe it’s perhaps the first time in twentyfive years I’ve encountered someone directly in front of our building not returning my greeting.

He obviously did neither belong in our house, our city nor our country. Where did he belong then? Perhaps a Mossad or CIA facility somethere north of central Copenhagen, where he may have been heading?

That morning I had been down in our basement to attend to my laundry and any SecretService agent observing my activities would know, that when I tended the washing machine for the second time (to empty it) I would normally be busy in the basement for about 5 minutes.

Five minutes would be more than adequate for someone to leave (or enter) one of the flats nearby, and our building, without me observing him/her. But as it happened, the timer clock on the washing machine had reset.

Noting there was still 23 minutes till finished I just turned around on my heel and retraced my steps up and around to the street door. Question: Did I in fact surprise a foreign secret agent / assassin in front of our house?

No, ofcourse not. Like I’ve said repeatedly – our landlord family are honourable, honest, lawabiding people that would never, willingly, partake in the assassination of one or more of their tenants!

Likewise we now know with a high degree of certainty, that the Danish SecretService is mostly inhabited by a honourable, honest, lawabiding staff, that tries to always operate in strict conformity with our constitution. It goes without saying, really!

Note 1.

From the dustcover of whistleblover Mossad-agent Victor Ostrovsky’s book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ (Harper Collins, NY, 1994):

“The truth about the death of Robert Maxwell and the story behind the near assassnation of George Bush are just two of the revelations contained in this headline-making account of one man’s journey into the dark heart of Mossad.

“Never has there been so detailed a look at the hidden agenda of extremists within a major intelligence agency – nor one so worrisome in its implications.

“In 1990 Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, became an international celebrity when the state of Israel attemted to ban his first account of Mossad misdeeds, “By Way of Deception”. Few who watched that book soar to the top of the New York Times bestseller list anticipated that an even more shocking story remained to be written.

“Ostrovsky reveals here for the first time that for several years following his termination from the Mossad, he worked clandestinely with agency moderates. Under the guise of “disaffected former agent”, Ostrovsky infiltrated the KGB, MI5, and French, Jordanian and Egyptian intelligency in an attempt to derail operations planned by Mossad extremists.

“Frighteningly, the activities pursued by right-wing factions within the agency constitute a massive abuse of power that has had global concequences. They include:

– undermining the Arab-Israeli peace process through counterfeiting, assasination, and support of religious radicals

– facilitating lethal biological experiments on Palestinians and Soweto blacks

– organizing smear campaigns against world leaders

– offering support for at Soviet hard-liner coup (targeting Gorbatchev)

– killing an Israeli general, a leading German politician (the Prime-Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Uwe Barschel), a Canadian scientist, and a Kuwaiti journalist

– using “disinformation” to trigger American combat strikes against Israel’s enemies

– and much, much more…

“With the gritty authenticity that only truth can provide and a narrative pace that rivals the very best thrillers, The Other Side of Deception stakes a powerful claim to being THE espionage read of the year. Certainly its message is too chilling to be ignored: Should the world’s most famous intelligence agency continue to enjoy freedom from government oversight, it will ultimately threaten us all”.

Link 1.

Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour

Link 2.
https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2016/09/01/fugleperspektiv/ (in Danish)

Link 3.
Giraudoux – H.D.Lawrence – Littré (upd.)

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

http://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/danmark-i-kosmos/ (in Danish)

Link 4.
How To Shanghai Russia’s Space Age Future? (updated)

Link 5.

Link 6.


Link 7.
Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

The Robots’ Cash Ban


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

The Country House

(7.Aug.2019) Today is Wednesday and a real nice day here in downtown Copenhagen. Yesterday I finally managed to make up my mind to call two of my old and, for many years, rather close friends, D. and W. They have now grown old and frail, both being in their mid to late eighties. And I have to admit I haven’t called them often enough recently.

D. is now in a very nice nursing home North of Copenhagen and is, as the incredibly good sport she is, trying her best to enjoy herself – and her company.

I think it’s fair to say, that she is the best ‘girlfriend’ I’ve had for 25 years, even if we never lived or slept together. She was so much fun to be with, even in her late seventies – intelligent and funny, fair and broadminded and cultured. Never, ever did she complain, wail or lament anything, even if she certainly had her share of burdens to carry.

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