Månedsarkiv: maj 2019

War On Iran – General Election – Kill The Canary – The Flea Market – Freud – Niels Lyhne

Today is Sunday and it’s sunny and a bit windy out there.

Wanting to check up on a couple of today’s flea-markets I firstly took a bus to the suburb Metro station ‘Femoeren’, planning to ride the Metro back to downtown Copenhagen.

On the way to Femoeren I passed by a couple of flea-markets without being able to make up my mind if it would be worth my while to jump off the bus and take a look.

So I stayed on the bus all the way to the Metro station. But then ‘things’ happened.

Almost the same minute I entered the platform the signboards went haywire. Then a voice announced over the loudspeakers there would be delays on account of something had happened to the doors on our platform.

Which seemed perhaps a bit strange as a train just left when I ascended the stairway to the platforms and everything off hand seemed ok with the platform doors.

After yet half a dozen minutes delay a train-set finally – slowly and laboriously – made its way toward us.

But after having entered the train a loudspeaker voice once again announced there would be delays due to defective doors on our station.

So after waiting a few additional minutes I finally decided to leave the train and the station altogether and find a bus back to town, due to leave in a few minutes.

This then had the added amenity I once more got a chance to visit one or both of the two flea markets passed by on my way out.

It thus happened I found myself browsing the flea market at IslandsBrygge on the East side of the Copenhagen Harbour just around 12 oclock.

As most flea markets nowadays this one also was almost devoid of any items of interest to ‘men and big boys’.

Whence you have to suspect, obviously, that almost all Danish homes are now entirely run by their women: The flea markets are simply overflowing with – and for all practical purposes only with – childrens and womens apparel.

Also perhaps you have to assume that most (young?) homes are quite poor, if only judged by the worthless bric-a-brac offered – it’s simply cheap crap, mostly.

One has to surmise, I’m afraid, that the culprit is the bubble-priced homes that most young people have to contend with: A far too large part of their incomes ends up servicing the banks for the giant loans they have to take out to buy even a modest home.

Poor earthlings – citizens of the deep-state funny-money fake-world!

However, there was one elderly gentleman who had a few items of old photographic paraphernalia on offer:

1. A 15+ year old digital SLR – the Canon D300. Including two cheap lenses, battery and charger, a small memory card and a small hold all case.

2. Two Olympus OM-10 cameras. One with the manual adapter and each with a lens: An original Olympus 28mm 3,5 in beautiful condition and a ‘pirate’ Tokina tele-lens of 135mm. All with lens covers and one ever-ready case.

This he offered me for 150 kr ($22,50), an offer it was not too difficult to accept.

Of course I don’t really know if the stuff is working or not; but the seller was a real nice elderly gentlemen, a blue collar worker and avowed keen amateur photographer, that impressed me as trustworthy.

A funny note; as I arrived at the market right around 12 oclock the market must obviously then have been open and going for about three hours; but in the few minutes I was dealing with the seller no less than two other market browsers were almost trying to nab the cameras out of my hands!

So – thank you for your help, friendly Metro-Loudspeakers: I just made it!

(Yes, that’s my new plan: To make the most of the small hints by Destiny instead of enraging and exasperating yourself over small annoyances like these).

But there is another important development to report on today – namely the last day of the ongoing Dutch book-sale in the Heilig Geist Church Community House.

The price today is 10 Kr. ($1,50), and of course I felt an urge if not a duty to take a quick look on the still half filled tables. And once again resulting in me hauling two bags of books to a nearby café where I’m writing this.

I’ill present a few of the books below, if only to once more illustrate what you may chance to buy for $1,50 in one of the Dutch book-sales in our town. (However the friendly folks from the Forum Booksellers running the current sale informed me that their next sale is not planned until late December).

But firstly a few notes on something much less important – namely the ongoing campaign for the general election to the Danish parliament, called out earlier this week. (Note 1)

That, ofcourse, is about one week later than I suggested as perhaps most likely in a post from February 26th (link 1):

26th of April: War on Iran and Danish General Election?

But otherwise the timetable I proposed SEEMS to be PERHAPS running as scheduled:

1. The attack on Iran SEEMS to be very much an option and/or even planned and/or actually folding out right now?

2. The servicing- and read-out of the heat-meters in our appartment house may still very likely turn out to become scheduled concurrently with the possible denouement of the Iran-crisis.

(Update 13.May: Has today been scheduled for 22.May – Note 1).

3. A concurrent assassination- and/or kidnap-attempt on myself would perhaps still be very desirable for the global illuminati-cabbalist deep-state and their Danish puppets? (Note 3)

I’ve put SEEMS in upper-case as it is in fact very difficult to learn what part may be just a playact to intimidate and/or confuse Iran, the World and myself. But time will show.

Incidentally, there is nothing much to say about the ongoing election campaign itself: There seem to be really only two PM-candidates – one from the so-called liberal/conservative (blue) parties (i.e. our present PM) and another from the (red) shadow cabinet (i.e. the present leader of the Social Democratic Party).

But there seems nary the slightest whiff of genuine difference between the two – not to speak of differences worthy of mention?

They may both – as far as I can see – perchance be real hard-core New World Order Globalists puppets?

If so, they would possibly go to any length to uphold the Global deep-state play script: International treaties are always more important than the interests of Denmark – the Danish people and the Danish nation?

Remember – if you don’t stay with the NWO Globalist’s grand plan, you will have no – NO! – future in international fat-cat jobs.

By the way, hasn’t our present PM been incredibly successful with respect to dismantling the Danish nation as a separate entity? Think of the almost total disruption of our regional democracy, something that’s extremely important for our deep-state masters: The depopulation of the countryside will eventually make it possible for WallStreet and their billionaire investor friends to ultimately acquire all Danish (and European) agriculture land?

The worlds fertile agri land is in the eyes of these investors the most desirable asset class at all – even more so than f.i. real estate on Manhattan!

But it’s a long story so please instead enjoy my satire from last year (link 2):


But now a few of the books I acquired today in the Heilig Geist Church House sale:

1. SIGMUND FREUDS PRIVATLEKTÜRE. By Peter Brückner. Verlag Neue Kritik, Köln, 1975, 156 p. paperback.

This book is in condition like new and is apparently unread.

Here is a small sample from page 46f:

‘J.P.Jacobsens Buecher gelangten mit jenem Strom Skadinavischer (und Russischer) Literatur nach Deutschland und Oesterreich, fuer den sich der Westen, fuer den sich Mitteleuropa in der 2. Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts oeffnete, nicht ohne tatkraeftige Mithilfe des Literaturhistorikers GEORG BRANDES (dessen Vortraege in Wien Freud uebrigens besucht hat).

‘Der NIELS LYHNE, von dem STEFAN ZWEIG schrieb, er sei der ‘Werther unserer Generation’ gewesen, freilich ein ‘Werther des unglaubens’ (Rehm), erschien im Jahre 1880, im gleichen Jahre wie FR.NIETZSCHES ‘Antichrist’.

‘Er gehoert zu den schoensten Dokumentationen des tragischen, verzweifelten Atheismus der zweiten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts – einen Atheismus, der weder Auswege aus der Trostlosigkeit individueller lebenslagen noch Licht in eine rash sinnlos gewordenen Welt brachte; mit dem Gott war der Sinn zugleich verschwunden.’…..

‘Der Dichter Jacobsen und der Forscher Freud, obwohl beide von Darwin stimuliert, haben auch ihren milden Lamarckismus gemeinsam’

‘Man glaubt uebrigens, um einige anmerkungen zu Jacobsen nachzutragen, die Beobachtungskunst des Botanikers seinem Stil anzusehen. Jacobsen ist aber vor allem ein grossartiger Psychologe, nicht zuletzt durch die ganz souveraen gefasste und beobachtete Verbindung von Psychischem und Physischem in der Verhaltensgeschichte seiner Helden.

‘Die fuer unsere Freud-Betrachtung thematische Bruecke vom Niels Lyhne zum Vater der Psychoanalyse mag an noch anderer Stelle zu suchen sein (…hat mir tiefer ins Herz geschnitten als irgendeine Lektuere der letzten neun Jahre’). (Note 2)

2. HENRIK HARPENSTRÆNG – LIBER HERBARUM. Udg. af Poul Hauberg. København, 1936, Bogtrykkeriet Hafnia, 167 p. paperback.

From the editors short introduction:

‘Den her for første gang trykte latinske urtebog fandt jeg i 1922 under en gannemgang af de haandskrevne danske lægebøger, som findes herhjemme og i udenlandske biblioteker, men først nu er det lykkedes mig med understøttelse af Løvens Kemiske Fabrik at faa dette middelalderlige arbejde udgivet, og for denne hjælp bringer jeg herved min bedste tak.’

Here is a couple of specimens:

(From page 89) ‘Bynke har navn efter arte(mis), fordi urternes egenskaber og dyder er opfundne af hende, og har den dyd, at hvis et menneske (faar) hovedpine, bør han grave den op og vaske den godt og skære den i stykker og afkoge den med vin eller eddike i en god dagtime med roden og derefter si den gennem en klud og dermed vaske hovedet saa varmt, han kan taale det.

‘Herefter bør han binde om hovedet med en klud og lægge sig til sengs en time indtil sveden gaar ud af ham, og dette skal han gøre tre eller fire dage, og saa vil han være rask.’

(page 91) ‘Malurt kogt med gedemælk eller valle og drukket om morgenen renser paa forunderlig maade maven og uddriver al raaddenskab og onde vædsker. Ligeledes kogt med vin og stødt og draget gennem næsen renser den hovedet godt og bevirker, at cholera forsvinder. Ligeledes bynke kogt og siet gennem en klud og afkølet og drukket om morgenen fjerner lystens begær’.

(page 93) ‘Nælde, som kaldes den lille, kogt med eddike og spist uden salt renser al mavens vædske og dræber orme sammesteds, hvilke orme er maven meget skadelige, hvis de vokser i mængde, hvilket sker ved at spise umoden frugt.’

‘Ligeledes hvis nælde bliver stødt med salt og æggeblomme og hønsefedt og menneskets legeme bliver indgnedet dermed i badet, bevirker den at al skab fortrænges, hvis det bliver fortsat i tre dage.’

3. ET HERREGAARDSSPØGELSES ERINDRINGER. Af Gorm Benzon. 1999, Askholms Forlag, 264 p. Hardcover.

Here is a sample from p.156:

‘Næste dag, da jeg var over mine embedspligter og godsets administration, lod jeg hende kalde op i min stue. Hun var ren og sirlig og havde sat sit hår ganske net. Det var ikke meget af den forhutlede taterkvinde fra byens arrest tilbage i hende. Hun udstrålede en vis naturlig værdighed og svarede klart og præcist på alt, hvad jeg spurgte hende om.

‘Synskhed er ikke noget, man selv beder om’, sagde hun. ‘Det er en byrde, som lægges på enkelte mennesker, der så må leve med den så godt, som de nu engang kan.

‘Jeg har fået min synskhed som en arv fra min mor, som den også nær havde bragt i ulykke, fordi hun gerne ville hjælpe trængte folk med den. Hun havde imidlertid det held, at en herremand, som var blevet berøvet alle sine kostbarheder, henvendte sig til hende for at få hende til at genfinde dem for ham.

‘Det gjorde hun virkelig, og herremanden blev så lykkelig for at få herlighederne tilbage, at han gav hende fast station i et hus under hans gods og lovede hende, at der skulle hun have lov til at bo i fred til sin sidste stund.

‘Hun tog ham på ordet, og han holdt sit. Skønt hun gentagne gange blev anmeldt til øvrigheden for hekseri, blev der aldrig krummet et hår på hendes hoved.’

‘Mange taler ellers om synskhedens gave, og som en sådan kan den vel også betragtes,’ foreslog jeg.

‘Hun var målløs: ‘Det er nu ellers en køn gave at få: For mig har det næsten udelukkende været en forbandelse. Jeg har set mine børn og min mand dø år førend det skulle ske. Når man har haft et sådant syn, ved man med sig selv, at det også bliver til virkelighed, og man kan så gå dag ud og dag ind og bare vente på, at den af skæbnen afsagte dom bliver eksekveret.

‘Jeg har set krigen med dens gru, dens skændende, plyndrende og myrdende horder, medens freden endnu rådede, og alle andre troede den sikker. Jeg har set kirker, byer og gårde stå i luer, set skibe gå ned med mand og mus. Jeg kan opleve sunde og raske mennesker, jeg møder på vejen, som var de halvt opløste lig, og jeg er på det rene med, at om nogle uger eller måneder er de døde’.

‘Min mor sagde altid til mig, at jeg lige så godt kunne spare mig bruge mine synske evner på folk, for selv om de kom til mig for at høre om deres fremtid, så var det ganske usandsynligt, at de ville rette sig efter det, hvis jeg prøvede at advare dem imod et eller andet.’

>It should be noted, ofcourse, that the above is fiction and not the authors own reminiscences.

Still three nice buys for $1.50 each, methinks.

But have to call it a day for now, will present a few more of todays finds in a new post coming soon.

Until then – thanks for joining – and be safe!

Note 1.

Now let’s recapitulate some of above dates with respect to illuminati/cabalist numerology.

Our PM called for General Election on 7. May at 13.00 oclock. And today – the 13. May – the heat-meter inspection in my flat has been scheduled for 22. May, to start at 13. oclock (sticker on our street door). There are also 13 days between 22. May and election day, the 5th of June.

The numbers/dates 7, 13 and 22 are reportedly all very significant for deep-state illuminati cabalist. For instance terrorist attacs seem to be preferably carried out on the 11. or 22. day of the month (11 being important as half of 22. – like f.i. 911).

Update 20.May: Incidentally the PM Book title ‘SET FREE’ (‘Frigørelsens Øjeblik’) might as well have been copied directly from the CIA Mind-Control program called Monarch (like the butterfly). All butterflies experience their ‘moment of release’ and ‘to be set free’ when they break out and fold out their wings.

The symbolism reportedly being that you have finally cast away all moral checks and restraints like the Monarch butterfly its confinement.

Just for the record: Of course our honourable Prime Ministers are not in any way, shape or form Satanist Illuminati Globalist puppets? Hence above notes are merely to point out the unusual and curious coincidence!

Note 2.
As an aside and for friends and family, mostly: J.P.Jacobsen’s home was situated near to and with a wiev of the Thisted Harbour. In the same block a cousin of my maternal grandfather, Jens Roed Ottesen, owned the eastern corner-house.

He was an exporter of fish, but I don’t know when the family acquired the house. He was born around 1870 and may ofcourse have seen the author, perhaps being neighbours. His son, Anton Ottesen, likewise was an exporter of fish in Thisted (and Copenhagen) and became famous as an inventor. (link 3).

Note 3. (Update 24.May.2019)

Here’s what happened in my flat on May 22nd, more or less apropos the heat-meter inspection.

1) In the early A.M. I had a clairvoyant vision like this:
I saw a bright read van turning up and parking in front of me.

The van was of the type used by terrorists and often, I believe, called ‘a Toyota’ or ‘a Technical’.

It had an open cargo hold with some sort of large, manned gun mounted on it.

However the gun seemed to not be a firearm but more like a water cannon or perhaps a dispenser for poisoneous chemicals, like used by fruit growers.

2) I then had a vision of someone handling capsules, tins or glasses with poisoneous gas in them (but this part was evanescent and short-lived and only remember it faintly).

3) Next I found myself with several friends on the extreme edge of a precipice. Everyone wondered if the edge was solid enough to prevent us from falling into the abyss. But is was.

4) Finally I was driving in a car being piloted by an old acquaintance (now deceased). I thought he was driving the car wildly fast on a very slippery and unsecure road. I tried to point this out to him. But to no avail, and the trip ended ok.

After the two first dream-visions I woke up and was quite upset. Thus I didn’t go to sleep again for a couple of hours while contemplating my options.

Later in the morning I had the two visions 3) and 4), that made me calm down somewhat.

Thus when I rose at about 9.a.m. I felt reasonably cool and relaxed. This, however, only lasted until abt. 11.a.m. when one of my neighbours called and asked if I would please show the heat-meter inspector into his flat. If so, he would drop in with the key shortly.

I dare say that if I hadn’t felt rather relaxed that a.m. I might perhaps have ‘blown a gasket’. Because off hand I felt this unexpected task would perhaps more or less prevent me from ignoring the inspector (i.e. not open my door for him) in case anything made me nervous.

However I decided to accept the task asked for, but with the caveat that if something made me nervous, I might chose to ignore the inspector, which was accepted.

Two notes here: Firstly, I’ve talked more or less regularly with this neighbour for abt. a decade; but has never been asked to look after his flat, although he’s often been away.

Secondly I’ve often wondered if he in fact was a stooge or at least an occasional errand-boy for the (Danish?) SecretService?

Still this unexpected duty made me again feel a little bit uneasy, whence I telephoned one of my amateur-photographer- friends and asked him to drop in for a cup of coffee at 1.p.m., which he accepted (although extremely peaceful he weighs-in at abt. 250 pounds, I suspect!).

The heat-meter inspector arrived about 1.15 p.m.


It wasn’t a van, however. But he had his tools and ‘chemical-vials’ (and what not) in the back of the car.

Incidentally, he’s a veteran workman and has been around here for at least a decade.

Although one might perhaps describe him as a slightly weird looking, middle aged gentleman, I remember him as having always been courteous, fast and professional.

Likewise this time, although I thought I felt a certain coldness when thanking goodbye. Frankly I believe I felt something more like hate emanating from him. No hateful gestures, certainly, except he was very fast to turn his back before saying bye-bye.

If I’m not entirely mistaken here the question is – why is that? Why would he have trouble hiding a (hypothetical, to be sure) hatefulness towards me?

Has someone been asking him about the dates/hours: 13. and 22. May and 13 oclock (i.e. 1.p.m.)?

It’s a theory of mine, that movers and all kind of house- and home-inspectors are particularly exposed to the wishes and endeavours of the Security Services to always try and get clandestine ways of gaining access to and information about the homes and lives of most everyone.

Ofcourse I have no idea if the gentleman in question has been compromised by a rouge Security Service in this way?

Link 1.
General Election & Kill The Canary?

Link 2.


Link 3.
En minderune


Crossposted on http://www.gamleboeger.dk and https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com

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Huxley – L’Auto – Van Gogh – The Universe – Piet Hein

Today is Sunday and for an early Summer day in Copenhagen it’s a bit chilly.

It’s also one of the last days of the ongoing Dutch book sale in the Heilig Geist Church Community House in the old part of Copenhagen.

I’m writing this from a Café near the City Hall Square and plan to once more reveal what you may chance to acquire for 10 Kr ($1.50), if you happen to visit one of the Dutch book sales.

As usual I will do this by briefly presenting some of the day’s finds. And like before quotes from the books are always given in their own language.

1. THE NEW SCIENCE OF GIAMBATTISTA VICO. Abridged Translation of the Third Edition (1744). By Thomas Goddard Bergin and Max Harold Fisch. Cornell University Press, 1948/1961/1970, Paperback, 384 p. Very good condition, appears to be unread.

I never heard of Mr. Vico, but here’s what the translaters state on the back cover: “one of the few works of original genius in the entire history of social theory”. Furthermore “it is the most impressive attempt before Comte at a comprehensive science of human society and the most complete class-struggle analysis prior to Marx.”

From the authors introduction (p.5) I quote:

“We find that the principle of these origins both of languages and of letters lies in the fact that the early gentile peoples, by a demonstrated necessity of nature, were poets who spoke in poetic characters.

“This discovery, which is the master key of this science, has cost us the persistent research of almost all our literary life, because with our civilized natures we (moderns) cannot at all imagine and can understand only by great toil the poetic nature of these first men.”

Sounds interesing enough.

And from p.97:

“Now from the theology of the poets, or poetic metaphysics, by way of the poetic logic sprung from it, we go on to discover the origin of languages and letters. Concerning these there are as many opinions as there are scholars who have written on the subject…”

>Concerning the ‘origin of languages…’ compare what I wrote in an earlier post (Link 1): It’s really as foolish to search for the origin of language as it is to search for the origin of the Universe!

You have actually no REASON to believe either have a beginning – unless you – quite foolishly – believe the Fate of the Universe is to be compared to the Fate of for example your garden cottage or a WallStreet bank.

Anyway – I hope to get around to making myself a bit more familiar with Mr. Vico and his book.

2. THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY. By Aldous Huxley. 1945, Harper & Brothers, NewYork and London, 312 p. 4. ed. Hardcover, with (whats left of) the original dust cover.

From the front inside flap of the dust cover:

‘Knowledge is a function of being. Only the pure in heart can see God. Those who have the necessary modifications of their all too human nature, the illuminated Saints and sages who alone are in a position to know what they are talking about – all, whatever their religion, make fundamentally the same report about the nature of Ultimate Reality.’

>All right – from an amateur philosopher’s and -linguist’s point of view the first couple of sentences don’t bode too well: The words ‘knowledge’, ‘being’ and ‘God’ all being basically undefined.

(I guess that’s why I never finished an University Study – one semester of Mathematics was all. Generally my impression was, that university textbooks are literally bursting with words often undefined (although this may not apply to textbooks of mathematics – but mathematics at University level was really not for me!).

Apart from that, however, this book has an interesting plan. The author has collected hundreds of quotes from some of the most important thinkers in their field throughout history and arranged them after their subject matter – 27 in all, and together with his own comments.

For example: God in the World – Charity – Truth – Self-Knowledge – Good and Evil – Time and Eternity – Immortality and Survival – Suffering – Faith – The Miraculous – Spiritual Exercises, and more.

Seems a nice buy for one-and-a-half dollar!

3. L’AUTO. Par Pierre Benoit. Paris, 1929, La Nouvelle societe D’Edition. 83 p. Booklet.

From page 15 (sorry – no diacritics, too cumbersome to hunt for when writing Braille on a Danish keyboard!):

‘PROFESSION DE FOI. Je n’ai pas d’auto. Je n’en ai jamais eu. Je suis decide – autant qu’on peut etre decide a quelque chose ici-bas – a n’en avoir jamais. Je sais pas conduire.

‘Le plus etrange, c’est que je n’eprouve aucune honte a mettre ces redoutable aveux en tete d’un ouvrage resolument technique. Seuls les esprits superficiels se facheront et ne poursuivront pas plus avant leur lecture.

‘Les autres comprendront que le temoignage du spectateur vaut autant, si ce n’est plus, que celui de l’acteur. Un medecin n’a pas besoin d’etre un malade, et il n’est pas d’usage que les criminalistes se recrutent parmi les assassins.

‘En ce qui me concerne, j’estime que la centaine de milliers de kilometres que j’ai pu parcourir, dans des automobiles de formats les plus divers, sur les routes du vaste monde, rend ma competence egale, sinon superieure, a celle du champion qui, rive a son volant, tourne comme un ecureuil a l’interieur du maelstrom en ciment arme d’un autodrome.

‘Sa pensee est enchainee. La mienne demeure libre. Ceux qui placent avec raison la liberte audessus de tout auront vite fait de saisir la superiorite de mon point de vue.’

>A curious, even – perhaps – slightly weird little book?

4. VINCENT VAN GOGH – BRIEFE. 2.ed. Verlag von Bruno Cassirer (without year – perhaps abt. 1920?). 160 p. Nicely bound in leather. Ill.

From p. 52f I quote this sample:

‘Ich habe den ‘Sämann’ gemalt. Ach, die schoenen Kalenderillustrationen, in alten Landkalendern, wo der Hagel, der Regen, der Schnee und das schoene Wetter in ganz primitiver weise dargestellt sind, wie sie Anquetin so gut fuer seine ‘Ernte’ gefunden hatte.

‘Ich will Dir nicht verhelen, dass ich das Landleben nicht hasse – ich bin eben darin aufgewachsen. Ploetzliche Erinnerungen von frueher, das Sehnen nach jenem Unendlichen, wovon der ‘Sämann’, ‘die Garbe’ Zeugen sind, entzuecken mich noch wie ehedem.

‘Wann aber werde ich den Sternenhimmel malen – jenes Bild, das mich immer beschaeftigt? Ach, ach, es ist wirklich so, wie der brave Cyprian in ‘En Menage’ von J.K.Huysmans sagt: ‘Die schoensten Bilder sind die, die man traeumt, wenn man im Bett seine Pfeife raucht, die man aber nie malt.’

‘Und doch muss man an sie herangehen, wenn man sich auch noch so inkompetent fuehlt gegenueber der unsaeglichen Vollendung, dem siegreichen glanz der Natur.’

>Quite right, Mr. Gogh, the Universe (‘der Sternenhimmel’) is quite another dimension than anything else and quite impossible to ‘explain’ either as an artist with brush, colors and canvas or a natural philosopher with pen, ink and paper.

5. FRANCOIS Ier ET SA COUR. Portraits, Jugements et Anecdotes (1515-1547). 1853, Paris, Hachette, 215 p, paperback. No author mentioned.

There are ten chapters: Amboise et Fontainebleau – Le champ du drap d’or – Les reines – Les princesses et les princes – Les dames – Les hommes d’epee – Les hommes d’eglise – Les savants et les poetes – Les fous et les astrologues – Conclusion.

Seems to augur for an interesting read.

6. SIG DET MED BLOMSTER. En Nytaarsgave. Af Steen Eiler Rasmussen. Gyldendal, 1976. 191 p. Nicely kept with org. dustcover and -capsule.

There are nine essays: Sig det med blomster – Huset i haven – Regnvandstønden – Om at være sammen – Et socialt eksperiment – Drømmen om de smaa samfund – Hovedstadens jorder – Fristaden Cristiania – Magt og afmagt.

I happen to have often ‘met’ the author when in my teens. He was a communter by train from the upper-class northern suburb of Copenhagen – Rungsted, where my father managed the newsstand at the Railway Station.

Mr. Rasmussen was already then an elderly gentleman, whence this small book could be his last, perhaps? He seemed nice enough then and never supercilious. Generally the ‘old-upper-class’ people then living in Rungsted were nice and friendly and as a rule never snobbish.

7. EGELYKKE. (A Play) By Kaj Munk. 1940, Kjøbenhavn, Nyt Nordisk Forlag – Arnold Busck. Softcover booklet.

I don’t think I’m going to read this play as I rarely (that is – practically never) read fiction.

But I thought I ought to buy it sometime as I’ve often been a guest at Egeløkke (normal spelling), an old country house on the island Langeland in southern Denmark.

Being friendly with the owner (now retired), an avid amateur photographer, I’ve got the impression that the plot behind the play is mostly – more or less free – fantasy.

This specimen is nice enough outwardly, though, and the pages are not yet cut open.

8. THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE. By John D. Barrow. 1964, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 150 p. Hardcover w. original dust cover.

There are 8 chapters: The Universe in a Nutshell – The Great Universal Catalog – The Singularity and Other Problems – Inflation and the Particle Physicists – Inflation and the COBE Search – Time – An Even Briefer History – Into the Labyrinth – New Dimensions.

Obviously I’m not going to peruse this volume very closely as I don’t believe in the BigBang-religion.

Because – surely The Big Bang is a matter of faith, and increasingly so, as time go by and still more ‘shocking’ discoveries about the Cosmos are made.

‘Shocking’ in so far as they tend to almost univocally contradict the BigBang mantra.

As I’ve said before: The Universe was not ‘created’ or ‘born’ or anything of the sort.

That is: You have NO REASON TO CLAIM it was. But obviously you can only understand this, if you are very clear-headed (the dissident astronomer Halton Arp comes to mind!). And I doubt any Earthlings are or can be clever enough to EXPLAIN this to anyone else. Certainly I’m not.

Generally you may safely assume that Earthlings are not able to really understand the ‘state of the Universe’.

9. GROOKS IV. By Piet Hein. With the assistance of Jens Arup (for translation?). 1972/1981, Borgens Billigbøger, Copenhagen, 53 p. Booklet.

The author Piet Hein is another of the gentlemen I’ve often served at my fathers newsstand in Rungsted in my teens. Mr. Hein lived just opposite the railway station.

My impression is of a rather small man with a large head. He was not really a kind mand, seemed to me rather cold hearted, like so many mathematicians and poets – being mostly leftbrainers.

Here is a sample from p. 36:


‘A grook for vultures

‘Culture’s the cultures
of what’s left behind
‘after a culture’s
‘Yet there’s a problem
that troubles my mind:
‘back in the innocent
dawn of mankind,
‘how did it ever
get started?’

The author is clever, all right. He hits the bulls eye unerringly: How did (mankind and/or) culture get started?

Whether he also knew the answer, I do not know.

The answer is: It didn’t.

That is: Don’t look for ‘the start of the Universe’, ‘the start of humanity’ (or of man) or ‘the start of culture’.

Because you won’t find it: There was no start – except of course if Earth and Earthlings are your Universe.

There may, however, be an end to man and humanity in different locations of the Universe. Namely where they’re allowed to be disrupted and degenerate too much – like what’s probably just now happening on our Earth? (link 2)

Link 1.

Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

Link 2.

Disruption and Wispy Trails (Upd.)

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC


The Robots’ Cash Ban


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André Gide’s Congo – Freud – Brandes – Jysk Digtning – Caroline Amalie – Lerchenborg – Johannes Poulsen

Today is Thursday, it’s the 2nd day of May and it’s windy out there!.

From the McDonalds where I’m writing this I have a view of the Copenhagen City Square, today under a partly overcast sky.

The weather is nice enough for stolling and – almost – for photography. But in addition to my combined camera and pc-bag I’m today hauling two bags with books just acquired from the friendly folks from the Forum Antiquarian Bookselllers now selling at the dutch book sale in the Heilig Geist Church Community House a short walk from here.

Which definitely makes my luggage too heavy for me to be stolling around a lot. Hence I want to instead do a couple of micro-micro-reviews of a few of the books. The price today is 25 Kr. (3.75$).

1. VOYAGE AU CONGO. CARNETS DE ROUTE. By André Gide. 7.ed. Paris, Gallimard, 1927. 249 p. ill. with maps. Paperback, slightly shabby though still keeping neatly together.

From browsing the book I have seen no indication of the year of the voyage, only day and month. From p. 204f. (sorry, but have to omit the ‘diacritics’, really too time-consuming to hunt for when writing Braille on a Danish keyboard):

’28 Janvier. Abandonnant Marcel de Coppet a ses nouvelles fonctions, nous decidons de descendre le Chari jusqu’au lac Tchad. En partant demain sur le ‘d’Uzes’, nous pourrons etre de retour a Fort-Lamy dans quinze jours.

’30 Janvier. Paysage sans grandeur. Je m’attendais a trouver des rives sablonneuses et deja la desolation du desert. Mais non. Quantite d’arbres de taille moyenne agrementent mediocrement les bords du fleuve, de leurs masses arrondies.

‘Apres m’etre etonne de ne pas voir plus de crocodiles, en voici tout a coup des quantites incroyables. J’en compte un groupe de 37 sur un petit banc de sable de cinquante metres de long.

‘Il y en a de toutes les tailles; certains a peine longs comme une canne; d’autres enormes, monstreux. Certains sont zebres, d’autres uniformement gris. La plupart, a l’approche du navire, se laissent choir dans l’eau lourdement, s’ils sont sur une arene en pente.

‘S’ils sont un peu loin du fleuve, on les voit se dresser sur leurs pattes et courir. Leur entree dans l’eau a quelque chose de voluptueux. Parfois, trop paresseux ou endormis, ils ne se deplacent meme pas. Depuis une heure nous en avons vu certainement plus d’une centaine.’

2. CONVERSATIONS FRANCAISES ET DANOISES. Suivies D’un Choix De Proverbes Et De Gallicismes, Et D’un Recueil D’homonymes Francais. De L.-S.Borring, 4.ed., Copenhague, Chez L’auteur, 1850, 236 p. A small neatly kept volume in hardcover.

From the part ‘Choix de Proverbes et de Gallicismes’ I quote a few specimens:

– Qui n’entend qu’une partie, n’entend rien (Man bør høre begge parter)

– Nul n’est prophete en son pays (En profet er ikke agtet i sit eget land)

– Il a bien mis du foin dans ses bottes (Han har gjort sig megen utilladelig profit)

– On a beau parler a qui n’a cure de bien faire (Det kan ikke nytte at raade den, der ikke vil høre)

– Qui se sent morveux, se mouche (Den man rammer, den piber).

– Qui a bon voisin, a beau matin (En god nabo er det halve liv)

– Tete de fou ne blanchit jamais (En nars hoved bliver aldrig graat)

– A beau mentir qui vient de loin (Den som kommer langtfra, kan sagtens lyve.

– Qui se ressemble, s’assemble / Dis-moi qui tu hantes, je te dirai qui tu es (Krage søger mage)

– L’aurore est amie des muses (Morgenstund har guld i mund)

>I already own a handful of parallel text parleurs somewhat like this and all from the 19. century. This one should make a nice addition.

3. THUNDER AT TWILIGHT. VIENNA 1913/1914. By Frederic Morton. 1990, Collier Books, Macmillans, NewYork. 385 p., paperback.

This nicely kept volume seems to be perhaps unread. There is a full index and source references in the back.

On the back cover you read:

“In 1913, Vienna was a crossroads for world history. Stalin collided here with Trotsky, the start of a blood feud that lasted for four decades. Adolf Hitler was here, railing against the powers that he believed prevented him from achieving his destiny as a painter.

“The auto mechanic Josip Broz, not yet known as Marshal Tito, took dancing and fencing lessons. It was during Vienna’s 1913 carnival that Sigmund Freud wrote an essay he would use in his imminent duel with Carl Jung.

“He titled it ‘Totem and Taboo’, and discussed the myth of the slaying of the leader by a horde, the once and future murder of a prince, soon to be borne out in the 1914 assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, which led to the deaths of ten million more souls in World War I.”

>From leafing through parts of the book it might seem to be mainly concerned with the political cabals leading up to WWI. Perhaps the following sample (from p.49f) concerned with the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and his friends and colleagues could more readily have a broader interest?

(It should perhaps initially be noted that the author is most likely of jewish extract and hence allowed a rather more candid language when relating about his confederates than otherwise accepted?)

“In 1913 the chief problem of psychoanalysis, and therefore of its founder, continued to be its own internal rifts. The one between Sigmund Freud and alfred Adler kept Freud away from Adler’s Café Central, and therefore Trotsky (himself predestined to become one of the century’s great schismatics) never met Freud.

“Yet the two had a good deal in common. Both Trotsky and Freud were full-blooded subverters of burgher pieties, both liked to play chess, and both relaxed by reading novels not in their mother tongue (Freud’s English, as against Trotsky’s French).

“Trotsky’s love-hate relationship with Russia matched Freud’s with Austria. Furthermore, the Trotsky of the year 1913 was no less than Freud an autocrat in command of an embattled sect, one that did not hesitate to lacerate its own allies.

“For example, Trotsky’s Vienna Pravda often attacked the Pravda of St. Petersburg for its “disruptive ‘egocentralism'”, which undercut all original and independent Socialist initiatives.

“At the same time Freud started a purge within his own movement. Two years earlier he had gotten rid of Alfred Adler, until then one of his principal disciples among psychiatrists; Adler and his coterie had become un-Freudian by tracing neuroses not to sexual maladjustment but to general inferiority feelings.

“Now in 1914, a Swiss group of psycoanalysts led by Dr. Carl Jung was straying toward heresy; they no longer viewed the libido as Freud’s erotically centered concept; to them it was the vehicle of a more multi-faceted psychic energy. In other words, they were undermining an article of faith.

“On occasion the master of the Berggasse seemed capable of tolerating dissent. But this patience was a stratagem. His instinct was to show no mercy to antagonists in his fold – a trait he openly discussed.

“Only someone seeing so deeply into others could, when he wished, unmask himself so well. “I am by temperament nothing but a conquistador,” he wrote to a friend, “…with all the inquisitiveness, daring and tenacity of such a man.”

“And with just such a man’s ruthlessness he referred to Adler as “a loathesome individual…that Jew-boy out of a Viennese backwater.” This was contempt as stinging as any in Trotsky’s polemics. Trotsky would have understood why Freud never patronized the Jew Boy’s favorite establishment, the Café Central.

“In 1913 Freud had his own favorite coffee house, the Café Landtmann, a fifteen-minute walk from his house. Though close to the University, it was of an upper bourgeois, not of a literary persuasion.

“The Landtmann featured softer upholstery, cleaner spittoons, more financial journals and fewer avangt-garde magazines than the Central: a pleasant place for Freud, who had come to accept, almost with a gloat, his insulation from the city’s mainstream intellectuals.

“He visited the Landtmann most often on Wednesday nights, after the weekly meeting of his Psycho-Analytical Society (from which Alfred Adler had been forced to resign two years earlier in 1911).

“Here he would pick a table at the café’s Ringstrasse terrace overlooking the Gothic tracery of City Hall and the Renaissance loggias of the Court Theater; he would order einen kleinen Braunen, light a cigar, exchange Jewish jokes with favorite followers, and exhale smoke rings into the mellowness of the evening air.

“In May of 1913 they were leisured hedonist’s smoke rings: He had just finished ‘Totem and Taboo’. “When my work is over”, he had conmfessed in a letter, “I live like a pleasure-loving philistine.”

4. GEORG BRANDES OG EUROPA. Forelæsninger fra 1. internationale Georg Brandes Konference, Firenze, 7-9 november 2002. Red. Olav Harsløf. Det Kongelige Bibliotek / Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2004. 428 p. Paperback. With DVD.

Denmarks greatest literary critic (1849-1927) is treated in 32 essays by nearly as many Danish and foreign experts. All texts are in (or translated into) Danish (or Swedish).

From an essay ‘Georg Brandes, Herman Bang, Johannes Jørgensen og Goethe’ by professor Peer E. Sørensen I quote this sample(p.183):

“Men var Brandes da naturalist? Det bind af Hovedstrøminger, hvori begrebet anvendes som titelord, bindet om Naturalismen i England, handler ikke om det, vi forstår ved naturalisme efter Zolas opskrifter. Det handler om den engelske romantik og først og fremmest om Byron og Shelley med Byron som cheffigur.

“Brandes var nemlig ikke særlig begejstret for den franske naturalisme og satte ikke for alvor pris på Zolas ideer i f.eks. ‘Le Roman Expérimental’. Med naturalismen mener han noget andet end Zola.

“Det kan man overraskende nok læse i Jørgensens programartikel, hvor Georg Brandes citeres for at bestemme ordet således: ‘Naturalismen er et ord, som kun udtrykker den Begrænsning, at grundlaget er naturhengivelse eller naturstudium, at standpunktet er taget indenfor alnaturen.’

“Den bestemmelse har intet med fransk naturalisme at gøre. Den er i ordvalg romantisk. Når Johannes Jørgensen derfor indholdsmæssigt glider fra Brandes’ romantiske ‘Alnatur’ til den Zolaske naturalisme i sin bestemmelse af begrebet naturalisme, er der tale om en bevidst og traditionsrig polemisk forvanskning.

“Rigtigere ville det være at koble Brandes’ naturalismebestemmelse sammen med hans dyrkelse af Byron, for det er dér, den hører hjemme. Men det ville ødelægge Johannes Jørgensens polemik. Byrons radikale individualisme er nemlig en vigtig del af fundamentet under Brandes’ såkaldte naturalisme.

“Hans opgør med de hjemlige autoriteter – de nationalliberale først og fremmest – og hans forkastelse af de lokale traditioner og biedermeierkulturens hegemoni er en Byronsk gestus.

“Naturalisme i den Zolaske betydning af ordet har vi med undtagelse af en lille smule Herman Bang og så Amalie Skram aldrig haft i Danmark. Brandes er Europæer, men romantisk Europæer i fodsporet af bl.a. den Byronske individualisme.”

5. JYSK DIGTNING AF ST.ST.BLICHER. Udvalgt og indledet af Vilh. Andersen. 1902, Foreningen Fremtiden, Kjøbenhavn. 297 p., nicely bound in contemporary calf.

From the introduction by the Danish literary historian Vilhelm Andersen (himself a Jute, see below) I quote:

‘En dag i julen 1794 sad præsten til Vium og Lysgaard, Hr. Niels Blicher, og skrev forord til sin ‘Topografi over Vium Præstekald’.

‘Han vidste vel hvad hans ærlige arbejde var værd, og vilde ikke fordølge, hvor uretfærdigt han fandt det, at den subskription paa bogen, hvortil han havde indbudt, havde haft saa ringe afgang, at der ‘i det læselystne København kun fandtes een eneste subskribent, og den en parykmager.’

‘I dagligstuen sad hans tolvaars søn Steen og holdt ferie med en historiebog. Før den gamle lukkede sine øjne, havde sønnen med mere held end sin fader lært det modvillige København at læse jysk ‘Topografi’.

‘Hundrede aar efter Niels Blichers bog kendte man over hele landet baade Torning og Tjele og Bindestuen i Lysgaard By og Pinsefesten i Avnsborgs Hestehave og bondesproget i Vium bedre, end om man havde subskriberet paa dem.

‘Men præsten i Vium havde grund til at klage, Jylland var virkelig for hundrede aar siden et ukendt land i Litteraturen.

‘Man dyrkede paa den tid meget den poetiske naturbeskrivelse; men i den mængde af naturbeskrivende digte, som fremkom i den sidste halvdel af det attende aarhundrede, er det bestandig sjællandsk eller norsk, men aldrig jysk natur, der beskrives.

‘Og hvad der er vigtigere, ogsaa folkepræget, Jyskheden, som nu synes saa let at kende, er meget lidt fremtrædende hos den ældre litteraturs jyskfødte eller i Jylland virkende forfattere.

‘For vorherre, d.v.s. naar de var for sig selv, var de Jyder helt ud i mælet – som den professor (Kr. Longberg) der ved sin kones død udbrød: ‘Nu vil a raade, Dorthe raadde før.’ ((eller på bedre jysk: No wel a raa’e, Dorthe raa’e fa’er)). Men i humaniora taaltes ingen Jyder, ingen Lomborger eller Skagboer, men Longomontanuser og Scaveniuser.

‘Ribe var to gange, i sidste halvdel af det 16. aarhundrede (med Hans Thommessen og Hans Svaning, Anders Vedel og Peder Hegelund) og i første halvdel af det attende (med Chr. Falster, Brorson og Ambr. Stub) hjemstedet for et udpræget dansk aandsliv, men uden jysk særpræg – det er lige det, man kan kende Martssneen paa Ribe Landevej i Brorsons Vintersalme.

‘Uden for de for kuriositetens skyld paa jysk dialekt skrevne smaasager (Pater Volle Pæirsens Muncke-Prædicken og visen Hans og Karen fra o. 1700) er det kun i den gamle komedie, man træffer en digterisk opfattelse af den jyske type, men da naturligvis ikke for det gode (Titelfiguren i Hieronymus Justesen Ranchs ‘Karrig Niding’ og Studstrup i Holbergs ‘Den ellevte Juni’).

‘Det er den berygtede jyske nærighed, der her maa holde for; En anden ubehagelig egenskab ved folkekarakteren, storskryderiet, var senere Nordmændene – Holberg, hvis Jakob von Tybo er ment som en Jyde, og Wessel – til megen morksab.

‘For at finde positivt poetiske aftryk af jysk race maa man helt tilbage til vor poesis første naive begyndelse, Folkeviser og Eventyr, hvor man stundom træffer billeder, der, naturligvis ubevidst, har antaget en hel jysk lokalfarve (f.eks. viserne om ‘Ebbe Skammelsøn’ og ‘Torbens Datter’, sagn og viser om den kolossale Jydekarl ‘Svend Felding’).

‘Man kan ((iøvrigt)) læse hele den gamle danske litteratur og en stor del af den nyere med igennem og dog være ganske uvidende om, at Jylland er Hovedlandet og Jyden stærk og sej.

‘Oehlenschläger har aldrig sat sin fod i Jylland; Grundtvig havde tilbragt nogle drengeaar der, paa grænsen af heden, og faaet indtryk deraf for hele livet og havde allerede kunnet sige noget derom (‘Jyllands Pris’ i ‘Et Blad af Jyllands Rimkrønike’ fra 1815). Men det var dog som bekendt Steen Blicher, der sang den vise igennem.’

6. SKRIFTE- OG KOMMUNION-BOG. Af Johan Philip Fresenius. Bd. 1. Kjøbenhavn, 1852, 202 p., contemporary black cloth with gilt edges, somewhat worn. ‘Udgivet af Foreningen til Christelige Opbyggelsesskrifters Udbredelse i Folket’.

What makes this small volume stand out is obviously not the subject matter, but the gold printed Royal Crown on the front of the book. And lo and behold – on the flyleaf opposite the titel page is an inscription from a Danish Queen, Caroline Amalie.

From Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (1920) I quote:

‘Dronning Caroline Amalie (1796-1881) født I København. Forældre: Hertug Frederik Christian af Augustenborg og Prinsesse Louise Augusta. Hun voksede fra sit 11. aar op på Augustenborg Slot og traf her 1813 første gang sin senere ægtefælle, Prins Christian Frederik.

‘Han forelskede sig i den smukke og fint dannede Prinsesse, og 1814 blev de forlovet, 1815 gift. Ægteskabet var barnløst, men lykkeligt.

‘1839 besteg C.A. tronen sammen med sin mand (Christian 8.); hun holdt sig fjernt fra politik, men følte sig trods sit Augustenborgske slægtskab afgjort som Dansk og var fra 1838 nær knyttet til Grundvig og hans kreds.

‘Hun nærede megen interesse for dansk aandsliv og historie; en anden hovedinteresse var børnesagen, i hvis tjeneste hun oprettede en asylskole i Kbh. 1841 og ‘Den kvindelige Plejeforening’ sst. 1843. Som enke (1848) levede hun stille. D. i Kbh.’

The inscription reads like this:

‘Jeg har selv saa megen opbyggelse af denne bog og jeg føler til hvilken gavn den vil blive mig. Derfor kan jeg kuns ønske at den saa meget som mulig maa blive bekjendt iblandt os!

‘Til hvem hellere end til Dem kjære Rørdam giver jeg den og haaber vist at De vil have samme glæde deraf som jeg. Modtag den derfor med sandt venskab udaf Deres Venindes Haand.
‘D. 6 Mai 1854. Caroline Amalie.’

The ‘dear Rørdam’ mentioned is obviously the theologian Peter Rørdam (1806-1883) about whom you can read the following in D.B.H.(extract):

‘Blev student 1823, cand. theol. 1829, var et par aar huslærer og underviste i københavnske skoler, fra 1835 ved Asylskolen, hvor han 1838 blev forstander.

‘Han kom her i forbindelse med daværende Kronprinsesse Caroline Amalie, i hvem han fandt en velynder; ved hendes hjælp kom han saaledes 1837-38 paa en rejse til Madeira.

‘Allerede som ganske ung var han kommet i forbindelse med grundvigske kredse og følte sig i aarenes løb stedse nøjere knyttet til denne retning; han forsøgte at virkeliggøre Grundtvigs tanke om en forening af det kristelige og det folkelige, idet han bestræbte sig for at komme i et saa nært forhold som muligt til sine sognebørn og ikke alene forkynde evangeliet for dem men ogsaa meddele dem god og sund oplysning.’

7. MINDER FRA VALDEMAR DEN STORES TID – Især i Ringsted- og Sorö-Egnen. Af J.J.A. Worsaae. (Aftrykt af Oversigt over det Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selskabs Forhandlinger 1855 Nr. 7 og 8. 1856, Kjöbenhavn, 52 p. booklet. Covers loose, inside in nice condition.

The titel page has stamped ‘Det Lerchenborgske Bibliothek’ – hence the booklet is from the library of the well known country house in Western Sealand. (Incidentally I was friendly for a short while with one of the nice daughters from there. Must be between 15 and 20 years ago. She was into archeology at the time and she had a very charming penchant for making small and very pretty gift parcels – a habit acquired from in Japan, I believe).

The front cover has an annotation from the author that’s almost unreadable due to exposure to sun and age:

‘Til Højvelbaaren (…?) Lerchenborg, som en Erindring om Ringsted Touren. Med højagtelse fra J.J.A.Worsaae’

There are four items in the table of contents:

I. Om den i Kong Valdemar den Stores Grav i Ringsted fundne Blyplade med Indskrift.
II. Om forskjellige andre, i Grave fra den ældre Middelalder fundne Blyplader med Indskrifter.
III. Om ‘de to Kirketaarne’ i Fjenneslövlille.
IV. Om Helligkilderne og ‘Kongshuset’ i Haraldsted.

The twelfth century Danish King Valdemar (Vladimir) den Store (the Great)(1131-82) was son of a Russian Princess and may have his name from his great-grandfather, the Grand-Duke Vladislav Monomachos of Kiew (1050-1125).
Valdemar was married to a Russian/Polish Princess, Sophie.

I suppose no Dane gives it a second thought, that the present Russian ‘Zar’, Mr. Putin, is named Vladimir Putin (but not Rasputin, ofcourse!)?

8. HISTORISK CALENDER. Udgiven af L. Engelstoft og J. Møller, Professorer ved Kiøbenhavns Universitet. 3rd vol. Med twende Kobbere. Kjøbenhavn, 1817, Gyldendal. 440 p. Softcover. Very nice condition, especially the inside is quite like new, and the pages are basically not cut open.

This volume likewise has an owners stamp from the library of Lerchenborg by Kalundborg.

There are 6 items in the table of content:

I. Historisk Calender for Danske, eller mærkelige begivenheder af Fædrelandets historie til alle dage i aaret.

II. Til Saga (i aaret 1814) af J.Møller.

III. Udkast til den danske literaturs historie fra begyndelsen af det 19de aarhundrede, af J. Møller

IV. Bemærkninger over Statistikens begreb, væsen, værd og hielpekundskaber, især ogsaa over dens forhold til Statseconomien, af L.Engelstoft.

V. Biskop Jesper Brochmands Levnet, beskrevet af J. Møller.

VI. Wiens beleiring af Tyrkerne 1683, ved L. Engelstoft.

9. GENNEM DE FAGRE RIGER. Af Johannes Poulsen. 3.tusinde. 1916, V.Pio – Povl Branner. København. 181 p. Beautifully bound in wine-red leather together with original art-nouveau cover and with gilt edges. Illustrated with the authors photographs.

Mr Poulsen is perhaps the most renowned male actor from the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen – ever?

From the preface I quote:

‘Kære Læser! Når du tager denne bog i din hånd for at læse om en rejse rundt om Jorden, så vent ikke en skøn og digterisk og farverig fremstilling af Østens og Vestens fagre riger. Hvis du vil det, så må jeg anbefale dig at ty til de rigtige og store digtere Johannes V.Jensen, Jack London og Kipling.

‘Jeg er nemlig ikke forfatter og endnu mindre digter, og skønt jeg til daglig bestrider en ligeså trang og bitter profession som en digters, så er den dog meget vidt forskellig fra hans.

‘Det du vil finde i denne bog er ligesom de billeder der følger hvert tekstblad: en række grå amatørfotografier, som i deres tørhed og gråhed har meget lidt tilfælles med den strålende, farverige, glødende, fantastiske, Orientalske eventyrpragt.’

The photographs nevertheless reveal the author to have been an accomplished amateur photographer and they are certainly worthy of attention in their own right.


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