Månedsarkiv: juli 2019

Giraudoux – H.D.Lawrence – Littré (upd.)

A five-minute walk from the café in downtown Copenhagen where I’m writing this, the Dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House has now closed down the most recent event (the friendly folks at Nordisk-Antikvariat are, however, scheduled to start a new episode on Aug.13). Here’s some of what I found recently (at a price of 5 Kr or 10 Kr ($0,75 – 1,50) respectively).

As usual I give sample quotes in the language of the book.

1. FRANSKE EMNER. Af Tage Brüel. København, 1946, Wivels Forlag. 175 p. Softcover. (5 Kr)

I’m rather sure I already own a copy of this thin volume, but at 75 cents, and as this specimen is quite nice, I thought I could treat myself to a keeper and a user.

Quite apart from the price it seems an admirable little work with much of interest. Here’s what they say on the back cover.

‘DE GODE VILJER’S oversætter, lektor Tage Brüel udsender hermed et bind af sine artikler og radioforedrag om franske historiske og litterære emner, skrevet i tidsrummet 1928-1946.

‘Udvalget giver et fyldigt billede af moderne fransk historieskrivning, som paa afgørende maade ændrer den traditionelle opfattelse af Frankrigs historie i det 18. og 19. aarhundrede.

‘For skønlitteraturens vedkommende koncentreres opmærksomheden om enkelte hovedværker eller centrale forfatterskaber fra dette aarhundrede, der karakteriseres med kølig nøgternhed og overlegen humor.

‘Bag den rigt facetterede stilkunst, som gør fremstillingen nærværende og livfuld, røbes et udtømmende kendskab til de foreliggende emner.’

And here’s a few sample quotes from his (radio) lecture (1946) on the french writer JEAN GIRAUDOUX (1882-1944) (p.162f)

‘Giraudoux er født 1882 i den lille midtfranske by Bellac. Han viste sig tidlig at være ikke blot en original begavelse, men ogsaa en receptiv begavelse, og han blev, vel navnlig i denne sidste egenskab, forgudet af sine lærere.

‘Fra skolefjendtlig side fremføres altid, at Henrik Ibsen klarede sig daarligt i Gymnasiet. Giraudoux er et smukt bevis paa, at det ikke ligefrem er en betingelse for at blive en stor digter at have faaet 2. karakter til studentereksamen.

‘Men pædagogerne skal alligevel ikke glæde sig for tidlig. I det lille skuespil INTERMEZZO spotter Giraudoux med piblende vid over den autoritetsbundne opdragelsesmetode og lovpriser som modsætning dertil instinktet og naturtilstanden; han drømmer om Tahitiøerne, hvor jorden bliver gold, naar man pløjer den, og hvor træerne gaar ud, naar de bliver beskaaret.

‘Giraudoux tog magisterkonferens i tysk og berejste saa det halve Europa og Nordamerika. Efter sin hjemkomst valgte han den diplomatiske bane, hvad der førte ham ud paa nye rejser, blandt andet til Rusland og Orienten. I 1914 blev han mobiliseret og kæmpede ved Marne og ved Dardanellerne.

‘Derefter genoptog han sit arbejde i udenrigsministeriet, hvad der ikke hindrede ham i at udfolde en omfattende romanproduktion. De franske ministerialkontorer synes overhovedet at have haft en vis betydning for digtekunsten.

‘Maupassant, som var ansat i Marineministeriet, skrev mange af sine bedste noveller paa kontoret. Den kendte romanforfatter Huysmans, som var ansat i Indenrigsministeriet, digtede bedst i kontortiden. Hans berømte roman Lá-bas blev i sin helhed udarbejdet i ministeriet. Han tog ikke engang papirerne med hjem, naar han om eftermiddagen forlod kontoret.

‘For Giraudoux’s vedkommende synes det snarere at have været saaledes, at han søgte hen i sit ministerium for at slippe for at høre om udenrigspolitik. Han bemærker i hvert fald et sted, om end i en spøgende tone, at naar hans portnerkone eller tobakshandler tuder ham ørene fulde af udenrigspolitik, saa tyr han til sit ministerium på Quai d’Orsay.

‘Mit eneste fristed’, skriver han. ‘Her kan jeg – ligesom i sin tid i skyttegravene, hvor krigen aldrig blev drøftet -, endelig udveksle meninger med mine kolleger om, hvordan man skal klippe sin puddelhund, eller om den bedste maade at indramme sine Daumiertegninger paa.’

‘Giraudoux var 45 aar, da han debuterede som dramatiker, men han havde forlængst inden for snævrere kredse vundet ry som romanforfatter.

‘Der er ingen grund til at skjule, at hans romaner er en meget vanskelig læsning. Ikke fordi han omgiver sig med dunkelhed; tværtimod; han har skrevet ting af en krystalklar skønhed, som næsten er nok til at forsone én med tilværelsen.

‘Men han omformer virkeligheden paa en saa subjektiv maade, og hans opfindsomme fantasi knytter saa mange nye og uvante tankeforbindelser, at læseren tit har svært ved at følge ham.

‘For Giraudoux er de ydre ting kun tegnene paa en dybere virkelighed. Det er digterens opgave at tyde disse tegn. Hans indre erfaringer er alt.’

2. LITTÉRATURE. Par Jean Giraudoux. Paris, 1941, Editions Bernard Grasset, 7.ed., 318 p. Softcover. (5 Kr)

From the article CARICATURE ET SATIRE here’s a small sample quote (p.179) (as usual I have to omit the French ‘diacritics’ as I’m writing Braille on a Danish keyboard):

‘Plus j’avance dans la vie, plus je m’etonne de voir avec quelle apathie et quelle facilite l’humanite renonce aux deux seules armes sur lesquelles elle pouvait compter de facon un peu certaine comme recours envers la micro et la macrocephalie, envers l’extreme stupidite et l’extreme orgueil, envers les mefaits de la poesie et de la presse, de la nudite et de l’habillement: je veux dire a la caricature et a la satire.’…

(page 186:)
‘Mais que la satire, – genre litteraire anodin et qui ne demande ni la fin du monde ni le voisinage du Leviathan; qui est un art foncierement loyaliste envers l’humanite, puisque, loin de contester l’a-propos de son existence, il prend au serieux ses vertus et ses travers; qui fait appel aux deux humeurs ou elle se complait le plus, le denigrement et l’indignation, – n’ait plus chez nous ses lettres de creances, c’est ce que je trouve le plus difficilement explicable.

‘En France particulierement la bourgeoisie lisante et pensante n’admet plus, en depit de toute gale, cette fourchette a gratter le dos. Elle tolere l’insulte, la calomnie, la medisance. Il ne viendra jamais au regime au a l’opinion publique l’idee de protester contre la grossierete ou la vulgarite des discours ou des articles, justes ou injustes.

‘Elle tolere meme le talent, a condition qu’il ne comporte pas l’ironie. Elle tolere celui qui la fustige, a condition que ce soit avec consideration. Mail il n’est pas jusgu’aux formes secondaires de la satire, le persiflage ou la parodie, qui ne lui paraissent condamnables et qu’elle ne s’ingenie a faire prende pour des delits de lese-humanite….

‘….la satire est un espion qui rit, et qui nous denonce, non aux autorites reconnues, ce qui serait legal, mais a tout ce et a tous ceux qui n’ont rien a voir dans l’affaire, aux jeunes gens, aux jeunes filles, a la saison, a la mode, et, par l’emploi de cette ironie proprement insupportable, dont l’autre joue est l’inspiration, qui nous donne l’impression d’etre juges par une autre race, moins serieuse que la notre.

‘C’est ce tribunal d’oiseaux, de lapins, de biches, institue jadis par Aristophane et notoirement incompetent en matiere civile, commerciale et internationale, que le monde entier s’occupe actuellement a recuser, dans la crainte peut-etre que surgisse le nouvel Aristophane…Le vieux est mort de rire en voyant un ane manger une figue de Barbarie. C’est bien fait…Que Leon-Paul Fargue reflechisse a cette triste fin, quand il nous regarde en riant manger la notre…’

> Good thing Mr. Giraudoux don’t live today – as I seem to recall that the New York Times recently (and INCREDIBLY) has banished the (satirical) cartoon from it’s pages!

The ‘modern barbarians’ are seemingly afraid of insulting the impostors?

3. UNE HISTOIRE VIVANTE DE LA LITTÉRATURE d’AUJOURD’HUI – 1939-1959. Par Pierre de BOISDEFFRE. PARIS, 1959, Le Livre Contemporain. 775 p., reliure pleine toile. (5 Kr)

From the inside flap of the dustcover:

‘Rien n’est plus difficile que d’ecrire une Histoire de la litterature contemporaine. On manque de recul pour juger la vraie dimension des ecrivains. On craint de froisser des amours-propres, d’obeir a des modes, a des idees preconcues.

‘M.Pierre de Boisdeffre a echappe a tous ces dangers. Meprisant les victoires faciles du denigrement et de la mechancete, il a donne a chaque ecrivain d’aujoud’hui sa vraie place…

‘Autant qu’une ‘Histoire Vivante’, il a ecrit une histoire equitable de la litterature d’aujourd’hui.’
(Paul Guth – Impromptu de Paris).

> Sounds good… Except, perhaps: Is there a TRUTH (vraie place) in literature? Here’s a short sample quote from the treatment of M. Jean Giraudoux (p.197f):

‘Jean Giraudoux s’etait eclipse discretement, a la veille de la Liberation. Personne n’avait mesure, sous l’etincelant revetement de ses propos, la gravite, le desespoir du moraliste….Et les creations posthumes – n’ont pas encore dissipe le malentendu qui pese sur une oeuvre moins legere qu’aigue.

‘Les dernieres annees de sa vie avaient desenchante le magicien. Le propagandiste s’etait montre impuissant a toucher les foules. Le diplomate avait quitte le Carriere sans occuper une ambassade. Le patriote constatait l’abaissement de son pays. Le pacifiste mourait en pleine guerre.

‘Giraudoux avait deja consigne ses deceptions dans SANS POUVOIRS et PLEINS POUVOIRS (dont on n’a pas assez loue la ferveur et la lucidite) et dit son espoir de voir un jour les villes et les campagnes francaises retrouver leur saveur et leur beaute.

‘Comme Saint-Exupery, comme Bernanos, il sentait venir l’avenement des robots et protestait contre la deshumanisation de la vie moderne.

‘Son pessimisme allait s’accentuant. Dans SODOME ET GOMORRHE (1943), il sonda la malediction du couple, avant de porter, dans LA FOLLE DE CHAILLOT (1944), sous le masque bariole d’une comedie poussee a la caricature, une condamnation irremediable de la societe contemporaine.

‘….Et sans doute etait-il conscient de n’avoir que peu d’attaches avec le reel puisqu’il denonce dans sa livre LITTERATURE (1941) – peut-etre le plus beau de ses livres – son peche mignon: une culture qui l’isole du peuple et l’en eloigne au moment meme ou il voudrait le retrouver….’

> Note: “…il sentait venir l’avenement des robots et protestait contre la deshumanisation de la vie moderne”. Compare link 1, (below).
Another fine buy for 75 cents, it seems.

4. THE SYMBOLIC MEANING. By H.D.Lawrence. The Uncollected Versions Of Studies In Classic American Literature. Ed. by Armin Arnold; with a preface by Harry T. Moore. London, 1962, Centaur Press. 264 p. Hardcover, org. dust cover. (5 Kr)

From the front inside flap of the dustcover:

‘This is an unpublished book by D.H.Lawrence, and perhaps his best work of literary criticism.

‘In 1917, in a letter to his agent J.B. Pinkier, Lawrence mentions for the first time his plans for writing a series of essays on American literature.

‘Originally he intended to use them as lectures to be delivered in America; but he was unable to leave England at the time, and he thought of publishing the essays as a book, under the title: The Transcendental Element in American Literature. He completed it in June 1918….

‘They met with no response from the public, and Austin Harrison, the editor, did not print the last four.

‘Here, then, is the first version of the essays which were later published – and at the time, poorly received – as Studies in Classic American Literature…

‘It seems likely that these perceptive essays will at last assume their proper place and receive the recognition they deserve; Lawrence was not only a great novelist and poet, but one of the most remarkable critics of this century.’

Here are a few sample quotes from his interesing essay from 1918: THE SPIRIT OF PLACE. (p.16):

‘It is natural that we should regard American literature as a small branch or province of English literature. None the less there is another view to be taken.

‘The American artspeech contains a quality that we have not calculated. It has a suggestive force which is not relative to us, not inherent in the English race. This alien quality belongs to the American continent itself.

‘All art partakes of the Spirit of Place in which it is produced. The provincial Latin literature ferments with a foreign stimulus. It is Africa, and the mysterious religious passion of Lybia, which, voicing itself in Latin, utters the infant cry of Tertullian, Augustine, Athanasius, the great saints of the African Church.

‘These are not Romans. They are the prelude to a new era. It is not only that they utter the ideas which made Europe. Chiefly in them is felt the first throb of the great mystic passion of mediaeval life.

‘And in Apuleius, decadent and sensuous, we feel the last throb of the old way of sensuality, Babylon, Tyre, Carthage. Africa, seething in Roman veins, produces these strange pulses of new experience, incipient newness within the old decadence.

‘In the same way America, the new continent, seething in English veins, has produced us the familiar American classics, of Hawthorne, Poe, Whitman, or Fenimore Cooper, for example.

‘We read the English utterance without getting the alien American implication. We listen to our own speech in American mouths, but our ears have been shut to the strange reverberation of that speech.

‘We have not wanted to hear the undertone, the curious foreign, uncouth suggestion, which is in the over-cultured Hawthorne or Poe or Whitman. Augustine and Apuleius are both writers of the Roman decadence.

‘The orthodox Romans, do noubt, saw mainly the decadence, and objected to it. They could not see that the qualities which they called decadence, judging from the standards of Virgil and Cicero and Tacitus, were perhaps the incipient realities of a whole new era of experience.

‘It is time now, for us, who have always looked with indulgence on the decadent or uncouth or provincial American literature, to open new eyes, and look with respect, if not with fear.

‘It is time for us now to see that our great race experience is surpassed and exceeded. Our race idea may apparently hold good in the American mind. What we have to realise is that our way of feeling is superseded, just as Cicero’s way of feeling was superseded in Apuleius.

‘It is the quality of life-experience, of emotion and passion and desire, which has changed in the Romans of Africa, and in the English-speaking Americans. Life itself takes on a new reality, a new motion, even while the idea remains ostensible the same…

‘For, if we consider the early American colonies, the Pilgrim Fathers were not Christians at all – not in any reasonable sense of the word. They were no more Christians than the dark and violent Spaniards of the Inquisition were Christian.

‘At the close of the fifteenth century Spain fell back from Christian Europe and became a thing apart. In the same way the first Americans departed from the Christian and the European vital mystery.

‘They became dark, sinister, repellent. They seemed to seek, not liberty, but a gloomy and tyrannical sense of power. They wanted to have power over all immediate life.

‘They had a gloomy passion, similar to that of some of the African sects of the Early Christian Church, to destroy or mutilate life at its very quick, lusting in their dark power to annihilate all living impulses, both their own and those of their neighbour.

‘For all of which the Christian religion served as a word, a weapon, an instrument: the instrument of their dark lust for power over the immediate life itself, as it stirred to motion in the breasts and bowels of the living….

‘Whereas, if we have one spark of sanity, we know that we can never possess and direct the life-mystery. The utmost of our power is to possess and destroy.

‘The life-mystery precedes us. Our simplest spontaneous movement precedes all knowing and willing. Secondly, and afterwards, we are conscious, we have voluntary control.

‘Our knowing is always secondary and subsequent to our being, which is an issue of the creative unknown. And our volition is always subsidiary to our spontaneous arrival.

‘The great field for the lust of control in the modern world is America. Whether we read the history of Spanish America or of English-speaking America, it is the same, a disheartening, painful record of the lusting triumph of the deliberate will.

‘On the one hand, the Spaniards in America, following the Spaniards of the Inquisition, lusted in the overweening sensual desire for repression of freedom in the spiritual self, whereas the North Americans lusted spiritually for utter repression in the sensual or passional self….

‘…The spondaneous passion of social union once destroyed, then it was possible to establish the perfect mechanical concord, the concord of a number of parts to a vast whole, a stupendous productive mechanism.

‘And this, this vast mechanical concord of innumerable machine-parts, each performing its own motion in the intricate complexity of material production, this is the clue to the western democracy.

‘It has taken more than three hundred years to build this vast living machine. It has taken just as long to produce the modern Mexican, a creature of incomprehensible sensual reactions, barely human any longer…

‘…After only two generation in New England the first Yankeed noticed that their stock had changed. The sturdy, ruddy, lusty English yeoman had disappeared, the long-jawed, sallow American took his place, with a pale, nervous women-folk such as England has only lately begun to reckon with.

‘Uprooted from the native soil, planted in strong aboriginal earth, this thing happened to the English stock. The natural impulsive being withered, the deliberate, self-determined being appeared in his place.

‘There was soon no more need to militate directly against the impulsive body. This once dispatched, man could attend to the deliberate perfection in mechanised exisence. This is what makes good business men. And in this the American is like the Jew: in that, having conquered and destroyed the instinctive, impulsive being in himself, he is free to be always deliberate, always calculated, rapid, swift, and single in practical execution as a machine.

‘The perfection of machine trimphs, of deliberate self-determined motion, is to be found in the Americans and the Jews. Hence the race talent for acting. In other races the impulsive mystery of being interferes with the deliberate intention of the individual. In these not.

‘Only, Americans and Jews suffer from a torturing frictional unease, an incapacity to rest. They must run on, like machines, or go mad. The only difference between a human machine and an iron machine is that the latter can come to an utter state of rest, the former cannot.

‘No living thing can lapse into static inertia, as a machine at rest lapses. And this is where life is indomitable. It will be mechanised, but it will never allow mechanical inertia. Hence the Orestes-like flight of unrest of Americans and Jews.’

> A few notes: Firstly the above is only sample extracts, which no doubt makes for a less meaningful read.

Second: The essay brings to mind an equally polemic book from 1923, THE CONTRAST, by Hillaire Belloc. The French born British author Belloc (1870-1953) likewise endeavours to paint the soul of the American Land as different from (and almost incomprehensible to?) the UK.

Third: Perhaps Lawrence was also influenced to some degree by the great economic historian Werner Sombart (1863-1941), that in his massive Economic History from 1902, ‘Der Moderne Kapitalismus’ (MODERN CAPITALISM), asserts that ‘America is in all it’s part a Jewish Country’. It should perhaps be noted here, that Sombart was a great admirer of the Jews (and their business acumen).

Fourth: Lawrence propounds the view that the ‘modern’ Americans are basically (living) ‘machines’. In other words, what he tries to delineate, although in a quite roundabout way typical of his generation, is a people with subdued right half-brain functions: They are mostly left-brainers, tending towards being ‘machines’ or robots.

The mainstream view of the period was, I suppose, that of Dr. Freud and his associates: It is suppressed eroticism that make humans act ‘unnaturally’?

Hence Lawrence’s proposition that the Jew’s circumcision and the New Englander’s soaking up the soul of the American lands resulted in suppression of eros and strengthning of the will (the so-called ‘will’ being based on the computations of the left-brain and not the intuition and/or empathy of the right-brain).

It would hardly be fair to have expected Lawrence to see through the ubiquitous flim-flam of Dr. Freud et al and realize, that it’s the suppression and/or malfunctioning of the right-side characteristics of the human brain, those of empathy and intuition, and not in particular of the eros, that’s the culprit – making humans tending to behave like ‘machines’ or robots (Link 1).

One of the ‘spiritual’ movements coming most in vogue in this period seem to have advanced their mission using the same fallacious logic as (more or less) formulated by Mr. Lawrence (and Dr. Freud). I have in mind the cult of Tantric Sex-Magic as propounded by Mr. Crowley and his ilk.

Their rituals soon degraded into blatant Satanism. Half a century later it’s most successful missionary perhaps was Mr. Anton Levy (writing under the name of Anton LaVey), the prolific american author and very successful founder of his own Church of Satanism in California.

The Satanists’ overindulgence in more or less perverse ritual sex is combined with their blatantly left-brain servitude or even enslavement (they name it ‘Choosing The Left Path’). Hence their cult activities (reportedly) without a trace of empathy – death, torture and licentious sex?

Their philosophy being, briefly, that arousal of the sexual energies makes you behave more ‘natural’. The fallacy in their logic? If you have choosen ‘The Left Path’ – let the left half-brain dominate you – sex or not is of little avail for the soundness or morality of your demeanour.

Without empathy there can be no true morality. And destitute of genuine morality Earthlings will never be able to navigate and survive in a dangerous, unforgiving Universe.

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

5. VOYAGE EN ITALIE – 1739-1740. Par Président de Brosses. Nouvelle édition préfacée et annotée par HUBERT JUIN. Le Livre Club du Libraire. 1964. 294 p. Hardcover with org. dustcover. (10 Kr)

The author, ‘comte de Tournay, baron de Montfalcon, dit President de Brosses’ was born in Dijon 1709, died 1777.

He was a prominent man of letters, author and expert historian on Italian early middle age.

His letters from travelling in Italy with several aristocratic friends 1739-1740 has been published in several editions.

This one volume edition is the most accessible, no doubt, but nevertheless not unattractive. The French Wikipedia mentions several editions of his letters, but curiously don’t mention this particular edition with one word.

In fact it’s both beautifully printed, bound and illustrated, although the paper quality is somewhat uneven throughout the book.

Here’s a small sample quote from page 223:

‘La nouvelle qui, sans doute, vous occupe beaucoup aujourd’hui a Dijon, ne fait pas moins de bruit a Rome.

‘Hier j’etais a souper au palais (ambassade) de France, chez madame Detroy, lorsqu’on vint me dire a une heure et demie apres minuit, que l’on demandait a me parler de la part de M. l’ambassadeur.

‘Ce message presse me surprit a une telle heure. Son secretaire du Brocard, entra, et me dit d’un air fort triste, que M. l’ambassadeur venait d’apprende par un courrier expres la nouvelle de la mort de M. le duc, notre gouverneur; puis il ajouta d’un air tres joyeux, que le gouvernement de Bourgogne avait ete donne au duc de Saint-Aignan, et que celui-ci, ne doutant pas de tout le plaisir que me ferait ce remplacement, l’avait sur-le-champ envoye pour me chercher et m’en faire part.

‘Nous avons ete ce matin, en corps, faire compliment a son excellence. Vous ne sauriez croire combien il est satisfait de se voir si bien place au sortir d’ici, et la joie que lui a donnee cette circonstance d’avoir, en ce moment meme a rome, six gentilshommes de son gouvernement.’

6. LA SOCIÉTÉ DU SECOND EMPIRE. Par Comte FLEURY & Louis SONOLET. Tome 4: 1867-1870. D’après les Mémoires contemporains et des documents nouveaux. Ill. (no date). 536 p. Soft cover. Ill. (10 Kr)

This is the fourth and last volume of this (reportedly) ‘major work’. Our specimen is rather well preserved and the pages uncut.

There is an extensive table of contents of the 15 chapters in the back of the volume.

Chapter 4 – ‘Les maîtres de la Science et de la Pensée’ treats of Littré, Renan, Taine and Pasteur – about ten pages each.

Here’s a sample quote from the piece about Littré, pp.290-1.

‘Partout, a la campagne aussi bien qu’a Paris, il assumait le meme formidable labeur, partout il distribuait ses heures avec la meme rigoureuse precision dans leur emploi.

‘Il se levait a huit heures. ‘Pendant, raconte-t-il, qu’on faisait ma chambre a coucher qui etait en meme temps mon cabinet de travail, je descendais au rez-de-chaussee, emportant quelque travail.

‘C’est ainsi que je fis, entre autres, la preface de mon dictionnaire. Le chancelier d’Aguesseau m’avait appris a ne pas dedaigner des moments qui paraissaient sans emploi, que sa femme inexacte faisait toujours attendre pour le diner et qui, lui presentant un livre, lui dit: ‘Voila l’oeuvre des avant-diners’.

‘A neuf heures envoyees par l’imprimeur. D’une heure a trois il assurait sa collaboration au Journal des Savants. De trois a six, il s’occupait de son grand dictionnaire. A six heures il s’asseyait devant un diner toujours pret, mangeait tres legerement, puis revenait au dictionnaire qu’il ne lachait plus.

‘Un premier relai le menait jusqu’a minuit, heure ou le quittaient sa femme et sa fille, un second jusqu’a trois heures du matin.

‘C’etait le terme qu’il s’etait fixe, mais souvent, quand la besogne n’etait pas finie, il continuait jusqu’a l’aube.

C’est avec cet horaire inflexible que Littre vint a bout de la tache quasi surhumaine que lui imposait la composition de son DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, monument gigantesque dont le premier volume parut en 1863.

‘Il avait tout prevu pour le mener a bonne fin sans l’aide de personne. Peu de temps apres la publication de ce premier volume, une forte bronchite l’avait inquite sur son etat de sante.

‘En consequence de cette alarme, son admirable conscience s’interrogea. ‘J’ai 60 ans, se dit-il, j’ai encore pres de dix ans devant moi. Combien de temps me faut-it pour achever mon dictionnaire? Combien d’heures par jour devrai-je travailler puour arriver au but que je me suit propose?’

‘Il fit som compte mathematiquement, trouva qu’il ne lui fallait pas moins de treize heures par jour et courageusement, avec une volonte jamais flechissante, il s’astreignit jusqu’a sa mort a une aussi rude obligation.’

> Littré’s five-volume dictionnaire is in fact a monumental work. The volumes are in folio, each volume in average corresponding to four volumes of ordinary dictionary size with at least 500 pages. Which makes for an ordinary 16 to 20-volume lexicon!

Link 1.
Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

The Robots’ Cash Ban

“Bad people crave power more than good people, and are also willing to do anything to get it. So bad people are in power…”

Psychoanalysis and the Illuminati.
“Psychoanalysis and Illuminism were, in effect the same project—the Illuminist term Seelenanalyse is simply the Germanified term of psychoanalysis or vice versa

Psychoanalysis and the Illuminati

(25.July/Last upd. 20.Aug.2019)

Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

Mossad Safe Space & War on Iran? (upd.)

Today let’s take a look at a couple of my most recent tweets (www.twitter.com/gamleboeger; may be slightly amended). As usual the asterix * indicates the tweet and a chevron > my comment.

* (20.7.2019) Mossad SafeSpace and War on Iran? I wonder if war on Iran is scheduled to concur with Mossad moving-in downstairs sometime betw. now and Aug.1.?

* (20.7.2019)Mossad SafeSpace & War on Iran? If so this might explain clairvoyant vision this Wednesday (17.7.)- Saw giant black bomb falling my general way without quite hitting. Decoded: Giant bomb meant for Iran but indirectly also for myself?

* (23.7.2019) This AM in clairvoyant vision saw my niece hanging with her head down. Obviously the DeepState psychos plan to perhaps have her kidnapped? The DeepState power brokers are in fact Robots! (link 2) – and love to have their SecretService kill or torture the completely innocent! Why? Because it makes the Robots feel superior to humans. Humans have empathy and cannot kill or torture the innocent!

> Another reason for the US to wage war on Iran soon could be the spectacular case of the ‘LolitaExpress’ now perhaps quickly nearing a peliminary denouement in NewYork and Florida.

Lots of very powerful people in the Western Hemisphere would certainly want this case to be firmly relegated to the shadows, perhaps even under the black clouds of a catastrophic war?

But without endorsement from Congress the US Govt. can hardly start an arbitrary war of agression on Iran. Could it be that Mossad and their friends are busting, and thus sacrifying, their immeasurably valuable blackmail asset, the ‘LolitaExpress’ and the ‘LolitaIsland’ to induce Congress to approve the war? (Link

The deal would be, that as soon as war is approved by Congress the iconic leader of the blackmail operation will be ‘disappeared’ (preferably spirited away from the US to IL by Mossad and their friends; or, perhaps less credible, in worst case scenario be ‘suicided’ in prison?). The case would then collapse. (Note 3)

Conversely, if Congress don’t approve war on Iran the LolitaExpress and all the prominent guests will be busted wide open, somewhat like an Samson-Option?

I fear my nightly vision of the giant, black bomb falling should perhaps not be dismissed too quickly? Keep in mind that IL wants to create holocaust on Iran – and want it badly?

By the way it seems to me that Mossad and their friends have suddenly become quite cocky and carefree in their demeanour here in Copenhagen. Of course you have to wonder if this is because Denmark has got a brand new Government less than a month ago?

Could it by any chance be that the new Government strong-man has an intense personal interest in someone making me silent, and fast?

Compare, for example, what I wrote here
http://www.gamleboeger.dk/2017/07/28/spooky-times-seriality-or-jakuza/ (and more – Link 10).

Below is what I posted on July 1. (slightly amended July 2. and later).

(1.July.2019) Today is Monday and it’s nice out there. They say it’s the African ‘Föhn’ from Sahara that’s been hitting much of Europe hard this last week. But today is a very nice Danish summer day with 22 Deg.C and a little bit windy.

When I left my flat this morning there was kind of a micro-drama playing out in front of our appartment house.

The City Council had put up signs at the sidewalk saying that parking today was prohibitet at some 50 feet of the kerb. But regardless someone had parked a small car.

Just when I exited the front door a giant flat-bed truck with a ‘caravan-house’ on it came around the corner; but to no avail, it had to move on without being able to unload.

I noticed the signs yesterday, but off hand thought the parking space might possibly be needed for movers, as the flat directly below mine is as empty as it has been for most of June.

Monday the 3rd of June I heard voices in our courtyard that for some reason made me look down into the court from my north window.

What I saw was our landlord coming from the far (northern) part of our lot and being accompanied by an athletic and professional looking gentleman with a wad of paper under his arm.

Seconds later they both looked up seemingly inspecting my north window (or perchance just above or below my third storey flat). They only inspected the east end of the building (where I live).

A few minutes later they had moved to the south side, the street side of the house. After having talked shortly they shook hands and the landlord drove away.

The gentleman then took some photographs of the south face of our building from the opposite sidewalk. Soon after he left, but I didn’t see his car.

Off hand he looked much like a real estate broker, I think, or perhaps even more like a government surveyor or appraiser? But he may also, for all I know, have been a Mossad technician taking stok of a target?

(I want here to once more stress my view (like propounded before), that no doubt our landlord is in no way maliciously conspiring to have me evicted, or worse. She is simply not the conspiracy-type. On the other hand she may most likely be quite easily manipulated (without her own knowledge, ofcourse) – like most Danish people are quite clueless and easily manipulated?).

A few days later (June 7 & 8) the two young women living downstairs moved out, and the flat directly below me has been vacant since that. Slightly curious that they moved out ‘in the middle of a month’, perhaps? Were someone suddenly in a hurry to free the flat? (- for Mossad to take over?).

Incidentally this is or at least may well turn out to be bad news for me, as it could perhaps mean the flat below may soon come on the market for sale as a condo? Why is this possibly or even likely bad or even very bad news for myself?

Simply this: The flat (or even the whole building?) may perchance be scheduled – in underhanded and hidden ways, even for our landlord – to be sold to (or just rented to) Mossad or their friends? And why is that, you may ask.

The thing is there may have been certain signs of an old grudge of the owners toward the undersigned?

If this is so I frankly doubt this would emanate from the owners themselves – a millionaire or even billionaire family? However, they may ofcourse have been manipulated?

I’ve already on a few occasions reported about curious coincidences that eventually got me thinking about possible underground networks.

Firstly there was the odd observation that the new owners knew me by sight before having ever met me. Which I happened to note the day they introduced themselves to the tenants just after having bought the house, now abt. a decade ago.

Did these honourable people really buy – that is, manipulated and tasked with buying – the house partly or even mostly just to harass myself? (Remember: My blog is or has been read by some of the top power- and money-brokers in the world; and some of them – ‘the powerful DeepState psychos’ (link 8) – obviously hate my guts!). (Note 1)

Secondly there was the – on the face of it – strange history of the seemingly imperfect fire protection of our newly refurbished house (abt. five years ago, Link 1, in Danish).

And thirdly there was the equally strange coincidence of a clairvoyant dream saying I was to be evicted and then me by chance looking out of the window and seeing the owners just leaving the premises:

* “On Mar6.2018 in late AM had vision of man making scorecard over me as in a #trial. Every score negative. I said ‘It’s a murder plot’, then woke up. 3min later heard/saw owner family leaving back house with wad of papers. Is evil people plotting to have me evicted?” (www.twitter.com/gamleboeger)

> There is perhaps no reason doubting that several of my recent blogposts have made the DeepState irate or even livid with rage. Just compare these few links (Link 3).

Now, the thing is that Mossad and their friends may have tried almost everything to have me assassinated or ‘disappeared’ – and until now to no avail, obviously. (Link 4).

Realistically there seem to be perchance two venues left? One – to have the Mossad-controlled(?) underground mafia on our hospitals activated to assassinate myself when I eventually have to be hospitalized to be operated for my hernia? (Link 5)

Two – to have Mossad or their friends by underhanded ways acquire the flat directly below (or above or adjacent to) myself. Why would acquiring the flat directly below perhaps be deemed especially auspicious by the mob?

For this: a) to be able to harass myself with loud and noisy ‘music’ (Link 6) b) to harass with ultrasound – possibly deadly? c) to harass with microwave radiation – possibly deadly? d) to harass, target and hit with psychic attacs – much stronger and dangerous if only one or two feet from f.i. my bed? (In this respect the flat below is much more applicable than the flat directly above)(Link 7) e) to be able to stake out hitmen so as to prevent me from leaving my flat without the possibility of being kidnapped or assassinated. f) for all sorts of close surveillance g) possibly other means.

Note 1 (2.July)
Tonite I had a dream-vision about someone criticizing me for not studying an issue adequately before throwing myself at the keyboard.

How right this or these honourable critics are! But this is one of the deplorable consequences of standing alone against an army.

(The former Mossad-agent, the whistle-blower hero Victor Ostrovsky, tells about sayanim in his book ‘By Way of Deception’, – that there were then (1990) ca. 7000 sayanim (active and stand-by) in London alone (i.e. abt. 1 promille of the population?); that would correspond to abt. 1500 in greater Copenhagen.

His book dealt not least with Mossad having infiltrated the Danish Secret Service. There was a parlamentarian crisis, but the then M.o.J. clamped down hard on a clueless parliament by threatening to discharge the Control Commission of Parliament(!). He is now a prominent guardian of our democracy as a well known main stream newspaper columnist.)

Standing alone you cannot allow this army to get altogether too close, if you can help it – could be your downfall. Hence an essential plan of action for you is to always be extremely vigilant; if extreme vigilance don’t help, perhaps nothing will?

Nevertheless I agree that I should at least briefly have mentioned this:

The former owner of our house, Mr. E.L., firmly believed he was almost fatally poisoned while in hospital abt. three years before he died.

Some irresponsible hospital doctor(s) had persuaded him to take part in a test of a certain (very poisonous) heart medicine.

He was then in his late seventies and had never had heart-problems, he told me.

He soon felt wery unwell and decided to withdraw from the experiment.

As it turned out he had been overdosed by several hundred percent (!) of this very poisonous heart medicine. In fact he said it was so poisonous, that it would take several years just to step down to normal dose; a dose he didn’t need in the first place.

A doctor reportedly was fired and the head doctor ‘threatened’ to retire if the calamity ever hit the newspapers (note 2).

I agree I should have mentioned this occurence in connection with the appartment house getting new owners. If only because it has never been disproved that dark forces may have wanted to precipitate new ownership of our building?

Note 2.
Clever ruse to remove focus from the more natural option of contacting the ‘Homicide Squad’ – perhaps?

But of small avail anyway, as Police never – like in NEVER – investigates ‘unnecessary deaths’ in our hospitals – if they can help it, that is. But for all we know there might easily occur several hundred (and perhaps thousands?) of cold blooded assassinations p.a. in Danish hospitals alone?

For example, if you assume 750 assassinations each year in Danish hospitals, this would amount to only 2 each day; and hundreds of ‘dark operators’ in the health industry could probably easily accomplish this without anybody batting an eyelash?

Perhaps a few readers remember that the then medical director of Hvidovre Hospital (in greater Copenhagen), the honourable Dr. Mogensen, and his equally honourable female associate (whose name elopes me) abt. 10 years ago propounded the opinion that an estimated ca. 5000 patients died unnecessarily (and ofcourse uninvestigated by police) in Danish hospitals each year?

Of course this gentleman is no longer director in said hospital! (Here are some of my own experiences, likewise roughly 10 years ago (link 9)).

But why is it, that Police never, ever investigates deaths in our hospitals – willingly?

Simply this: Mossad and their friends won’t allow it!

It’s an incredibly valuable asset for any DeepState controlled SecretService to have access to the option of assassinating ANYONE, ANYTIME in ANY (Danish) hospital.

It’s dead-sure (pardon the pun) and safe without the perpetrators really risking anything at all – and certainly not disclosure!

Basically there are perhaps five venues for the DeepState to subdue critics:

a) Throw a scare into them. Often done by intimidating, harassing, hurting or killing/kidnapping friends and/or family. In fact, as things are now – with basically no law enforcement or security (or justice?) for the average man, not to speak of the poor – and if you want to stand up to the Deep State you can have no family of your own!

Otherwise you are especially phrone to Blackmail. Incidentally most people – almost everyone – are clueless enough to accept blackmail. Yes – you have to accept it – to play the game; otherwise it won’t work (First rule: Never read their letters!). And often you don’t get anything in return for giving in or paying up, anyway!

b) Isolate the target. Harass all his activities, including his job or business, his interaction with government agencies (like making letters evaporate and pensions disppear into thin air), harass his friends and family in any conceivable way, vandalize his car incl. stealing the licence plates repeatedly, gps-chip his car and bike, and so on and so forth. All this is perhaps most often done with the local SecretService aiding and abetting the perpetrators?

c) Kill or kidnap the target critic by ‘ordinary’ hit teams. May comprise a single agent or a small army. If you are not both a bit lucky and also very intuitive with a strong sixt sense you are probably dead meat. No doubt Mossad is now the unsurpassed master in setting up hit teams:
The Putsch and the Hit-Squad (updated)
(There is a resume of a string of hit teams targeting myself in link 10.)

d) To have you assassinated in hospital or by (one of) your doctor(s); I’ve experienced at least two ‘cooperating’ doctors and a couple of hospital set-ups; only escaped the hospital set-ups by being warned clairvoyantly.

e) As the (normally?) last recourse they have their master-mentalists / black magicians by ‘remote hypnosis’ attack you psychically in your sleep – like it tragically occured to the wife of a former Danish foreign minister a few years ago:


Personally I’ve been attacked viciously by some very expert mentalists/black magicians half a dozen times; I believe that at least 99% of you would not have lived to tell about it? Especially one very clever attack was memorable in so far as some of my ‘associates’ seemed VERY surprised I had survived and didn’t even look scared. (Yes – that’s right, I can give you names; if not of the actual perpetrators then at least of a few persons in the know (although most may now be deceased)).

But would an attempt to assassinate the wife of an acting Danish foreign minister interest the police even remotely? No – ofcourse not; they are busy handing out traffic tickets.


Note 3. (22.Aug.2019)
>The whisper on the web is he was spirited away in a wheel chair.

The Mossad apparently infiltrates almost everything in almost every country?

Epstein Not Dead, On His Way To Israel? Or Now in the Presidential Suite in the Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) at Area 51? We Do Not Make This Shit Up….

Epstein Not Dead, On His Way To Israel? Or Now in the Presidential Suite in the Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) at Area 51? We Do Not Make This Shit Up….

>Obviously he was NOT the (dead) person photographed being wheeled into a hospital on a stretcher.

On the left we see the real Jeffrey Epstein. On the right we see the allegedly ‘dead Jeffrey Epstein’.

An inmate who spent months in Epstein’s prison block says there is ‘no way he could have killed himself.

It doesn’t take a tin-foil hat to smell a rat in Epstein’s ‘way too convenient’ death

Guards in Epstein Jail Told to LEAVE AREA 3 Hours early due to “Maintenance” Before Epstein Found DEAD
BREAKING: Two guards at the MCC who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled “Maintenance” to jail cells and hallways.

Deep State Wants Epstein Gone – Kevin Shipp.
‘I don’t know why the Bureau of Prisons put Epstein in a jail cell with a cop that killed four people and buried them in his back yard. Epstein should have been in solitary confinement under watch’.

Deep State Wants Epstein Gone – Kevin Shipp

Barbara Sampson ‘carried out the alleged autopsy on Jeffrey Epstein’.
Sampson’s Medical Examiner’s Office ‘has struggled with a string of bodies wrongly sent to crematoriums, medical classes and embalming schools.’

Link 1.
Småting og bagateller (2)

Link 2.

The Nice Crowd

Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

The Robots’ Cash Ban

Link 3.
Mamiya – EKSTRABLADET – NETS – Ghettos – A Garden Party

Voigtlander, Kirstjen Nielsen or HELL ON FIRE?

Three Honourable Gentlemen, Laerke and Sainte-Beuve


Link 4. (to name just a few)
War On Iran – General Election – Kill The Canary – The Flea Market – Freud – Niels Lyhne

Another Fine Mess – Oliver!

Link 5.
Kill the canary

Operation eller mission?

Link 6.

Sweet Dreams (Satire)

Link 7.

The Nice Crowd

Clement Freud is related, on his mother’s side, to Uri Geller.
Geller has been photographed with a surprisingly large number of the reported top UK child abusers.

Did people involved with #MKUltra meet, consult, study or employ numerous mystics/occultists incl fortunetellers, palmreaders, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, #psychics, #voodoo / #witchcraft practitioners and blackmagicians, demonologists, Satanists?

Black Magic, The Occult, And The CIA

They also helped set up a course in black magic, demonology, and witchcraft at at the University of South Carolina as a sort of “social laboratory.”

Black Magic, The Occult, And The CIA

Black Magic, The Occult, And The CIA–MK-OFTEN went beyond the mere research of mind control and incapacitation of enemies, and branched out into the world of black magic, witchcraft, and the occult.

Black Magic, The Occult, And The CIA

Link 8.

Epstein the Satanist?: Will Australia Ever Investigate Its Role? (warning, graphic material)

“I’m aware the .01% psychopaths in control every year kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions”.

Interview with an angel: Does evil exist for ‘spiritual workouts’ to get us off our lazy Divine asses? Is Earth a super-evil case study, a school to recognize evil, or what?

CIA has become as soulless and dirty as the worst organized crime thugs out there

Vault 7 Leak Exposes a Secret War against We The People

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) aspect in childsex trafficking cases is often downplayed or not addressed by law enforcement

Link 9.
Operation eller mission?

Kill the canary

Link 10.


Another Fine Mess – Oliver!

Link 11.
La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

Former CBS executive producer Zev Shalev ‘has confirmed that Epstein is tied directly to the Mossad’.
Epstein and Nader are believed to be agents of Israeli Intelligence.

>Terrorism is a word originally coined to define the actions of a State against its people for purposes of fear to further an agenda or for mass murder. Terrorism: Government by Intimidation. – Oxford Dictionary

“In this way, it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters.” By contrast, under the czars, 467 people were executed between 1826 and 1904.

>The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was a term made popular by the CIA to stop critical thinkers from asking questions about the JFK assassination.
In a memo called ‘Countering Criticism of The Warren Report’ the CIA set out to make the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ a weapon to be used against anyone who questioned the government’s secret activities and programs.

Do You Believe In “Conspiracy Theories?” An FBI Report Says You’re A Potential Domestic Terrorist

Was 9/11 A Plot to Seize Power? There is no question that 9/11 was the event that destroyed the constitution. We lost all of our privacy and rights ever since.


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

Wozniak’s Facebook – Censure In Denmark – War On Iran? (upd.)

Today is Sunday and even if it’s mostly cloudy it’s really nice and friendly here in downtown Copenhagen.

I would line to take a quick look on some of my recent tweets (may not yet be posted. The asterix * indicates the tweet while a chevron > indicates my comment).

* Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says you should get off Facebook because ‘there’s almost no way to stop’ companies from spying on your habits

* Big Government and Big Tech Are Partnering to Track Us Everywhere

Big Government and Big Tech Are Partnering to Track Us Everywhere

* Google Is America’s Number One National Security Threat:Big Tech Social Media does not want to break the law, they seek to unilaterally create the law

> I guess you should listen to a warning from a man like Wozniak? I also suspect, however, that nary a soul will heed the warning?

Perhaps the problem for most people is they don’t understand that these giant corporations – also called BigTech – are NOT in business to help you?

But on the contrary, they are ofcourse doing business to enrich themselves and often no matter if it hurts you or not?

And especially that most user – or rather nearly all users? – have no idea that BigTech may in fact have a hidden agenda to enslave you?

If this is not the case, why would a man like Wozniak warn us as starkly as he apparently does?

Perhaps we can most conveniently learn something about the business philosophy of BigTech from the modus operandi of the big banks and their ‘helicopter money’?

The Central Banks – and especially the US-Fed and the EU-ECB – want you to believe that ‘printing’ Dollars and Euros to the tune of trillions is done to help you – the citizen – and your country.

But it isn’t – here’s the lowdown:

Imagine you are living in a (very) small city-state with only a couple of hundred houses, more or less. This city-state of course has it’s own currency.

Now, a small shopholder, perhaps by sly and devious machinations has usurped the right to print the city-state’s currency at his discretion, using the money printing press, conveniently installed in his garden shed.

Being very greedy and also very clever he then schemes to eventually own all property in this little city enclave. How come, you ask.

Simple: He just prints money galore. The money printing machine in the garden shed runs full bore day and night.

So when a property is up for sale in the city, he can lend any amount to all potential buyers. The funds loaned are almost for free as the interest is only 1%, or less, and there is seemingly almost no payback.

That is, only seemingly: The loan is not a gift (I know for a fact this is hard to understand for some people), it IS a loan and it HAS to be paid back – some day.

But it may eventually, in many cases, take almost your whole life to pay the loan back. Thus you are already now to some degree really a debt slave.

Soon it will be ‘more’, for in the meantime the ‘helicopter money’ from his printing press has eventually raised property prices to ten times what they were before the sly money printer got going.

But that doesn’t matter, you say, as the funds are nearly interest free, and the pay back rates very lenient. So why worry?

Only you are now, in fact, a true and genuine debt slave. You will in most cases NEVER be able to pay back your loans. Your children and grandchildren will NEVER be able to both de jure and de facto own a house.

Thus you are not really owning your property and your home. The money printer is de facto, if not de jure, owning your house. And it takes just a small amendment to the law of your (corrupt?) small city state to take your ownership away – as it’s not really yours any more in the first place.

Also perhaps the money printer suddenly raises interests on his loans to five (or even ten) times as much. Which means sellers of property cannot sell their houses (note 1), and if they for some reason HAVE to sell, their houses may get auctioned off for a pittance.

The buyer will often be the money printing gentleman, awash in almost for free money.

Still think the banks are peddling their cheap money – money, that are in fact, if not de jure, counterfeit money, as there is not concurrently created assets to back it – to help you?

* The most powerful people in Europe are simply being APPOINTED like Game of Thrones

> Remember – the US-Fed is de facto ‘privately’ owned and operated by WallStreet-bankers; the EU-ECB ownership is more complicated but curiously the head of the bank is always appointed by the international (LondonCity/WallStreet) bankers – ‘by sly and devious machinations’ (and clueless politicians)?

* Denmark says it plans to regulate popular influencers after an Instagram star posted a suicide note online.
The influencer, Fie Laursen, posted the note on Instagram, where she has more than 336,000 followers.

* Minister of Children and Education Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil told the BBC that the government wanted influencers to have an “editorial responsibility” in line with the standards of the “old press”.

* Rosenkrantz-Theil proposes the formation of a governmental board to enforce such rules which would be granted the authority to remove material in breach of whatever guidelines were created.

* The politician outlined a scenario whereby the influencers would have to designate three people to have the password for their accounts. “These people can then remove a post if they believe it violates the press ethics even though it was the blogger that posted it,” the minister explaine

* The proposed Press Board would be afforded the right to criticize and ultimately, to censor, offending posts that broke any potential ethical guidelines. In order to make the somewhat far-fetched idea more feasible, it would be limited to govern those with more than 5,000 followers.

* UN Launches All-Out War On Free Speech
…forget everything about the free exchange of ideas: the UN feels that its ‘values’ are being threatened and those who criticize those values must therefore be shut down…

> Apparently Danish Governments have now mostly become horrible, clueless NWO DeepState puppets: No decency, no morals and no spine?

They seem to like to do whatever the DeepState demands or is believed to want from them.

And in particular they obviously like to always use any and all possible reasons, even the most farfetched, to spy on and harshly censure the alternative media – the bloggers, tweeters, facebook’ers etc.

The above (insane?) woman minister said she wanted every blogger, tweeter etc with more than 5000 followers to share her/his access code with three people, to make it possible to delete anything deemed inappropiate by the censure board? Crazy indeed!

Do we perchance discern the fine Italian hand of the new strong Microsoft-man in our new Govt.? BigTech hates independent bloggers!

Shame on the haters of the free word and the constitution!

* Did Jeffrey Epstein Share a Plane With Dyncorp, State Department, and the CIA?

* Is the Epstein arrest a Mossad terror scheme, against all the people worldwide who ever flew on the ‘Lolita Express’?

* “…entrap US politicians, judges, celebrities, prosecutors, and corporate leaders with rigged ‘no name’ hotels and … ‘Lolita Island’ where anything goes and the Mossad gets it all on video — grown people doing bad things to small children.”

* CHARLOTTE AMALIE, U.S. Virgin Islands (AP) — Ask about Jeffrey Epstein on St. Thomas and rooms go quiet. Some people leave. Those who share stories speak in barely audible tones. Little St. James Island is a roughly 75-acre retreat a little over a mile (about 2 kilometers) southeast of St. Thomas.

* The more we look into this registered sex offender’s saga, the more it appears to have the characteristics of a gargantuan espionage operation. If so, then Epstein was running a multi-million intelligence apparatus set to accumulate dirt on some of the world’s most influential people

Epstein 007

* Our sources say Epstein’s legal representatives have threatened witnesses, journalists and even police and prosecutors with “Mossad hit teams” and have used terms like “will hunt down your family.”

Epstein Paying Off Witnesses, May Have Military Contractors (IDF) “Eliminate” Opponents

* Editor’s note: Why isn’t the island being searched? Our sources say it has been used as a Mossad base against the US for years as has his “range” (ranch?), 7500 acres that nobody has seen.

* There are those who say that Israel’s Mossad is actually a private army at the disposal of the Rothschilds, meaning that in a contest of wills between the Rothschilds and the Israeli government, the private Rothschilds would command Mossad loyalty.

FFWN: Ian Greenhalgh exposes Mossad assets Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald Trump

* Using blackmail and other dirty tricks are common in any intelligence agency. So Pedostein’s leading role in a global blackmail operation on behalf of an intelligence agency is plausible, logical, and profitable for himself and his family.

* Our point here is that when you really look at the intelligence system, it’s similar to looking at a dark market. There is little difference between the three.
In reality the US, Britain, and Israel have a powerful alliance and the EU, Japan, and others do whatever they say.

* Why Arrest Jeffrey Epstein Now? The question is why now?
Is Israel exerting pressure on Trump to attack Iran? Neocon Alan Dershowitz’s willingness to incriminate himself (see story below) supports this view.

* Epstein’s Arrest: Rothschild vs Trump? Will the new entry in the updated Jewish bible be Book of Trump or Book of Rothschild? The Adelsons are praying for the Book of Trump

FFWN: Ian Greenhalgh exposes Mossad assets Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald Trump

Con Ed now reporting 51,200 without electric now.
National Guard being called in to NYC. —

* Manhattan Goes Dark: Major Power Outage Hits NYC On Anniversary Of 1977 Great Blackout.
Exactly 42 years after a massive blackout caused by a lightning strike at an electrical substation plunged New York City into darkness for 25 hours..

* I have a feeling that as long as the whole developing Epstein sex trafficking scandal is in the news and public eye, we’re going to see an ever escalating series of false flag events. (comment)

> I think you may perhaps appropiately headline the Epstein saga now playing out the ‘WAR OF THE TITANS’.

Admittedly it is well nigh impossible for an ordinary body sitting several thousand miles away to get a clear view of that saga playing out. As it probably is for most everybody.

But the penultimate of above tweets – about the black out in NewYork yesterday – makes me believe this cataclysmic fight may perhaps most likely be about War on Iran – or not?

As I see it the present US-Government are leaning heavily on the Israeli government for advice in foreign policy. Or perhaps more accurately – the IL is leaning hard on the US?

In this case there would most likely be a tremendous pressure on Trump to bomb Iran?

On the other hand I suspect that leading bankers in WallStreet and in London DO NOT now want war on Iran? Simply because that might easily crash the world economy. The feared trigger many say could do just that.

In this case the Epstein saga might have been dug out of the closet – as in fact it was – to apply pressure on the US-government to not attack Iran.

This interpretation seems most likely to me, but obviously the picture is extremely hazy, at least as seen from the Copenhagen café I’m writing this.

However the NYC black out tend to support my view, obviously. This is because the black out occured exactly – to the day – on the anniversary of the (much larger) black out in 1977.

Of course the ‘coincidence theorists’ my disagree with me; but it seems that for Mossad to threaten WallStreet openly and blatantly there must be some real strong wills at odds?

* Men Skattestyrelsen mener ikke, Goldstein har ejet de danske aktier på tidspunktet for udbyttebetalingerne.
Og derfor har det ifølge styrelsen været svindel, når Goldstein har fået refusionerne af udbytteskatten..

* »Jeg ville håbe, at danskerne kunne forstå transaktionerne. Det her er meget tekniske transaktioner, og måske er det bare ikke er en del af jeres dna,« siger han til Børsen.

> No, of course not, Mr.G. Likewise perhaps morals is just not a part of your dna?

* Intruder broke into Buckingham Palace while the Queen slept just metres away in huge security breach
AN intruder was on the loose at Buckingham Palace at 2am this morning while the Queen slept just metres away.

* In 1982, as the 31-year-old schizophrenic began to tell his monarch about his family problems, she pushed the panic button by her bed but got no response.

* (In 1982) The Queen then telephoned the switchboard but the operator thought it was another member of staff playing a joke and replied : “Yes, dear, you’re the Queen, we’ll send someone up!”

> Seems the Queen still has a little problem with security at Buckingham Palace. But why not just relocate to Windsor Castle. Windsor even has a real nice sound to it!

Small wonder our former M.O.J. couldn’t go shopping just 500 m. from Parliament without having a four-men security detail around him.

Not that this is a practical problem at all, with the Danish Secret (Political) Police totaling almost 1000 persons?

* Do You Truly Have Free Will?
…we’re constantly at war with our biological programming…

> That’s an easy one to answer: Just define ‘free will’.

* Poker-Bot Designed By Facebook “Decisively” Beats Human Poker Pros.
“…it can bluff better than any human.”

> Poker-players and chess-players are heavily left-brain dominated. Which means they are almost robots in the first place (no offense intended!). For example – if they weren’t they simply couldn’t stand the pressure of being stared down constantly by the opponent. (link 1)

But not perfect robots, which would make them socially impossible. Hence the perfect robots naturally have an edge. (Note 2)

* Iconic New York Luxury Store Barneys Considering Bankruptcy

> There is apparently a world wide, slow moving, retail store apocalypse developing. Seemingly more fastly in the US, perhaps more or less due to the dominating omnipresence of Amazon?

Note 1.
When interest on your load doubles, cash-prices on your home crash, perhaps to half – simply because new buyers can only afford loans half as large as before.

Note 2.
Perhaps some readers remember the celebrated autist, who died only middleaged about a decade ago (sorry, forgot is name). He had memorized several thousand books and when reading he scanned a book like a machine: His left eye scanned down over the left page, while his right eye concurrently scanned the right page. It’s hard not to compare with a scanning machine – or robot.

Link 1.
The Robots’ Cash Ban

Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Occasional tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

The Putsch and the Hit-Squad (upd.)

Today is Friday ‘et il fait beau’ out there. Sunny with clouds, a bit windy and about 25 deg.C. Almost a perfect summer day for an elderly Danish body like myself.

This Wednesday I enjoyed one of the rare visits by my old friend and colleague Frank N., now retired and often living i Lisboa with his Patagonian girlfriend.

Frank is a thoughtful guy who likes his books. And as my living room is plastered with books everywhere this augurs for a bit of conflict.

How come, you ask, cannot you talk about your books in a civilized manner?

Yes and no. The thing is my room is and for at least a decade has been TIGHTLY surveilled and bugged by the SecretPolice/SecretService (Danish and/or alien – remember, please, that my blogs have been heard about or seen and perhaps even read by some of our top power brokers, the ‘Alien Masters of the Galaxy’!).

This means I have a certain reluctance and even aversion to discussing the books I’m presently reading and also occasionally some of the titles generally regarded as more outlandish.

And why is that, you may ask?

Well – you have to realize that the people listening in on what is said (and written on pc) in my flat are quite clever; not really as clever as they think they are, but quite clever nevertheless.

So when someone grabs a book off a table or shelf and starts asking or commenting on it, these eavesdroppers instantly think this book or title is just precisely what I’m preoccupied and working with just now.

This may ofcourse be the case, although often it’s not. But signals are sent and received and decoded by the SecretService(s) and that may have repercussions on my future life in an irritating, detrimental or even harmful way.

These freaks are just thirsting for ANY excuse and fig leaf to harass and hurt you.

Then you also have to know that most of my friends are from the world of photography.

This means they are almost exclusively left brain dominated types. What does this mean? (Link 1)

It means they mostly, or almost exclusively, see the world in two dimensions.

They see the surface but not what’s below.

Another of my old friends is a very giftet photographer but who has also manifest autistic qualities.

He’s a genius at photographing people, f.i. scantily clad women, exactly because he sees them as graphic, two dimensional art objects and not as humans. The result is often brilliant, two dimensional graphic art.

But if you try and explain that there is anything below the surface – be it of the outer world in general, or the face or the talk of a human, or the tv-screen, or newspaper print, or in politics or anywhere else – you hit a wall. It’s simply not possible – they don’t fathom one word of what you say, but suspect you have gone crazy.

And here’s the potential conflict, of course. Because I really can’t explain to my guests why I don’t want to discuss my books with them; that our signals sent, received and decoded may well be causing at the very least quite irritating harassments.

At about 9 p.m. I took Frank to the Metro. I basically don’t carry a cell- or smart-phone – It’s simply too dangerous. The SecretService-gangs know my usual hunts and if helped with just a few hints from GPS positioning etc. of my cellphone, they’ll in most cases be able to prefigure my route the next few hours and thus be able to stake out hit-squads one or more places. Like this evening!

I’m worrying too much, you say? All right, but what about this?

Frank of course carries a smart-phone at all times. I believe it’s never occured to him that he may be surveilled and eavesdropped on and it would be to no avail to try and explain to him that this might be important.

But when I walked home from the Frederiksberg Metro station this happened:

About half way home, on GodthaabsVej, I happened to suddenly turn around. I then saw I was followed by a young man (about twenty?) on an el-scooter.

It would be too longwinded to explain in detail why he raised my suspicion; but I instantly crossed the street to the North side. The young man on the scooter then stopped dead and used his smartphone.

About 150 yards west I reached a traffic-light regulated crossing where I had to go north, down Kpr.SofiesVej.

Normally I would at once cross to the west side of this steet. But today my sixth sense made me wary, whence I stayed on the east side.

This probably saved me. Because halfway down the street I oogled this astonishing spectacle:

On the opposite – West – side of K.S.Vej there were parked two newish, large cars. Both had their motor running and the rear one had a large, dark colored and anonymous box-trailer.

To the traffic side of, and leaning on the front mudguard of the first car two large, youngish men were standing close together, being busy fondling each other.

Quite spectacular – you can’t make this sh*t up – only Mossad can?

Had I, as I’m wont to, taken the west side of K.S.Vej I would have had to pass by very close to the large box trailer, large enough to easily hold two or three agents. And the two cosy gentlemen-agents at the first car were probably supposed to make me feel safe – and eventually block my escape?

Mossad hit-squads are always dangerous, and probably only my – luckyly well-developed – sixth sense once more saved the day.

What’s a bit annoying here is that I’m of course unable to tell off hand if this acute zeal of Mossad (and/or their friends) – except for a recent blog post (Link 2) that’s probably annoying for the DeepState underground – is by reason of wishing to provoke me into uncouth outbursts of anger at our new Govt. on my twitter- and blog-accounts?

Or are Mossad and their friends suddenly feeling very safe and cocky with Denmark having a brand new government?

This leads us to our next topic – Denmark’s new government.

In the café where I’m writing this there’s an issue of today’s EKSTRABLADET lieing around, one of the two large tabloids in Copenhagen.

Most of the front page and three whole pages inside are dealing with the new PM, or rather her chief spindoctor.

And yes, she wants one chief spindoctor and two more assisting Rasputins.

This chief spin doctor seems to be an interesting type. But what off hand is really most interesting about this newspaper report is the edit – really quite incredible.

All three inside pages are used to only tell this:

The chief spin doctor in question is a) power hungry (in the extreme?) and b) he’s a control freak.

That’s it, not a word – nay, not ONE word – about what this power grabber WANTS.

Like what does he think and believe and what does he want with all this power. In short – what’s his mission?

You also get to know he’s a doctor from Aarhus University, and that he began in politics working in the Social Democratic Youth organisation before being promoted to the main party organisation.

Also that he’s been persuing careers in large international corporations like TDC, Radius and Microsoft-Denmark.

Questions that might have been asked: Is he a big-tech man? Is he a CIA-man – US big-tech is often said to be CIA puppets, more or less.

Questions perhaps not without merit as he will now, as chief of staff for the PM, be at the controls of the Danish Secret Police and Secret Services.

One interesting, recent tidbit not noticed, I suspect, by anyone in the sleepy Danish newsworld:

One of the first days of June, before having actually won the general election, our (then) coming PM had her picture – slightly glamorized? – right smack in the middle of the major US-american newssite, the Drudge Report (link 3).

Mr. Drudge is, I believe, orthodox yewish, and of course a major supporter of Israel and US-american supremacy ideology?

Our coming, young Social Democratic PM being endorsed by the Drudge has to be quite unusual, even if she’s young and pretty – at least I don’t remember something like it, and I scan the Drudge practically daily.

Hypothetically the purpose of Mr.Drudge to put the likeness of our young and pretty PM on the frontpage would perhaps most likely be to make it possible for his readers to instantly recognize her as one of their own?


Link 1.

Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

The Robots’ Cash Ban

Link 2.

FLAT OR NOT – Dialogue With Photography – Madame Récamier

Link 3.
‘Mette Frederiksen: the anti-immigration left leader set to win power in Denmark.
Social Democrats are election frontrunners but critics say their leader has dragged the party sharply to the right’ (The Guardian via drudgereport dot com) (June.3rd?)


Crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and

Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger