(28.Okt.2019) Today is Monday – the last in Oktober – and it’s a bit chilly outside.
Actually I ought to have been visiting Dorrit in the hospital because she had an operation last week. But on account of several warnings I’ve had to think twice before going.
The Herlev hospital has large structural repair works going on presently, which has resulted in several more or less hidden nooks and crannies in the access ways. And the main entrance to this giant 25 storey hospital is now two small glass sliding doors in a particular dark and shabby corner of a small, shabby courtyard (with a large pool of dirty water directly in front of the doors, to boot!).
I visited Dorrit a week ago in the weekend and couldn’t help noticing that large parts of this giant hospital seem almost desolate in weekends.
Hence approaching the hospital could be dangerous for myself at any time, but in weekends it might possibly be well nigh suicidal?
So, sadly Dorrit has to wait until things might possibly calm down a little. It may or may not be a consolation that I’m supposed to know when – i.e. the year and week – Dorrit is scheduled to pass on, as I’ve seen it in a nightly vision.
In the meantime, lets take a look at a couple of recent tweets.
Oh – but by the way. After 38,000 tweets the friendly folks at Twitter (rogue elements?) has seen fit to lock me out from my account. I believe they fancy I’ve linked to a rather uncouth account of the demeanour of one seemingly wery well connected power-puppet troll of the reigning global power-puppeteering master-robots? (note 1, below)
But ofcourse! My bad! – We certainly wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of ANY trolling puppet – be they large or small, sane or insane, good or evil, would we?
So the following ‘tweets’ are not in fact real tweets, but rather only ‘dormant tweets’. An asterix * indicates these P.T.’s and an arrow > my comments.
* Berlingske mener: Danmark skal ikke
kopiere Kinas overvågning og kontrol
* Københavns Politi vil gerne bruge ansigtsgenkendelse, og dermed står vi med et svært valg mellem bedre politiefterforskning på den ene side og frihed og privatliv på den anden. Fra et borgerligt-liberalt perspektiv må det sidste veje tungest.
* »Hvis man har rent mel i posen, har man ikke noget imod, at politiet hurtigere kan fange en terrorist,« sagde Skaarup og afviste dermed enhver tanke om, at almindelige lovlydige borgere kan have lyst til at leve deres liv i fred uden hele tiden at blive kigget over skulderen.
* Ansigtsgenkendelse er utvivlsomt et meget effektivt redskab, hvilket den store globale interesse vidner om. Men læg mærke til, hvem der er allermest interesseret og har rykket hurtigst i forhold til implementeringen: Det er de autoritære regimer.
Der er god grund til at sige nej tak.
> The story is that the Copenhagen police wants FaceDetection cameras all ower Copenhagen. And the above extracts link to an admirable op-ed by this most honourable woman – the brave, clever and honest Amalie Lyhne – at the large Copenhagen daily Berlingske Tidende. (note 2, below)
Firstly: The Copenhagen police don’t go public with a wish like that all on its own!
The modus operandi now is and henceforth will probably always be: The government’s strong-arm robot-puppet-man tells the P.M. what the global power-puppeteering master-robots has imparted unto him about what they want from her.
The P.M. then tells the M.o.J. what is expected from him.
The M.o.J. then tells the Cph. Police what to go public with.
Is this really that difficult to grasp? I beg to assure you there’s ‘Keine Hexerei – Nur Behändigkeit’!
Secondly: – you have the political spokesman of the until recently largest center-right party D.F. blabbering out with almost childish thoughts – or pehaps lack of thoughts? – on the matter: FaceDetection basically a good thing for the police.
For the POLICE STATE – yes!
Small wonder that he and his party was humiliated – halved – in the most recent election: Their leaders are obviously almost clueless? Hardly evil people – just perhaps quite clueless.
Incidentally here is yet another instance where you clearly see the dangers of having young political leaders at the wheel. Because if someone had told my parents at some point in the 1950’s that the Government henceforth would photograph and film everyone everyhwere they were and moved and at all time – then my parents (and their generation) would instantly have understood, that it was now GANGSTERS THAT WERE RUNNING GOVERNMENT.
But if you have no recollection or otherwise a genuine knowledge of the thinking and feeling in the 1950’s you might perhaps not understand this – just like today.
But here’s the lowdown:
If FaceDetection is generally established in (any) democratic (western) country – THEN THIS COUNTRY CANNOT POSSIBLY BE DEMOCRATIC ANYMORE!
And why is that, you may ask: Because then all critical journalism and other serious critique of government and police and secret services and secret police will in quite short order be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!
And again, why is that you ask: Because any and all real critical journalists and other serious critics can and will be harassed – possibly, or even inevitably, harassed to death!
But when any serious critique of government and all its angencies is either prohibited by law or otherwise impossible (for instance by badly harassing or even ‘disappearing’ all intelligent critics), then THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY!
And as another op-ed asked recently: Do you dare to trust that your government will always be benign?
Of course, you dare not! Because the crux of the matter is, that the weak link in any democracy is exactly this: That the general public and the man in the street are basically unable to (always or ever?) spot the two-faced, fourflushing shyster – or even traitor – flimflamming them with sweet words and snake oil – or to talk turky: damned lies. Incidentally precisely the kind of people that always MOST BADLY want access to ultimate (government) power.
It shouldn’t be necessary to remind our intelligent parliamentarians of how, exactly, Mr. Hitler reached power, I take it?
But today is also the 6th day of the ongoing dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House in downtown Copenhagen. The price is 45 Kr (abt. $6), and I bought one book:
1. MENNESKER OG OPLEVELSER. By F. Hendriksen. Ny Rev. Udg., København 1932. Hardcover. Slightly shabby outside, but fine inside. 448p, ill.
This is the second edition of these valuable memoirs. The first ed. came in 1910, but of which only 110 were printed.
In the preceeding days I bought a handfull of old french books, among which:
2. MEMOIRES ANECDOTIQUES SUR L’INTERIEUR DU PALAIS ET SUR QUELQUES EVENEMENTS DE L’EMPIRE DEPUIS 1805 JUSQU’AU 1er MAI 1814 POUR SERVIR A L’HISTOIRE DE NAPOLEON. Par L.F.I. de BAUSSET, Ancien Prefet Du Palais Imperial. Leipsic, 1828, Teubner. Vol. 1 & 2 bound in One Volume. (Vol. 3 & 4 missing). 304 & 248 pages. Hardcover, slightly shabby outside, fine inside.
Memoires anecdotiques are ofcourse basically much more interesting than more or less official (solely) political histories. Whence I’m looking forward to perusing at least part of it more closely.
Here are a couple of sample quotes (page 204-5):
‘Ici finit le role politique de Charles IV (of Spain, * Naples 1748). Ce prince etait d’une taille elevee, d’un port noble et assure: la parfaite harmonie de son visage annoncait la bonte et le calme habituel de son ame: en le voyant on etait certain d’avance que ses moeurs avaient ete toujours pures.
‘C’etait un roi-bourgeois et sans caractere politique. Ses seules passions furent l’amitie pour Godoi et un asservissement sans mesure aux volontes de la reine. Je crois meme que son amitie pour ce favori l’emportait sur tout autre sentiment. Il lui sacrifia tout sans regret et sans hesiter.
‘Il avait mis la vie privee sur le trone, et il ne perdit aucune jouissance en resignant la monarchie d’une partie des deux mondes, pour entrer dans cette vie privee. Il s’y trouva naturellement place dans un etat approprie a ses gouts simples et faciles. Et lorsque sa sante, alteree par des acces frequens de goutte ou par l’age, ne lui permit plus de se livrer aux delassemens de la chasse, il sut remplacer ce plaisir par celui de la musique, et en rendant heureux le petit nombre de sujets fideles qui s’etaient voues a sa personne.
‘Non-seulement il aimait a entendre les artistes distingues qu’il s’etait attaches, mais il executait lui-meme sur le violon quelques morceaux de symphonie, tant bien que mal.
‘C’etait toutefois un amateur d’un genre nouveau. J’ai ouï raconter a l’un de mes amis qui connaissait beaucoup M. Boucher, son premier violon, que tres-souvent Charles IV commencait seul un morceau d’ensemble, et que, sur l’observation de cet artiste celebre, il lui repondait gravement, qu’il n’etait par fait pour l’attendre!!!’
‘La reine Marie-Louise, sa femme (* Parme 1751), etait petite; a l’epoque ou j’eus l’honneur de la voir, il etait difficile de juger si elle avait ete jolie. Ses yeux etaient vifs et ardens; qu’elle avait du caractere et de l’esprit, et sa physionomie prononcee annoncait une preoccupation d’habitude, qui semblait la rendre indifferente aux devoirs de son rang, quand ils se trouvaient en opposition avec son idee dominante.
‘Cette espece de monomanie fut, dit-on, l’affaire de toute sa vie: l’on disait que la causerie intime en tete-a-tete etait plus de son gout que cette vie toute en dehors que l’on appelle cercle de cour. Il ne faudrait pas supposer cependant qu’elle fut indifferente aux soins de la toilette.
‘Ce gout conservateur ou reparateur faisait une partie essentielle de cette concentration de toutes ses facultes. Elle faisait venir de Paris tous les objects les plus a la mode. Cet hommage rendu au gout et aux modes francaises me rapelle une anecdote qui m’a ete racontee par plusieurs grands seigneurs espagnols.’
However, this anecdote about ‘La duchesse D…, jeune, belle, spirituelle, et veuve immensement riche…’ is too longwinded to recount here, I’m afraid.
But it’s now getting dark, and I want to get home before the rain starts. Thanks again for joining, and be safe!
Note 1.
Ofcourse this is possibly or even most likely just a pretext and guise for the real reason: That said power-puppeteering master-robots – that are now running our World? – want me shut down, – and badly? (link 1)
I can’t help thinking of Ms. Naomi Klein, that was maliciously harassed like this some years ago (according to her own reporting, then). Ms. Klein being Yewish ‘they’ couldn’t wery well just kill her, whence they took recourse to plan B, i.e. the underhanded and nefarious ways of malevolent harassment seen here.
The analogy: Their endeavour to outright kill or kidnap me have thus far proven somewhat elusive, perhaps. Whence their recourse to the nefarious ways of sundry malicious harassment?
(Incidentally, on 31.Okt. I discovered ‘they’ had once more abused my Visa-card; this time they’ve stolen 955 DKr (abt. $150), whence I’ve had to cancel my Visa-card once more. I’ve now decided to do without a Visa-card altogether, until the matter has been thoroughly investigated. Obviously I shouldn’t try to hold my breath, because after last month’s incident the bank (DANSKE BANK) flatly refuced to investigate! (link 4).
And by the way – ofcourse you’ll remonstrate that I myself am certainly not in the NaomiKlein-leage? Mayby and maybe not. N.K. was and is a world renovned critic, in her heydays perhaps known by almost every adult newspaper reader all over the world? While I’m basically only known by the global power elite. But then again: Perhaps you should heed the prophesy? (link 5).)
Note 2.
(Update 29.Okt.) Only today I saw yesterdays op-ed by Mr. Mads Kastrup in the large Copenhagen tabloid EKSTRABLADET.
Obviously mr. Kastrup is – no less than Ms. Lyhne – a totally honourable, fearless, intelligent and honest critical journalist. Certainly like Ms. Lyhne at the apex of danish critical journalism today.
Here are a few sample quotes from his post (marked with an asterix, while my comments have an arrow).
* Mads Kastrup 28.10.2019
Vi ender alle som fredløse.
DET ER SVÆRT at skabe et frit samfund. Men det er nemt at ødelægge det.
> The word OUTLAWED (fredløs) seems perhaps quite pertinent? If everyone are to be watched, bad-eyed, surveyed and followed in any way imaginable – in short: recklessly harassed – basically without any genuine reason at all – then we’re all in fact OUTLAWED.
For myself that has more or less been the state of affairs for several years now: No matter what happens to me I would have no recourse to – not to speak of protection by – the law! Whether I am burglarized, water-inundated in my flat, arsoned, mugged, kidnapped, killed or maimed in hospital (or anywhere else) – no matter what, the police would never, ever lift a finger to assist me – except ofcourse perfunctorily? (link 3)
I guess that just about defines the state of being FREDLØS (outlawed). And mind you: my ONLY two crimes is: that I have dared to protest against abuse from superiors (in the then Ministry of Transportation (link 2, danish)) and that I have dared to criticzise subsequent abuse by the SecretService/SecretPolice and their friends. (Note 1)
But ofcourse, anyone can see that these are capital crimes?
That is – in a police state they are!
* ‘Danmarks nye regeringsparti, der med sin seneste ’sikkerhedspakke’ med 300 yderligere overvågningskameraer er trådt i karakter som noget nær den hidtil mest totalitært tænkende regering, vi har haft.’
> See the above and my earlier posts
Lykketoft – Bjerregaard – Pind
The Putsch and the Hit-Squad (upd.)
* DET VIL VÆRE ’en kæmpe fordel’ for det københavnske politi, hvis de får mulighed for at benytte ansigtsgenkendelse til at overvåge borgerne, lyder meldingen fra Københavns Politis chefpolitiinspektør, Jørgen Bergen Skov, i et interview med Berlingske.
* Helt sikkert. Og det vil være en endnu større fordel, hvis alle borgere får indopereret chips i nakken og dermed kan overvåges og registreres døgnet rundt.
> Of course it’s difficult to precisely know if this police officer (chief-inspector) is just an order abiding civil servant, or perhaps blatantly clueless or even blatantly evil?
* For nu ved vi fra Jørgen Betjent, hvad de 300 kameraer egentlig skal bruges til: Ansigtsgenkendelse ligesom i Kina, som vi alle ved er et retsstatsligt forbillede.
> I fear the honourable Mr. Kastrup has perchance not fully grasped the real meaning of the much quoted ‘300 extra cameras’?
The 300 extra cameras are not meant to merely supplement the already existing 1,5 million fixed surveillance cameras in all of Denmark.
On the contrary, they are supposed to be available to police to pinpoint surveillance on something or someone in particular. For instance if some rogue police agents (in the ordinary police, secret service or secret police) would like to know something about the associates, correspondents, whistleblowers and other sources of the honourables mr. Kastrup or ms. Lyhne and/or their family – then said agents would just put up a few cameras outside the homes of these journalists, at their favourite restaurants, at their lovers residence, at their family homes and so on and so fort.
* ETHVERT KONTROLLERENDE tiltag finder sted med henvisning til terrorbekæmpelse eller beskyttelse af borgerne som sådan
Hermed spiller man imidlertid terroristernes spil. Terror angriber indirekte demokratiet ved, at frygten for den dikterer ufrihed for alle. Den ernærer sig ikke af den tilslutning, den kan opnå, men af den frygt, den kan sprede.
> Very true. Whence you have to ask yourself if there is perhaps a certain degree of truth to the sometines propounded view, that various secret services are in fact behind most terrorism? With no terrorism there would be little need for the worlds secret services! Might eventually imply that half of Denmarks 1000 SecretService/SecretPolice agents could ultimately become redundant and/or be pounding the pavement?
* VELKOMMEN TIL til familieovervågning. Og velkommen til samfundet, hvor den udøvende magt har udvidet retsprincippet om, at politi og myndigheder skal have ’begrundet mistanke’ til nu også at omfatte ubegrundet mistanke.
* Det er dertil bemærkelsesværdigt, at mens vore politikere frejdigt erklærer visse folk fredløse i overvågningssamfundet, påberåber de sig ret til selv at gå fri.
DEN SENESTE offentlighedslov har ikke ligefrem kastet lys ind i magtens korridorer ej heller oplyst forvaltningen af Danmark.
Her skal for guds skyld ikke registreres eller kontrolleres noget.
* Og hvad gør et samfund, der har sat al mulig overvågning i værk og alligevel rammes af et terrorangreb, vil jeg gerne spørge.
ER DET SÅ IKKE HER, som indledningsvist antydet, man ved lov indopererer chips i nakken på alle?
* Det er jo det sikreste. At alle til enhver tid i alle sammenhænge er under systemets overvågning, kontrol og registrering.
Det vil, med chefpolitiinspektørens ord, være ’en kæmpe fordel’.
* ’Ingen frihed, uden tryghed,’ som daværende vicestatsminister Bendt Bendtsen sagde, da nye antiterrorlove skulle indføres efter 11. september 2001. Bendt, der også var betjent, kom i vanlig stil til at vende det hele på hovedet.
Det er selvsagt omvendt: Ingen tryghed uden frihed.
> Kudos to ms. Lyhne and mr. Kastrup for their brave and bright posts!
Link 1.
The Robots’ Cash Ban
Link 2.
Nullermand eller regimekritiker?
Link 3.
Småting og bagateller (3)
Link 4.
September Colours
Link 5.
Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis
Note 1.
(Update 30.Okt.) In a vision I had early in the a.m. today, I saw one of my former chief’s (though not whom exactly) in the Ministry of Transportation mocking me slightly for pretending to be absolutely innocent in our 13-year fight for justice.
But ofcourse not; in a fight that long there will be committed wrongs on both sides. Still – in the interest of justice you should take the trouble to study the first few pages of the first letters/docs of the case; at least if you want to comment; but always glad to communicate, ofcourse!
A CD with all letters will be gladly supplied on application to any legitimate party (use comments facility, please).
Blog posts may or may not be crossposted on www.gamleboeger.dk and http://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com
My twitter account www.twitter.com/gamleboeger is now not updated as I’ve been shut out.