(9.Nov.2019) Today is Saturday and it’s definitely a bit grey and hapless out there.
But at the friendly folks from the Nordisk Antikvariat booksellers, now keeping station in the HeiligGeist Church House, there is almost always sunshine inside – not least because they are set to soon begin the final week of their ongoing dutch antikvarian book sale.
The price today is 20 Kr ($3) per item. After a cursory glance through the well stocked tables I decided to not buy anything today. But three days ago, when the price was 25 Kr ($3.75) I found a handful, among which:
1. TABLEAU HISTORIQUE ET CRITIQUE DE LA POESIE FRANCAISE ET DU THEATRE FRANCAIS AU XVIe SIECLE. Par SAINTE-BEUVE. Edition revue et tres augmentee. Paris, Charpentier, (no year but perhaps about 1890), 499 p., hardcover.
This neat little book is bound unpretentiously, even spartan, in plain, grey cloth.
The text is a tad too tightly printed in the nearly 500 pages; but it’s nice enough done and seems tolerably readable.
From perusing the web it seems to transpire that there’s also one or more 2-volume editions extant, which plan ofcourse should make for a more easy to read typeface.
I already own more than a few works of le redoutable M. Sainte-Beuve (1804-69); but I did not until now own this particular title and don’t think I’ve ever seen it.
Perhaps I won’t be perusing it a lot, at least in the near future, on account of the subject matter; or rather the time period, the 1500s.
The – or one of the? – previous owner(s) has had a few blank pages inserted by the bookbinder; a few with lengthy notes, that I’ve some difficulty reading, however.
For some, perhaps not obvious, reason the hand reminds me of Mr. Paul Rubow, the much admired erstwhile professor of literature at Copenhagen University; but his name is not inscribed in the front of the book as was otherwise normally his wont (I believe).
Here’s a couple of sample quotes from the chapter ‘De L’Esprit De Malice Au Bon Vieux Temps’ (p. 452 & 454, as ususal I have to omit the ‘diacritics’ as I’m writing Braille on my laptop):
(Off hand it’s a bit difficult for me to get a clear grip of this (as every so often somewhat rambling?) text of M. Sainte-Beuve. Perhaps mostly on account of the curious fact, that the word ‘malice’ in french apparently has two almost directly opposite meanings: a) playful or teasing wanton and b) evil?).
(p.542) ‘On a remarque des longtemps cette gaiete particuliere aux pays catholiques; ce sont des enfants qui sur le giron de leur mere lui font toutes sortes de niches et prennent leurs aises. Le catholicisme chez lui permet bien des choses, quand on ne l’attaque pas de front.
‘N’avez-vous jamais remarque dans la foule, un jour de fete, ces bons grands chevaux de gardes municipaux entre les jambes desquels se pressent les passants, filles et garcons, et qui ne mettent le sabot sur personne? Tels sont les bons chevaux de garde du pape en pays catholiques.
‘Chez nous, la gallicanisme compliqua un peu: il permit d’etre plus logique, il empecha aussi de l’etre trop. La gaiete se trempa davantage d’un certain bon sens pratique, sans toutefois passer outre.
‘Il y eut toujours la paroisse et le cure. Entre deux Paques pourtant, l’espace etait long, la marge etait large, et le malin, sans avoir l’air d’y songer; s’accordait bien des choses.’
(p.454) ‘Malgre tout, meme depuis Erasme, meme durant Montaigne, meme a travers Bayle, quelque chose de cet esprit d’autrefois, mi-parti de malice et de soumission sincere, s’est conserve chez quelques individus de marque, la malice dominant, il est vrai, mais la soumission aussi retrouvant son jour.
‘Parmi nos poetes, jusque parmi les plus emancipes, la race se suit tres-distincte. Je laisse bien vite Rabelais de cote; c’est un trop gros morceau pour que je m’en incommode. Mais Passerat, mais Regnier, qui pourtant on passe par lui, retrouvent des conversions sinceres (j’insiste sur le mot), de vraies larmes.
‘Le bon Gringoire, auteur de railleuses sotties et le type de ce vieuz genre, finit pieusement et merite d’etre enterre a Notre-Dame. La Fontaine, Piron lui-meme, sont de grands exemples. Chez tous ces hommes, qu’y avait-il eu a leurs plus vifs moments et a leurs heures les plus buissonnieres?
‘Ecoutons Grosley encore nous parlant d’un de ses amis, le joyeux abbe Courtois: ‘Il m’admettoit, dit-il, a partager ses plaisirs, dont la gaiete, qui lui etoit commune avec toutes les belles ames, faisoit le fond et mormoit l’assaisonnement’.
‘Voila bien le vrai fonds antique de nos peres, fonds de gaiete sans malignite et sans fiel, ou bien gaiete aiguisee de malice, mais sans rien d’ambitieux, d’orgueilleux et de subversif. Ces derniers points nous reviennent en propre et a tous les vrais modernes.’
2. VICTOR HUGO – APRÈS 1852. L’Exil, Les Dernieres Annees et la Mort du Poéte. Par Edmond BIRÉ. 2.ed. Paris, 1894, 394 p. hardcover.
I’ve found nothing about the author Biré; and I hardly need to present Mr. Hugo (1802-85), the esoteric, cabalist author? (note 1, below)
Here’s a sample quote from page 191:
‘Victor Hugo ne pouvait plus ecrire un livre sans insulter la Restauration. Son nouveau roman a pour objet de peindre les amours d’un matelot guernesiais, sa lutte contre les forces et les coleres de l’Ocean.
‘Il semble bien que Louis XVIII et Charles X n’ont rien a y voir. Victor Hugo ne l’entend pas ainsi. Il se dechaine contre les princes qui l’ont pensionne, contre le gouvernement qu’il a chante. Il ecrit ces lignes etranges:
‘Ces temps etaient une epoque de fuites…Pendant les sept ou huit premieres annees apres la rentree des Bourbons, la panique fut partout, dans la finance, dans l’industrie, dans le commerce…Il y avait un sauve-qui-peut dans la politique…On fayait… la tour de Taurias d’Avignon, silhouette lugubrement debout dans l’histoire, qu’a marquee la Reaction, et ou l’on distingue encore aujourd’hui cette main sanglante’.
‘A la tour de Trouilhas (et non Taurias) se rattachent en effect de sanglants souvenirs, ceux du massacre organise a Avignon, les 16 et 17 octobre 1791, par les chefs du parti revolutionnaire, Jourdan Coupe-tetes, Mainvielle et Duprat, dignes precurseurs des egorgeurs de Septembre.
‘M. Louis Blanc, que Victor Hugo appelle quelque part l’austere historien, reconte en ces termes ce terrible episode, au tome VI de son Histoire de la Revolution…’
3. HISTOIRE DE LA VIE ET DES OUVRAGES DE P. CORNEILLE. Par M. J. TASCHEREAU. Paris, Jannet, Bibliotheque Elzevirienne, 1855. 2.ed. 440 p. Bound in orig. cloth.
This neat, small volume is slightly shabby outside, but inside almost like new. It’s beautifully printed on what appears to me to be hand made paper. It’s a pleasure just to browse the book!
I can’t say I’m particularly interested in the theatre in general and the life and works of M. Corneille in particular. What made me buy the book newertheless, is perhaps mostly the curious and interesting fact, that the author, M. Taschereau, has graciously provided 170 pages of notes to the preceding 266 pages of principal text.
And to top that there are almost always several additional (shorter) notes at the bottom of each page – and I’m a sucker for notes! (- or eclaircissements as sometimes said by the French).
A cursory glance seems to reveal, that there’s a plentitude of historical facts and interesting remarks hiding in these 170 pages.
Jules Antoine Taschereau was a french politician and writer (1801-74). He started out as a journalist, then became a politician and was rewarded for (apparently) being a turncoat with ultimately becoming director of the National Library.
He wrote the life of Boufflers, Moliere and Corneille. His main work was ‘Revue Retrospectives’ (20. vols. of unpublished documents and memoirs 1833-37) and a new collection in 1848, solely concerned with the history of secret societies.
Pierre Corneille (1606-84) lived more or less concurrently with Louis XIII (1601-43). And, by the way, with ‘our own’ Josias Rantzau (1609-50), at this time one of less than a handful Maréchals de France not born French.
Incidentally Josias Rantzau is perhaps the most likely biological father of the Sun King – Louis XIV? By the machinations of Cardinal Richelieu, if we’re to believe rumours in their days. Here’s what I wrote in an earlier post (link 1):
‘As an aside here is a curious item of gossip about the Sun-King. The rumor was that a Danish officer, Josias Rantzau, born 1609 and who made it to Maréchal de France, might reasonably be regarded as the father of Louis XIV.
The Danish genealogist Tycho de Hoffman, who wrote in the 18th century, relates from a german book issued in the 1600’s, that Richelieu arranged for Rantzau to be close, even intimate with the queen, Anna of Austria.
She was said to be much, perhaps fatally, enchanted by Rantzau who was then by many regarded as the most handsome officer and chevalier of his time.’
But now back to basics.
I’ve not had a chance to visit Dorrit yet. As reported in an earlier post (link 2) Dorrit was (supposed to be) operated in Herlev Hospital abt. ten days ago. Of course I should and would have visited her one or more times in the meantime.
But last Wednesday (Nov.6.) I had this warning vision early in the A.M.:
– I saw an aircraft high in the (nightly?) sky. I couldn’t see any particular details due to the distance and darkness.
– Then I saw an aircraft – size somewhat like the venerable DC-3 – flying very low (abt. 10 feet above ground) between two house gabels, like if flying through the courtyard of a country house (link 3). I was observing from one of the wings of the house.
– Then I saw two (or three?) ‘Navy-Seal’ types waiting for me in a large, multi-storied house; from which I eventually tried to escape. (However one of the men wore a helmet like they were formerly worn by paratroopers, hence the men were perhaps most likely supposed to be ‘Delta-Force’ types?)
– I then woke up.
Exposition: I guess the mob has decided to once more bring in a few specialists in ‘The Simple Art of Murder’ – or kidnapping?
The high altitude of the aircraft might perhaps indicate the plane came from afar, i.e. Overseas (american or mediterranean?).
The subsequent low-altitude flight might indicate an unloading of personnel? But it also tend to remind one of the attack on the Pentagon on 9.11.
That attack was ostensibly carried out with a large, commercial aircraft flying abt. 10 feet above ground in its approach before hitting the building. Which according to expert pilots would however have been quite impossible. Obviously a missile was in fact employed (google it!).
But this analogy seems to imply a supreme importance of the mission, as seen in my vision? The Pentagon attack was reportedly intended to destroy evidence of a few trillion(!) taxpayer dollars seemingly evaporated from the Pentagon budgets, and of which an investigation had recently been instigated by SOD Donald Rumsfeld and just then ongoing in the premises and by the personnel hit by the missile.
In my case it’s perhaps mostly to destroy evidence of this (link 4) or perhaps this (link 7)?
But obviously I didn’t feel it would be wise to visit the ‘desolate’ Herlev Hospital just now, and I’ve once again had to try and be philosophical about it all: No one told Dorrit and myself beforehand when we would meet abt. twenty years ago; and conversely no one will necessarily tell us beforehand when we may have to part ways.
But it’s exactly this kind of predicament that have made me to – reluctantly – decide not to have family of my own (and why I never ‘lived or slept’ with Dorrit). In our time of ubiquitous video- and it-surveillance you simply cannot have family of your own if you want to stand up to the mob!
The mob, incidentally, consists of entities not entirely human; they are in fact more like robots, and COMPLETELY without moral holds. (link 5). You may perhaps most appropriately describe them as MORAL ANTIMATTER?
Moral Antimatter that you have to evade at all costs lest you all are completely destroyed!
Because just like antimatter in the physical universe destroys matter when they meet, moral antimatter will inevitably destroy all moral things they meet.
Moreover – in all probability you may safely assume, that any entity that’s more or less viciously attacking morality – i.e. morally sound people, ideas, institutions, cultures – with a very high degree of certainty are mob or mob-related (if not simply blatantly insane)? Sort of defining the mob, perhaps?
The mob would simply not want or accept members or associates that don’t profess and fully adhere to complete immorality.
Also there can be no doubt that the ‘destroyers of worlds’ – including the destroyers and disruptors of sane and sound human entities and institutions – at the very least are mob inspired; and who sooner or later will grow – perhaps more or less arcane – links with the mob.
Incidentally, compare what top theoretical scientist LOUIS SANCHO’s remarked about certain of his colleagues (while talking about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider – link 6):
“Don’t you get it? It is all a moral question!! They know they can kill the planet, they don’t care”.
In fact earthlings may already now be able to destroy Earth and the Sun with its planetary system. And perhaps even kick the sun right out of the Milky Way Galaxy? (note 2, below).
But back to base again:
Today (Okt.9.2019), early in the A.M. I had this vision:
– I saw a quite small and very odd aircraft in a rather low altitude in the air. It was brownish with a curious, irregular shape and was rotating in the air.
– Then I saw (the same?) strange aircraft land on the platform of our roof. It now seemed quite large, at least for the platform.
– I saw the craft was made up of straw, and was just large (or small) enough to fit almost precisely on the platform, where it was put down quite elegantly. It appeared to be formed somewhat like an (inner) shoe sole made of straw.
– My associates planned to inspect the craft, but I declined as I feared I would be kidnapped.
– I then woke up.
Exposition: I guess the mob in question has by now figured I’m wise to the Herlev Hospital mission. Whence plan B has been invoked. Plan B seems to be roughly like this:
An ultra-light aircraft or para-glider is to be tasked with landing on the large roof-platform of our appartment house, bringing in a hit-team.
From the platform the hit-team is to access my flat in one way or another and either assassinate or (preferably) kidnap me.
The access may happen either
1) from the landing platform through the top (5th store) flat (the platform-door may well be unlocked?) and out into the stairway and to my front door. But as I have installed a high quality lock – supposed to be unbreakeable (or rather unpickable – it can ofcourse easily be broken by brute force) – perhaps option 2 is more likely?
2) into the appartment directly above mine; from there the hit-team would enter my appartment by climbing through windows – a piece of cake for any elite, mob-controlled ‘Delta-Force’ types.
They wouldn’t have to break the window glass in the flat above mine, and could after a successful mission easily exchange any broken window in my flat with the corresponding window in the identical flat above.
The flat above mine would ofcourse not be investigated by any rogue SecretPolice; on the contrary, every effort could perhaps be undertaken so as to make my eventual disappearence look like I had just peacefully gone away on my own?
Frankly all of this is an option I’ve considered years ago. I’m afraid it always was slightly worrying for me, that our small appartment house had this giant roof platform erected when the house was refurbished a few years ago.
But ofcourse I’ve had to consider my options; we’ll have to see how things pan out.
Incidentally – why an shoe-sole shaped airplane made up of straw?
Perhaps the straw-made vehicle indicates both its origin as well as the date of its mission and its target?
Firstly: The Americans have a history of employing straw or reeds for ships, i.e. travelling vehicles.
Secondly: Perhaps the straw material also indicate possible date options for a mission?
When might a hit preferably be attempted?
– Perhaps on the 13.Nov. – the birthday of my maternal grandfather? He was a small farmer all his life, and of old peasants and most rustic people used straw-made soles in their clogs.
– Or on 20.Nov. – the birthday of my paternal grandfather who was a shoemaker?
– Or on the 3.Dec. – the birthday of my father – the son of a shoemaker?
– Or perhaps in week 52, Christmas week. In that week many of the flats in our house will be desolate on account of their mostly young residents being with their family for Christmas. Also it’s an old custom to decorate houses and gardens with things made from straw at Chrismas.
Thirdly: The strange shoe-sole shaped craft made by straw may indicate the target: Someone contempteously regarded as ‘a peasant with straw in his clogs’?
But once more it’s getting dark and I want to get home before long.
Thanks for joining – and be careful!
Note 1.
See for instance: VICTOR HUGO – POÈTE DE SATAN, by Paul ZUMTHOR. Paris, 1946, Robert Laffont, 338p.
Note 2.
One might be tempted to muse a bit about our cosmic (Galactic) nightbours, perhaps somewhat like this:
They have obviously been watching and gathering intelligence on us for decades (especially since Hiroschima and Nagasaki, see the historian Richard M. Dolan’s three recent, massive and well researched volumes on the matter), and one should hardly be surprised in the least if it’s very soon decided it’s about time to bring in a ‘Galactic Police Task Force’?
Earthlings have now become a dangeours liability for their neighbours, and one should obviously not expect the same suave, hands-off attitude from a Task Force as reportedly almost always experienced from the observers and intelligence gathering entities?
Link 1.
Jydske Lov, Josias Rantzau, Juvenal’s Satirer, Blicher og Søren Holm, H.C.Andersen og Niels Hancke.
Link 2.
Lykketoft – Bjerregaard – Pind
Link 3.
The Country House
Link 4.
Link 5.
The Robots’ Cash Ban
Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon
Link 6.
Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC
Link 7.
Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis
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My twitter account www.twitter.com/gamleboeger is now and until further notice not updated as I’ve had access to my account blocked by the friendly folks from Twitter.