Nebelungen Leid

(18.4.2020) Today is Saturday and it’s real nice out there.

But this morning I slept late on account I was dreaming constantly all morning.

For several hours, as it seemed, I had this slightly monotonous dream:

I had found, or was presented with, several small parcels, that apparently were supposed to contain some sort of information, in writing or otherwise, and I was obviously supposed to consecutively open the parcels and read the information inside.

I believe I had begun to grow a little worried when I finally made up my mind to rise, shortly before noon.

First thing I turned on my PC to scrutinize some of the danish newssites. And lo-and-behold – buried deep inside a transcription (in the large Copenhagen tabloid EKSTRABLADET) of a very long, shallow and hazy monologue our P.M. had delivered at a press conference last Tuesday (Apr.14) you found the carefully hidden punchlines:

“Jeg vil også gerne til det her spørgsmål “hvornår kommer den gode gamle hverdag tilbage?” sige, at mens vi navigerer i corona, så skal vi jo som samfund lære at leve med, at der er en virus af den kaliber, vi oplever lige nu og det gælder til den dag, hvor der måtte være en effektiv behandling eller en vaccine.

“Det gælder ikke kun i Danmark, det gælder i hele verden.
Jeg vil også gerne sige, at målet med alt det, vi gør, det er jo, at vi så hurtigt som det overhovedet kan lade sig gøre, vender tilbage til et Danmark, der er så normalt som overhovedet muligt, selvom jeg tror at mange af os efterhånden ved, at det nok ikke bliver på samme måde, som det var før.”
(Tellingly there was quite unusually no printed copy of the monologue passed around after the press meeting. But EKSTRABLADET has wisely and thankfully taken the trouble to publish a transcript in their 18.Apr.-edition).

> The talk is more or less a masterpiece and archetype of two-faced doubletalk, deliberately designed to appear helpless and childlish, but nevertheless with a sinister undertone?

a) ‘Hvornår kommer den gode gamle hverdag tilbage’ (when will the good, olden days be back’.

> Here they mock ‘den gode gamle tid’ (the good olden time), an expression that in modern Danish has a slightly ridiculous connotation.

The good old days certainly is something any ‘progressive’ young politician or young voter don’t really want back.

Thus she lays the first foundation for not – like in never? – going back to the good old days, i.e. the days before 3.11 – the day they shut down Denmark (note the date 11., a magic date for the cabal!).

b) ‘…mens vi navigerer i Corona’ (while we navigave in Corona).

> We are in a dangerous ocean of Corona!

And who are ‘we’ – the Govt., the NWO-cabal or the voters?

Personally I don’t ‘navigate (the ocean of) Corona’ – but I try to navigate all the silly – or even malevolent? – government rules that have the magic word Corona attached to them.

c) ‘så skal vi jo som samfund lære at leve med, at der er en virus af den kaliber, vi oplever lige nu’ (we have as a community to learn to live with there is a virus af a calibre like we experience just now)(!)

> Obviously nonsense talk to small kids. (‘sort tale’).

Perhaps what she means is, that we have to learn to live like they do in Sweden – our neighbour? No?

d) ‘… og det gælder til den dag, hvor der måtte være en effektiv behandling eller en vaccine’. (…which we have to do until the day there may be an effective cure or a vaccine).

> Thus we are to live with the virus until a cure or vaccine may be available, she says.

But ofcourse we are! We’ve all, allways, lived with billions and trillions of vira, and not least coronavira, and always will.

Many or even most vira are thought to be a valuable part of our body-ecosystem, so what’s the big deal?

Does she perhaps mean that the Corona virus will be exterminated when a cure or vaccine is available? This is however ridiculous.

Incidentally a flu-vaccine hardly give immunity? On the contrary it appears to tend to give decreased immunity? (item 30., below).

One recent study has found that, and for coronavirus in particular, those who had been vaccinated with the flu vaccine had a 36% higher risk of contracting it. (see item 30, below)

Thus neither a cure (for the seriously ill) nor a vaccine will rid us of the Covid-19 virus. It will perhaps always be with us?

But, newermind, we must ‘as a community’ – i.e. under the auspices and directions of her and her government agencies! – learn to live with the virus! Something we could never have managed on our own!

e) ‘det gælder ikke kun i Danmark, det gælder i hele verden’ (this is so, not just in Denmark but in the whole world).

> Now – how, precisely, do you know that? Would you perchance happen to know the plans of the global cabal?

By the way – if you were seriously concerned about our neighbours, perhaps you might want to look east: abt. 5 miles east you would see Sweden, with almost no lockdowns and reportedly no more cases per million people than in fully locked down places (i.e. UK).

f) ‘Jeg vil også gerne sige, at målet med alt det, vi gør, det er jo, at vi så hurtigt som det overhovedet kan lade sig gøre, vender tilbage til et Danmark, der er så normalt som overhovedet muligt, selvom jeg tror at mange af os efterhånden ved, at det nok ikke bliver på samme måde, som det var før’
(she warns that ‘many of us’ now know, that (the going back to normal) hardly will be ‘in the same way’ as before).

> Does ‘many of us’ simply mean ‘a local, Danish putsch-cabal’?

There is clearly no way they will allow Denmark to return to the open democracy it was before 3.11: ‘at det nok ikke bliver på samme måde som før’ (that it will hardly be in the same way as before).

Another important detail of the mealy-mouthed manipulation: It’s ostensibly not the society what will be forever changed; no – it’s only the WAY we’re supposed to go back to whatever endresult there will be, that hardly will be like before: the WAY, not the putsched endgame?

Hence nothing to worry about, dear children, just move on!

All commenters I’ve seen as yet, don’t seem to understand why she talked nonsence and hot air for almost half and hour. And many think she talked wholly or mostly off the cuff.

But this is almost certainly not so. The passages cited above is clearly tuned, tweaked and polished very, very carefully – probably not only by the P.M. herself and her master-spindoctor, but by their possible NWO-cabal masters as well?

It’s simply so incredibly important to get the Danish parliament to now accept:

1) That a putsch (statskup) may have been successfully perpetrated and should be allowed to perpetuate?

2) That there will certainly be no going back to society as it was before (3.11).

Our parliament already has accepted mandatory and possibly dangerous or at best useless vaccinations. This may well be the trump card of Governments to play against critical voices in politics, journalism, blogs and (medical) science?

Although as the very last weapon there ofcourse is total cash-ban, that can be used to very effectively neutralize opponents (link 1).

As soon as cash-ban comes (i.e. soon!) then undesirables will experience, that funds will magically dissipate from their CreditCard-accounts.

When they asks their bank what goes on, they will get the answer: Nothing is going on, we can see that you yourself makes payments with your chipped Visa-card. Hence no business of ours (from my own recent experience, link 2, note below).

If you insists they may presumably report you to the police for attempted fraud?

My guess is that relevant organization(s) are already instituted to handle this (read CIA/Mossad?).

After cash-ban any and all critical voices may easily be starved?


More headlines and quotes from recent news.

1. Fredag blev det officielt: Der er ingen overdødelighed i Danmark som følge af coronavirussen.
I den seneste større influenzaepidemi i vinteren 2017/18 døde 1644 danskere. Fem gange så mange, som indtil nu er døde af corona.

‘Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, at man ikke engang kan se overdødelighed hos de ældre – det kan man i en influenzaepidemi,’ siger Nils Strandberg Pedersen, der var direktør på Statens Serum Institut frem til 2016, til Berlingske

Har vi netop gennemlevet danmarkshistoriens dyreste angstanfald? Vi ser ind i en fremtid med økonomisk krise og frygt for hinanden. Dem, der giver kram – om det så blot er til deres nærmeste – bliver den nye underklasse

2. Jeppe Søe: Jeg kan sidde 20 centimeter fra en kørelærer, men må ikke drikke en kop kaffe med ham udenfor på en cafe med god afstand. Det må jeg godt på Molslinjen. Indenfor endda.
Os der holder foredrag har mistet et halvt års omsætning – og da forsamlinger er aflyst helt til september, er der ingen, der booker foredrag lige nu.

Fredag aften kom udvidelsen af forsamlingsforbuddet. Ikke på et pressemøde, fordi disse nu er forbeholdt godt nyt – men bare som en breaking. Vi må ikke se mere end 10 mennesker før til maj.
Børnene må slikke på flere hundrede og komme hjem til os, der så tager på arbejde. Vi adlyder stadig. Også selvom nogle få havde sat et flueben forkert hos Epinion. Men vi efterlyser en retning. En strategi. En mening med det hele.

3. (Henrik Qvortrup)(set i EB d. 18.4.2020) Et dybt mystisk pressemøde, hvor ikke en eneste konkret nyhed blev præsenteret trods 23 minutters enetale fra Mette Frederiksen.

4. (Who is this man really working for?)
Der kan gå måneder – eller endda år – før danskere kan levet livet som før coronakrisen.
Sådan lyder vurderingen fra Kåre Mølbak, der er faglig direktør på Statens Serum Institut, i et interview med Berlingske.

Det er blandt andet store koncerter, teaterforestillinger, kram, håndtryk og tæt kontakt til andre, som skal undgås i lang tid fremover.

Kåre Mølbak har tidligere vurderet, at der vil gå mindst et år, før der er en effektfuld vaccine klar mod coronavirus..
Derfor forventer han, at vi i Danmark skal regne med at holde social afstand i mindst et år.

Vi kan selvfølgelig ikke lukke alt ned, indtil vi har en vaccine, men det skal ske under den forudsætning, at folk kan holde afstand. Men der er nok også nogle ting, der ikke kan genoptages, før vi har en vaccine.
Den ubekendte faktor i ligningen er altså tidspunktet for, hvornår der findes en vaccine.

5. Coronavirus: The only plague in the history of the world that shut a large number of hospitals down due to lack of business!
If you have not figured out the story line yet, that ought to help.

6. Søs Marie Serup: Kriser er politisk trylledrik
Kriser kan noget. Lige nu er mange nationer i den specielle situation, at vælgerne er mere tilfredse med de folkevalgte og deres beslutninger, end de var før krisen.

7. Mette Frederiksen om genåbning: Derfor må frisøren godt – men cafeen må ikke.
Regeringen har handlet på sundhedsmyndighedernes anbefalinger for genåbning, forklarer statsministeren.

8. The public should not let any partial relaxation of dictatorial policies fool them, and in fact, all should be very skeptical of any temporary pullback meant to calm the herd

Coronavirus Deception, Lies, Fakery, and Fraud Trumps the Truth

9. Under coronakrisen er salget i onlinebutikken steget med 55 procent i forhold til sidste år.
Britiske medier beskrev for nylig, hvordan ejerne af Magasin du Nord, den engelske varehuskæde Debenhams, kæmper for at undgå konkurs.

10. Det undrer dog økonomidirektøren, hvorfor store tøjbutikker, hypermarkets og byggemarkeder stadig må holde åbent.
Peter Fabricius fremhæver, at han har svært ved at se, at smittefaren skulle være større hos Magasin.

11. »Jeg har svært ved at forstå, at der ikke må være 1.500 mennesker i Magasin på vores kæmpe areal, når der må være 100 mennesker i en lille Netto. Kunderne kommer jo ikke til at stå tættere i Magasin. Tværtimod. Vi har store og brede gange,« siger Peter Fabricius til Berlingske.

12. Den store modekoncern PWT, der står bag blandt andet de kendte kæder Wagner og Tøjeksperten, er gået i betalingsstandsning.
Koncernen beskæftiger cirka 700 medarbejdere.
Ifølge branchebladet Tøj har koncernen forårs- og sommertøj for 200 millioner kroner liggende.

13. Yderligere 10 personer smittet med coronavirus er døde i Danmark.
Antallet af indlagte på de danske sygehuse falder fortsat.

14. For Covid-19 har mange af dem, der dør, andre sygdomme i forvejen eller er ældre. I statistikken regnes Covid-19, som årsagen til døden, hvis folk er døde inden for 30 dage, de er testet positive for corona. De daglige dødstal, som Statens Seruminstitut opgør, er ikke endeligt kontrolleret og valideret.

15. Alle folketingets partier stod også bag beslutningen om at lave en katastrofeopbremsning.
Det var nødvendigt, siger Per Larsen, sundhedsordfører for de Konservative.

16. Domstolene genåbner 27. april: ‘Flere tusind sager er blevet aflyst’
Sagsbunkerne har hobet sig op under nedlukningen og udfordret et i forvejen presset retsvæsen.

17. Pia Olsen Dyhr vil nu arbejde for, at S-regeringen udarbejder en plan for renationalisering af vaccinefabrikken. Og den coronavaccine, som det private selskab AJ Vaccines har under udvikling, bør også komme på danske hænder, hvis det er muligt:

18. Lars Løkke Rasmussen taler Mette Frederiksens coronastrategi imod


19. Pandemien med coronavirus er “igen under kontrol” i Tyskland takket være en måneds nedlukning af landet.
Det siger den tyske sundhedsminister, Jens Spahn.

19.a. GARY D. BARNETT: The newest pandemic to strike America, and the rest of the world as well, is a disease with many strains of the gene called “stupidity.” I have not in my lifetime seen this much ignorance displayed by so many all at the same time
Something so normal as a minor flu has stilled the earth, and has caused almost all of humanity to be consumed by fear and a total lack of logical thought.

What is ahead is rule by the few over a weak and mindless proletariat
Apparently, the world we have known is over, and the new world order that will replace it will be one of total control. This is not science fiction; it is now reality.

The economy as it has existed is finished, and a new system will be forthcoming. Cash will have to be eliminated…
This system that is coming is one that relies on a central grid controlled by a hidden governing body beholding to the master planners.

This Is Madness, and You Will Now Be Required to Build Your Own Prisons!
This is really happening, and is not temporary, but will be the new normal if a total revolt by the masses is not forthcoming. Be prepared for the worst mankind can dish out, because what will come of this is pure hell!

This Is Madness, and You Will Now Be Required to Build Your Own Prisons!

20. Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who also serves on the research and development advisory board for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain.

The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way.

His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.

But what about Italy and their staggering 12% mortality rate? “The health system in Italy has its own problems. It has nothing to do with coronavirus. In 2017 it also collapsed because of the flu,

Indeed, Italy’s exceptionally high coronavirus mortality rate is eerily reminiscent of their unusually high flu mortality rates. Supportive of this theory, Germany, has low flu infection and mortality rates and similarly low coronavirus rates.

Expansion begins exponentially but fades quickly after about eight weeks, ” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concluded. The reason why coronavirus follows a fixed pattern is yet unknown. “I have no explanation, ” he told Mako, “There is all kinds of speculation: maybe it’s climate-related, maybe the virus has its own life cycle.”

Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concludes in his analysis summary paper that the data from the past 50 days indicates that the numbers simply do not support quarantine or economic closure.

21. Og så understregede han endnu en gang uenigheden i Mandettas beslutninger og strategier:
– Jeg ved, at menneskeliv er uvurderlige. Men økonomien og erhvervet skal tilbage til det normale.

22. WHO Wants To Separate Families… “In A Safe And Dignified Manner”.
“… transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units. Now we need to go and look in families and find those people who may be sick and remove them, ”

23. (Murderers at large?)
Shocking Reports Claim 1000s Perished Uncounted In NY, UK Nursing Homes; Spanish Death Toll Tops 20k: Live Updates.
Spain has one of the highest mortality rates from COVID-19 in the world now…

24. At the present time, a trio of dishonest and deceitful virologists who advise the President have taken over the world. Wear a (useless) mask. Stay six-feet away. Stay indoors, at home. Be a good American. But what if it’s all a misdirection, Orson Wells redux?

How Easy Is It To Fool Americans?

25. Ron Paul: People ‘Should Be Leery About’ a Coronavirus Vaccine
By Adam Dick
Ron Paul Institute

Ron Paul: Be Leery About a Coronavirus Vaccine

25.a. JACK KERWICK: “The Coronavirus” is, in reality, but the latest discovered variant of a family of corona viruses that are located in all acute respiratory diseases. As Wolfgang Wodarg—a German medical doctor who once ran his own health department with a system for monitoring flu diseases among people within an area of some 150,000 inhabitants—informs us, coronaviruses constitute anywhere up to 15% of respiratory diseases. “Hence,” Dr. Wodarg says, “it’s just normal that a big part of viruses are coronaviruses.”

Coronavirus Hysteria

26. Coronavirus Deception, Lies, Fakery, and Fraud Trumps the Truth
By Gary D. Barnett
“It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”
~ Noel Coward (1979).

Coronavirus Deception, Lies, Fakery, and Fraud Trumps the Truth

“Crisis is the path to happiness. Decay and disintegration do not spell doom, but ascent and beginning. The powerful forces of a new creation operate in the hush beyond the noise of the day.” ~Joseph Goebbels (?)

This quote by Goebbels outlines exactly what is happening now, and his words ring true in the minds of the globalists and their puppets in government.

What all should understand is that this entire exercise is a manufactured criminal undertaking by the dark forces that exist among us. The government and media are involved at a very high level,

This is a conspiracy of epoch proportions, and not theory at any level. It is a conspiracy that has been planned for many years, and has now been implemented and is being tested to determine just how far the elite monsters can go before the people wake up.

Tests are not only flawed but also useless in pinpointing Covid-19, deaths are being greatly exaggerated, if in fact not completely fraudulent, and most claims about this so-called virus are nonsensical and in many cases medically impossible

“PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is the test is known not to work.”

Is this virus even a virus, or is it a long-term plotted response scenario purposely structured as a reaction to a planted idea meant to cause mass fear? Regardless of how or where this started, the totalitarian response is the real pandemic

…as the response itself will cause the deaths of many more people than any fake virus has the ability to do. This is the truth that is shunned, as isolation, economic collapse, financial ruin, poverty, bankruptcy, unemployment, and extreme fear will have enormous and deadly ramifications for years to come.

The psychological damage alone will be devastating, and sickness, immune system damage, suicide, abuse, and violence will escalate beyond anything imagined.

In addition, economic systems across all sectors will not magically go back to normal when things reopen, and the fallout from these factors will cause extensive harm to individuals, families, and businesses for years to come.

Coronavirus Deception, Lies, Fakery, and Fraud Trumps the Truth

If they didn’t exist, they would have to be invented. Let me qualify that. Recent history reveals they don’t exist and the fake IMPRESSION of them HAS been invented.

Stepping Outside the Medical Fortress

And why stop with advertising an epidemic? Call it a pandemic.
Inventing the idea of a pandemic is now as easy as selling a new Honda.
The benefits to the monopolists are obvious. Profits from the sale of drugs and vaccines

The benefits to the monopolists are obvious. Profits from the sale of drugs and vaccines. De facto if not legal mandates to take the drugs and vaccines. Long-term cashing in on conditioning populations to accept medical orders of any kind

“So, people, tell me what we’re shooting for now. Is it forty, sixty, a hundred diagnoses per life per human? Our marketing departments are restructuring and they want to know.”

Pandemics with mass lockdowns are the next frontier, and we’re there. The lockdowns, plus television, FOCUS people on the inner game of Medical: THINK SICK.
It’s a major winner.

It would be on the order of the Cadillac Company having the ability to induce people to contemplate their cars day and night. Sitting alone, in rooms.
This is what the alliance between modern medicine and government has achieved.

And as I say, the invention of fake pandemics is entirely expected.

Pandemics with mass lockdowns are the next frontier, and we’re there. The lockdowns, plus television, FOCUS people on the inner game of Medical: THINK SICK.
It’s a major winner.

It would be on the order of the Cadillac Company having the ability to induce people to contemplate their cars day and night. Sitting alone, in rooms.
This is what the alliance between modern medicine and government has achieved.

Stepping Outside the Medical Fortress

28. “In India there have been 106 coronavirus deaths as of today, to put things in perspective 3,000 Indian children starve to death each day”

29. Earning 53cents a day – until the lockdown in India.
“I heard that there is a China virus,” Ashu said. “But I am more afraid of the police and not being able to eat.”
For Indian Workers Blocking The Coronavirus Is An Order To Starve

For Indian workers, blocking the coronavirus is an order to starve

30. The study found that for coronavirus in particular, in this study, those who had been vaccinated with the flu vaccine had a 36 percent higher risk of contracting it!

31. The study points out that recently published studies have “described the phenomenon of vaccine-associated virus interference; that is, vaccinated individuals may be at increased risk for other respiratory viruses because they do not receive the non-specific immunity associated with natural infection.”

New Study: The Flu Vaccine Is ‘Significantly Associated’ With an Increased Risk of Coronavirus

31.a. Here’s Why A Coronavirus Vaccine Might Not Happen Within 18 Months.
“It’s a separate immune system, if you like, which isn’t easily accessible by vaccine technology…”

32. EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses

33. Bill Gates’ Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’ – Robert Kennedy On Monopolists’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan

34. “I am sure you know this, but the BG foundation vaccines have killed tens of thousands of kids in India. [In 2011 alone, the Bill and Melinda Gates’ polio vaccine campaign in India caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death.]The western media does not cover it, but it is out there.

35. “Does anyone remember the Killer London Smog in 1952 which killed 12,000 people in 4 days?
“Milan had the same smog all this winter.”

36. The leading medical journal The Lancet noted these risks from 5G, in 2018:
“…mounting scientific evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation has serious biological and health effects.”

37. 5G Danger ~ Dr. Sharon Goldberg

38. “I surrender” pose – the pose that is drilled into you every time you pass through airport security. You must enter the naked body scanner and do the pose of submission.

The Fear Mask and the ‘I Surrender’ Pose

Fascinating fiction, this US security theater that doesn’t actually work. But what it does work at is taking some of the most affluent members of society – air travelers – and bossing them around until they submit.

The more you travel by commercial air, the more you get put through the compliance tester and obedience enforcer. This is a predictable way to make the most affluent in a society more compliant.
What a toxic thing for America.

You can almost imagine a table of Bush era stooges saying to themselves over beers “What’s the stupidest thing we can get people to do?”

“I know. Hold their hands up in the air for no reason like someone is pointing a gun at them.”

“Let a stranger go through their underwear.”
“No I’ve got one better: Let a stranger CONFISCATE their underwear.”
“This is way better: Let a stranger take photos of them naked.”

“No. Even better. Let a stranger touch them in between the legs.”
“No this is way worse. Get a rattled mother to voluntarily throw away pumped breast milk, because it’s a risk to national security, even if that means her baby goes hungry on a flight and screams for three hours.”

You now know the “I surrender” pose I mean, right?

The Fear Mask and the ‘I Surrender’ Pose

38.a. Trump and the COVID-19 Team Have Successfully Carried Out the Most Successful Coup-d’Etat In World History:In other words, there can be no escaping this form of medical martial law being imposed on the American people?


40. we’d like to present Mitchell and Webb’s chillingly brilliant – and tragically topical – series of sketches on…The Event.
A stark depiction of a dystopian landscape perhaps years in the future, or possibly as close as next Wednesday.

41. “For if you put me to death, you will not easily find another, who, to use a rather absurd figure, attaches himself to the city as a gadfly to a horse, which, though large and well bred, is sluggish on account of his size and needs to be aroused by stinging. I think the god fastened me upon the city in some such capacity, and I go about arousing…”
-Socrates, as reported by Plato in The Apology

The Fear Mask and the ‘I Surrender’ Pose


Link 1.

Link 2.


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