Månedsarkiv: juli 2020

Madame de Pompadour – Uspenskij – Julie Sødring – Kaalund

(17.July.2020. Updated) Today is Friday, and its VERY nice out there.

Yesterday I made an appointment with an old photo-friend for today at elleven a.m. in the Magasin du Nord department store at Kgs.Nytorv in downtown Copenhagen.

But as it transpired, the ciao had already – cordially and dutifully – read my blogpost from yesterday (below).

Why else would you explain a highly professional hit-man and martial-arts master occupying one of the chairs nearest to our usual café meeting spot and who was obviously spoiling for a fight?

Thats right – you wouldn’t.

Yesterday I wrote:

(16.Jul.2020) Today is Thursday and initially I had planned to make yet another trip to my bank in Helsingborg/Sweden. But snoozing this morning in my very comfortable bed I had a fleeting premonition of danger.

But, what – you’ill surely ask – what could be so very dangerous about just visiting your bank and safe-deposit box in Helsingborg?

The thing is – the bank has made certain changes to the access protocol a couple of years ago.

Formerly you could access the vault by scanning your card in the electronic card reader and entering your private access code.

But this procedure has been completely abolished. Now you have to apply at the reception with your personal credentials (id/passport), upon which a bank-assistant will lead you to the gates and open to the vault.

Of course this not necessarily gives added security for yourself – quite the contrary. A passport is very easy to fake or procure for the mob, as everyone seemingly want to make highquality, colour scans of it, be it in Hotels or Banks; while it should be much more difficult to both fake your electronic access card and personal pin code.

To a certain degree, however, the ‘amended’ access protocol makes perfect sense. Formerly you could occasionally find whole families lounging in the (very large, to be sure) wault room; which of course made for a certain feeling of insecurity.

The problem with the updated access protocol is this: The bank can now control – and if they wish even micro-control – how many people is allowed into the vault at any one time. Sounds good, you say?

Yes and no. The ‘no’ refers to the interesting fact, that the vault has now become an absolutely perfect place for a (security-service- or mob-related) hit-team set-up!

If for instance I myself am planning to visit the bank in Helsingborg, then the security-services (mozzard/ciao/pest) WILL know this at least the day/evening before. This is because my flat is totally and very closely surveilled by the consolidated (mob-related?) agencies, by sound at least, and has been for many years. Thus the mob may know my daily routine down to the very last detail and will know with absolute certainty when a trip is planned.

Likewise they will then know very approximately when I’ill be showing up at the reception of the bank, and they and their possible stooges at the bank will know this from the very opening of the bank in the morning.

Thus they will be able to control the number of visitors to the vault so as to make sure there’s no one there, when I show up at the reception.

The ‘security services’ then just have to hide in the vast, two-storey vault (with many separate closets and nooks and crannies) or simply enter while I’m there – to hit me.

Probably I would then be seduced and taken out into an (false?) ambulance on a stretcher, ostensibly suffering a stroke – and voila: Fait accompli!

This spectable could hardly have been possible with access by electronic cards and pin-code, as it would be much more difficult – or even impossible? – to inconspicuously micro control attendance with respect to time and number (note 2).

Yesterday I learned, that the US-american Minister of state (‘foreign minister’), the honourable Mr. Pompeo, has scheduled a visit to Copenhagen for Thursday next – the 22nd July (reportedly the nbrs. 11, 22 and 33 are important for NWO cabalists?).

Presumeably there will be at least two items on the agenda. a) The future of Greenland (as a US colony?) and b) To entice our our own charming government to – if at all possible – try and harass the NordStream-2, Russia’s pipeline-under-construction from Leningrad to Germany?

As an aside: There is hardly no doubt – I beg to assure you – that it would be an enormous boon to the future career of Mr. P. if he would be able to take me with him back to the ciao and their new, charming director? (note 1)

Whence a possible mutual item no. 3 on the agenda: How to impart to our danish p.m. – and visa-versa to the US-govt. – the urgency of ‘eliminating’ the undersigned dissident. (would hardly be a hard sell either way around? – link 1)

So ‘please be extra careful’ – is the motto for the next several days. Especially, of course, for those of us who routinely wander ‘where Angels fear to thread’.

(I won’t here comment further on the nice young lady at Holms and the gentleman at Aldi a few days ago, or their business).

But today I once more visited the dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church Community House. I found yet another couple of books, like yesterday at 10 Dkr ($1,50) per item.

1. OPTIKO – Analogue Photography Journal. Self-published by Steve King/Adam King, www.optico.co.uk, 2018, 275 p. Softcover.

This interesting yearbook is – like so many photo-books, by the way – published in a highly awkward format. The format is ca. 13×18 cm (abt. half-plate), which size cannot, however, reasonable be faulted; I once have read, that the 13×18 cm format normally is the most pleasing to the eyes, if regarded from normal reading distance.

But the 275 pages are printed on rather thick, stiff paper that are – ostensibly solidly – clued together in the back.

Only I feel conficent, that the glue will crack if you try to open the rather small, stiff book sufficiently to be able to easily view the whole page. Time will show, though.

Until now, the book has hardly been read. What’s especially interesing for nerds like myself is the fact, that many or even most of the photographs has information as to which analogue camera and film has been used for each picture.

2. SKIVEBOGEN – Historisk Aarbog for Skive og Omegn. 27.bind, Skive, 1935, 113 p. Softcover.

What caught my eye in this small yearbook was an article titled:

‘Fruen Paa Bjeresjöholm’. by M.Brandt.

I know nothing of Mr/Ms Brandt. But I superficially know about the South-Swedish estate Bjeresjöholm from reading up on my own family history.

According to the most renowned genealogist working with families in my childhoods North-Jutland, my mothers maternal family tree has an ancestral branch from the Rotfeld family; a family that for centuries lived on the Bratskov estate directly north of the Limfjord.

At some point in the late middle ages this family married into the owner-family on ‘Bersholm’; and for a couple of centuries there remained a certain personal connection between the two estates.

The present issue of SKIVEBOGEN surprisingly features a 35 pages long article on the matter. But I have to scrutinize it more closely to learn if it’s more or less relevant for our family history.

Day before yesterday I wrote:

(15.Jul.2020) Today is the opening day the books at the antiquarian dutch book sale in the HeiligGeist Church community house here in central Copenhagen will cost only 10 Kr (1,50 dollars), and of course I had to take a quick look.

I eventually managed to make my escape with merely 11 books (plus 5 for gifts, not to be detailed here).

1. ERINDRINGER. Af Julie Weber Sødring – født Rosenkilde. Edited by M.F.Sødring. 2 volumes, Copenhagen 1894-95. 236, 358 pages, nicely bound in contemporary calf.

Ms. Sødring was a leading actress at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen from the mid 19. century. I have to admit, however, that I have no – nil – interest in acting and the theatre. So how come I’ve bought these two volumes anyway?

Firstly my nephew, who is trained as an opera singer, has his birthday shortly; and initially I saw an opportunity for a small birthday present. But after having browsed a bit in the two books I’ve decided to ask him firstly.

For one thing my nephew is not really a book lover – even if he has a law-degree in addition to his education at the Royal Music Acadami.

For another a few minutes of browsing the two volumes convinced me they are quite interesing, and should not be given away vainly.

Incidentally I often prefer to read female history authors, and especially memoirs. The somewhat ‘oblique’ perspective is often highly refreshing.

Here’s a small specimen quote from page 213-4 (vol.2):

‘Det var i de aar, at nye strømninger i aandslivet brød igennem herhjemme. Uagtet Kaalund i adskillige, væsentlige punkter var uenig med de fremstormende unge, havde han dog ifølge hele sit naturel en stor sympati for deres trang til bevægelse og kamp, hvortil kom, at han ved personligt venskab var knyttet til adskillige af dem.

‘Vi havde mange debatter om de dengang rejste stridsspørgsmaal. Jeg stred for hjemmets betydning og frygtede den løshed i anskuelser og moral, som tidsstrømmen førte med sig.

‘Kaalund tog det mere overlegent. Han mente, at det hele var en overgang, man maatte lade ungdommen rase, og med hensyn til den tilbøjelighed til at leve et tøjlesløst liv, der viste sig hos adskillige kunstnere og forfattere, ytrede han, at man maatte holde kunstnernaturen noget til gode.

‘Navnlig dette sidste bestred jeg og udtalte, at de med særlige evner benaadede mennesker netop burde optræde vejledende og opdragende for de øvrige.’

2. MADAME DE POMPADOUR. By Nancy Mitford. London, 1954, 275 p. Original cloth.

Another female historian very much worth reading. Frankly I fear I own this volume already; only I couldn’t find it last evening when I wanted to check it out; but at $1,50 no big deal.

There are two epitaphs put on the titel page:

‘High rouged, unfortunate female of whom it is not proper to speak without necessity’ (Thomas Carlyle)

‘Sincère et tendre Pompadour.’ (Voltaire)

There are 20 chapters – of which the first is titled ‘Versailles and Louis XV’ and of course places Mme Pompadour in the timeframe as mistress of the french King Louis XV, who ruled 1715-74. (i.e. almost as long as Louis XIV (1643-1715)).

It eventually transpires, that I already own a specimen of this work; only it’s a danish translation, and ofcourse I want to read the book in the original language. (link 2)

3. LE BÉHARISTAN by DJAMI. Traduit pour la permiere fois du Persan en Francais par HENRI MASSÉ, professeur a la faculté des lettres d’Alger. Paris, 1925, 233 p., privately bound in calf.

Frankly I’m unsure if this book is worth keeping. At any rate it’s uncommon, as I’ve only found five specimens for sale in Europe/USA, and they’re all softcover. They are priced between $44 and $82.

Here’s a small specimen quote from page 201:

‘On dit a un renard: “Peux-tu gagner cent pieces d’or et faire parvenir un message aux chiens du village?”

‘Il repondit: “Par Dieu! c’est un salaire magnifique; mais en cette affaire il y a danger de mort.”

‘Esperer un trait de generosite de la part d’un etre vil, c’est lancer un vaisseau sur les flots de l’ocean de la deception. Se mettre a la merci d’un ennemi pour l’amour de l’angent et des dignites, c’est se precipiter dans le gouffre du peril’.

4. STREJFTOG I MODERNE FILOSOFI – II. Af Johannes Witt-Hansen. Kh, 1963, Folkeuniversitet. Rhodos, 115 p. Softcover.

This thin and outwardly rather drab, even unattractive volume seems nevertheless to perhaps augur for interesting reading.

One of the three chapter is dealing with the mystic/occultist Uspenskijs philosophy; while another is dealing with the ‘mystic/occultist’ Niels Bohr.

Here’s a small sample quote from p.29:

‘Medens tiden i den newtonske mekanik og hos Kant opfattes som noget, der er ganske uafhængig af rummet og dets tre dimensioner, så er pointen hos Uspenskij imidlertid netop den, at tiden for de mennesker, hvis bevidsthed udvider eller udvikler sig til ‘kosmisk bevidsthed’, opfattes som noget, der tilhører rummet som dets fjerde dimension.’

Yes – TIME (like GOD) is a word difficult to handle.

It seems to me, off hand, that Uspenskij may perhaps be treating of TIME as a word designating a RECORDING (in ‘the fourth dimention’?) of successive changes (movements) in our universe. However I don’t expect this to be said in so many words anywhere; but time will show, if I get the leisure to peruse the book, which I certainly hope for.

5. ORDENES LIV. By Kristoffer Nyrop. Copenhagen 1924-34. 6 volumes (complete set), Gyldendal. Beautifully bound in brown goat-skin.

These 6 handsome volumes are in fact bound so exquisitely pretty that they would obviously have passed for bibliophile items if it wasn’t for one small blemish; the uppermost part of the back is rather worn on abt. half of the volumes.

Nevertheless a complete set is by no means common; at present I’ve found only one complete set for sale in Scandinavia (at a price of 550 Kr (nearly $90)).

Most of the volumes are first editions, only vol. one is in 2nd ed. (1925).

As an example here’s the table of content from vol. III:
1. Lydharmoni. 2. Lydlige Lygtemænd. 3. Ord og Overtro. 4. Ordet og Tingen. 5. Elliptiske Ord. 6. Bil. 7. Et Smædeords Historie. 8. Italienske Ord i Dansk.

Vol. 6 has a general register for all six volumes.

It’s a pleasure to handle this set, but perhaps it won’t be quite as pleasurable to try and find a place for the books at home?

However it now transpires, that I (as suspected) already own the complete set. Only this new set is much more handsome than the previous, that has now been replaced.

I’ve briefly presentet Mr. Nyrop in a previous post – see https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2014/01/16/sprogets-vilde-skud/


On the 22nd of July I tweeted:

(22.Jul.2020) Had planned to visit the BILKA supermarket to buy new laserprinter on sale today. But tonite had clairvoyant vision of being kidnapped by 3 hitmen. I guess the US-hitman very much wants to make our PM happy?

On the 24th July I tweeted (approx.):

(24.Jul.2020) Tonite had clairvoyant vision of female, knife-wielding psychopath going after small girls. What does that mean? Did some of the supreme US-hit-‘men’ have their feelings hurt?


In the previous post
Elsinore – Helsingborg
I touched upon the possibility that my swedish bank would like to terminate my lease of the safedeposit box.

And lo and beold – when I visited the bank in Helsingborg on the 23nd July I was informed that the bank WOULD IN FACT TERMINATE MY LEASE!

The very nice lady that managed the dept. that day gracefully gave me to the end of August to wind up my affairs with them.

Ostensibly they are planning to liquidate the entire (giant) safedepot box department! Sounds almost incredible, although I wouldn’t rule out the possibly of it being (partly) true.

This is for two main reasons: Firstly any european safe-deposit-box department catering to the general public has most likely become much more difficult to manage in parallel with the european countries being inundated by aliens from civilizations that typically have quite another culture for conducting their relationship to any government’s tax-department?

And secondly: In future this kind of service will certainly only be available to the élite! The general public will in future (i.e. in fact now?) be encuraged to keep away from the banks, at least as much as possible; their saving accounts are not desired by the banks any more, as the big banks now print their own money (not de-jure but de-facto counterfeit!). And unless you have borrowed A LOT of money in your bank, and consequently is their serf, you are definately NOT welcome!

Incidentally this philosophy is in stark contrast to the philosophy of the now defunct SPARBANKEN that built the vast vault (1960-1970?). They specifically aimed at giving the general public a chance to store their valuables conveniently and cheaply: A philosophy of the FOLKHEMMET, that made Sweden famous in those years.

The FOLKHEMMET philosophy has now, however, gone into the rubbish bin, I’m afraid? Sweden seems to have been taken over by the alien bankers and their philosophy of rapacious hubris, materialism and greed?

(Update: Turned out their vast safe-deposit vault is hardly set to be abolished; at least no other visitors seemed to be about to terminate their lease while I visited there. In the contrary, one of them asked me about the rent for my size of box.)

But to terminate my business with the bank in Helsingborg as fast as possible I again visited there yesterday (24.July).

On my way back with a real heavy handbag with glass-and-brass for my collection of old platecameras I was obviously oogled by a fingerman on the FUGLEBAKKEN S-station, about 500 yards from where I live. He was busy both oogling and using his iPhone, and stuck out like a sore thumb (they mostly do, by the way. If on account of they want to be seen (as a threat) or because of incompetence, I donot know).

But luckily today a bus just happened to be ready outside the S-station; otherwise I might easily have been mugged while walking the 500 yards to my flat on a comparatively sparsely trafficed sidewalk. I was also carrying a bundle of old family letters and negatives, hence a mugging would have been quite unfortunate.

But nothing to see here, just move on. The mob are nothing but RAUBMOERDER, ofcourse. They never were and they never will be.



The Samson Option?

Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour
på dansk






Tweets on www.twitter.com/gamleboeger

Elsinore – Helsingborg

(7.July.2020) Last Thursday (July 3.) was one of the finest danish summer-days in recent memory. Sunny with some clouds and not too hot, making it just about perfect for outdoor activity.

Hence I threw my old and trusty Hasselblad 500C/M into a large shoulder bag, together with the 160mm Tessar lens and some b/w film. Also a couple of books and my smal laptop for good measure.

My plan was to try if you could now again visit Helsingborg on the Swedish side of the ØreSund. By studying the newspapers I hadn’t got any the wiser on this particular corona-problem: What about the usual one-day trips from Denmark to Sweden and back again?

Taking the commuter train from Copenhagen/Hellerup to Elsinore (22 miles) I got the days first surprise, as the courteous ticket-collector informed me I needed a place-reservation!

Yes, that’s right, they want a place reservation for a commuter train! Ostensibly on account of the covid-craze!

(Of course you may insist the so called Coastal-Train (Kystbane) running from Copenhagen to Helsingborg is not a commuter train? However, in my youth I’ve worked hundreds of days on the mid-way station RungstedKyst, and I would say off-hand that 80-90% of traffic was commuting in those days. May have changed through the years, of course). (link 9)

But let’s put things in perspective right from the beginning: A place reservation for a communter train of course makes no sense! But as with most covid-crazed concoctions the absurdity in itself is an important part of the agenda!

What’s you saying – you will surely ask? But yes – exactly: One of the absolutely most important intentions of the various covid-contraptions is to accustome and familiarize us – the ‘deplorables and expendables’ – with accepting and assenting to totally senseless, ridiculous or even harmful regulations, contrivances and arrangements (like 6 feet apart, facemasks (gags! – like if we’re kidnapped, kept captive and gagged by gangsters! – Note 3) and so on and so fort). (Link 6 & 7)

In short – We must understand and accept, and better sooner than later! – that we are soon to be wasted ‘deplorables’ and ‘expendables’!

But back to the ferry-terminal in Elsinore. Upon entering, you find the ticket-office closed. There are, however, automated ticket-terminals for your convenience – that is if you happen to have a Visa-card (or the like).

Only I haven’t had a Visa-card for more than 6 months.

This is a predicament, incidentally, that will be ubiquituous – and especially so for dissidents and any kind of critical voices – when cash-ban is ultimately instituted. I fear that nary a single (danish) newspaper editor understands, that when he has no recourse to cash he is no longer a human being: He is then but an animal, completely at the mercy of our self-appointed elite power-abusers.

At the flick of a switch or a key on a keyboard his Visa-card no longer works! And for good measure they (i.e. ciao/mozzard in close cooperation with pest, politicians and the bankers?) may arrange things in such a way that it will look like he’s abused his card and overdrawn his credit line. You are thus basically ‘wasted’!

But luckily the two young and courteous police officers present on the Danish side advised me I could buy a ticket with cash in the adjacent Train-station. Only there, for some strange reason, you couldn’t get a senior-ticket, whence I had to pay 90 Dkr ($14) instead of 54 Dkr for a two-way ticket.

From the ferry-terminal on the Swedish side there’s only a short walk to ‘bankers-street’, where most of the large banks have their main-office.

On the sidewalk outside my bank i found a queue of half a dozen people. A middle-aged banker walked from person to person and – with traditional swedish courteousy – asked about their business with the bank that day.

Inside there was a whole new team of staff tending to the safe-deposit customers – as compared to my last wisit about five months ago. And frankly I got the impression they had a real good time trying to harass me as much as possible? Without directly asking me to leave, though.

The ostensibly courteous gentleman fetched his superior and smirkingly pointed his fingers in the general direction where I was standing: Strange behaviour indeed?

The pretty lady inspecting my credentials made some rather silly objections and demands (f.i. she initially denied that my box-number was valid). But went short of demanding to inspect my socks and teeth, to be fair.

All this in stark contract to the courteous and helpful staff serving me last time! Eventually, however, I gained access to the vault. (link 8)

However – weather-wise it was a wonderful day and trip; even if I hardly got around to taking any photographs.

The next couple of days I did some thinking to try and get a handle on what makes those swedish bankers tick. Eventually I tentatively made up my mind like this:

1. If they could provoke me to be angry and uncouth in talk and manner – they might feel they could throw me out and cancel my contract. This might be quite inconvenient for me, as it’s difficult to empty a large safe-depot-box with old plate-camera lenses (heavy!) in a hurry if you have no car.

2. If they could scare me to stay away for some time – this might happen: In perhaps one years time – or something like that – there may be laws instituted in Sweden and Denmark (and the EU), that you can only cross borders if you have been covid-vaccinated and can show a ‘vaccination-pass’ at the border. (link 10)

That is, you should then carry a – digital or otherwise – proof of a covid vaccination. And if you decline to be vaccinated, you will be prohibited in crossing borders.

I would then have these two alternatives: Either accept to be vaccinated – or basically allow them to steal my collection in store?

What transpires from all this, I suppose, is perhaps first and foremost that COVID-VACCINATION OF CRITICS AND DISSIDENTS (like myself) IS DEEMED EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BY THE GLOBALLY REIGNING MAFIAS?

And why is that – you may ask: Why is it so extremely important to have critics of the power abusers covid-vaccinated? The answer to that, I think, is that the covid-vaccination may easily turn out to be extremely harmful?

I guess this answer tends to emerge from two paragraphs of my most recent satire ‘CONSTITUTION DAY’ (link 2 and note 1):

“As an aside: my beloved fiancée has expresses some hesitation as to him being strong enough to suffer being forcefully injected with a shot containing one or more real live versions of our Virus in addition to nanoparticles of aluminium, zirkonium, hafnium, strontium, chromium, bismuth, cerium, lead and iron. But isn’t that wonderful?

“Most shots will certainly also contain retrovira and RNA. Plus – last but not least – almost molecule-sized nanochips (programmable) and nanowires (antenna) – thus making it possible for government to always be informed about the whereabout of all dissidents and other teorrists; and likewise enabling government to – via 5G – communicate with- and program and reprogram every single living cell in your body! Isn’t that wonderful?'” (note 1)

However, not to be outdone by ‘les agents-provocateurs’ I posted this yesterday (July 5., link 1), and likewise tweeted:

‘Has China finally decided it may be inauspicious to associate too closely with nations (like US-IL?) that have their giant SpaceWar satellites & LunarLanders shot right out of the sky by unknown parties (like Aliens?).’ (link 4)

Whence came a prompt reaction; and this Sunday (6.July.2020) i tweeted:

(6.July.2020) ‘Today early in the a.m. had several clairvoyant visions, among which 1) Saw large desert-yellow/grey CIAO-4WD parked directly opposite our appartment house. 2) Small boychild nearly run over by truck 3) Hit-man hiding in tall plants/flowers to eventually persue me (Botanical Gardens?).’


(6.July.2020) ‘At 9.15a.m. today Pete N.Z. telephoned. However I didn’t answer the call on account I knew very well what he wanted: To take me to the Botanical Gardens. He NEVER calls me in the a.m.! Only worry: I don’t know if he’s mozzard or ciao? (link 11)


(6.July.2020) ‘When leaving flat 11.00a.m. saw big DESERT-YELLOW/GREY Mercedes parked directly opposite our house. When I reached the streetdoor, a man had magically popped up in the drivers seat. Don’t think I ever saw a passenger car in that odd color. (Note 2)

‘The man was looking textbook mozzard: swarthy, dark glasses, husky. If I had proceeded forthwith out into the steet or sidewalk I might have been run over, as he turned the big, newly painted car around directly in front of me. Great timing!’

(Colors somwhat subdued due to straylight from window pane)



Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study by Jon Rappoport (link 3)

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.
Many of the particles are metals.
We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

Flu vaccines have spread a host of dangerous viruses around the world, which can then interact with SARS COV-2.
Blood products and vaccines are contaminated with XMRVs that can damage your immune system and cause CFS, cancer and other chronic diseases.

Put another way, COVID-19 may be initiated by SARS-CoV-2 but dependent upon a preexisting infection with and awakening of other viruses such as XMRV, gamma retroviruses, possibly Lyme and other coinfections, including parasites, and this is why anti-parasitic medications like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin help.

Could Retroviruses Play a Role in COVID-19?

You can bet that this is the precursor for mandatory vaccinations.
And if you don’t think vaccinations may be dangerous, read this in-depth study that shows vaccinated children have a 470% higher rate of autism than non-vaccinated children.

First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism

But you can bet your life that the corona vaccine will be the most dangerous and destructive drug ever injected into the human body by a physician. Only the drugs that are used to murder unborn babies could be categorized as more destructive (and the drugs administered to death row inmates, of course)?

The Biggest Global Hoax in History


If there had been a hit and witnesses, they would CERTAINLY have remembered the weird colour of the newly painted car (and the drivers bright red t-shirt!). Of course the car would have been repainted within hours of any hit-and-run or shooting.

NOTE 3. (10.July.2020)

It seems I’ve beaten Jim Stone, the well known dissident observer, blogging from Mexico (jimstone.is), by one day, as he yesterday (July 9.) posted a piece with pictures of different (slave/torture)gags.

I even flatter myself with the possibility he may have read my blog; if only because he will almost certainly know and perhaps be befriended with another wellknown (and likewise yewish) north-american critic blogging from Mexico, and that I’ve emailed a couple of times (see The Samson Option, link 4).

Incidentally, I seem to maybe have beaten the last-named gentleman by two days with respect to linking/referring to
how Mask Wearing, Hand Washing,’Social Separation’ and Lockdowns Are age-old occult/satanist rituals? (link 7)


Link 1. https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2020/05/29/nsa-social-network-mapping/

Link 2.

Constitution Day (Satire)

Link 3.

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

Link 4.

The Samson Option?

Link 6.
Masks are a joke. Social distancing is a joke. Business closures are a joke. Church closures are a joke. Theater closures are a joke. Sporting event cancellations are a joke. All of the corona-based television commercials are a joke. All of the fearmongering by radio disc jockeys and television news broadcasters is a joke. All of the theatrical grandstanding by politicians on Capitol Hill is a joke.

Of course, by joke, I don’t mean funny (it would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly serious). I mean stupid, idiotic, moronic, asinine, senseless, imbecilic, dumb, etc. Then again, what it really shows is the pure evil and wickedness of the people fomenting all of this fear and the crass gullibility and slavish spirit of a sizable percentage of the American population.

The Biggest Global Hoax in History

Link 7.
I’ll say it straight out: The propaganda about COVID-1984 is the biggest global hoax in history. Corona poses zero threat to 99.9% of the population.

Wearing Masks – A Sledgehammer to Health

“We destroyed our entire country and suspended democracy all for a lie.” – Daniel Horowitz.

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing,’Social Separation’ and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

The scamdemic was planned many years in advance:
The Denver Airport Mural painted in 1994: Tell me this is not weird, how long do they plan this in advance?

Link 8.

Osbert Sitwell – Helsingborg and the Swedes

Link 9.
Huxley – L’Auto – Van Gogh – The Universe – Piet Hein

Link 10.
2022: A Vaccination Passport. The EU Keeps Quiet Over Suspicious Documents
Surprise, surprise, the European Commission (EC) had a “Roadmap on Vaccination” ready months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.

Germany: According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the federal government plans to introduce a coronavirus “immunity card” as part of its “Infection Protection Law,” which will grant the authorities the power to round up anyone “suspected to be contagious” and “forbid them from entering certain public places”

Link 11.





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