(29.Aug.2024) Having experienced an unexpected health issue this summer, I’ve had a chance to 1) renew my acquaintance with (the emergency reception at) Hospital-1 here in Cph, and also become acquainted with dito at Hospital-2. And 2) have had the impetus to do some thinking to try and understand what really happened.

To make a long story short: In the middle of night one Sunday in June I had to capitulate to growing pain and distress and call an ambulance.

As it happens I’m living a few hundred yards from a main ambulance station and thus, normally several times daily, experience the ear shattering blare from passing ambulances.

I’ve then often told myself, that this is all fine and well, only if I myself should need an ambulance at some point of time in the near or not so near future, then there most likely would be none?

And lo and behold, this really came to pass. After having explained my situation to the sweet emergency nurse (that as a matter of fact is stationed in a building on my street, almost directly opposite my flat; we might possibly look each other into the eyes from our respective windows) – she told me, I would most likely be taken to hospital-2 (being the renovned experts in the actual type of distress), and could I accept being fetched by a taxi?

I said OK, on account I thought I could count on a speedy pick-up. But when abt 25 min had passed with nothing happening, I called the nurse again and explained, that if more time passed I would need a real ambulance. She then told me, she expected the taxi to be at my place in a couple of minutes.

This didn’t happen, though. However within the same time frame an ’emergency transporter’ from a private company came lumbering. The driver, being a nice enough person per see, took care not to assist me in any way, shape or form entering his large car.

And likewise took care to not break any speed-limits in driving to hospital-1. Yes, that’s right, ‘someone’ had resolved to take me to hosp.1 instead to the experts at hosp.2.

At hosp.1 I was soon attented to by a staff member, at nurse with a badge on her shirt saying ‘Temporary Nurse’ (Midlertidig Sygeplejer(ske). But apparently and disturbingly she really could do nothing to relieve my pain and distress, except she tapped some blood.

Which might perhaps be sensible enough, as my blood-type is not very common and rather sought after (type O-neg can mix with all other blood types (but cannot accept any other types) and is found at less than 5% of world population (in fact i suspect only by 1-3%?).

But after less than an hour the good people at hosp.1 had the good grace to send me by taxi to the experts at hosp.2, where I arrived abt. 2 hours after haveing called an ambulance initially. The wonderful people at hosp.2 wasted no time and saved my life gracefully and effectively. But while waiting a few minutes in the waiting room I really felt I hung on with the edges of my nails. Thank You everyone at hosp.2!

Item 2: For now will just link to

Sabrina Wallace – Medical Body Area Network

and endeavor to pick up the thread a bit later. (What about mr Lodal & Pape, by the way?)

(posted 29.Aug.2024 concurrently on blocnotesimma.wordpress.com and gamleboeger.dk. Tweets on @gamleboeger . Please note that mr. Musk has shadowbanned myself heavily, hence my tweets dont show, if you are not logged in. Perhaps I should consider moving to Telegram… except. mr. Macron was faster.