This short post was originally published recently as a sidenote in another more important post.

But as I’ve already been chastised (albeit anonymously) by an obviously highly honourable lady for the posting, I’ve decided to try and amend, clarify and extend it slightly.

The Simple Question that Stumped Everyone Except Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn Mach Vos Savant on Letterman, March 11, 1986

Ms Mach Vos Savant is one of these faces with the right blood-line(s), that TPTB (The Powers That Be) like to promote heavily on account she has probably no critical stance on the global powerbrokers. Heavily leftbrained (autistic?) individuals use to be politically inert vis-a-vis TPTB?

And of course an supposed IQ of 228 is fantastic enough to merit a second look on its own merit.

Thus she is suppoed to be a trouble-shooter non plus ultra. And as proof of that they proffer her take on a silly question in a equally silly, supposed ‘game-show’.

The game-show apparently goes like this: There are 3 doors. Behind two of them are a goat, but behind a third is a car.

One has to suppose, that the game is about winning a price, if guessing the door with the car? With one or two guesses is not clear?

She chooses door no. 1. But the attendant opens door no. 3 instead, that turns out to hide a goat. He then ask her, if she want to have door 1 or perhaps would rather choose door no 2?

She answers, she would rather change her preference to door no 2; and the big fuss in the mathematical depts. of certain universities then was, if she was right or wrong as far as the theory of mathematical probabilities goes.

I.e. if you have a higher chance of hitting the car, if you only have 2 doors to choose between, instead of having to choose between 3 doors. The answer seems obvious – BUT:

But. But! You cannot use mathematical probability theory to calculate the probable result of making one – ONE – throw of dice. If you make ONLY one throw of dice, then the result is unpredictable (except if you may happen to be psychic (clairwoyant og demonic, very intuitive or even have premonition (whatever that is)).

With only one throw of dice THE MATHEMATICS OF PROBABILITY THEORY DOES NOT APPLY! Only comes into power after a (very) large amount of throws can be taken into account and summed up (1000 – 10000 – 100000?). But NEVER when just one throw is considered.

If the honourable Ms. Mach Vos Savant does not understand this, then you may question her IQ. And if she in fact does understand, then she seems to have answered another question than that asked. I take it, you don’t expect the door/goat/car experiment to be repeated thousands of times in actual reality?

Now I surmise, that the gist of my honourable, nightly lady’s critique might perhaps be summarized like this: You shouldn’t nag this pretty and very nice young lady with your masculine logic; it’s simply not gentlemanlike and perhaps even chauvinistic!

Very well, you definitely are entiteled to your opinion. However I have to add the following remarks, then.

Firstly: You think Ms. Savant is pretty? But certainly, ‘on the face of it’ (no pun, of course). She is (or rather was, she may be very old now) tall and lithe, and has a beautiful and delicately shaped mouth. But, then, what about her eyes?

Her eyes are troublesome – in my view: They don’t look intelligent, and the normally telling shape of the bridge between her eyes doesn’t look too delicately shaped. But her eyes are – very – widely spaced, which is normally regarded as an indication of intelligence.

However – her eyes really don’t look human. The pupils are placed in the outermost corner of the eyes, giving her an almost reptilian look.

Secondly: You think she is nice? Maybe, I have no way of knowing how she would be to have as a friend. But on the Lettermann show she reveals herself as definitely heavily leftbrained. She is obviously almost completely helpless as a socializer. And, incidentally, heavily leftbrained individuals are normally lacking of empathy. A trait, that – as far as I know – is part of the definition of the autistic?

Thirdly: Then how come she has been so heavily promoted by the TPTB? For one thing she has the right bloodline(s) (you just have to research her names). For another – she may be an human-reptilian hybrid? These are said to exist (google it), and have existed for ages. And the thing is, that TPTB consider themselves to be such hybrids – they certainly don’t consider themselves as mere humans (and least of all as white european humans. Hence the rush to have as many white ukrainians/russians (and perhaps soon enough?) other europeans sent to Walhalla?)

The reptilian race(s) living among us (or below or above us) reportedly have an IQ of perhaps upwards of 400; but they are (totally) ‘leftbrained’ and thus perhaps more like AI: No sense of humour and no empathy. Just like the reigning powerbrokers – almost – everywhere on the globe.

And this, perhaps, could be why Ms. Savant may fit the bill perfectly as poster-girl for the TPTB?

(posted 31.Aug.2024 concurrently on and Tweets on @gamleboeger . Please note that mr. Musk has shadowbanned myself heavily, hence my tweets dont show, if you are not logged in. Perhaps I should consider moving to Telegram… except. mr. Macron was faster.