(24.Feb.2025) It may be propitious at this point of time, and also perhaps useful for others than myself, to muster a few of my most recent tweets so as to attach a few comments beyond what’s possible in the very limited space on x.com/gamleboeger. Beginning with the most recent – here we go.
1. (10.Feb’25)In early a.m had 2 visions: 1. I was hanging by one hand over the aft rails of large ship. Expo: Perhaps the TPTB got livid over me linking my X-account to Grethelous.dk/lions-gate-portalen/ on Feb.9? Is it too dangerous to keep a low profile after all? 2. vision (cont)
Seeing myself hanging on by one hand only over the aft rails of a large, oceangoing ship of course can’t but convey the feeling of extreme danger; like if some huge, dark force urgently want to silence you for good? So why the urgency?
Perhaps this: The day before, on Feb.9., I had posted a comment on www.Gretelous. dk/lions-gate-portalen/. Gretelous .dk is a small site I chanced upon via a google-search of ‘Lions-Gate’.
The so-called Lions-Gate is an astrological notion, whose exact meaning elopes me, not being an astrologer in any way, shape or form. But from reading the post and a few comments I gathered a few generalities.
That the Lions-Gate primarily occurs on Aug.8 (8.8.), but also, albeit not so strong, on Febr.8 (8.2.); and that there’s supposed to be a connection to the (triple) star Sirius. More precisely to Sirius-A, that’s said among other things also to be linked to the number 8.
But, you may say, these daft facts can not possibly be the reason why the TPTB (‘The Powers That Be’ – aka The Deep State?) got livid with rage so as to throw a tantrum in the ‘ether’, in which old way I was warned in a nightly vision. I mean, throwing a tantrum for me just linking to the above quite harmless homepage?
Of-course not. But consider this: Astrology bloggers and their readers will often, if not always, be very intuitive people, perhaps even psychic and/or clairwoyant?
Which means that if they got to read my twitter thread and/or my blogs they might almost certainly in some cases be interested or even captivated by some of my posts about my (clairvoyant) visions, and the nitty-gritty shenanigans causing or planned to be following them? And most likely spread the word, more or less?
Hence the alarm at the TPTB headquarter: Because my visions, incl my decoding and attempted explanation of their external, often dramatic background and circumstances, MUST by all means be kept secret from the general public.
This is why, no doubt, plans were once again hatched for urgently silencing myself; see tweet 2.a. below.
2. (10.Feb’25) 2.vision: Saw large oceangoing (passenger?)ship exploding. The front 40% of the ship into parts like brown ‘boxes’, the rear 60% into black or white boxes. Ship would probably signify link betw. Greenland/Denmark, set to explode like in link?
(on twitter the tweet 2.a. is linked to no. 2.)
That same night (after Feb.9) I saw a large, oceangoing (passenger)ship with black hull and white overside suddenly explode. The fore part of the ship into medium brown boxes, while the aft half blew up into black or white boxes.
At first I was somewhat at a loss to decode this short vision of an exploding ship, but eventually I found the key, me thinks. The ship no doubt symbolizes the bonds between Greenland and Denmark, bonds that incidentally have recently become rather fragile, I’m afraid? But that was always serviced and kept alive by medium-large, combined passenger-cargo ships.
And, like I had already surmised and outlined in a tweet from Jan.28, the connection might easily and suddenly blow up, under certain circumstanses, see below under tweet 2.a. (and 2.b.)
The brown color of some of the boxes seen in the explosion would symbolize the indiginous people of Greenland, being by nature slightly darker in complexion than the Danes.
2.a. (28.Jan’25) Very likely once again have to visit a casualty ward for lifesaving treatment this Febr. Ofcourse the uzza/muzza gang may see this as a legit & hard to resist opportunity for kidn-ap and/or assas? If ok the Greenland and/or Iran crux may be expected to suddenly explode?
2.b. (28.Jan’25)Last June was attacked physically by the uzza/muzza gang; albeit initially & insidiously from a distance, most likely by way of WBAN (perhaps false flagged?). As no one now dare release the necessary & initially prescribed drug – trouble ensues.
Tweets 2.a. and 2.b. are to be considered together.
The physical attack on me began June 6. or 7. last year. That is, from June 6. on I gradually began having retention; and ending in the very early a.m. on Sunday 9. At this point I had had total retention in 24 hours, that is the whole of June 8., and if I had not, perhaps, intuitively smelled a rat already on June.6 and/or 7. and consequently was careful not to drink much, one would, I believe, normally have been stone-dead after 24 hours of total retention?
But early Sunday morning June.9 I had to give up hope of being able to keep going until doctors opened up and had to call an ambulance. Only the ambulance never came, but after nearly half an hour a car from a ‘private’, but old and well known transporter company came lumbering and eventually drove me to another hospital (hosp. B) than promised by the nurse on 112. The driver (perhaps from the U-M gang?) was very, very carful not to break any speed limits, of course!
At hospital B, however, they seemed to have no idea what they were doing? Or, perhaps they had? – in which case they didn’t care one whit about myself and my retention? – and that’s the polite version! F.ex. I was treted by a socalled ‘Temporary Nurse’ (according to her badge). Of course, no one seem to know what exactly a ‘Temporary Nurse’ is. (Perhaps just tempered for the occasion?)
After having ‘played with me’ and tapped some blood, they eventually transferred myself to Hosp.H (the renowned experts, that was originally promised by the 112 nurse). When arriving at H almost 26 hours of total retention has passed, and I surely hang on only with my fingernails.
Luckily I ended up in the hands of a very clever nurse, that fastly ended my distress and thus gracefully saved my life.
But by whom and how was this attack on myself ordered?
After what I’ve had a chance to gather since last summer I believe, that to fully answer this question, one would have to research enough to write a book. But too many (old) men writes too many thick volumes that few reads. And even if you had the perseverance and toiled through all the relevant technical and occult volumes and websites you would still, I think, not get close enough to answer: precisely by whom and how?
But obviously any virulently hated regime critic (and by ‘regime’ we have to include the global deep state, that in fact runs almost all western governments!) must consider these dangers:
a) The satellite and/or microwave (5.g?) weapons employed by the Uzza-Muzza gang to harass, harm & injure and possibly assassi. the targeted persons. Please see more on Richard Lighthouse’s homepages: TargetedJustice .com and RLighthouse .com.
b) Someone messing with your body’s inner and outer electrical framework – the WBAN i.e. Wireless Body Area Network – as well as a body-part your’re probably not aware of: The Human Biofield, the electromagnetic field that surrounds you abt. 2 feet in all directions; and that is connected to and can be manipulated via ‘the cloud’. Pls see Sabrina Wallace for more details:
Understanding Your Body Area Network
You Are Now A Remote-Controllable Android, And Your Body Is Connected To Three Access Networks With Three Different Levels Of Security 24/7!! -Sabrina
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Back to tweet no 2.b. What do I mean by the Satellite/WBAN attack was perhaps false-flagged? I’ve been targeted by witches and black magicians dozens of times through 25 years or more. A few of the attacks have been extremely virulent and would have been dangerous or even fatal for most. Only I’ve been blessed with a strong psyche and I’m rather strong in ‘the ether’ also, whence I’ve lived through all their nightly attacks. Many of them have been related by me in my blogs and on twitter.
Also I’ve lived through all hit-squad set-ups so far; partly on account of my rather well developed intuition, that mostly makes me spot a hit-man almost unerringly and instantly. Also I’ve often been warned in my dreams; and finally I’ve certainly also been lucky more than once.
The above is obviously the reason why the Uzza-Muzza gang have felt a need for taking recourse to CIA-satellites and/or the many 5.g-microwave antennas/senders. But to obscure everything they may have dilligently endeavoured to impart the impression, that black magicians and/or witches have been at large?
For one thing they started the WBAN/Satellite attack right around June 6. – being the day of the New-Moon in June.’24, – something well known to be important for witches. For another, my old ‘black-magician’ ‘friend’ PM ran around and tried to strut insider knowledge? And thirdly one well known top-politician may have used this occasion to strut one of the Luciferian (pride-flag’s) ‘colours’ – namely white? A white ‘flag’ is said to signify a concord with Lucifer, that is – if you’re a member of the Luciferian Brotherhood (said to run almost all western governments today?). (The socalled Pride-flag likewise is said to origin in the L-B, the seven colours signifying the seven deadly sins. This all as explained by Jessie Szebotar, the designated Mother-of-Darkness turned whistleblower).
Sovereign Military & the Serpent Decode by Jessie Marie Czebotar (Video)
While being treated in hosp.H I was examined thoroughly by a young Islandic doctor; very clever and intelligent, and he very quickly came up with a logic and probably correct diagnosis. I was to have the drug Alfuzosin for a fortnight, or so – a well known drug often used in cases like mine. Simple as that. This drug ‘relaxes the muscles in the general pros. area (& more)’. And even if really nothing is the matter with me, that is, only when attacked by microwaves by sat. or 5.g.towers, it should obviously be the correct cure in my case. Could it be for this reason, that ‘the dark underground’ perversely may have endeavoured to and obviously succeeded in actually blocking its use?
At any rate it’s interesting, that soon after (abt 1 hour, and before I had left the hospital) the young doctor had told me he would prescribe said drug, he appears to have been contacted by another doctor, that most likely forbade him to prescribe the drug? In any case he said he had talked to another doctor and then began talking (for one or two hours) out of both sides of his mouth before eventually sending me home without making a prescription for anything. I have to say I feel sorry for this bright and hounorable doctor having to obey what may have been the ‘black underground’ of his hospital?
You may say it’s too harshly formulated like this? But I’m afraid it’s quite difficult otherwise to explain the fact, that the hospital seem to have taken great care not to explain the reason for withholding Alfuzosin; and even appears to want to stonewall the notion, that Alfuzosin was prescribed in the first place?
Sorry folks, but here’s a small plastic bag with an easy to recognize handwriting and 2 Alfuzosin tablets, that I’m afraid the good doctor forgot I had got at first, before everything began to be razed from the table? (Alfuzosin can only be had with doctors prescription).
In fact I’ve written the director of the hospital and asked for an explanation, but of course got neither drug nor explanation. Perhaps most hospital are in fact really run by the Luciferian Brotherhood – just like even the CIA and everyone else? Please consult Jessie Szebotar for information about who runs the ‘Brotherhood’.
Jessie Czebotar: The Satanic Side of Ashville, Biltmore Inn, 1982 Luciferian Ritual #328
And please take note: There is supposed to happen 2500 ‘preventable deaths’ on Danish hospital each years. That’s roughly 10 times as many as killed in traffic each year in Denmark. Each and every traffic-kill is strenously investigated by police; but not one ‘death by recklessness’ on Danish hospitals is investigated at any point of time at all. To recap: 250 traffic kills/year all investigated by police; but 2500 ‘hospital-kills’ all go scott-free. But perhaps this is just ‘the Devil in the detail’?
Not more today. We’ve only managed 3 tweets, but more to come soon.
(24./25./27.28.Feb.2025). Crossposted on gamleboeger.dk & blocnotesimma.wordpress.com
Tweets on www.x.com/gamleboeger
Are You A Targeted Individual ?
Tidligere hospitalsdirektører: Patientsikkerhed er ledelsernes ansvar
DebatBeth Lilja og Torben Mogensen
Har man glemt de to ildsjæle bag Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, vicedir. Beth Lilja og vicedir. Dr. Med. Torben Mogensen’s vurdering på 5000 dødsUHELD om året på danske hospitaler (i 2008) omtalt i EB d. 11.4.2009 (art.1152694) patientsikkerhed .dk
En dansk undersøgelse viste, at der i ni procent af alle patientforløb på hospitaler skete utilsigtede hændelser, der i større eller mindre grad skadede patienterne. Den erkendelse dannede grobund for patientsikkerhedsloven.
Dødsfald på Rigshospitalet får overlæge
til at slå alarm på patienternes vegne:
»Jeg er da bekymret«