(10.Febr.2020) Today is Monday, and it’s chilly outside.
So why not let’s take a quick look at a few recent headlines?
As usual an asterix * denotes the quote and the arrow > my comments, and all quotes rendered in their own language.
* Betjente fra Østjyllands Politi i Aarhus har i den grad været med til at hente penge ind til den slunkne statskasse.
På blot en time lykkedes det de udsendte sheriffer at snuppe 50 cyklister, som brød færdselsloven.
* Raidet fandt sted mellem klokken otte og ni onsdag morgen i Teglværksgade i Aarhus.
Her vrimlede det åbenbart med cyklister, som enten kørte imod færdselsretningen eller på fortovet.
Hver cyklist er nu blevet sigtet og får en bøde på 1.000 kroner. Det giver sammenlagt 50.000 kroer i bødekassen.
* Ansigtsgenkendelse er, for mig, et meget stort spring i overvågningskulturen. Én ting er regeringens (åbenbart uanset hvilken) hang til overvågning og social kontrol, men ansigtsgenkendelse er satme en anden boldgade.
* Venstre siger ja til ansigtsgenkendelse
Efter tidligere at have taget afstand fra anvendelsen af ansigtsgenkendelse hos politiet skifter Venstre nu mening og går ind for anvendelse af teknologien.
Ifølge avisen er det Venstres folketingsgruppe, der står bag holdningsskiftet. Ifølge næstformand Inger Støjberg er nogle »varmere på ideen end andre, og sådan er det med meget politik.«
* Danmarks liberale parti. Godt at se, at venstreløverne viser mod og mandshjerte og står op for individuelle frihedsrettigheder! Med Ellemann ved roret ved man virkelig hvor man har venstre…
Suk. Jeg håbede, at automatpiloten med at bukke sig dydigt forover, hver gang ordet “politi” blev nævnt, var sluttet med Pape.
* Jeg må henvise til Søren Matz’s kloge ord i dag:
“Du skal grave meget dybt eller være privilegeret for at få adgang til de sammenhænge, der gemmer sig bag skiftende regeringers kampagneslogans om digitalisering”
* Vi er for længst blevet kuppet og hjernevaskede af tech-giganter og overvågningskapitalister og deres medløbere i magttoppen. Ellers ville ingen i det engang så frihedselskende Danmark turde nævne ordene “ansigtsgenkendelse” som andet end et skældsord.
* Nu bliver den slags nærmest brugt som slagord i lighed med tidligere tiders “Velfærd for alle”, “gratis barselsorlov”, “De stærkeste skuldre skal bære de tungeste byrder” etc. “Ansigtsgenkendelse for alle”, “gratis kærestetracking”,
* Stakkels Erich!
Erich Honecker ville være grøn af misundelse, havde han levet længe nok til at se vestlige lande overvåge deres borgere langt mere effektivt end hans DDR kunne præstere.
* M.o.J. ‘Uden tryghed, ingen frihed. Det er sandheden, det er derfor, vi kriminaliserer. Det er i virkeligheden det, vi gerne vil. Hvis det er rigtigt, så følger det logisk heraf, at med overvågning stiger friheden.’
> The young danish government has recently revealed plans to move and/or remove several hundred employees from the National Police Headquaters (‘Rigspolitiet’) in Copenhagen.
Perhaps you might reasonably expect some of them ending up pounding the pavement in Aarhus and be busy shaking down cyclists for another 150 dollars?
Our various governments are greedy for cash to use at their leisure. And shaking cyclists down is easy money! (Governments go for the fast buck and the easy answers, don’t they?).
I’m just kidding, ofcourse, as all this shaking down of ‘the man in the street’ is just for fun and kicks – ain’t it?
But the removel of several hundred staff members – to be moved of fired – from Police Headquarters in one swoop, for one thing is not just for ‘fun and kicks’.
For another it brings to mind the purges of ‘politically unreliable’ individuals in (formerly) communist states – Soviet – DDR – China, by their Political Commissars.
Ofcourse it’s vitally important for any would-be tyrants to have full control of Police Headquarters – has to be manned exclusively with ‘politically reliable’ staff.
Thus we are tempted to put the question up once more: Is our new Commissar-controlled, zealously-globalist young government in fact on a mission to transmute and metamorphose Denmark backwards into a blatantly bolschevik nation – like their potential international billionaire masters/monsters may want? (link 1, below)
I’m off my rocker, you say? Perhaps, but please consider this:
> 1. The 1917 bolschevik revolution reportedly was mainly financed by international- and/or US-bankers; certain political philosophers have often compared radical globalism with bolschevism.
> 2. As soon as our new govt. came into power they reportedly abandoned most – if not all? – of their election pledges with regard to rejecting, repudiating, retracting and abandoning all heretofore planned expansion of blanket police surveillance in public places.
> 3. They have most recently proposed to allow police blanket-use of face-detection surveillance technology in public places.
> 4. Our young and pretty PM wants to remove more children from their families. Ostensibly to save the children from abuse. Will the kids of ‘politically unreliable’ families likewise be removed ‘as suffering abuse’?
Ofcourse such hard to micro-control actions also basically tend to disrupt and undermine the foundations of the core-family. Something right down the alley of orthodox bolschevism/globalism.
> 5. Aren’t at least some of the many non-elected but very powerful, so-called spindoctors in fact nothing but POLITICAL COMMISSARS? They would hardly be allowed inside govt. without being screened by the Govt’s ‘Uber-SpinDoctor’?
> 6. Isn’t said Uber-SpinDoctor in reality an almost all-powerful Political Commissar? He’s ofcourse supposed to be controlled by the young PM – but is this really so? My own impression is that she, hypothetically, may potentially be mind-controlled and thus be the controlled part and not the opposite? For instance, hasn’t she more often than not the aloof zoombi-look of the mind-controlled?
> 7. There is (as far as I know he/she doesn’t even have to commit to observing the danish constitution?) no law governing the chief spindoctors loyalties and thus he may perhaps freely chose his real masters? And certainly he doesn’t want to be interviewed about these matters. Or about anything at all!
* “We are in the midst of a phase of history in which nations will be redefined and their futures fundamentally altered.” –Rupert Murdoch Feb 24, 2009
* “Is not war already a revolutionary function? Since [1870] every war was a giant step towards Communism.” – Illuminati insider Christian Rakovsky, The Red Symphony
* Jurek and Weissgerber were filmed going on disturbing rants about armed revolution and re-educating conservatives in modern gulags by undercover journalists for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. They also said there are many people involved in the Sanders campaign who feel the same way.
* Politi massivt til stede.
Politi massivt til stede ved supermarked.
Der er lige nu en massiv tilstedeværelse af politi ved Aldi i Sønderborg
> Worryingly, The young danish journalists love to trumpet ‘Police massively present’.
* Human Rights Organization Says Unborn Babies Aren’t Human and Have no Rights
By Ethan Huff, Natural News
Human Rights Organization Says Unborn Babies Aren’t Human and Have No Rights
* Speaking to the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights, Roth declared that abortion is a “fundamental right” for “anyone who wants or needs it,” adding that unborn babies are only human in a “philosophical” sense.
Human Rights Organization Says Unborn Babies Aren’t Human and Have No Rights
* Police Called To School After 6-Year-Old Girl With Down Syndrome Made A “Gun” With Her Finger.
Despite knowing no one was truly threatened, Margo’s actions were labelled as a transient threat and the police were called – for a 6-year-old girl with Down syndrome.
* John Lennon: “The World Is Run By Insane People, For Insane Objectives”
* Stripping Africa Bare Neocolonialism Ramps Up (video)
* Betelgeus has reduced brightness by a full magnitude
Some have hypothesized it is because stellar matter has blocked the light, others claim it might be a giant sunspot, and the majority state it is going to go nova.
* Schiff: Whether You Call It QE, Or Not, “The Fed Is Monetizing US Debt”
“The Fed monetized debt in the past, its monetizing more debt in the present, and it will monetize even more debt in the future!”
> ‘Monetizing US Debt’ is from the fancy vernacular used by governments, economists and investors for saying the Federal Reserve is ‘printing money galore’ to cover the giant US debt.
* – Kontrollørerne på metroen er frygtelig emsige. Det er rigtigt, at Metro Service vinder de fleste klagesager i ankenævnet, men de taber på imagekontoen og kundeoplevelsen, siger hun til avisen.
Hun mener desuden, at turisterne får et dårligt førstehåndsindtryk af Danmark, hvis man bare deler bøder ud uden at være forstående.
* – Jeg rejser selv meget og er også kommet til at købe en forkert billet i udlandet. Jeg har aldrig fået en bøde. Jeg har fået hjælp til at købe den rigtige billet af kontrolløren. Det skulle Metro Service tage ved lære af, siger hun til avisen
* Metroens kundeservicechef Karen Rønberg afviser, at metroens kontrollanter skal have et etisk regelsæt, som p-vagterne har i Frederiksberg Kommune. Metro Service kontrollerer tre-fem procent af sine passagerer. Sidste år rejste 60 millioner passagerer med metroen.
* Det københavnske metro-net er som bekendt overpatruljeret af kontrollører, der har gjort det til en guldrandet forretning at inkassere bøder fra turister og andre, der ikke forstår rejsereglerne.
Se også: Hård kritik af metroen: Deler bøder ud til højre og venstre
> The black-uniformed Copenhagen Metro controllers are often – although certainly not always! – demonstrating naked hostility towards their hapless (and helpless) customers. That’s what you get from combining a privatized (and thus quite unaccountable on account parliament then usually don’t give a d*mn) monopoly with black uniforms and the appalling, amoral greed for easy money perpetually oozing out from government offices and dripping down into every (more or less) public service.
It has been shown that black uniforms generally make their wearers showing less empathy and a more confrontational attitude. So why have black uniforms become so popular – and perhaps especially in Denmark?
Tentative answer: Because the DeepState wants it? Isn’t the mission of radical globalism disruption of the sane and sound functioning of society in every nation but perhaps their own; to disrupt the glue holding society together so as to make everyone an easy prey for greedy tyrants?
* How Washington “Liberates” Free Countries.
Essential terms like “freedom”, “democracy”, “communism”, “socialism”, “liberation”, even “terrorism”, are all mixed up and confused; they mean something absolutely different in New York, London, Berlin, and in the rest of the world.
* It’s Time To Ask Again What Really Happened To Ukraine’s Missing Gold.
“This transaction of $1.8 billion … with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation.”
> Yes – and what really happened to Russia’s missing, pre-revolution gold? (Link 2)
* The top 0.1% are now scamming even the rest of the top 1%. But, of course, in this nation where the top 0.01% have been writing the laws (via their lobbyists) for decades now, none of them is anywhere among the millions of Americans who are in prison. To be that rich is to have a stay-out-of-prison card, no matter how many people you’ve harmed or even killed by your dangerous or harmful products or services, such as trick mortgage contracts or toxic pharmaceuticals.
> That’s what DeutscheBank says: Top 0.1% US-americans now own as many assets as the lowest 90%!
Link 1.
Wozniak’s Facebook – Censure In Denmark – War On Iran? (upd.)
Link 2.
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