Forfatterarkiv: immablog

Sunny September – in Denmark and Tiveden

Today is Sunday and the 2nd day of September and a nice and sunny one at that.

In a way perhaps far to nice to browse old books at the sale in the Heillig Geist Church-house here in central Copenhagen and to afterwards write for my blogs about the finds – here in a somewhat dark and slightly too noisy Baresso café.

Had I realized before going out just how nice a day it is I should probably have opted for a photographic excursion instead.

But be this as it may – here we are and here are some of the books I fetched today. The seller is Nordisk Antikvariat and the unit price today is 20 kr ($3).

1. LITERATURE AND WESTERN MAN. By J.B.Priestley. London 1962, Heinemann/Readers Union. 405p, org. whole cloth and dust jacket.

This nicely kept volume is obviously issued as some kind of a ‘economy model’, but very usable at that. Especially the typeface is adequately large and very legible although the space between lines is somethat tight. Likewise the page margins are rather closely cropped.

On the rear flap of the dust jacket you read:

‘Literature and Western Man is the result of forty years’ reading and re-reading of the best that has been written in half a dozen literatures in the last five hundred years.

‘Taking whole centuries and whole countries in his stride, the author sums up, in that pungent and generous style that is pecularly his own, the achievements of the writers of the Western World since the time of the Renaissance….’.

He starts his treatment of France in the 16. century thus (on page 14):

‘Certain places at certain times seem to men, perhaps in very different places and long afterwards, to possess a magical quality, capturing and holding the imagination.

‘This is true of the Italy of the early Renaissance; it is equally true of France during most of the sixteenth century.

‘We cannot have travelled south-west from Paris without returning in thought, almost as if we shared a dream with men long dead, to the French Renaisance.

‘Above the rich meadows and the mirrors of the water we see the entrancing châteaux built when Francis the First was King, or the castle at Blois where the Valois so often held court; we pass through Vendôme, which was Ronsard’s town, Chinon, where Rabelais was born, and when we have done with the Loire country we probably reach the Dordogne, where Montaigne retired to write his essays.’

2. PARIS OU LE LIVRE DES CENT-ET-UN. Tome Second. Paris, Ladvocat, 1831. 422p. Contemporaty half calf.

I also found vol’s 1, 7 and 14.

I’m not sure how to catalogue these volumes. But perhaps they are quarterly magazines – or something like that?

On the last page is a table of contents, where you find among other

– La Chambre des Députés, par M.A.Bazin.

– Le Salon de Lafayette, par M.Auguste Lucret

– Des Soirées Littéraires, ou Les Poètes Entre Eux, par M. Sainte-Beuve

– L’Abbé Chatel et son Église, par M. Jules Janin.

– Charlatans, Jongleurs, Phénomènes Vivants, etc, par M. Pommier

– Un Atelier de la Rue de L’Ouest, par M.Cosdelier-Delanoue.

– Le Cocher de Cabriolet, par M. Alex. Dumas

– Les Deux Saint-Simoniens, par M. le comte Alexis de Saint-Priets

– Un Bal Chez le Comte D’Appony, par madame la comtesse de Bradi.

– Les Gens de Lettres D’Autrefois, par M. Kèratry

There are six more entries.

Among above authors I only know Sainte-Beuve, the famous literary critic; M. Jules Janin, another literary critic and -historian ((who, incidentally – as I have now learned – took over M. Sainte-Beuve’s seat in the French Academy)); and of course Alex. Dumas (ainé), the prolific author.

I’m not sure whether the other 3 volumes are equally as promising. Also at this point I have no idea if the featured articles are written for this volume or just reprints.

3. LE XVIIe CIÈCLE. Pages Choisies des Récits et des Mémoires les plus Curieux de ce Temps. By André Ducasse. Paris, 1946, Bordas, éditeur. 385p, softcover.

This slightly shabbily manufactured, although passably preserved volume is nevertheless a somewhat lucky strike for myself, being as I am interested in French memoirs, not least from the 17. century.

In the table of contents in the back you find the headings for each of the 6 chapters:







In addition there is an appendix with several useful items, and also an index of names.

But from the French dreamland (of Mr. Priestley) we now for a moment turn our attention towards the diametrically opposite part of Europe – namely that of Bulgaria:

4. ALEXANDER VON BATTENBERG – SEIN KAMPF MIT DEN ZAREN UND BISMARCK. Nach des Ersten Fürsten von Bulgarien Nachgelassenen Papieren und Sonstigen Ungedruckten Quellen. By E.C. Corti. Vien 1920, Seidel & Sohn, 321 p. Org. half cloth (broken).

This volume treats of the occurencies in eastern Balkan (on and) after the Wiener Congress in 1870. But off hand it’s difficult to get a handle on the red thread going through the story as told here. Except for a general feeling it may well be a highly competent and well written account of the problems at issue.

5. VÄGEN TILL ÖVRALID. and ÖVRALID – DRÖMMENS VERKLIGHET. By Kate Bang. Stockholm 1945 and 1946. Bonniers. 261 and 166 p. Bound in orig. half cloth, original dust jackets. The first volume dedicated to ‘Herr Bibliotekar Helge Topsöe-Jensen fra Kate Bang’. The other volume likewise, except from Frederik Bang.

The first volume is introduced like this:

‘Det var Verner von Heidenstams önskan, att mine barn, Karen och Jörgen, skulle få en sann bild av det varme vänskapsförhållande, som bestod mellan honom och mig.

‘Det var han själv som föreslog, att jag skulle föra dagbok, som kunde bli till stöd för vårt minne, när vi en gång i framtiden ville berätta för barnen om våra reseår.

‘Det var också han, som – då vi vid inflyttningen på Övralid beslöt bränna våra gamle brev – yrkade att vi dessförinnan skulle göra ett utdrag ur dem; han ritade röda streck i marginalen för det som skulle bevaras.

‘På hans ålderdom satt vi ofta vid brasan och talade om våra minnen, bläddrande i dagböckerna och brevutdragen. “Väl att du har detta”, sade han, “det skall hjälpa dina barn at förstå varför du har levat och handlat som du gjort.”

‘För åtta år sedan, augusti 1937, såg jag Heidenstam sista gången, för nära sex år sedan tog jag farväl av Karen i Ville d’Avray, och det är två år sedan Jörgen följde mig til färjan i Helsingör.

‘Mina barn har levat i det ockuperade Frankrike och det ockuperade Danmark, medan jag gästat det fria Sverige; den döde och de levande har jag under dessa år kunnat komma nära endast i ‘erindringens rige’.

‘Därför har jag uppfyllt Heidenstams önskan och skrivit om våra minnen långt tidigare än ursprungligen avsett. Flera av Verner von Heidenstams gamla vänner, främst Prins Eugen, har menat att den bild som här givits av Heidenstam kunde ha interesse även för andra än mina barn.’

On the dust cover of the second volume ÖVRALID you read:

‘Med Vägen till Övralid och dess fortsättning, Övralid, har Kate Bang skapat ett av den svenska memoarlitteraturens finaste og personligaste verk.

‘I Övralid ger hon en bild af Heidenstams liv från den höstklara septemberdag år 1925, då han flyttade in på bondgården på Lidberget med den stålande utsikten över Vättern, till hans död 1940.

‘Kate Bang berättar om långa vandringar kors och tvärs genom Tivedens skogar, där skalden på nytt upplever sina barndomsminnen, om ‘Bedstefars’ otvungna samvaro med de båda livliga danske barnen, Jörgen och Karen, om höglasning i biblioteket av Troels-Lund, Ibsen, Hans Larson, Höffding, dansk och svensk lyrik och av nyare författare Pär Lagerkvist och Harry Martinson och till sist om Heidenstams kamp för at hålla liv i sin tynande arbetslåga under de sista tragiska åren…’

I can’t say I’m a great fan, or just a fan, of von Heidenstam or his writings, but nevertheless I feel these memoirs/diaries might certainly be worth a look – and my 6 dollars. Several of the photographs in the books are from Denmark, by the way.


The Nice Crowd

A few days ago I was honoured by one of now quite rare visits by relatives. My only nephew and one of my four nieces spent a couple of hours chatting over a spartan meal here in my flat.

They are both nice and friendly, hard working people, married and middle aged. We talked about their family and work – and also, of course, the indubitable fact that I have far too many book stashed away in my small flat.

Inquiring about plans for the upcoming summer vacation I almost choked on my coffee when learning, that my nephew and his young wife and their two young kids – one being only 18 months – plan to spend a week in mid July in Nice, the not so nice town in the southernmost part of France.

However, if you like it hot, and if you think you can handle your kids safely in the scorching heat of ‘le Medi’, you might of course defend this place as being super for an ‘exotic’ vacation?

Still I find the plan slightly strange, and can’t help wondering if someone, and then who exactly, may have put this idea into their heads?

Of course I’m burdened by a general knowledge about the large metropolitan centres of le Medi being hotspots for mafia, paedophilia, kidnappings of children and all sorts of secret service shenanigans. Anyone can read about it, f.i. on .

However I nearly forgot about this conumdrum until last tuesday morning (June 12), when I woke up from an obviously clairvoyant, although seemingly somewhat confused dream-vision, going approx. like this:

“I was examining a page from our family history and thus found that my grandfather ‘O.’ had had yet another daughter, that however only lived to be 2 y.o.a.

“I asked my big sister, sitting nearby, if she was aware of this fourteenth(!) child of our grandparents, that only lived to be 2.

“She said: Yes, I think she was called Mary.

As I said, a vision apparently a bit confused (for thirdparties), whence necessary to transmute it into plain language.

As a general rule (clairvoyant) dream visions hold their information in a compressed as well as coded form. You might perhaps also compare such visions to holograms, that release additional information when you shift your viewpoint slightly.


1. My grandfather O. has several great-granddaughters but only one great-grandson, also called O., my above mentioned nephew.

2. It’s not my grandfather, but his father, my great-grandfather that begot 13 children. His name was J.O.

3. The name of my nephew’s baby son is also J.O., he is now 18 months of age.

4. The name of my newphew’s young daughter is Mary, she is now 9 years of age.

And summing up:

5. The following names are heard/seen in the vision: O., J.O. and Mary.

6. Someone called O. apparently has progeny (two young childs), that isn’t supposed to live long.

7. One of said progeny is a girl named Mary, supposed to live only to be 2 y.o.a.

8. But as Mary is already 9 y.o.a. the 2 year-lifespan might more likely apply to the baby son, called J.O., who is now 1-1/2 y.o.a.

I’ve mentioned before, I’m sure, that my clairvoyant (dream)visions are, if not exclusively then mostly telepathic. Whence I have to presume that ‘someone’ have been discussing plans somewhat in accordance with above exposition.


Today is Saturday, and another very nice day here in downtown Copenhagen. But waking up this morning, I remembered two clairvoyant visions.

One: I saw a lanky, strong young man with a thin black beard and tatoos on his arms. He was sitting in a city bus, but ‘backwards’, indicating the Line 5C, often used by me Saturday mornings to or fro the fleamarkets. Hence I evaded the Line 5C today.

Two: I was helping someone upstairs clearing discarded bathroom fittings and the like. It could possibly indicate someone upstairs intends to move out? Obviously Mossad would very much like to move into a flat almost directly above mine.

Why is this perhaps, or even probably, considered of great inportance? To try and answer this, we need to go back a few days, when I reposted these two tweets:

27.Feb.2018 At abt. 3 AM had clairvoyant vision of small girl held captive in crate, and scared witless. I guess the SecretPolice/Intel.Services would like to #kidnap my nephews kids? I wonder if to be locked-up in suspected Mossad-safe-house nearby?

15.May.2018 Have just learned that suspected Mossad safe-house in our neighbourhood has recently had sound-proof room installed. Ideal for confining and torturing #kidnapped: A Mossad specialty?

So why may it be so important for Mossad to have access to ‘secure premises’ real close to where I live?

The answer probably may be found in the techniques of the Psychic Attacs of the Satanists?

The Satanist Black Magicians teach (read le Vey or Crowley, f.i.) that the power of a malicious psychic attack or assassination attempt can be very much enhanced by torturing and/or murdering someone more or less close to the target while performing the Black Magic ‘Sermon’ of the psychic attack.

Furthermore, that the distance between the attacker(s) and the target is significant. The shorter the distance, the better (read f.i. a great story of the Canadian Th. Illion traveling incognito in Tibet before the war; he visited a secret underground monastry obviously run by satanists, and barely escaped with his life).

No doubt it’s a real big problem for the moneyed elite and their black magicians that they have not yet been able to ‘do me in’ with their evil psychic attacks. It’s quite unusual, no doubt.

Se also .

But let’s leave these sick minds alone for a while and return to a very nice Saturday afternoon. And, importantly – today is also the very last day of the ongoing cycle at the permanent dutch book sale here in central Copenhagen (on the Coal Market – Kultorvet).

The price is 5 kr (80 cents) per volume. Usually I haul about 40 volumes on ‘the last day’. Today I made do with 36 – i.e. a measurable improvement! Frankly most of the 36 volumes are intended as gifts for friends and family. But let’s take a quick look on some of them.

1. PIERROT. Erling Schroeder fortæller om Karen Blixen. Rhodos, Copenhagen, 1984, 52 p., hardbound.

The author, one Erling Schroeder about whom I shamefully know nothing, apparently knew Karen Blixen the last 20 years of her life. I.e. until 1962.

Although I lived in and around Rungsted from 1959 and up through the sixties, I only saw her once, must have been in 1960-61. I was biking from Rungsted Torv – possibly from Villa Jomsborg where we lived in those days – down to the beach one blazing hot summer day. Being young and sunburned and biking without a shirt, something she seemed to appreciate.

The book is adorned with the likenesses of Blixen and author Schroeder. Both photographed by the well known portraitist Rie Nissen (now deceased). I was once the fortunate owner of a Linhof camera, that had belonged to Rie Nissen.

I’m looking forward to reading this slim volume.

2. ROTTEN REJECTIONS. A Literary Companion. Edited by André Bernard. Introduction by Bill Henderson. Pushcart Press, Wainscott, NY, 1990. 101 p., hardbound, w. original dust cover.

Another slim volume easily overlooked in the chaotic shelves af the final days of a sale. I suspect, however, that it’s in fact a small gem, that may even be well worth the price of all 36 volumes? Here are a couple of specimens of the authors ‘rotten rejections’.

‘Northanger Abbey’ – by Jane Austen. 1818. ‘We are willing to return the manuscript for the same (advance) as we paid for it’.

Memo from George Bernard Shaw…
‘I finished my first book seventy-six years ago. I offered it to every publisher on the english-speaking earth I had ever heard of. Their refusals were unanimous: and it did not get into print until, fifty years later, publishers would publish anything that had my name on it…

‘I object to publishers: the one service they have done me is to teach me to do without them. They combine commercial rascality with artistic touchiness and pettishness, without being either good business men or fine judges of literature. All that is necessary in the production of a book is an author and a bookseller, without the intermediate parasite.’

The state of affairs, as so ably put forth here by mr. Shaw, may explain why it’s so important for the Global power brokers to disrupt and destroy as many independent blog portals as at all possible. Compare my tweet from a few days ago:

(16.3.2018/12.6.2018) Sadly the DeepState has eventually succeded in disrupting and virtually destroying the 2 only independent Danish blog-portals: (f.e. – gone!) and (f.e. – gone!)

3. VOLTAIRE. By K.F.Plesner. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1965. 79 p. paperback.

Another slim volume, easily overlooked when browsing the well stocked bookcases. Mr. Plesner was a well known literary critic and connoisseur of french literature. I also bought George Brandes two volume edition of his work on Voltaire (I already own vol. two in a splendid first edition, but thought I might as well buy the whole set at paltry 10 kr – more later). Mr. Plesners slim volume may conceivably be useful as an introduction to Mr. Brandes’ massive volumes.

Perhaps I should remark, that I’m the fortunate owner of Voltaire’s collected works in a splendid French edition from the mid nineteenth century (Two-and-thirty volumes or something like that)?

4. A GLOSSARY OF JOHN DRYDEN’S CRITICAL TERMS. By H.James Jensen, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1969, 135 p. nicely bound in cloth.

On the inside of the dust cover you read:

‘Although John Dryden is, as Samuel Johnson described him, the father of modern criticism, his critical writings are difficult for twentieth-century readers to understand and appreciate.

‘Part of the problem lies in the fact that many of the critical terms which Dryden used have changed or expanded in meaning since his time…’

Surely a nice buy for 80 cents.

5. THE WORDSWORTH COMPANION TO LITERATURE IN ENGLISH. Ed. by Ian Ousby. Cambridge University Press, 1988/1992. 1036 p. Paperback.

Another great buy for 80 cents. Appears unused.

6. I DIGTERENS VÆRKSTED. Udvalgte Interviews fra ‘The Paris Review’. Med forord af Tom Kristensen. Rasmus Fischers Forlag, Copenhagen, 1964, 324 p., nicely bound in half cloth.

From the english/american ‘Writers At Work’ (which I own). In this Danish edition are interviews with Francois Mauriac, Ezra Pound, Eliot, Pasternak, Henry Miller, Kat. Anne Porter, Aldous Huxley, Thornton Wilder, Faulkner, Hemingway, Laurence Durrell, Sagan.

Nicely illustrated with photostats of selected manuscripts.

7. STUDIER I KOMPARATIV LITTERATUR. Af Paul Krüger. Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 1968, 265 p, paperback.

I already own this volume, but feel sure someone might appreciate it as a gift.

Mr. Krüger is, I believe perhaps the third most prominent literary critic of the 20. century – after Paul Rubow and Kai Friis Møller? In this volume he treats of Voltaire, Shakespeare, Beaumarchais, Hugo, Taine, Verlaine, Balzac, Holberg, H.C.Andersen, I.P.Jacobsen and George Brandes.

Once more you feel it almost incredible that no one but yourself want to spend 80 cents on this valuable volume. Only two hours before it would ultimately be discarded.

8. KUNSTEN AT SKRIVE OG ANDRE ESSAYS (AF PAUL RUBOW). I udvalg ved Hakon Stangerup. Gyldendal, paperback, 1964, 339 p.

I already own most of Mr. Rubow’s books, quite a few by the way. This compact volume is thus intented to be presented to a friend or relative.

Once more: It’s well nigh incredible no one has wanted to spend 80 cents on this selection of Mr. Rubows magnificent essays.

In my world Rubow takes the position as the foremost Danish literary critic of the 20. century. Mr.Kai Friis Møller comes close, but I feel Mr. Rubow takes the price on account of his freshness of style and his encyclopedic knowledge.

His knowledge of french history is likewise impressive. I just finished reading (most of) his history of the Sun King, Louis XIV. And I frankly now feel I need not read another book on Louis – Rubow is just that fresh, independent and informed.

It’s almost the same feeling you have after reading f.i. Palle Lauring’s essay on the (insane) Swedish King Carl XII.

9. LITTERATUR LEKSIKON. Af Folmer Christensen og Lotte Eskelund. Gjellerup, Copenhagen, 1969, 300 p. Hard bound.

There were two samples of this book on the sale, and I forgot to buy the second (both intended as gifts), that’s now probably discarded.

10. FRANCOIS DE VOLTAIRE. Af Georg Brandes. Copenhagen, Jespersen og Pio, 1967, 2 vols., paperback.

I already mentioned this title by our greatest critic of the 19. century. Both volumes are practically in condition like new.

11. SKRIBENTER OG BØGER. Af Kai Friis Møller. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1942. 359 p. Paperback.

A profusion of essays with literary critique by one of our two most prominent critics of the 20. century.

As a literary connoisseur he’s probably second to none of his period. Only Mr. Rubow gets my vote, perhaps on account of his irresistible ‘schutzpah’ and great historical knowledge?

Once again: Incredible no one want this almost inexhaustible trowe of knowledge and wisdom on literature and life, by one of our finest pens.

12. DANSK-ENGELSK ORDBOG. By Hermann Vinterberg og C.A.Bodelsen. 2.ed. revised and expanded. Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 1966., nicely bound in cloth.

Of course I own (at least) one specimen of this magnific dictionary (for translating the Danish into English), that I use regularly. But my actual sample is rather dogeared from use whence I want to exchange it for this specimen, that’s almost like new. Quite a buy for 10 kr!


16./17.June.2018. To be crossposted on and
Tweets on

Le Marechal Soult – and other fatalities

On June 3, 2018 I tweeted this:

Planned to visit Helsingborg/Sweden soon. But tonite in clairvoyant vision saw myself on ferryship all surrounded by white clad medic staff. Debarking I was trapped on closed gangway, draped in white, bad smell. Everybody very confident. Is Sweden run by Mossad?

Then early in the A.M. today (June 9) I had a clairvoyant dream about someone planning a trip to Helsingborg/Sweden, obviously meant to include myself. I asked ‘someone’: ‘Is this trip to Helsingborg on the up and up’? And a nice looking, dark woman answered: ‘Oh yes – it has to be made to look natural and accidental’.

All right – not really comforting, I dare say. Obviously the gist of these vision is, that – unsurprisingly – yet more hit-squad set-up are in the planning. With a preference for Swedish waters?

Those robot-killers love planning things elaborately, meticulously on their blackboards, large and small. They think they are fully in control; but like all power-abusing ‘robot-leftbrainers’ they are in fact not in control of anything at all when the chips are really down (Think CERN/LHC – for instance or Fukushima )

That is, not in control unless the Global power brokers have made it their mission, like a cancer to destroy Earth and Humanity completely.

And, by the way, you may once again have to ask – Is Sweden now run by Mossad?


But today is Saturday and another sweltering hot, although otherwise really very nice summer day here in downtown Copenhagen.

In the morning I visited a couple of flea-markets. To no awail – just more expensive crap.

But in the permanent dutch book sale at Vangsgaard’s on the Coal-Market (Kultorvet) I won a half-score of books (including one dvd-film). The unit price today is 15 DKK (2 Euro). Here are some of the finds:

1. PASCAL. Sa vie et son caractere, ses ecrits et son genie. Par M. L’Abbe Maynard. Tome 2, Paris 1850. 512 p., nicely bound in calf.

Although slightly foxed throughout this volume is really quite nicely kept, and still very usable.

Of course this is only the 2nd volume of the (supposedly) two volume full set. But that’s really no big deal for myself, as I rarely manage to read the books I acquire from cover to cover.

The major part of this second vol. seems to be dedicated to dealing with the history of Pascal’s PENSEES (of which I’m the fortunate owner of a magnificent four volume set). But there are also large sections in the last part of the volume dealing with PROSE FRANCAISE AVANT PASCAL and STYLE DE PASCAL.

I believe some think Pascal was perhaps the finest stylist ever writing in the French language? But at any rate this volume might easily prove a great buy for paltry 2 Euros.

2. MEMOIRES DU MARECHAL-GENERAL SOULT – Duc de Dalmatie. Publie Par Son Fils. Premiere partie: Historie des Guerres de la Revolution. 3 vols. Paris 1854 (original edition).

I have been keeping an eye on this set, that has been available on the sale for more than a month, as I’m generally interested in french reminiscenses. But as I hardly ever read war history, I have been passing it by until today.

Contrary to the above title, I managed to research les Memoires du Soult on the web yesterday. And thus learned, that normal antiquarian price for this original edition in nice condition is several hundred dollars.

The catch is, ofcourse, that my set is definitely not in nice condition: It’s badly foxed throughout. Apart from that, however, it’s still very usable, and the bindings in original full cloth is still quite intact. Thus by some measures I have to call it the scoop of the day – or the year.

3. KAISER FRIEDRICH II. By Eduard Winkelmann. 2 vols. Darmstadt, 1963. (reprinted from 1889 ed.). 580, 529 pages. Nicely bound in red cloth.

It seems the author was one of the absolute authorities on the history of this most interesting german ‘Kaiser’. And the reason for it to languish on the shelves at this dutch sale may well be, that it’s printed in fracture, and in German of course, and thus well nigh impenetrable and incomprehensible for almost any young reader in our city?

Friedrich II will be known to most historically interested readers. He seems to have been both learned as well as at times also callous; in the end we might perhaps find him to be a typical left brain dominated power broker?

By the way most of – or rather all? – the modern European royalty are among his progeny.

4. STUDIEN ZUR WESTDEUTSCHEN STAMMES- UND VOLKSGESCHICHTE. By Franz Steinbach. Darmstadt, 1962. (reprint from 1926). 194 p. Bound in soft plast.

The history of the European tribes, and especially the German tribes, is hardly a politically correct study in today’s European universities?

It seems, that today only two tribes are allowed. One rather small tribe of moneyed elite and another giant tribe of everyone else – the riff-raff or the rabble in the streets.

If and when this partition is accomplished, certain death of humanity is assured. There is almost no culture – albeit a profusion of materialistic civilization – among the moneyed elite. And there can eventually be almost no culture among the riff-raff on account of growing (often government promoted) debt-slave misery and squalor, disruption and chaos.

Earthlings might want to remember, or at least try to understand, that among our neighbours in our Galactic neighbourhood there are many tribes living peacefully side by side. A cosmic order, that necessarily should be imaged here on Earth.

(9./11.June.2018. To be cross posted on and tweets on )


Below is what I wrote earlier on said Helsingborg conundrum.

Helsingborg’ske shenanigans? (updated)
Udgivet den juni 11, 2016 by blocnotesimma

(10.juni.2016) I forgårs (onsdags 8.juni) gjorde jeg efter vistnok et års pause en eftermiddagstur til Skånes smukkest beliggende by, Helsingborg. Som jeg allerede tidligere har fortalt en del om ( ) boede jeg op gennem 70’erne og 80’erne i Helsingborg og har stadigvæk en vis tilknytning til byen.

Mest gennem den konto jeg har opretholdt i Swedbank – hed dengang Sparbanken Skåne – med tilhørende boksaftale, der som nævnt bruges som depot for nogle af de fysisk set mindre ting af min fotohistoriske samling.

Jeg har i boks bl.a. liggende et mellemformat digitalkamera Mamiya DZ. Kameraet er købt her i byen på udsalg for flere år siden. I stand som ny og med et par dito objektiver. Nyprisen var dengang vistnok 75.000 kr – mens jeg kunne nøjes med præcis en tiendedel.

Den ligger der som back-up, idet jeg indtil nu har klaret mig med mit 13 år gamle Canon EOS 1Ds full-frame digitalkamera som “storformat-digital”. Og fordi ægte mellemformat digital stadigvæk er forholdsvis sjældent og dyrt. Billigst er vistnok Pentax 645Digital, som netop er set til i omegnen af 70.000 kr.

Problemet med dette nu ældre digitalkamera Mamiya DZ er li-ion-batterierne, som ser ud til at være umulige at opdrive som tilbehør. Da jeg for nogle måneder søgte overalt på ebay fandt jeg kun eet kamera til salg men ingen løse batterier.

Det er derfor naturligvis vigtigt at vedligeholde batteriet, d.v.s. holde det opladet. Hvilket jo ikke kan ske i boksen, og bedst hjemme. Og da jeg ved mit sidste besøg sammen med en af mine søde niecer forsømte at tage batteriet med hjem til opladning tænkte jeg, at jeg ville indhente det forsømte.

Jeg gik en lille tur på havnen i Helsingør i det meget smukke vejr, forinden jeg tog færgen til hinsidan. Men det kunne vist godt have vist sig som en mindre god idé? For det varede ikke længe før jeg på det relativt mennesketomme kajområde havde en formodentlig tasketyv i hælene, som nok havde spottet min – ret flotte omend ældre – LowePro-fototaske.

Da jeg er i besiddelse af en veludviklet situationsfornemmelse spottede jeg tilstrækkeligt hurtigt vedkommen og holdt øje med ham, hvilket åbenbart berøvede ham modet. Ellers havde jeg måske mistet min flotte Hasselblad 500C/M incl 2 ekstra – ganske vist noget medtagne – objektiver.

For øvrigt bruger jeg sjældent Hasselblad’en og det kan godt være, den unge mand ville have fået mere fornøjelse af den end jeg? Dog regner de fleste unge mennesker vel med, at fotoudstyr idag helst skal være digitalt, hvad enten til brug eller videresalg?

Da jeg altså ikke har været på Helsingborg-tur siden 4.jan.d.å., hvor den skærpede personkontrol blev indført, oplevede jeg denne for første gang.

På danske-siden er der opstillet købåse (men endnu ikke kobåse), hvor pas eller anden billedlegitimation forlanges. Det var denne onsdag helt problemfrit, med få rejsende og elskværdig kontrolpersonale. Jeg spottede ingen flygtning overhovedet.

Tyge Brade – man bruger vist nu overalt den “latiniserede” form Tycho Brahe (ordet brade skulle betyde brat eller opfarende) – sejlede for næsen af mig og jeg måtte borde Hamlet. Der trods navnet synes at være med svensk bemanding og skiltning?

På svenske-siden var der underligt nok også skarp pas-kontrol. Underligt fordi der ikke var skyggen af en flygtning at se, de ville jo også være sorteret fra i Helsingør. Så hvad skal denne ekstra, skarpe kontrol gøre godt for?

Ved ankomsten til tull-zonen konfronteres man af 2 bokse, hvor 2 Told- eller Säpo-medarbejdere – formodentligt det sidste? – har barrikaderet sig. Man afkræves i henhold til skiltningen sit pas – der synes ikke at være tale om anden billedlegitimation som på danske-siden?

Den kvindelige medarbejder, som jeg konfronteredes med så yderst professionel ud. Temmelig arrogant; mørkhåret og med en meget “deep tan” og intelligente øjne: tydeligvis ikke en underordnet eller left-brain domineret type, som i almindelighed ikke er god til at vurdere karakter hurtigt og effektivt.

Jeg kom uværgerligt – the deep “middle-east tan” (som jeg ofte nok har set hos Mossad-kommanders i Fiolstræde København?), arrogancen og intelligencen, og den i det hele uvenlige holdning overfor en “indfødt” – til at tænke på hvad jeg har læst om Mossads taktik ved personkontrol i toldzonen: Man bruger netop intelligente, højre-hjerne-begavede folk til at vurdere de tilrejsendes karakter, fremfor en teknisk vurdering af alle mulige detaljer, som måske let lader sig forkludre?

Skulle den pågældende flotte kvinde måske i virkeligheden have fået sin uddannelse hos Mossad/ShinBeth i TelAviv? Eller ligefrem være udlånt derfra til lejligheden. Og hvad er lejligheden?

Det kunne se ud til, at man har benyttet anledningen (med stramning for flygtninge) til at stramme overfor alm. lovlydige borgere? Det er den sædvanlige model, kendt mange steder fra: Man har nu mulighed og rig lejlighed til om ønsket at harassere upopulære regime-kritikere. Jo da, som f.eks. også undertegnede ringhed?

Hvordan skulle dette harassment så foregå? For mit vedkommende hypotetisk måske således: Den pågældende “Mossad-troll”(?) påstår at have mistanke til mit pas; hun beder en af de tilstedeværende toldbetjente føre mig væk; jeg bliver overladt til “rouge-element” Säpo-betjente; som så igen kort og godt overlader mig til Mossad-agenter – hvorefter ingen ser mig igen? Keine Hexerei – nur Behändigkeit.

Nogle vil jo nok påstå, at man kan da ikke have alt dette forberedt og klar til undertegnede ringsheds ankomst. Men forkert: Man har i årevis aflyttet min bolig tæt, også akustisk. Så man ved på forhånd, når jeg gør klar til en fotoudflugt – der som regel går til Nordsjælland. Og som bekendt er der så mange overvågnings-kameraer mellem Frederiksberg og Helsingborg, at Guderne må sig forbarme!

Ja men – siger den ærede læser måske – du mener vel ikke at Säpo/Mossad har ladet arrangere denne ekstra strenge, men tilsyneladende ret unødvendige, paskontrol bare for at harassere typer som dig; endvidere, du mener dog vel ikke at den skulle være arrangeret blot for at fange dig? Så betydningsfuld er du da ikke!

Men, kære læser, det er måske en misforståelse? Kig evt. igen på det foregående indlæg .Vi prøver at fastholde den i.t.v. hypotetiske sagas hovedpunkter i tidsrækkefølge:

1. Jeg skriver en skarp (men vistnok også vittig?) satire over daværende udenrigsminister WS

2. Hans parti går helt i opløsning.

3. WS får et hjerteanfald.

4. Jeg er måske herefter persona non grata i visse kredse på Borgen?

4. Hans kone får et – efter de magre presseberetninger at dømme – meget kraftigt slagtilfælde.

5. Tidligt om morgenen d. 11.dec.2014 føler jeg mig truet af et planlagt Mossad-hit. Jeg skriver derfor et brev til Justitsministeriet, Københavns Politi og Folketinget m.m., hvori jeg fortæller om en usædvanlig klarsyns-drøm jeg har haft omtrent ved det tidspunkt WS’ kone blev syg. Jeg gør opmærksom på, at noget tyder på et voldsomt, maliciøst psykisk angreb.
I så fald måske sekundært med den hensigt at sætte undertegnede i et (endnu mere) uheldigt lys på Christiansborg?

(Se mere om proff. psykiske angreb med maliciøs hensigt (“how to stop a pigs heart with hypnosis”) her )

6. Den 17.dec.2014 posterer jeg , hvori jeg fortæller om nogle hændelser efter afsendelse af brevet d. 11.dec. Jeg fortæller bl.a. om et muligt Jakuza hit-set-up, med udgangspunkt på Frederiksberg Bibliotek. Jeg har siden erfaret, at der på internettet findes oplysninger om, at Jakuza’en skulle være enten kontrolleret af, eller samarbejde tæt netop med Mossad.

7. Det lykkes Mossad ved hjælp af sayanim (se mere om denne instution her ) at underslå de fleste af den halve snes breve jeg sender bl.a. til pressen? Kun Københavns Politi og Justitsministeriet kvitterer efterfølgende for modtagelsen.

8. Københavns Politi’s svar er dateret d. 2.Jan.2015, men findes først i min postkasse d. 6.jan.2015. Brevet er holdt i en arrogant tone, og trods sagens alvor og spørgsmålet om min egen sikkerhed tilkendegiver man alene, at man håber at kunne se på sagen i løbet af de næste 3 måneder.

9. Men (lørdag?) den 3.jan. husker jeg, at jeg bankede kraftigt i bordet (mit spisebord må undertiden lægge sin massive egeplante til udlukning af “damp”). Har Mossad tænkeligt troet, at jeg har set og læst politiets brev af d.2.december og er blevet vred over det arrogante svar?

9. Efter at have læst brevet d. 6.jan. har jeg vist tegn på uro, herunder “shufflet my papers”; altså rodet med mine breve og papiere – bl.a. for at recappe, hvad det præcist var jeg skrev d. 11.dec. Og da min lejlighed er meget tæt overvåget, herunder også akustisk, har Mossad så tænkeligt formodet, at jeg igen ville søge at skabe offentlighed om sagen?

10. Hypotese: Har man derpå besluttet som en helgardering at arrangere Charlie-Hebdo skyderiet? Man har i så fald skudt sine egne “landsmænd” og altså søgt at skjule den ene perfide forbrydelse med en anden ikke mindre perfid forbrydelse?

11. Ikke mange mennesker kan forstå et forløb og en sammenhæng som det hypotiske skildret her; folk er jo normalt også ganske enkelt bange for at få noget at vide om magtmafiaens kabaler. Men netop disse vanskeligheder gør vist alt andet lige min situation uændret labil?

Den ærede læser ser derfor måske, at det ville være en i virkeligheden ringe indsats (for Mossad) med en ekstra-skarp Säpo-paskontrol ved Helsingborgfærgen, såfremt ovenfor skildrede, hypotetiske forløb skulle have noget videre på sig? Også selv om kontrollen i realiteten ikke tjener noget andet nævneværdigt formål. De her som hypotese omhandlede, potentielle forbrydelser er jo så grove og perfide, at de uundgåeligt ville gå ud over Mossads anseelse verden over.


Det er forøvrigt netop ovenfor nævnte, for mig potentielt meget farlige option – med evt. kidnapning og beslaglæggelse (d.v.s. tyveri) af mit boksindhold (hvortil jeg jo normalt ville medbringe nøglen) – som har foranlediget mig til i de sidste par år kun at besøge Helsingborg med ledsager.

Når jeg vovede det alene i onsdags skyldes det, at jeg forventede man ville lade mig gå, fordi man måske havde troet at jeg f.eks. torsdag ville sige jatak til køb at det tidligere omtalte hus på Vestsjælland (se ).

Noget man tænkeligt gerne havde set, idet dette køb ville gøre mig meget sårbar overfor alle mulige “shenanigans”. Men allerede torsdag mailede jeg endnu engang nej-tak til mægleren som omtalt i et foregående indlæg .

Jeg har forøvrigt – hidtil og så vidt jeg ved – ingen dårlige erfaringer med Säpo; men Säpo er et stort agentur med tusindvis af ansatte, hvoriblandt uundgåeligt også rouge elements? Og Mossad-dobbeltagenter?

Om topledelsen i Säpo muligt kan være noget Mossad-orienteret, kan jeg ikke sige noget bestemt om? Men at den almindelige Säpo-medarbejder skulle have et varmt ønske om at være Mossad-sprællemand må det være mig tilladt at tvivle på.

(Updated 11.juni.2016)


Sverige, Oh Sverige.
(Udgivet den oktober 6, 2014 by blocnotesimma)

I årene 1973-1983 boede jeg i Helsingborg samtidig med at jeg arbejdede i Købmagergade resp. Anker Heegaardsgade i København. Sverige var dengang et rart sted at være, endnu i ’83 var der tale om det nok som bekendte “folkhemmet”, hvor man forsøgte og også langt hen ad vejen formåede at behandle hinanden hensynsfuldt og ordentligt.

Sverige er i så henseende, som bekendt, meget forandret idag. Jeg skal vel vare mig for at forsøge en generel analyse af samfundsudviklingen i Sverige i de sidste 30 år, som jeg næppe nok har fulgt med i, og skal kun omtale et par forhold, som for mig stadigvæk har en vis praktisk betydning.

Jeg har indtil for omtrent et halvt år siden flere gange om året besøgt Helsingborg. Dels måske lidt nostalgisk, dels fordi Helsingborgs nordlige bydele er meget smukke og særdeles fotogene.

Og dels fordi jeg i alle årene siden jeg i 1983 flyttede tilbage til Danmark har bibeholdt min sparekassekonto i Sparbanken samt en bankboks-aftale med banken (jeg har også svensk personnummer). Jeg har ganske vist næsten aldrig haft mere end nogle få tusind kr. stående på kontoen. Derimod har jeg stadigvæk et større antal antikke eller gamle messingobjektiver o.lign. liggende i bankens bokslokale.

Allerede omkr. 1970 begyndte jeg at fotografere med et gammelt pladekamera, der for øvrigt var af en temmelig primitiv type. Det foregik med glasplader, kunne endnu købes dengang. Jeg husker f.eks. at en portrætfotograf i Frederikssund i 1971 på min forespørgsel oplyste, at “vi bruger som regel glasplader”.

Først et par år senere fik jeg mit første messingobjektiv. En stor og meget flot convertible Rectilinear fra Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, fundet hos en marskandiser i Brønshøj. Den var for stor til at jeg kunne bruge den på mit primitive kamera, men så meget desto mere lejlighed havde jeg jo til at vende og dreje den i hånden og beundre den smukke håndværksmæssige udførelse af “instrumentet” – som man tidligere også sagde.

Pø om pø fandt jeg lidt flere forskellige typer af gamle objektiver, og jeg erfarede snart, at man kunne lave de skønneste farvebilleder, også med enkle og prisbillige typer.

Således kom det sig, at jeg fik interesse for at skrive noget om mine praktiske erfaringer med gamle objektiver. Dels med de relativt få jeg allerede havde samlet, men også sigtende på hvad jeg måtte finde i den nære fremtid. Dengang var der jo ikke noget der hed internet, og jeg gik ud fra som en selvfølge, at skulle jeg have noget offentliggjort, så måtte det blive i bogform.

Men det ville utvivlsomt indebære, at der skulle være tale om en seriøs afprøvning, undersøgelse og afhandling om et større antal forskellige linsetyper, hvis jeg skulle gøre mig håb om at finde en forlægger.

Ergo måtte der, dels i betragtning af min beskedne økonomi og dels p.g.a. at jeg havde fuldtidsarbejde i P&T, let blive tale om en 5-årsplan. Og af hensyn til de meget store vanskeligheder jeg som ubemidlet – og uden eBay og Den Blå Avis! – i almindelighed havde haft med at finde og erhverve de gamle linser, besluttede jeg at leje en bankboks i Sparbanken i Helsingborg og opbevare det meste af min beskedne samling dér, for at afvente at tiden modnedes.

Og faktisk ligger det meste af samlingen stadigvæk der, hvor den er blevet lagt for omved 35 år siden og senere. Jeg har af mange forskellige praktiske årsager desværre aldrig følt at have haft lise og muse til at begynde udarbejdelse af “min bog”, og i mellemtiden er jeg vistnok blevet overhalet indenom!

Omend jeg nok ikke helt har opgivet håbet endnu. Det ligger imidlertid sådan, at med digitaliseringen af fotosporten er det blevet let og derfor også interessant for rigtig mange kunstnerisk interesserede fotografer at eksperimentere med fotografering med gamle linser, både i sort-hvid og farve.

I 1980’erne lavede jeg bl.a. en del optagelser på Agfachrome planfilm, som jeg selv fremkaldte i badeværelset. Det tog præcis 2 timer pr. optagelse, hvis man altså gerne ville se den ene optagelse før man lavede og fremkaldte den næste. Hvortil kom tørretiden.

Men timerne er nu blevet til sekunder med digital fototeknik, og der foregår ergo en meget ivrig og udbredt eksperimenteren med alle mulige typer af gamle fotoobjektiver mange steder i verden.

Sparbanken i Helsingborg hedder nu Swedbank. Den tidligere Sparbanken ejedes, formoder jeg, af sveriges sparekasser, og kunne måske til dels sammenlignes med den tidligere Fællesbank for danmarks sparekasser? Men vistnok især p.g.a. nogle store og delvis uheldige kreditforretninger i Østeuropa måtte sveriges sparekasser sælge ud, og banken ejes nu så vidt jeg ved af Cooperative Förbundet i Sverige.

Der skete samtidig en sammenlægning med en anden svensk sparekasse og navnet ændredes efterhånden til Swedbank. Så vidt jeg har forstået, er Swedbank nu en ren investerings- og forretningsbank uden antydning af sparekasse-ånden over sig. Den nuværende, mangeårige generaldirektør er da også i.h.t. svensk dagspresse Wall-Street orienteret for så vidt som han har haft ry for gerne at bringe en af Wall-Streets arketypiske storinvestorer, Carl Icahn, ind som medejer af de selskaber han har ledet.

Jeg tror faktisk jeg tilfældigt har set den pågældende direktør i Helsingborg-afdelingen ved en lejlighed, idet han da vistnok gik forbi min “ventestol” sammen med en række ledere. En smuk, intelligent og kultiveret mand, utvivlsomt. Formanden for banken, en smålandsk bondesøn, er vistnok tillige formand for Cooperative Förbundet. Sidstnævntes formodentlige jordnære common-sense i forb. med bankdirektørens utvivlsomme faglige dygtighed udgør sikkert en stærk ledelse, og Swedbank er da også på rekordtid blevet en af Sveriges top-3.

Bankens lokaler er nu også fuldkommen forandrede i forhold til “Folkhemmets” ånd. Sparbankens lokaler var dengang meget venlige, og typisk svensk helt gennemgående designet og udført i lyse, bløde træsorter. Mens der nu er tale om mørke og hårde ting udført i mørkfarvet sten, stål og glas.

Jeg har nu ikke følt mig dårligt behandlet i Swedbank, uagtet jeg naturligvis kun er en ganske lille kunde, mindre end ubetydelig. Men det generer mig derimod unægtelig temmelig meget, at SÄPO synes at mene at de har et udestående med mig, og tilsyneladende helst ser, at jeg ikke besøger Sverige og Helsingborg.

Da jeg med sikkerhed ved, at jeg ikke har og ikke kan have noget som helst direkte, legitimt mellemværende med SÄPO, kan deres holdning givetvis kun forstås, hvis der forudsættes en utidig, og altså maliciøs indblanding fra PET/Mossad/CIA.

Med andre ord: Har PET/Mossad og co. henvendt sig til sine venner i SÄPO med en anmodning om at chikanere mig i Helsingborg?

Jeg kan oplyse, at jeg flere gange er blevet passet op af agenter i Helsingborg. Den ene gang var der ganske oplagt tale om SÄPO medarbejdere: To yngre, svenske mænd iagttog mig på den McDonalds i Helsingborg, hvor jeg som regel plejer at spise en burger inden jeg tager hjem (den ene i lang, grå frakke, den anden i grøn, militær drejlsjakke).

De var forøvrigt – i modsætning til visse andre personer, som næppe har været SÄPO folk – ingenlunde truende, provokerende eller på anden måde ubehagelige. De optrådte tværtimod, vistnok typisk for svenske politifolk, professionelt og hverken venligt eller uvenligt.

Lidt mere maliciøs og som en potentiel farlig agent provocateur opfattede jeg derimod en ældre herre, som jeg oplevede vistnok ved mit næstsidste besøg i bankens bokslokale for omtrent et årstid siden.

Han havde – meget usædvanligt, jeg har i det mindste gennem mere end 30 år aldrig set noget tilsvarende – anbragt sig umiddelbart ved indgangen/trappegangen og bredt indholdet af sin boks ud på et lille derværende bord. Guldure en masse, som han på den mest muligt åbenbare og påfaldende måde holdt op foran ansigtet og tilsyneladende betragtede nøje. Uafbrudt, under mit flere minutter lange ophold i lokalet.

Jeg opfattede intuitivt, at såfremt jeg havde sagt blot eet ord til vedkommende – hvilket var MEGET fristende i betragtning af det usædvanlige og overfladisk set nærmest lidt komiske skue(spil) – så ville der, tror jeg, formodentlig være sket omtrent følgende: Han ville råbe vagt i gevær – at jeg havde blandet mig i hans ophold i lokalet – at han følte sig truet – at han følte at have været udsat for et potentielt overfald og/eller røveriforsøg!

Og banken ville blive nødt til at kontakte politiet, som ville arrestere mig, og kontakte SÄPO da udlænding, som ville undersøge mig som potentiel røver (den “forulempede” ville jo nok vise sig at være (Mossad?)agent, men hævde at være i lokalet som privatperson!). Man ville ransage mit boksindhold, og uden videre beslaglægge det som potentielt røvergods!

Jeg ville senere i bedste fald få noget af det tilbage, resten kunne let vise sig at være bortkommet – der ville naturligvis let kunne opstå diskussion om indholdet, hvad man faktisk havde forefundet: Det velkendte spørgsmål om “bevisets stilling”.

I den forb. erindres den ærede læser om, hvad jeg tidligere har oplyst om en bortkommet CD med en komplet fortegnelse over mit fotoudstyr, herunder også boksindholdet i Helsingborg. Jeg er bekendt med, at mindst een Sajan, med en til vished grændsende sandsynlighed har fået en kopi, som iøvrigt ganske sikkert er udbredt i Mossad-nære kredse, herunder naturligvis også SÄPO, CIA og PET. Man har altså haft god tid til at gennemgå den temmelig omfattende fortegnelse og udvælge hvad der helst måtte “forsvinde”.

I heldigste fald ville jeg få min frihed igen, måske efter nogle dage, – i værste fald ville jeg forsvinde i et Mossad/CIA fangehul somewhere. Som sagt, jeg følte mig meget beklemt ved situationen i bokslokalet den dag. Jeg skyndte mig ud af lokaet “med tæt sammenknebne læber” og uden på vejen så meget som at se på vedkommende, end ikke ud af øjenkrogene.

Onsdag i sidste uge aftalte jeg med min gamle overbo, GC, at vi næste dag, torsdag, i hans bil skulle køre en tur til Helsingør og videre til fods med færge til Helsingborg. Dette talte vi om i min lejlighed, ligesom jeg fortalte det til andre i telefonsamtaler. Det har altså via aflytning været velkendt i Mossad-kredse.

Natten til torsdag havde jeg en – utvivlsomt clair-voyant – drøm.

Jeg drømte, at jeg på en vej måtte vige, og halvvejs skjule mig i rabatten, for en stor sandgul bil. Den kørte forbi mig og parkerede direkte foran en port, således at den spærrede for porten. Jeg så at der umiddelbart foran nummerpladen med store tal stod 1%.

Ud af bilen kom en mand med maskinpistol. Dette skræmte mig jo noget, således at jeg forsøgte at flygte. Men så opdagede jeg en mand på min venstre side, ligeledes med maskinpistol. Og umiddelbart efter dukkede en tredje person op lige ved den anden mand. Denne tredje person var en kvinde med et raketstyr, som hun sigtede på mig med. Jeg forstod så, at jeg næppe ville kunne undgå det her omhandlede attentat. Hvorefter jeg vågnede. Det bør tilføjes, at det geografiske sted for drømmen var gammelkendt for mig.


Den sandgule bil: Amerikanere i ørkenkrig, altså vel sagtens CIA resp. evt. CIA/Mossad.

De 1% betyder givetvis, at det er pengeeliten, formodentlig den amerikanske?, som har bestilt attentatet.

Den spærrede port og det velkendte landskab: Porten til Helsingborg er spærret, og Helsingborg er jo gammelkendt for mig.

Jeg må endnu engang takke for advarslen! Det er klart at jeg fandt et påskud til at aflyse turen torsdag formiddag.

Et top-professionelt attentat i den i virkeligheden lidt skumle smøge hvor Swedbanks sydlige indgang befinder sig, ville næppe vække større opmærksomhed. Man ville selvsagt så vidt mulig vælge at kidnappe, og hvorvidt min ven ville ryge med i købet eller ikke har næppe givet anledning til mange bekymringer. Han er enlig og har så vidt jeg ved ingen nævneværdig omgangskreds. Formodentlig ville højst en enkelt ældre savne ham.

Det siger vel sig selv, at SÄPO i givet fald næppe ville foranstalte andet end blot en fingeret undersøgelse?

Men under alle omstændigheder ser undertegnede ud til igen efterhånden at være blevet en varm kartoffel for CIA/Mossad for så vidt som man måske har været ude af stand til at rydde mig af vejen, trods flere års ihærdige forsøg. Dette skyldes da også dels clair-voyance og dels “naked luck”.

Jeg henviser den ærede læser til at genopfriske nogle af mine tidligere blogindlæg herom, hvoraf til turde fremgå, at man ellers har forsøgt med en hel del forskellige planer: Alm. gadekidnapning (som det ovenfor omtalte), kidnapning/mord i forb. med landligt ophold, dito i forb. med hospitalsophold, dito i forb. med militærøvelse, m.m.

Så vidt jeg ved, synes der alligevel at måtte være tale om en optrapning i forhold til tidligere planer med mig i Helsingborg. Mord eller kidnapning planlægger en (udenlandsk) efterretningstjeneste vel kun, hvis man føler at kunne have en eller anden grad af tro på at kunne påregne politisk opbakning?

Hvad den helt akutte anledning til den tilsyneladende optrapning måtte være kan jeg p.t. ikke sige noget om. Jeg er opmærksom på, at Sverige netop i disse dage har fået en ny statsminister. Men jeg kender ikke Stefan Löfvén’s holdning til efterretningsvæsenet i almindelighed og SÄPO i særdeleshed.

Umiddelbart ville man naturligvis forvente, at man som socialdemokrat ville være kritisk overfor potentielt magtmisbrug i efterretningsvæsenet i Sverige, det være sig SÄPO, PET, CIA eller Mossad. Og netop dagen efter, d.v.s. fredag i sidste uge, offentliggjorde den nye svenske regering da også – omend vistnok noget overraskende? – at man ville anerkende Palæstina.


(Satirisk Eventyr) I guess most of my readers have now for some time been fully aware that we earthlings at this point of time are all living in the shadowy world of the dead (also called ‘The Underworld’, ‘The Deep State’ or ‘The Netherworlds’).

After all it was widely, almost universally publicized roughly half a dozen years ago that the earthly world, as we knew it, after having for a few centuries slice by slice gone bunkers, was finally totally destroyed on Dec.22, 2012, as it had in fact been accurately foretold by the Mayan priesthood.

Hence everyone are now ‘living’ in the netherworlds, the world of the dead.

But many well informed people of course also know that conditions and circumstances in many ways are almost as real in the shadowy world of the dead as before our global annihilation.

Clearly that’s basically why we have been able to recently report from some of the top-leaders in our new underworld. But of course the old world-leaders’ generally high esteem for some of this writers major reportings has obviously contributed to making everything happen more smoothly.

Recently the new underworld deep down below the former Danish capital enjoyed a rare visit by the flamboyant – in a shadowy, rather dead way of course – Atlantica prime minister Dr. Julia.

Reportedly Dr. Julia wanted to especially secure the full cooperation and support for her and her associates’ political missions from the respected leader of the Danish netherworlds, Dr. Cluck, who personally picked up Dr. Julia deep down under the old Copenhagen airport.

‘Hello Dr. Cluck, it’s me, Julia, you do remember me, don’t you?

‘But certainly Dr. Julia, how could I ever forget you? You always looked like a million dollars, something that’s constantly on my mind. Tell me, what can I do for you? The trip was all right, I hope?

‘Yes, thanks, we enjoyed the trip a lot. Only we had a minor problem finding your fine little city on our cards over the netherworlds. Luckily, just in time someone happened to glance out through the windows and thus saw a small collection of houses and all, and hence we suspected your great underworld capital city would be just about right beneath us somewhere. And well – here I am.

‘Wonderful, I’m so glad you are here. We need to try and find something to amuse ourselves with the next day or so. Do you like playing cards, patience or something? Did you perchance bring your own deck of cards? You wouldn’t happen to go for a game of chess, would you?

‘Oh, I’m so glad for your positive approach to the art of neighbourliness, Dr. Cluck. But let me assure you I never play chess, which I find absolutely childish. But I always bring my own deck of cards to play patience or else my black Taroc cards. Would you like me to predict your future from my Taroc cards? I’ill do it for free, absolutely!

‘Sure, sounds great to me. I always wanted to have my future divined, on account I feel – well, I dare say I almost know – that I have a great, great future. But ofcourse it would be nice to REALLY know! Listen, as soon as we arrive at my office we’ill take a few hours off and amuse ourselves?

‘I’m so happy, Cluck. Let’s hurry, I love divining with my Taroc cards. And I always felt you definitely have an interesting, promising future.

‘Thanks a lot, Julia. I appreciate that. You know I try to behave like any other ordinary underworld human zombie, but of course it’s often quite hard to conceal how very special I am, how grand a future I have.

But I notice we’re already there. Please follow me to the escalator, in this way we may arrive at my private rooms quite unhassled. So – now we’re here. You may lay out your Taroc cards on this little table over there, if you please. I’ill order some tea for you, and cookies.

‘Thank you, Cluck, sounds good. But won’t you join me for tea and cookies?

‘No, no, no, I never take tea. I think, though, that perhaps I had better order a few bottles of wine. I suddenly remember we were yesterday sponsored with a half dozen cases of really nice red wine from one of my many admirers. I always felt it’s important to be accessible to all citizens and sponsors, not just the rich, you know!

Here is tea and wine, now. But have you laid out the Taroc cards, Julia? Please tell me, what’s the good message.

‘Yes, dear, the cards are all laid. And I dare say there’s great news for you, Cluck! You want me to read it out for you right away?

‘Oh, but certainly, I can hardly wait to hear the sweet words directly from you and the gods of the shadows.

‘Yes, of course. Here you are, then. You see these 3 key cards here. The first is called the King, the second over there the Queen and the third down here the Sword. Naturally you want to know what these 3 important cards mean in the positions indicated, and I’m certainly only too glad to tell you.

I’m so glad we’re here, you and me together. But you have to trust me now, because I have important things to tell you. So listen carefully, please.

‘Sure, go right ahead Julia, and hurry please!

‘All right. But you have to trust me, Cluck! I’m here to help you, read my lips!

‘But certainly I trust you, Julia, I always did, I would follow you to the end of the underworld, you ought to know that. After all that’s what I’m here for!

‘Yes, right. But now I have some important things to announce to you from my black magick cards of destiny.

Firstly, the King card personifies you. You are thus, potentially, the King of things and situations!

Now comes the Queen card. This card symbolizes myself. Obviously I’m your Queen – in a somewhat metaphorical way, of course. But what it means is you have to heed and comply with the advice and wishes of the Queen. I guess you understand that clearly?

After all we are now living in a modern, progesssive underworld where women are equal to and in fact often the leaders of all the other dead shadows. I’m sure you understand that? You ought to, otherwise I can hardly help you.

‘But of course, Julia, dear. But what about that 3rd card, the Sword, what does this card symbolize?

‘As a matter of fact the 3rd card is very, very important. Because, after all, both you and I have long known we are in a way already King and Queen whereever we are among our kinfolks, the elites in the world of the dead.

But – and this is very important, so please listen carefully: the 3rd card, the Sword, tells us unmistakeably how you must behave to secure your wonderful future as King among the zombie elite: You have to live by the sword!

Now, this is of course just generally speaking. Because we have to interpret the additional seven Taroc cards in order to decipher and read this key card in relation to actual underworld politics.

And it thus transpires, that what is meant is basically this: You have to support me and my zombie friends in every possible way in our mission to make the world of the dead more just end righteous! Which of course can be done only by the sword!

I need to eventually lay this out in more detail, of course. But you have to trust me, Cluck, mark my words! So here come the important details and remember I’m here to help you – read my lips!

‘But of course, Julia, dear. I understand all that, go on please.

‘All right. What you have to do urgently and obligatory is this.

Firstly and most important, you have to support me and my zombie friends and associates in all our endeavours to strafe these monsters over there in the Gussian world of the dead. I hate them, they are so evil. They won’t even give us our due respect as the masters of the underworld, who are doing gods work. Can you imagine that? The pricks!

But what’s much, much worse is they won’t give us our gold! I almost can’t believe this, but that’s how it is: they won’t give us our gold! The monsters! The gold that we have a historical claim on, and which god has promised us, because it’s ours!

I know you have studied history a lot and hence know, I’m sure, that about 100 years ago his excellency mr. Gasputin and the Emperor of Gussia gave us all the gold of the Gussian empire. To have practically as our own, or almost. Worth hundred of billions in todays value!

Most everyone that know history are aware of all this of course. But it now transpires these Gussian traitors didn’t give us ALL their gold, but hid some of it for their own uses. The monsters!

That’s why we have to strafe these traitors and hit their houses and their cities and their armies and their friends and all in their squalid netherworlds. Justice has to be done. If justice is not done, the underworld will descend into anarchy and chaos!

Remember my dear Cluck, my friend, we’re doing gods work and hence we have a god given right to all this gold these Gussian pricks have concealed from our righteous claims. I almost can’t belive this is happening, but it is.

But I can assure you we shall strafe these monsters and teach them a lesson they wont forget so soon. Do you understand?

‘Yes, yes, dear Julia, perfectly, I know, gods work, certainly. You can count on me! But what’s in it for me – that is, I mean, what can I do right now to help you and your deep state zombie associates?

‘I’m glad you asked that question, Cluck, dear. Of course you want to know, and I shall now delineate it for you in more detail.

I suppose You wonder about all these other Taroc cards laid out here on my black magick cloth, dear Cluck. And I can assure You these additional seven cards are all very important, and also extremely auspicious of course.

So what my intuition told me already before laying out the cards has once again proven absolutely reliable: Your future, Dr.Cluck, dear, here in our new underworld among the dead zombies is definitely extremely promising.

Now you will clearly ask how come I can tell this with absolute certainty just from my magick Taroc card as they are laid out here for you.

However I have to say, I cannot reveal in minute detail why those other seven cards are so wonderfully auspicious. You see, you have to be an initiate into the art of black Taroc card magick to be allowed to have all these occult forces revealed to you.

But that of course should be no problem, as I already know you trust my absolute sincerety and honesty without reservation. Isn’t that right, dear Cluck?

‘But of course, Julia, dear, please go on. But hurry, as I have to soon order a few more bottles of wine. And won’t you have another cookie, dear?

‘Oh, thank you so much, that’s very considerate of you, Cluck. I’ill take just one more cookie, but I certainly have to watch my figure, you know.

Now, let me be entirely frank with you, Cluck, dear. It’s not necessarily very easy to qualify for a permanent top job as King among equals in the underworld elite of zombies.

Because one has to meet certain, rather stringent standards. By which I mean one has to perform certain, perhaps even somewhat delicate tasks to the absolute satisfaction of our common supreme masters – the Emperor of the zombies and his entourage – down here in the shadowy world of the dead.

But of course I have already learned that you are basically absolutely willing to help me and my zombie masters to recuperate all that gold the Gussian monsters have stolen from us.

Now, then, I shall specify in somewhat more detail what is further expected from you, which of course is what all these magick Taroc cards are channelling to me almost directly from the gods of the dead.

Firstly there’s the question of the black gold. By this of course is meant the black gold of the Gussian underworld monsters.

Obviously they think they can steal our black gold also. Isn’t that schocking? Imagine, they first steal nearly all of our real gold and then they have the insolence to think they can get away with stealing our black gold also? Can you imagine that? The villains.

But according to what my magick Taroc cards say, that’s where you come into the picture, Cluck, dear: You have to try and disrupt their plans for the so called GussianOil.2 pipeline going from the wretched Gussian underworld to the Neuropean netherworlds.

Perhaps you cannot entirely hinder that pipeline, though, but at least and as a very minimum you have to obstruct and disrupt it as much and as long as at all possible!

Now, let me assure you the underworld zombie elite is very much aware of the great work you have sucessfully discharged during several years by disrupting the pathetic little country of which you are now the head of state – the Danish netherworld of dead zombies.

For instance you have successfully disrupted the regional democracy of your ridiculous little state, which is very important for me and my zombie overlords as this means your rich underworld countryside is becoming almost emptied of the parasitic Danish zombies.

This means the danish zombies are soon to be replaced by parasitic alien zombies, which makes everything much more chaotic and disruptive.

I suspect you are fully aware how important it is to disrupt and create chaos everywhere in the Neuropean netherworlds and especially in the rich countryside and the farm industry in your underworld?

The reason for this of course is that some of the most important billionaire deep state dead zombies, both in the TallyStreet underworld, the Donlon City netherworld and Mr. Sunk and Mr. Natter in the Free-States’ and the Levantine underworlds all want to acquire these assets as their private, personal property and possessions.

It’s especially the rich, lush countryside and its wonderful weather system you have so successfully developed – perhaps right now the worlds most salutary weather system here in our global new netherworlds of the dead – that these honourable billionaire zombie Lords of ours want as their own.

Of course you can hardly blame these dead zombie gentlemen for wanting to eventually own what is after all just their god given right! You do agree, don’t you, Cluck, dear?

‘Oh but certainly, dear Julia. But please go on, I almost can’t wait to hear more about when I will be King of the dead in my own underworld. It will be soon, won’t it?

And by the way I want it please to be understood that I really expect a somewhat more propitious remuneration than was given to my predecessor, Dr. Hollow, who was only made Queen of Save the Zombie Quids. Of course zombie quids are nice and important, but still I should certainly hope for a bit more than that, shouldn’t I?

‘Please, dr. Cluck, my friend, be patient. Of course you will get quite a bit more! After all you have created a lot more disruption and chaos in your pathetic little zombie state than your predecessors – even if we know they certainly tried hard enough!

But before we return to the big question of the stolen black gold I would like to touch upon the issue of the Ministry of Disruption, a ministry you promised me last that you would create urgently.

Have you created this important ministry by now, dear Cluck? The reason why I’m asking is I don’t seem to notice a ‘Ministry of Disruption’ in the list of government ministries as provided by you.

‘But of course, Julia, dear. The Ministry of Disruption has certainly already been successfully instituted in our government. And I think I can state with confidence that we have picked the most cleverly devious and reckless woman in our government as its head.

Only – and of course that’s why you missed this ministry in our list – we have resolved, until further notice, to not name it ‘Ministry of Disruption’ but something else entirely. I certainly hope you appreciate how clever that is, – I mean by deceiving the dead zombie citizens so as to keep calm in our netherworld?

But I also want to point out, that this ministry’s task force for creating chaos and disruption among the dead has been faithfully named ‘Disruption Task Force’.

And I should like to impart just one specimen of the mind set of this important task force, namely a very clever mantra invented by a certain high profile member of the task force: ‘Burn everything down every seven years!’

That’s both creative and progressive, don’t you think? Certainly I can hardly begin to tell you how happy I am to have zombies like that in my underworld government.

‘But of course, Cluck, dear. How clever that is. This is certainly a load off of my chest. I would like to already now tentatively congratulate you with how progressive everything is in your deep state zombie government!

Now we have to return to the issue of our stolen black gold. We all know how Mr. Hussi and Mr. Assa time and again tried to steal our black gold. And likewise we have all heard about their seriously bad luck!

But the wretched Gussians zombies and their devious Giranian friends have obviously until now neither learned to fear nor sufficiently experienced the wrath of our gods of the underworld, but proceed with impudence in their vile cabals to illegally hide our black gold from us!

But of course we shall take our black gold back and punish these zombie villains in the process! I think you may safely rely on that, dear Cluck.

‘Of course, Julia, dear. But precisely what am I expected to do now to oblige the Emperor of the Zombies? By the way, who is Emperor right now? Could you possibly give me just a few hints as to the whereabout and identity of the Emperor and his splendid Court of Zombies?

‘Oh, no, no, no. Please dont be silly, dear Cluck. Identity and whereabout of the Emperor and his Imperial Court is of course extremely secret. In fact so secret, that not even I – although being a full Queen of the Dead for all of the Atlantica netherworlds – have been imparted with these facts.

The thing is, you have to be at least an Arch-Duke or even an Arch-Prince to be initiated into that kind of deep occult knowledge. Hence I can only tell you, that the Emperor is very, very rich and mighty and that he normally is designated just ‘ET of Z’. Of course that’s just short for Emperor of The Zombies or perhaps Emperor of The Zombieworlds.

Furthermore that his court is large and rich and that his closest entourage is made up of twelve Arch-Magicians, called Sappos.

These Sappos are of course all accomplished Black Magicians of the Dead and are invested with the task of maintaining discipline among the courtiers and the entire zombie population in the netherworlds. I’m told they just Zap, Zap, Zap anyone that’s getting out of line.

The first Zap may mean disability for the wretched target. The second Zap may mean insanity for the miserable. But the third Zap often means certain death and extermination from the world of the Zombies! How awful that would be!

Incidentally it’s almost certainly also these Arch-Magicians that – by the agency of my magick Taroc cards as laid out here on the black cloth – through their accomplished black magick impart the will of the Emperor and the gods of the shadows unto me.

Do you understand all that clearly, dear Cluck?

‘But certainly, Julia, dear. And I dare say I’m rather impressed by the power and riches of the Imperial Magick Court of the Zombies.

But specifically, what is it your black magick Taroc cards actually convey unto you from the ET of Z – about all that stolen black gold. I mean, what is it I’m supposed to do next for you and your dead zombie associates, please?

‘Yes, our course, Cluck, dear – you want to know. Now listen closely:

It has pleased his Hollyness, the ET of Z, to impart unto me by venue of my magick Taroc cards, that the Imperial Court expect you to travel down to Gothica and talk to that reprehensible Uber-Witch of the Gothic Zombies, Dr. Schnorrkel. And demand on behalf of the Emperor that she disrupt the GussianOil.2 pipeline as completely as at all possible.

Do you think you can do that, Cluck, dear?

‘But of course, I already know Dr. Schnorrkel and I think I can fix her no problem!

‘Oh, that would be just great, dear Cluck. You see, I hate this sorry Uber-Witch of the Gothics so much I would rather not talk to her at all.

But mind you, rumours has it she is a 3rd generation Uber-Witch of the Polish Black-Wood Zombies. Can you imagine that? The prick!

And please also take care to have her promise to sanction the Gussian monsters in every way possible. This may, by the way, be particularly valuable for yourself in your endeavours to disrupt your pathetic little zombie deep state to the utmost.

You understand – you may mortally weaken the agri sector and hence the whole countryside of both your underworld and all of the Neuropean netherworlds. And thus make it possible for the Emperor and his dead zombie associates to secure their rightful ownership of the entire, lush countryside of your pathetic little zombie state on the cheap. After all, it IS the Emperor’s rightful property, don’t you agree?

‘But certainly, Julia, dear. I shall definitely do the best I can. Trust me – read my lips!

‘Of course, dear Cluck. I know I can trust you.

Now I want to touch upon another issue entirely, namely that of security. Do you feel the security for yourself and your zombie subjects is altogether adequate? Tell me a bit about that, will you dear Cluck?

‘But certainly, Julia, dear, I’ill be glad to. I suspect you are alluding to things like police and secret police, the courts, the hospitals and the press here in my underworld of dead zombies. Hence I’ill give you a few hints on each of these objects.

The police in general seems to be rather friendly towards our mission of disruption, perhaps especially the young staff. The thing is, of course, that the sway and power and general standing of the police – and in particular the secret police – waxes in direct proportion to the degree of chaos and disruption in our world of dead zombies. Also they then get more staff and well paid positions like captains of police and chief agents.

Nevertheless you have to always be vigilant towards the police as there of old are quite a few staff with oldfashioned, entirely fake ideas about honour, conscience and justice. Thus I and my zombie associates cannot feel totally comfortable with the police, not now and not in the near future.

On a positive note it has to be acknowledged that our secret police has now already for a few decades been happy to do gods work in close cooperation with their foreign dead zombie partners. Thus the old fashioned so called ‘Counter Espionage’ is practically abolished, which of cource is very encouraging and comforting for me and all my zombie associates.

Likewise our Courts of Justice of the Dead are generally and often to a quite adequate degree doing gods work. Hence they probably don’t constitute a major threat to myself and my zombie subjects. One has to remember that traditionally most judges have been recruited from the staff in our justice department and the police.

Still, and for the same reasons as for the police, you can certainly not fully trust the courts to support our zombie lords. But nothing to do about that in short order.

Concerning the hospitals in our particular netherworld the picture is not entirely satisfactory. Of course I have done much work to starve and disrupt the public hospitals as much as at all possible. We wouldn’t want to use too many ressources to treat dead zombies, would we?

Still you can’t say the Zombie Lords are controlling the hospitals adequately. Of course we have already control of some key positions, perhaps in particular among the anaesthetic staff?

But generally I feel there is much work of disruption to be done in our public hospitals before full zombie control is established. Of course it’s quite important for us to be able to mortally maltreat any and all dead zombies getting out of line!

Lastly, regarding the press, here is regrettably a small item of concern in the otherwise quite pleasing situation of safety and security down here in our underworld government. Namely that of the independent bloggers.

Of course most bloggers are absolutely harmless dead zombies, who are only too glad to help us do gods work. Still there are a few, very few thank god, specimens among bloggers who are not entirely trustworty and thus must be under constant surveillance. But still, by and large, no big deal I think.

‘Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, Cluck, dear. But come to think of it, I seem to recall a murmur of complaint, or something, from the Court of the ET of Z. Could it be, that your underworld hosts a parasite from the devil’s world among these so called harmless bloggers. I fear that’s what the gist of these murmurs in the Imperial Court may have been about.

‘I have no idea what you’re hinting at, dear Julia.

‘Now, Cluck, you have to be entirely frank with me. Could it be the name of this demon impostor is something like Galice, or something? You have to come clean with me right now, dear Cluck!

‘Oh, yes, now I suddenly remember something about a certain blogger-pain-in-the-neck. Yes, yes, I now seem to rember everything.

‘Please tell me about it, Cluck, dear. I have to make a report to the Imperial Court of Zombies, you know. The Arch-Magicians at the Imperial Court seem to have sensed a rather conspicous crack in the matrix, something that of course is of extreme concern to them.

‘Yes, yes, sure. Please, I’ill certainly tell you everything i remember right now. It is, I think, rather a long story, whence of course I have to generally summarize and condense somewhat.

You see, as I recall it, already long before the old world went belly up in December 2012, there were obviously budding zombie magicians hiding in the matrix here and there. And just about half a dozen decades ago some of these budding zombie magicians are said to have sensed certain, rather small yet already worrying cracks in the matrix.

This is supposed to have been said, likewise budding parasitic troll, later known as the blogger Galice. Now these small cracks in the matrix slowly but surely grew to be of serious concern to the budding zombie magiciens so that they even before the final disruption of the old world tried several clever magick tricks to dispose of said Galice.

I can hardly begin to here make a more or less complete list of all the clever tricks the Imperial Zombie Magiciens have perpetrated through many years to dispose of these rather worrying cracks in the matrix.

But I can assure you, that scarcely any trick has been untried to harass, threaten, maim, kidnap, torture, kill and ultimately Zap said impostor Galice: Malign harassment on his job in the ministry, open and cloaked threats, missions to hit him on the streets, to kidnap while travelling, to torture and kill, plus several magick Zappings in the middle of the night in his sleep to kill or maim him.

Also harassment or missions to hit his friends and extended family: F.i. were the houses of two of his closest friends burned down. And so on and so forth.

The crux of the matter is, I believe, that this fake impostor blogger’s ability to evade or withstand all the missions to hit him has rather confounded the accomplished Arch-Magicians of the Imperial Court. It’s simply quite unique they seem to think, as it has obviously rarely happened before.

I also believe the zombie magicians reckon this man Galice is clairvoyant, plus he reportedly has occasionally been quite incredibly lucky. A couple of instances that I recall:

– On June 21. 2012 he contacted a small private hospital in order to have an op. for hernia. On June 22. 2012 a Turkish Phantom fighter was shot down over northern Syria, conceivably so as to remove focus from an assault on said Galice, perhaps to be hospitalized already on June 26. But already in the morning of June 22nd he was warned very vividly in his sleep a hit was planned and hence on June 26. cancelled the operation. The puzzling ‘Phantom Crisis’ then also dutyfully faded away.

– Wanting to visit family in northern Jutland in April 2010, he was repeatedly warned at night in his sleeps to stay away. There was a large NATO excercise ‘Brilliant Mariner’ concurrently going on in the district. And to divert focus from the planned kill or kidnapping by (Polish?) paratroopers a Polish jetliner with most of the Polish government top was downed on April 10th. All to no awail as this irritating fake demon troll newer showed up as planned and expected.

– On May 18. 2016 at abt. 3 PM GMT he posted on his blog a revealing report of how his two close friends recently had their houses burnt down by arson. On May 19. at abt. 1.30 AM GMT EgyptAir flight MS.804 was blown out of the sky over the Mediterranean near Kapathos, being en route to Cairo from a Paris Airport in which Mozzard reportedly controlled security. On May 20. Moshe Yaalon, the Israeli Defense Minister, resigned. He said that Israel is being taken over by “extremists and dangerous elements”.

I also seem to recall a couple of cases of incredible luck:

– After visiting an old girlfriend in a residential quarter and while walking through rather deserted residential streats he was followed by a van, probably with a small army of agents? But just 50 feet or so before he was to be picked up a young woman in a flashy yellow windbreaker showed up from nowhere and of course stuck ou like a sore thumb. Or rather like a thumb in the eye of the hit-squad on account of the garishly yellow (warning) colour.

A hit-squad is obviously instructed to normally abort mission if an unexpected and unknown witness pops up, on account they would have to kill him/her also. And they couldn’t know if she perhaps might be the daughter of a VIP, for instance a member of parliament or a police chief inspector. So the van dutifully veered off and left the scene.

– Something rather similar reportedly happened while this impostor Galice was at dusk biking home from downtown along a somewhat lonely stretch close to a large sea. A hitman was waiting for the cyclist, but just at the ‘wrong’ point of time a young woman came up biking alongside to overtake said Galice. What luck!

Also he is told to be quite incredibly clever to spot hitmen and -women and agent-provocateurs on any given scene, which has happened at least a dozen times. But perhaps it’s just a combination of a well developed sixt sense and a knack for reading body language.

‘Yes, yes, dear Cluck, this is all very well. But you haven’t given up on taking this fake impostor blogger of the devil’s down, I hope?

‘No, no, no, certainly not, dear Julia, it’s a mission that’s constantly on our minds, I can assure you. Right now we are especially also trying to harass his friends and extended family while concurrently harassing himself with his banking business, his telephone and sms messages being lost and that sort of thing so as to spin him into a cocoon to limit his space to stir and move around in.

Please be assured we are working vigilantly to take this demon anomaly in the zombie matrix down. Another thing is he don’t blackmail or threaten. You understand, I’m sure, that you can only threaten any fake impostor trolls if they want to accept the threats and blackmail! And He obviously doesn’t. For instance we can only blackmail and threaten the Gussians on account they are perhaps not clever enough to refuse?

‘Thanks, Cluck, I’m pleased to have heard your report. Because I feel you have been touching on issues the Emperor and his Arch-Magicians of Dead Zombies are very much concerned about.

By the way I suddenly seem to remember someone hinting at an ancient prophecy of some sort that apparantly has had the ET of Z and his entourage seriously worried for some years. This, then, might possibly to some degree explain the amazingly massive viciousness of the efforts of the Emperor’s Magick Sappos to normalize their matrix?

They apparently suspect this man Galice might perhaps be an impostor the devil has sent up into our underworld to create disruption and chaos in our matrix of dead zombies!

However I obviously cannot go into the particulars of this occult knowledge on account it’s starkly forbidden for anyone not initiated into the world of the Zombie Emperors Arch-Magicians occult cabal.

Very well, Dr. Cluck, I think this aboaut winds up our talk today. And please accept my sincere assurances of how great a pleasure it’s been to again work with you here in your fine little Ducal court of the dead.

Personally I feel you may definitely very soon expect to be named King of the Zombies here in your small capital city of the shadows.

But until then I wish you the best of luck with all your important missions of disruption!

‘Thank you so much, dear Dr. Julia. It was as always a great pleasure to be with you and especially to have you divine my great, important future. I wish you a very nice trip back to the Atlantica netherworlds.’



10.April/30.May.2018 – crossposted on and

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Jydske Lov, Josias Rantzau, Juvenal’s Satirer, Blicher og Søren Holm, H.C.Andersen og Niels Hancke.

(15.Mar.2018) On this somewhat windy and really bitingly cold early spring afternoon I managed to find shelter in one of the friendly cafés leaning on the Copenhagen City Hall Square.

I’m planning to write just a few words about my today’s excesses at the permanent dutch book sale a few blocks from here.

I settled on 6 books and as the per item price today is 40 DKK (just about $6) it adds up to a total of 240 DKK (or around $35) – from this month’s already rather exhausted book account. So what have we got?
(warning – all books are in Danish language, consequently samples will likewise be cited in Danish)


What’s curious about this edition of our venerable Jutish Law, that is supposed to have found its written form in the early 13th century, is that in one handy vol. in 8vo you have the law in three different languages in parallel text; i.e. the original old Danish version from the first half of the 13th century, then also a version from the reign of king Christian 4. (1590), with a Low German translation to boot.

Here is a sample from p.58, about buying and selling land (translating law-text is of course fraught with difficulties and peril, whence also this specimen is cited in the original). First the Danish version from abt. 1590, after that the early Danish from the early 1200’s, whereas I skip the Low Germen for shortness:

“HUOR JORD SKAL SKIØDIS. Paa Tinge skal mand Jord skiøde, oc ey anderstedz, det er, paa det Herritzsing som Jorden udi ligger, eller paa Sysselting, eller paa Landsting, eller for Konningen: fordi at Tingsvidne er saa sterckt, at imod Tingsvidne skal ingen Low giffuis.”

“HWARÆ IORTH SKAL KØPÆS. A thingi skvlæ mæn iord skøtæ oc æi andærstæt, thet ær a hærætz thing thær ior i liggær, æth a sylæ thing, æth a lanz thing, æth for kvnung, for thy at things witnæ ær swa starct at gen things wittnæ skal æi løgh givæs.”

A great buy for 6 bucks.

2. DET STORE AARHUNDREDE. Af Jacques Boulenger. Oversat af Paul Læssøe Müller. København 1925, Henrik Koppels Forlag, 422 p. Very nicely bound in light coloured half calf.

Off hand I know nothing about the author, Mr. Boulenger, although everything seem to indicate a careful, knowledable work. It’s ofcourse the Sun-King’s century we’re dealing with, i.e. from Louis XIII to Louis XIV.

As an aside here is a curious item of gossip about the Sun-King. The rumor was that a Danish officer, Josias Rantzau, born 1609 and who made it to Marechal de France, might reasonably be regarded as the father of Louis 14.

The Danish genealogist Tycho de Hoffman, who wrote in the 18th century, relates from a german book issued in the 1600’s, that Richelieu arranged for Rantzau to be close, even intimate with the queen, Anna of Austria.

She was said to be much enchanted by Rantzau, who was then by many regarded as the most handsome officer and chevalier of his time.

At any rate I regard this volume as another great buy for 6 bucks, so as to supplement my small collection of books in and about the French, and I don’t think I have seen it before.

2. D.I.JUVENAL’S OTTENDE, TRETTENDE OG FJORTENDE SATIRE. Fordanskede og med en Commentair oplyste af professor Oluf Worm. Kjøbenhavn 1801. 223 p. Bound in plain half calf, a bit worn. But inside almost like new, without even the faintest foxing, although with a slight stain in the upper left corner of some pages.

This is the first Danish edition of this famous volume. Interesting even today on account of it’s parallel text in Latin and Danish and it’s scholarly notes by Prof. Worm.

Obviously a great buy for 6 bucks.

4. DE TO BARONESSER. Af H(ans) C(hristian) Andersen. Roman i tre dele. Kjøbenhavn, C.A.Reitzel, 1849. Somewhat shabbily preserved, bound in contemporary half calf with many signs of use. Foxed throughout and also somewhat stained.

But this is the original, complete edition in three parts of this novel by our famous story teller Hans Christian Andersen, and I hope someone will like it as a present (as I don’t read fiction myself).

5. This item is two (very) small volumes or booklets, stored together in a somewhat tattered cassette.

– Æ BINDSTOUW. By St.St. Blicer. Reprint from the original edition issued in Randers 1842. 50 p. Softcover.

– BLICHERS BINDESTUE. By Søren Holm. Rosenkilde og Bagger, København 1968, 63 p. Softcover.

Søren Holm is, I presume, the well known Copenhagen University professor in philosophy (now deceased). Being born and raised in a remote corner of Jutland, he seems to have taken a special interest in the well known Danish (or rather Jutish) author Blicher.

Søren Holm’s writings about (the history of) philosophy are all very attractive, as far as I know them at least. He seems to have the best traits of the Jutes: Clear eyes and a modest, unassuming demeanour with a lot of down to earth common sense.

6. Lastly a double volume with more Jutish lore:

– SKIZZER af N. Hancke. Aalborg, 1880, 159 p., and

– NORD FOR LIMFJORDEN. SKITSER af N. Hancke. 2.ed. Kjøbenhavn, Hauberg og Co, 1880. 167 p.

Bound together in a nicely preserved, though somewhat frugal half cloth.

The author was born and raised abt. 100 km (slightly more than 60 miles) east of my own birthplace just north of the Limfjord, and I happen to know the rural town closest to his home farm quite well. The two volumes have 6 and 9 small novels respectively, all with local colour.

I happened to secure the 3rd (and last) volume of his tales *) yesterday, and thus consider today’s buy a lucky strike.


*) PENNETEGNINGER, Aarhus, 1893

Thanks to Vangsgaard’s on Kultorvet here in downtown Copenhagen for the above nice buys and also thanks to this Baresso Café for letting me undisturbed for a couple of hours while writing the blog update.

Of course I regret that the real nice Danish litterature blog-website has now obviously been disrupted by the DeepState and rendered virtually useless for bloggers. The DeepState really hate and fear any and all competition for Facebook – don’t they?


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Disruption and Wispy Trails (Upd.)

(10.Jan.2018) On this somewhat sombre January afternoon here in Copenhagen I would like to take a quick look on a few of this weeks local and/or global headlines and bylines.

First a purely Danish issue:

– Ombudsmand overvejer at gaa ind i ny Stoejberg-sag.
Folketingets ombudsmand holder oeje med sagen om udvisninger af alvorligt syge udlaendinge.

That is – our parlamentarian Ombudsmand (FO) will once again focus on alien’s rights in Denmark (refugee, migrant or immigrants).

Of-course I can’t offhand say if this is representative of the daily work and prioritiy of the office of the FO. But it certainly seems to me he’s mostly cited in the papers for his interests in aliens.

It may basically be a good thing, of course, to have emphaty with aliens. But based on statistics from press releases one might perhaps muse if his interest is equally as dilligent when justice for etnic Danes is at issue?

Our next topic is likewise purely local – although perhaps quite a bombshell? The Danish Government is establishing an Office for Promotion of Chaos! No kidding! – although they call it ‘Disruption Task Force’ resp. ‘Disruption Chief’. A few links:

– ’Disruption-chef med udfordringsret!’

– Nogle husker maaske, at Lars Loekke nedsatte et disruptionraad i 2017. Erindringen herom er nok mest forbundet med, at skuespiller Hella Joof blev medlem og sagde, at vi danskere burde goere ligesom indianerne og braende alt ned til grunden hvert syvende år

– ’Med baggrund i Erhvervsministeriets Strategi 2025 etablerer vi nu en ‘Disruption Task Force’ i Erhvervsministeriet. I strategien ser vi teknologi, digitalisering og globalisering som helt centrale globale udviklingstendenser’

From whence one may perhaps peruse or even conclude that ‘Disruption and chaos’ is to be held roughly synonymous with ‘Globalism’?

The danish translation of the words disrupt/disruption includes: skabe kaos, faa til at gaa i oploesning/bryde sammen, spraenge, splitte.

The Oxford English Dict. (2.vols) defines: to burst or break asunder, to shatter; rending or bursting asunder, forcible severance.

My Dict. of Synonymes adds: breach, rupture, breaking or tearing asunder, schism, fission.

The Council was established last year, and I suppose almost no one noticed. At least I did not, although I have prefixed some of my tweets by the mantra ‘No worry – Chaos is the mission’, beginning at some point of time in 2017. A couple of samples

– No worry – chaos is the mission: $21 trillion of unauthorized spending by US govt discovered by economics professor

– No worry – Chaos is the mission! Antallet af hjemloese i Tyskland stiger – og det rammer ogsaa middelklassen

The Copenhagen tabloid Ekstrabladet quotes one of the appointees of the Council of Disruption, one Hella Joof, as stating (approx.) that ‘we ought to burn everything down every 7 years’.

Again I have to say – No kidding! As it’s obviously hard to keep a straight face when a government appointed council member propounds things like that.

Or to put it more bluntly, don’t we have to ask: Is this lady really insane?

And thus perhaps: Has our Government gone momentarily stark and staring crazy?

I don’t question the notion that our Governments hypothetical global masters basically desire to create chaos everywhere (exept for their own cult, tribe or extended family, of course)?

The obvious purpose would be to enrich themselves and their friends in the ensuing ‘disruption and chaotic waters’. That’s really old hat as it has reportedly been like that for centuries.

Still I think this new Copenhagen initiative may well be somewhat of a quantum leap in brazen, rapacious cheekiness? Question: Has the super-globalists gone nuclear on little Denmark?

Our last topic today is no less curious.

Today, Jan.10., Zerohedge reports the US Govt. has officially acknowledged that the much reported super-secret so called ‘Zuma’ satellite is a total loss.

– (10.Jan.2018) Highly Classified Satellite Plummeted Into Indian Ocean After SpaceX Launch, Official Confirms

– (09.Jan.2018)Highly classified US spy satellite appears to be a total loss after SpaceX launch. Dow Jones reported Monday evening that lawmakers had been briefed about the apparent destruction of the secretive payload — code-named Zuma — citing industry and government officials

– Top SECRET US satellite launched by SpaceX aims to send ‘unknown group’ MYSTERY messages

– (08.Jan.2018) It is also interesting to read what Benjamin Fulford writes Januar 18, 2018 : https:// benjaminfulford. net – He indicates that the recently launched SpaceX has an EMP-capability…

But before this most recent SpaceX rocket launch there was a likewise much reported one Dec.22.2017:

– SpaceX launches 10 more satellites for Iridium. Some of the #satellites are designed to help track ships and aircraft in real time.

– IS something going on? Four nations, five (or possibly six, depending on how you count Japan’s) rocket/missile launches in four days, two (or perhaps all) very secretive.

– Spaceflight Now reported that the Japanese launch occurred just 72 seconds before the SpaceX liftoff – the shortest interval between two successful launches in history. Coincidence or intentional?

– Credit for noticing the four launches in four days goes to the folks at UFO Sightings Hotspot, who think the satellite payloads means that ““Something” Is Being Monitored In Space!”

The reason for the vivid interest among bloggers, tweeters and other social media participants seems to have been twofold: partly the strikingly pittoresque exhaust trail over the Van den Berg launch site in California.

And partly the curious observation, that 5 or 6 satellite launches globally took place at essentially the same time.

Personally I woke up in the night of the launch (which reportedly took place Dec.22, 5.27 a.m. Cal.local time, 01.27 Gmt or 02.27 Copenhagen time). And although I didn’t look at my watch it must have been at some point of time betw. 02.00 and 05.00 Cph. time.

The reason I woke up of my slumber was I had a clearvoyant vision, approx. like this:

I saw a contrail or rocket exhaus trail high up in air/space. From the bottom of the trail and within the trail ‘something’ (a craft or vehicle) was working its way up through the trail. This ‘something’ had the same white colour as the trail, or was perhaps hidden within the trail.

The ‘something’ moved up very fast and reached the upper end of the trail in perhaps a couple of seconds. At this point everything disappeared completely, except a few wispy trails appearing in front of the disappeared ‘something’.

These wisps (of exhaust?) looked somewhat like a few strands of one half part of a birds feather.

I then woke up, with the feeling that something important had just disappeared.

Later that same day I learned of the SpaceX Iridium launch from Vandenberg, and saw the photos of the impressive exhaust trail from the 2nd stage of the rocket.

This somewhat odd-looking trail might perhaps be said to look somewhat like a birds feather, wherefore I thought that was what I had seen (by telepathy) ‘through someone others mind’.

That’s why I tweeted this (on Jan.01 and Jan.04):

– (01./04.Jan.2018) Can anyone suggest to me why I – while sleeping fastly here in Copenhagen – saw this particular SpaceX launch in a clairvoyant dream vision? As I later learned approx at the time of launch

Of course, when reconsidering the vision I have to admit it may perhaps more closely correspond to the latest SpaceX ‘Zuma’ launch and its disappeared payload. But in this case two questions arise:

l. Who planned this ‘disappearence’ already in the night of Dec.22./23.? Because as far as I know I only see ‘clairvoyant’ by telepathy.

2. Which relation did this ‘disappearence’ have to me (or perhaps someone like me or perhaps to Denmark)? Because as far as I know I can only ‘read’ the minds telepathically of someone that concurrently have me in mind.


Here are links to two similarly ‘disappeared’ Falcon-9 payloads (one or two years ago):

– ‘Did a UFO destroy it, like last time? Last year after NASA SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket disintegrated on cape Canaveral, billionaire CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk Twitted “We have not ruled that a UFO hitting the SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket”.’

– ‘In This never before seen Kryan channel exclusive high definition video you can clearly see SpaceX rocket ((in 2015?)) ‘disintegrates’ shortly after the launch from Cape Canaveral NASA platform after UFO hitting it’

It’s interesting to note, that the cargo hold of the giant Falcon-9 rocket is large enough to contain an entire Grayhound Bus – lock, stock and barrel. Hence plenty of room for all sorts of fancy space-weapons?


Posted Jan.10./Upd.Jan.22.2018.

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The Fine Structure Constant

Today is November the 13th, and another sunny but somewhat cold day here in Copenhagen.

Like I have in my last blog-update already noted, Nov.13. is my maternal grandfathers birthday. Born in 1880 he might thus have been 137 years old today.

The figure 137 brings to mind another of my more recent posts (from July.2016 – ) which is in danish, though. However I’ill grab today’s opportunity and convert a few highlights into English.

Back in 1990 I used much of my summer holidays to write a rather massive complaint to the then Ombudsmand of our Parliament. (more here ).

When I finally, after much toil and trouble, had finished my long and detailed letter to the much respected office of the Ombudsmand and was about to add my signature and date I realized the day was the 13th of July, or like we write in danish, 13.7.

In those days I knew next to nothing about the wide field of esoterica. However I knew incidentally that an american very well known top scientist at some point had characterized a certain cosmic constant containing the figure 137 as “a f*cking magic number”.

The scientist was Richard Feynman and the somewhat candid expression is from his account of the so called alpha-constant (short for ‘the fine structure constand’) in his textbook ‘The Feynman Lectures’.

In this basic cosmic constant ‘alpha’ you find the figure 137 because alpha has been defined (or calculated) to be 1 divided by 137 (or 137.035999 with the first 6 decimals).

Somewhere else I have since read, that alpha represents the relation between the speed of light and the speed of the electron in its orbit around the atomic nucleus.

And Wikipedia has recently confirmed for me that this relationship was in fact the original interpretation by the physicist Arnold Sommerfeld, who in 1916 introduced ‘alpha’ in theoretical physics.

Eventually this constant has been given several other ‘functions’. But basically and in plain ‘talk’ alpha says, that the speed of the electron around the atomic nucleus, and in its innermost orbit, is just about 1/137 of the speed of light in empty space.

Which relation calculates to very roughly 2000 km/sek, or 8 million km/hour. Which seems quite surprisingly fast, especially when you consider the minuteness of the orbits in which travdels the electrons.

The electron is ofcourse incomprehensibly small: If you could place electrons side-by-side until stretching 1 mm (or abt. 1/25 inch) you would need 1 million billion electrons. And that’s a lot!

The electron, incidentally, is about the same size as the quark, of which there is said to be 3 flipping and spinning inside each proton (se also , please scroll down for english text).


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Sunny November?

Today is Nov.11, and two days before my grandfathers birthday: He was kid no.13 and born on Nov.13 and they had my mother in 1913.

A little bit more on numbers: 11.11 together is 22 which is considered a very lucky or unlucky number depending on your viewpoint.

It’s supposed to be lucky on account there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. And as everybody ‘know’, that has read Zecharia Sitchin’s bookseries on aliens on Earth throughout history, the Hebrew alphabet is the source of all knowledge and wisdom on Earth. And that’s the naked truth!

If you are not yet a firm believer you might ponder why the Google parent company now is called Alphabet.

On this nice and sunny but rather cold Saturday I’m seated here in McDonalds on Kgs.Nytorv in central Copenhagen. Someone left a specimen of today’s BT – the largest tabloid in our capital.

So let’s take a look at todays news while I’m devouring my ChickenSalza and coffee.

The first item, i.e. in the upper lefthand corner where you usually start scanning, is our very nice crown princess Mary.

Born and bred in Tasmania – that’s far, all right! – she seems to have been quite successful in providing back-up for our crown prince Frederik. You can’t help having the impression they supplement each other rather admirably.

The large item on the front page is a well known danish comedian called Amin Jensen running scared.

This stocky, robustly looking gentleman has decided to enter local politics, and – ofcourse, why else ‘Amin’? – join a party seemingly dominated by immigrants.

Which has tempted someone to call him treacherous – or worse – imply high-treason and reportedly threaten him more or less directly.

That’s bad ofcourse, small wonder this admirable gentleman is running a bit scared.

I myself have been threatened more or less directly on life and welfare through many years on account of my sharp – even sometimes satirical – writings against the national and international power-brokers.

And by the way I don’t seem to remember ever having been named in a single sentence in any danish news-outlet whatsoever – not to say sprawled on the frontpage of a large national tabloid (although recently being headlined in a very successfull, Scottish-based critital blog ).

I have nonetheless managed – or been lucky enough – to prevail until this day without help from danish journalists and police. In fact, I’m afraid, I have perhaps prevailed in spite of all the unhelpfulness from said agencies (see more f.i. in ).

No doubt mr. Amin is in good hands now being warded by our large tabloids and their vigilant, helpfull staff.

You should remember, though, mr. Amin, that if you really want to be fighting for truth and justice, I mean you being so big and strong! – then you can have no family. On account the power-brokering mob will go after them to hurt them and you and to blackmail you. Just telling.

On page 5 is a paragraph abt. a well known danish movie company manager having seemingly had a few problems with his behaviour towards the fair sex.

But I always thought he was behaving much like a kid, which I, by the way, fear may be rather common in the movie industry?

On a double spread pages 10-11 you can read about a somewhat mysterious gentleman from a small regional town in Jutland.

Being until recently a member of the local city council he seems to have been rather ingenious with ways to create money; what, you might almost imagine he has relatives in WallStreet?

The stunt in question in this article is abt. possibly having had a history of being an industrious arranger of group sex happenings. 400 cases was insinuated (reportedly by himself?), but being ofcourse unknown to his voters and all other good cityfolks.

Incidentally this gentleman was also one of the items discussed in yesterdays installment of Det-Man-Taler-Om (VIP-gossip) in Radio24syv (Radio24seven).

Their totally charming female host – which by the way has sometimes introduced herself as ‘having formerly worked for the Israely security service’ (which means Mossad, I guess?) – implied the above gentleman seemed to have economic problems, as he reportedly had a history of not paying his bills willingly.

But sure, – economic problems or perhaps a bad caracter?

As told, said female studio host is absolutely, stunningly charming. Except when talk is about the Danish Royal House, which is somewhat hard to avoid in a VIP-program in little Denmark.

Her ‘royalty expert’ is literally spitting venom, and I almost think the word ‘hateful’ might be adequate here?

Perhaps you shouldn’t be too surprised, really. After all Mossad, the Super-Globalists, WallStreet and their friends are firm believers in subversion and destruction of national, European values and institutions – aren’t they?

On page 14 ‘The worlds greatest comedian’ has been felled – on account, I believe, something with the fair sex – being all the rage today?

His name is Louis C.K., and I’m again reminded I’m watching TV far too rarely, as I don’t recall to have ever heard his name, although I’m definitely much for the comical.

On page 18 the papers daily op-ed tries to milk the frontpage item on the scared mr. Amin to the outmost:

Parliamentary politicians are certainly not traitors but are nonetheless often feeling unsecure or even threatened.

Which means: free talk should be reduced or even totally abolished. And more, much more money and staff to the Secret Police?

A double spread on page 20-21 tells the gullible reader something abt. the upheavels in the royal house in Saudi Arabia. But sadly you don’t get under the skin of anything.

We are seemingly just skimming Government Press Releases, with no trace whatever of independent thinking.

On page 31 you are informed of some of the problems in deciding if you should buy an electric or more classic car. Personally I don’t believe the time is ripe for electric cars, and I doubt they ever will be?

My friendly photographic dealer recently told me he has already lost dkk300.000 on his one million dkk Tesla. And sadly i just today had to finally say no-thank-you to buying his wonderful, old Saab 900S.

It is simply far too dangerous and would generally be a waste of time and energy for me to try and keep a car with the Mossad-mob running amok in our increasingly lawless country?


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Oktober billede

(Udg.26.Okt.2017/rev.5.Nov.2017) Idag er 26.Oktober, og altså netop et halvt år til min næste fødselsdag. Tiden løber og min næse løber også lidt på denne friske efterårsdag. Lidt blæsende men også lidt solskin og egentlig en rar dag, velegnet til f.eks. en fotoudflugt.

Men det bliver der dog ikke noget af, idet jeg skal mødes med en gammel ven og kollega, som jeg kun har set nogle ganske få gange siden vi var ansat i det Kgl. Danske, gnistrende Telegrafvæsen for omved fyrretyve år siden.

Mens jeg venter på hans tog vil jeg kigge lidt på dagens store og små fataliteter qua gratisavisen MX.

Forsiden domineres af et still fra en ny Hollywood-film ‘Thor: Ragnarok’. Det oplyses at der er tale om ‘en superheltehistorie med fjollede komedieeffekter, diller-jokes og absurditeter’. Samt at avisens filmanmelder alligevel giver filmen 5 stjerner.

Umiddelbart lyder det måske lidt forvirrende, omend måske også ret uundgåeligt? For hvem kunne forvente en klar og fair historie omkring den nordiske mytologi fra det kabalistisk-satanistisk dominerede Hollywood. Spørgsmål.

Side 2 er domineret af smukke Anna Mee hendes portræt, dog med Morten Østergaard i baggrunden.

Der synes ganske vist at have været en vis tonedøvhed fra hovedpersonens side med hensyn til hvad der er commeilfaut eller ikke.

Men der må dog vist også være andre, som bærer en del af ansvaret for fadæsen? Med hensyn til manglende betaling for festen, er der så ikke nogen på rådhuset, som i givet fald har glemt at skrive en regning?

Avis og radio og internet (jeg ser p.t. ikke TV p.g.a. af manglende apparatur) har iblandt regelret svælget i detaljer om Anna Mee’s gøren og laden i sagen, d.v.s. hendes bryllupsfest i rådhuset. En detail-kontrol, der som Morten Østergaard vistnok meget rigtigt bemærker, vidner om en udpræget evne til ‘at lede et slag’.

Men er der forresten ikke hen ad vejen gået ‘heksejagt’ i det hele igen? Man mindes f.eks. også Messerschmidt og Støjberg: Førstnævnte p.g.a. nogle mindre gennemskuelige udgiftsposteringer nede i ‘luftskibet’ EU, som dog næppe var for personlig vinding skyld? Sidstnævnte p.g.a. en i lighed med Anna Mee måske i visse tilfælde mindre veludviklet situationsfornemmelse?

Fællesnævner for ‘heksejagten’ på disse tre er, at man godt kunne få en mindre hyggelig fornemmelse af, at hetzens årsag i bund og grund er, at de i nogle – sagen iøvrigt uvedkommende – henseender skiller sig ud fra flertallet:

Anna Mee har skæve øjne og er tydeligvis af Østasiatisk herkomst. Støjberg er rødhåret og fra Vestjylland. Og Messerschmidt er vistnok af mere eller mindre tydelig mellemøstlig extraktion?

Altså oplagte kandidater for heksejagt og hetz? Men ingen af disse ‘hekse’ har dog sat rigets sikkerhed i spil, man burde altså måske forsøge at holde en vis proportionssans i live?

Side 6 omtales (endnu et potentielt hekse-emne?) Pernille Vermund. Hun forsvarer for retten i Holbæk, at hun har købt cannabisolie til sin uhelbredeligt syge mor.

Sørgeligt at det skal være nødvendigt. Jeg kan ikke forstå, at det er nødvendigt i et civiliseret samfund at fare frem med bål og brand mod cannabisolie til syge, når – den langt skadeligere? – alkohol kan købes ad libitum, også af unge mennesker.

Nederst på siden oplyses, at landets sygehuse sidste år indrapporterede 42.797 (lægelige?) fejl, som så et eller andet geni har døbt ‘utilsigtede hændelser’.

Alle fejl, også livsfarlige fejl, i trafikken f.eks. p.g.a. uansvarlig høj hastighed (‘travlhed’) er vel så også a priori ‘utilsigtede hændelser’.

Problemet er vistnok, at så godt som ingen af disse fejl – som for en dels tilfælde har haft døden til følge – bliver undersøgt eller efterforsket – i modsætning til trafikulykkerne, som dog i antal er langt, langt færre (i størrelsesorden vistnok max. 5% af dødsulykkerne på hospitalerne?).

Men der er åbenbart endnu et alvorligt problem, ifgl. Det er kun en mindre del af samtlige fejl, som bliver indberettet.

I en notits på side 10 oplyses, at Jyske Bank i årets 3 første kvartaler har haft et samlet resultat på ca. 3 mia. kr mod 2,4 mia. i perioden sidste år – altså en stigning på 25%.

Resultatet skulle ifgl. direktøren primært skyldes stigende gebyrer og udlån til boligkøb.

I så fald må man vel sige, at overskuddet i bund og grund er et sygdomstegn i samfundet: Gebyrer er i virkeligheden en slags ‘dummebøder’ som værgeløse kunder må sluge (“du sidder på vores bænk (bank betyder oprindelig det samme som bænk) og derfor har du nu at betale os nogle (arbitrære) beløb”).

Også stigende boligpriser er langt hen ad vejen et sygdomstegn – dels fordi de stigende priser for en stor del skyldes uansvarlig ‘money-printing’ i Dollars og Euro.

Billions og Trillions af Dollars og Euro ‘uden dækning’ kan kun bruges, såfremt de ‘stjæler’ deres værdi fra allerede cirkulerende penge(sedler). D.v.s. folks kontantbeholdning og opsparede midler til indkøb og pensioner udhules tilsvarende.

Endelig er højere boligpriser jo i virkeligheden en højere leveomkostning; og når et samfund brændende ønsker højere leveomkostninger for samme livskvalitet, så er man vel også lidt syg?

Nederst på siden oplyses, at Bruxelles endnu engang udskyder at forbyde Roundup. Jo da, disse Kemikalie-giganter har stor magt på de bonede gulve – det er ganske vist.

På side 14 er prins Harry kommet til Danmark. Med al respekt for den unge prins, så gør han nok ikke helt så stort et indtryk i Danmark som i sit hjemland? Eller sagt på en anden måde, så har han temmelig hård konkurrence fra unge kongelige her i staden.


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Det små i det store (opd.)

Jeg vil idag slappe lidt af fra alle de sidste kalamiteter og fataliteter, omhandlende spørgsmål om liv og død – more or less. Og hvordan glemmer man mere effektivt alle livets store spørgsmål end ved at kigge dagens udgave af en tabloid avis igennem?

En venlig sjæl har efterladt et eksemplar af BT her på en af hovedstadens McDonalds’er, og lad os ikke lade denne window-of-opportunity gå til spilde, lad os blive oplivet og underholdt for en stund.

I parantets bemærket bør jeg måske ikke reklamere ubetinget for McDonalds, hvor jeg ganske vist har været stamkunde i hartad en snes år. Jeg kan godt lide det uformelle her – jeg kommer jo ikke for “at se eller blive set” – og en pris på 12 kr for en kop kaffe passer godt ind i min beskedne økonomi.

Men jeg har bemærket, at de fleste McDonalds her i Kh City har fjernet alle eludtag (til min gamle PC). En detalje, naturligvis, især jo for alle dem med nye laptops og smartphones/iphones.

Det samme gælder for øvrigt for de fleste BurgerKing’s i City. Samt mærkværdigvis også for mit lokale Frederikbergske hovedbibliotek, som har fjernet de fleste el-udtag til publikums medbragte, lidt ældre laptops. Men alligevel – hands-down for den detalje.

Men lad os kaste os over dagens BT, som forresten i mellemtiden har fået nye ejere og ny chefredaktør.

Jeg havde stor respekt for BT’s tidligere chefredaktion, ledet af Olav Skaaning. Så vidt jeg forstod blev Skaaning i forb. med ejerskiftet på det nærmeste, om ikke helt bogstaveligt, fyret på gråt papir og med dags varsel?

Meget underligt og beklageligt, idet det er mit indtryk, at Skaaning havde smukke resultater at fremvise samt i et og alt er en hædersmand?

Det er mit indtryk, at det Berlingske Hus’ nye ejere hører til den “kaste” man måske kan betegne som ‘Superglobalisterne’? Hvilket igen – helt hypotetisk naturligvis! – måske betyder, at redelighed og lignende oldnordiske begreber i så fald ikke bliver prioriteret helt vildt højt?

Men nu forsiden: I forsidens øverste højre hjørne omtales sangerinden Szhirley; men som jeg må tilstå aldrig at have hørt om.

Den store weekendhitorie, at dømme efter pladsalotteringen på forsiden – hele 2/3 – er “Kendte bryder tabu: Sådan vinder vi over rynkerne”. Her er BT virkelig modig og er med til at bryde tabu. Bravo! – men forøvrigt forlader vi straks ynkerne.

Side 2: “Kropsdele og Kufferter fundet”; samt “Nybagt far omkom i flystyrt”. Ja, jo, – overskrifter og historier må i en avis, som lever af læsertal og reklamer, klart nok drejes så “the human touch” fanger flest mulige læsere. Og det ville næppe være rimeligt at dæmonisere en tabloid af den grund.

Men hvem skal så omtale de iøjnefaldende, problematiske momenter i (et af) disse suspekte flystyrt? Specielt dette fly – EgyptAir Flight MS804 – er det let at huske for undertegnede:

18.Maj.2016 Jeg posterer på mine to blogs en historie, hvori nogle potentielt meget grove forbrydelser – evt. begået af herværende Mossad-agenter? – omtales.

19.maj.2016 EgyptAir MS804 styrter ned efter at være afgået fra Fransk lufthavn hvor sikkerheden varetages af et firma, som efter det oplyste er bemandet med (tidligere?) Shin-Bet resp. Mossad-agenter (ligesom vistnok og i parantets bemærket and no kidding DetManTalerOm i Radio24syv?).

20.maj.2016: Det rapporteres, at den Israelske forsvarsminister træder tilbage i protest over “rouge elements” dersteds!

Fra gengiver jeg nogle få linjer:

“EgyptAir flight MS804 was hit on 19 May 2016; on 20 May 2016, Moshe Yaalon, the Israeli DefenseMinister, resigned.

“He said that Israel is being taken over by “extremist and dangerous elements”

“EgyptAir MS804: “An Israeli newspaper quoted witnesses as saying they saw a fireball in the sky around the time the plane disappeared.”

Side 6-7: Den såkaldte Naturpakke: Ja, man skulle tro, at det største problem i Europa og Verden lige nu er hvorvidt Danmark får fintunet en naturpakke, som 1) harasserer det p.g.a. (de fra Washington befalede?) Ruslands-sanktioner stærkt nødstedte landbrug mest muligt og 2) giver diverse miljøpolitikere mulighed for at profilere sig i en sag som er populær i bybefolkningen.

En bybefolkning som tilsyneladende med glæde accepterer, at kalde en bonde for “bonderøv” (jf. tv-serien) eller “gyllesvin”. Men som ikke accepterer at kalde en udlænding for udlænding? Lidt fuzzy logic.

I parantets bemærket ville Wall Street meget gerne overtage al dansk landbrugsjord! Hvordan tror miljø-fundamentalisterne det så vil gå med miljøet? Der er forskellige scenarier hvoraf det mest positive formentlig vil være en tilstand i lighed med f.eks. på de store vejler i min hjemegn i Vester HanHerred.

Her er ca. 7000 Ha privatejet naturområde; fredet således at den gemene hob absolut ikke har adgang. Jeg husker, at hvis man som barn dristede sig til at fange en skalle eller aborre i en af kanalerne – så faldt fars hammer. Kun ejer-kredsen af velhavere har vistnok ret til at færdes og/eller gå på jagt efter behag – more or less?

I øverste højre hjørne af side 7 står “Kampfly-køb er en ommer”. Det er Boeing med deres Super-Hornet, som mener sig forfordelt ved beslutningen om flykøbet. Der kan bemærkes meget om det omhandlede flykøb, men næppe ret meget positivt?

1) hvor skal pengene – måske i omgenen af 70 milliarder kr? – komme fra?

2) hvorfor skal man vælge det mest kontroversielle fly, som gennem en lang werdegang har været plaget at en nærmest uendelig række af mere og mindre alvorlige problemer.

3) hvorfor vælger man ikke en sikrere og billigere løsning?

4) hvad skal Danmark i det hele taget med nye kampfly? Der er jo i virkeligheden ingen militær trussel mod Danmark – med mindre man da regner NATO som en trussel?

Den af Washington and their friends oppiskede stemning mod Rusland er derhos måske i virkeligheden ikke længere alene rettet mod Moskva – man har vistnok fået ny respekt for russisk militær formåen efter Syrien-indsatsen – men måske i virkeligheden nok så meget mod (Vest)Europa – som er helt tand- og forsvarsløse.

5) En særlig ominiøs teknisk detalje er de USA-ejede servere, som F35 flyet altid skal være koblet op til via satellit for overhovedet at kunne flyve. USA har altså en slags dødemandsknap – meget betryggende!

Nederst på side 7 omtales en som hedder Zac Efron, som jeg desværre heller aldrig har hørt om før. But have a nice day!

Side 10 hedder det: “Uventet vidne belaster drabstiltalt sygeplejerske”. Igen må man, som set helt udefra, vist nøjes med at bemærke, at det er jo heldigt at man i ny og næ finder en sygeplejerske eller hjerneskadet læge at gøre til symbolsk syndebuk for 3000 (“preventable” – som de kaldes i UK) dødsuheld på danske hospitaler! (i USA er tallet over 200.000 p.a.; men der er alle tal jo meget store; f.eks. forsvinder der efter det oplyste årligt 500.000 børn sporløst i USA!).

Side 12 omtales huskatten som “Danmarks vildeste massemorder”. Det oplyses, at man mener en tamkat i England hver sommer i gennemsnit spiser 3 fugle og 6 mus (el.lign). Tillige oplyses, at en huskat ifgl. dansk lovgivning skal blive på matriklen. Men det gælder vel kun hvis den går frit?

Nederst på siden omtales filmstjernen Michael Douglas, som siges at have/have haft personlige problemer. Man tror det – he does not look happy! Det er nok ikke kun Prins Henrik, som føler det ret krævende og belastende at være på hele tiden; rammer måske mange kändiser mere eller mindre.

Side 14-15 dobbelt opslag om det amerikanske præsidentvalg. Men det foregår jo i USA hvor vi danskere heldigvis endnu ikke har stemmeret; så vi lader de politiske kandestøberier ligge for nu.

Nederst side 15 en notits om, at Putin foreslår USA at lave fælles indsats mod ISIL et al i Syrien; lyder jo rimeligt nok; men måske er Putin iblandt lidt optimistisk?

Men sagen om krig eller fred i Europa (og Rusland er jo primært eller idet mindste for en stor del Europa) er naturligvis for alvorlig til, at lade den mindste mulighed være uprøvet.

Hjemmesiden spurgte forleden – i anledning af de mange USA-instigerede militærøvelser tæt på Ruslands Europæiske grænser – “are these people really insane?”.

Og det er måske i virkeligheden et rimeligt spørgsmål: Er en kultur som tillader eller tilskynder til drab på udenfor denne kultur stående nationer, lande og mennesker – i virkeligheden ikke temmelig syg?

I så tilfælde vil Putin – og andre europæeres – optimisme muligt blive skuffet. For som Nietzsche skal have sagt: “Mod den stupide pande er hammeren et legitimt våben”. Eller tilpasset til vor situation – at sindsygt agressive mennesker (eller kulturer) kun forstår eller accepterer hammerens argument?

Side 21 læses: “Fantastisk ferie med Fido på hundehotel”. Ja – det er de store problemer BT også med forkærlighed (ikke) beskæftiger sig med.

Hvilket man forsætter med på side 22, hvor man spørger: “Skal det koste en bøde ikke at afhente bestilte bøger på biblioteket?”. Det er et alvorligt spørgsmål, som vi må tænke over i nogen tid, forinden sagen kan kommenteres yderligere.

Ligeledes side 22 findes spalten: “Debat på twitter”. Men heldigvis er det kun folketingspolitikere som kommer til orde i BT’s twitter-univers; og på den måde garanteres måske i virkeligheden bedst, at kun de lette, underholdnings-egnede problemer kommer på bordet?

Slut på denne smukke Maj-lørdags avislæsning. Forresten læser jeg nu næsten kun nyheder på nettet. De ærede læsere ønskes en fortsat god weekend!

(Udg. 28.Maj.2016/opdateret 5.Nov.2017)


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