Forfatterarkiv: immablog

De Arte Poetica

Today is thursday – and it’s cold out there. But I’ve been at home the last few days to clean out a bit and thought I would do a few errands today. Here’s some of what I’ve encountered.

At Foto/C in Holbergsgade in downtown Copenhagen I talked to the manager. I usually ask if there’s a trifle or two from the odds and ends box. But no such trifle today. Except he wanted to present me with a rather shabby-looking canvas camera bag. I certainly did’t want the bag myself but thought I could give it to a friend that’s on a still tighter budget than myself. Whence I accepted the gift, thank you very much.

But in the odds and ends box in the Photographica shop in Skindergade i sort of hit pay-dirt. There was a Sigma 24mm super-wide lens for my Nikon autofocus lurking i a dark corner. Seems to be in nice condition, except I haven’t tested the functions yet. But for 7.50 $ I thought I could handle the risk.

But the main stop today was the dutch old-books sale in the Heilig Geist Church House in ‘central-downtown’. The price today is 20 Kr ($3). First thing, though, I talked to a friendly art-historian who wanted to have me partake in his excitement over some interesting finds – always glad to!

I also found a few ‘forlorn titbits’ myself (they are both Danish, whence quotes will be in Danish also):

1. CAJUS CORNELIUS TACITUS OM GERMANIENS BELIGGENHED, SÆDER OG FOLKESLAG. Af det latinske med anmærkninger ved Dr. Gustav Ludvig Baden. Kiøbenhavn, 1795, 80 p. Bound in contemporary, well worn half calf.

I think this is the original Danish edition of this well known, little gem. It can’t be overly common, at least there seems to be none of any vintage for sale in Denmark at present.

As said the binding is rather shabby and well worn, even if it’s still keeping tidily together.

Someone has cut a corner from a flyleaf, but the bookstock itself is extremely nice. In fact it’s almost like new exept for half a dozen timid and probably easy to remove pencil markings.

On the titel page you can also read: ‘Tyge Rothe Nordens Statsforfatning, første deel, s. 424: “- for hver der vil kiende Norden og de Nordiske sæder, kan ingen kosteligere skat være end denne ypperligen philosopherende historikers saa gehaltige som i korthed sammentrengte værk”.’

From the foreword by the translator, Mr. Baden (1764-1840) I quote:

‘Nok, endnu den dag i dag finde vi de umiskiendeligste beviser for at bogen indeholder de paalideligste efterretninger om de vore oldefædre, han beskriver; endnu den dag i dag finde vi – vel anderledes modellerede – dog de samme love, de samme indretninger, de samme skikke, som Tacitus har opbevaret os.

‘Herpaa at giøre læseren opmærksom har jeg og derfor især søgt med anmærkningerne, ved af Snorre, Saxo, Scøning, Suhm, Kofod Ancher, Stiernhöck, Rothe og flere at oplyse og bestyrke Tacitus’ kostelige efterretninger.

‘Måtte nu ikkun oversættelsen svare til sin original! Imidlertid, med fuldest selvbevidsthed om al mulig anvendt flid paa denne oversættelse, tør jeg hos den kyndige læser saameget mere vente overbærelse, som originalen er Tacitus, hvis præcision og nervøse stiil er saa vanskelig at give et fremmet sprog.

‘Hvad under derfor, at doctor Anton i sin afhandling over Tacitus, hvor tillige recenseres 32 i ni forskiellige sprog givne oversættelser af denne berømte historieskrivers værker, allene tør bestemt rose den spanske og danske oversættelse’.

I’ill present just one more short quote – or rather the whole of the very short part 4:


‘Jeg (i.e. Tacitus) er selv af deres mening som troe: “at Germaniens folk er ikke ved giftermaal med andre nationer blandet, men en egen reen, og sig selv allene lig nasion”.

‘Derfor have de og alle, uagtet folkemængden er saa stor, ens legems positur: mørkeblaa øine, røde haar, store men kun til at anfalde (angribe) stærke legemer. Arbeide og slid kunde de ikke udholde. (note 1.)

‘Tørst og hede taale de slet ikke. Til kuld og hunger har deres klima eller jordbund vant dem.”

Note 1. US-President Mr. Trump?

2. DEN POETISKE KONST. Et Sidestykke Til Det Bekjendte Horazianske DE ARTE POETICA. Af Otto v. Staffeldt. 1826, Odense, 37 p. Softcover booklet.

This interesting little booklet is rather shabby in outward appearance and dog eared almost throughout. There’s a water stain in the upper right-hand corner. But – apart from these blemishes the pages are absolutely clean with no trace of foxing.

Like the title above, this booklet would appear to be rather uncommon; at least there is none for sale on the web in Denmark at present.

The aim of the booklet is evidently to more or less expound on: What is poetry? An interesting question that Mr. Staffeldt tries to answer, perhaps a trifle humorously, in his 38 pages long poem.

Well then – what IS poetry? I guess the answer could be, that it’s many things:

Firstly – to put a story in verse first and foremost is and always has been a helping hand – by way of mnemonics – to remember long tales from yore.

Secondly – it is and perhaps always has been a way to (help) entrance – charm, captivate or even bewitch – the reader or listener – by the sounds and rythm of the words, lines and verse.

And thirdly – may just be an effort of the poet to please an audience.

Or any possible combination of the above?

Of course one might add, as an addition to the second item, an more or less conscious effort at being disruptive, annoying, vexing or even malicious, if the author is unbalanced and/or more or less insane?

Here is a few lines from Mr. Staffeldt’s long poem (page 15):

‘Grundregler for et episk digt at give,
Jeg vist nok vogter mig. – En definition
alt mangler: – Og ei let det definert kan blive.
Da blev foruden fod min svage lektion.

‘Med defineringer man maa varsom være!
Derom alt mindet har Voltaire:
Og skottet haant mod hver som saadant vovet har.
Og paa sin vante viis holdt hver af dem for nar.

“Man har (saa vil han det) et heltedigt creeret
“af stor og herlig daad, saalænge repeteret
“af endnu større helt, indtil den er fuldbragt,
“i tiden af et aar. – Grundstenen her er lagt,
“nøiagtigen som jeg har refereret,

“Dog ikke mindre sees i Engeland
“et heltedigt, til himmelen ophævet
“af sort og hvidt heelt genialisk vævet:

“Hvori vor helt, – hiin paradisets mand,
“langt fra et aar at holde stand,
“i første kamp gik glip af smule vid i panden.
“Paa een og samme dag af fanden
“og af sin hustru bringes fra forstand, –
“og føres ynkelig ved næsen.”

But perhaps I should have let Mr. Staffeldt speak more on his own?


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Malebranche, Carlyle, Stefan Zweig And Your Pet

Today is Friday and it’s been a somewhat chilly and murky and windy day. It’s also been the last day of the popular dutch book-sale in the CoalMarket here in downtown Copenhagen. Like I told in my last post the friendly Vangsgaard booksellers have had their lease cancelled beginning Jan.1.

Of course I had to be there and loaf around a bit while trying to get a chance to browse the still well stocked shelves among the other book addicts.

The price today is 5 Kr. (75 cents) and I would like to present some of my finds.

But firstly let’s again take a quick look at a few of my recent tweets (indexed with an asteriks, my comments with an arrow):

*Top Chinese Banker Warns Against Buying Property “Because There’s No More Money To Be Made”

>Yes, sadly, our homes have increasingly become gambling objects.

*The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second and the geographic co-ordinates for the Great Pyramid are 29.9792458°N, Dailystar co uk reports

>I have no idea if this is accurate. If it is true it seems interesting.

*Tonite had clairvoyant vision of being burglarized in #NewYearsEve by Mozzard hitsquad. The plan being that hardly anyone will notice kicked-in door, muffled gunshot, general racket in cacophony of exploding #fireworks. Mozzards are real clever, do gods work and can walk on water!

>Yes, that’s right. I am in fact occasionally clairvoyant (mostly) while sleeping. And sadly the TPTB hates my guts, and not least for this very reason.

Hence it’s a priority for the TPTB to have me ‘eliminated’ which, hovever, – and perhaps mostly on account of my modest clairvoyance gift? – has proven itself an elusive task.

But a New Years Eve is ofcourse a wonderful chance to ‘get even’ with a rather annoying critic.

‘But this doesn’t happen in a democracy like our Danish one’ – you protest?

But you have to grow up, dear Danish fellow citizen. Dont be clueless and naive. I can assure you, that our SecretService/SecretPolice (‘P.E.T’) does what their sister agencies do everywhere in the world: They increasingly operate outside the law, not inside but outside the law!

It’s a given, really, because everywhere with no oversight shabby characters feel irresistibly attracted and congregate! It’s simply one of the laws of human society and (in)human character!

And yes, P.E.T IS NOW IS ALSO A SECRET POLICE! The former director of the (then) danish SecretService (P.E.T), the honourable Ole Stig Andersen warned strongly against this development in an essay in leading Copenhagen Daily Politiken from 17. December 2005! (link 1)

Now to the recent G.20 conference:

*In early a.m. of Wednesday Nov.28.2018 had vision of US-President donning his new, green Chinese generals uniform. The Uniform was however in Russian Style. Thats why I tweeted that same wednesday that Xi and US are going to embrace in #G20 and split up #Russia.

*(28.Nov.2018) In early a.m. there were rumours in the ether that US & Xi are going to embrace at G20. The split: US to have Europe to Urals, Xi to have Siberia to Urals and IL gets MiddleEast?

>The above two tweets seem to have made quite an impact. You can follow a bit of the resulting panic reaction here:

*Trump Cancels G-20 Meeting With Putin

*One Snub Too Many: Kremlin Sours On Trump As “Patience Coming To An End”
“We can do ‘give and take’ but not ‘give and give’.”

*Trump told Erdogan in the Dec. 14 call, “OK, it’s all yours. We are done.”
Turkey Says US Agreed To Vacate Syrian Kurdish Enclave As Ground Attack Imminent

*(The Race to Obfuscate: Meng Wanzhou The Red Herring?)
What does NOT make sense is that the arrest happened on Saturday and markets did not find out about it until Wednesday night.
This is where what had to be a massive conspiracy of silence begins to raise some interesting questions.

*And then? Come G20, ‘nothing’. Trump stalks the edges of G20 looking tense and defensive. He was no alpha-male, dominating these events. He looked crocked. It was all a bit of a dud, really

*The Presidents of two pre-eminent military and nuclear powers, who sit astride major geo-political faultlines, and who need to talk, circled each other, closed-faced, and without stretching out hands – they could not find even, the subterfuge for sitting together.

*Jatras concludes, more in sorrow than in anger, “it would be only a small exaggeration to say that with respect to foreign and security policy, Trump is now a mere figurehead of the permanent state. Even if Trump and Putin do happen to meet again, what can the latter expect the former to say that would make any difference?”.

>Also the former insider, gen. Wesley Clark, is obviously confused. He would be, ofcourse, because he haven’t had a chance to read my blog (unlike a few other top players); hence he simply don’t know the lay out:

*Ex-NATO Commander Wesley Clark To CNN: Did Erdogan Blackmail Trump?
“Was there a payoff or something? What was it? Why would a guy make a decision like this?”

Finally petty news from our homely Danish turf:

*Kineserne slås om dansk by: – Man kniber sig selv i armen

*Danmarks sjettestørste by er faktisk i så høj kurs, at to byer fra Shanghai-området kæmper om at få lov til at bygge en kopi af Randers Midtby.
Både statuen af Niels Ebbesen og Randers Rådhus skal bygges i Kina.

*Skal stå færdigt i 2020. Randers er kendt vidt og bredt for sit 250 år gamle rådhus, statuen af byens beskytter, Niels Ebbesen, og Randers Regnskov. Det er især de tre varemærker, som kineserne siden sidste sommer har haft et brændende ønske om at få i fuld størrelse til Kina.

*Dansker forandrede verdenskortet — men han er mere kendt i Rusland.
WEBDOK: Danske Vitus Bering er kendt af alle i Rusland. Han har fået et hav, et stræde og en ø opkaldt efter sig.

>The two danish heroes, Niels Ebbesen and Vitus Bering are most likely virtuelly unknown to any and all modern Danes? Even our 16-volume Biographical Dictionary insist the family relationship of Niels Ebbesen is absolutely unknown. Which may reasonably be stamped as carelessness or even, perhaps, utter incompetence, as it reasonably may be regarded to have been proved beyond reasonable doubt more than a century ago?

Læs resten

Photography, Your Brain and Napoleon

Today is Tuesday and a somewhat chilly and dark late December afternoon here in downtown Copenhagen.

Also it’s now less than a week until Christmas Eve. Not that this is a big deal – neither the closeness nor the Eve itself. After all I have no progeny and, frankly, I’m no more a kid myself, I’m afraid.

Also it’s only ten days until Dec.28, the last weekday in 2018. But that day is set up to be the ultimate and final day of the permanent dutch book sale in the Coal Market (Kultorvet) here in central Copenhagen.

The word around town is the bookseller has had his lease terminated from the end of 2018. Which may very likely be inauspicious for the friendly Vangsgaard antiquarian booksellers, – although perhaps not so much for myself.

As a matter of fact I’m beginning to feel a bit crowded or even claustrophobic in my small flat from being surrounded by books almost everywhere.

But today the books are 20 kr.($3) each, and wanting to find yet one or two small presents I ventured inside once more. Having less than half an hour at my disposal, however I didn’t quite manage to find appropiate presents – but perhaps tomorrow or day after tomorrow?

I found these, however:

1. ERINDRINGER AF MIT LIV. Ved. K(nud) L(yhne) Rahbek. 2.vols. Kiöbenhavn, 1825, Schulz, 372 p.

This small volume, nicely bound in contemporary half-calf is ofcourse only the second volume of several (at least three)(note 1). But as the book is wonderfully preserved both outside and, especially, inside I coundn’t resist it at the modest price asked. Also it seems to be the original edition?

Here is a small, somewhat randomly chosen sample (p.147):

‘Forresten førte jeg her i de faa dage et liv efter min smag, lærte ikke at kiænde mere af Berlin end veien til Comediehuset, og til mine fire, frem dramatiske og litterariske bekiendte, saa i øvrigt ingen ting, end ikke Posens da navnkundige kaffehuus, hvor ellers alle reisende toge die Galanterien von Berlin i øiesyn, omtrent formodentlig som paa Salon d’Apollon i Hamborg, som jeg heller ikke har seet.

‘Samsøe, der havde sands og smag for kunstsamlinger, gallerier o.d.l., morede sig ogsaa paa sin viis her særdeles vel, men forlod Berlin en dag før mig, for at tage Potsdams mærkværdigheder i øiesyn, og samledes vi da igien der, for at gaa tilbage til Leipzig.’

(Note 1. The complete set is in 5 volumes, issued 1824-29. A set in nice condition would be several hundred dollars).

2. 25 LESSONS I’VE LEARNED ABOUT (PHOTOGRAPHY) LIFE. By Lorenzo Dominguez. NewYork, 2008,, 134 p., paperback.

This small ‘photobook’ in pocketbook format is virtually like new and is probably unread. On the back cover you can read a.o.:

‘I don’t think I’ve ever read as moving a piece on the craft of photography in my life. This one really touches my soul…it’s going to really impact my life.’ Phyllis Johnson, photojournalist and author of Being Frank with Anne.

‘Lorenzo is a master. His 25 Lessons are…as seminal as Ansel’s dissertation on the zone system. I found them to be reenergizing, perceptive and extremely useful. I have been touched by his story, his writings and by his work. I can’t imagine anyone not being so.’ Barry Shapiro, Los Angeles.

3. MENNESKETS DOBBELTHJERNE. En Artikelsamling. Af Wittrock, Bogen, Gazzaniga, Jerison, Krashen, Nebes and Teyler. København, 1979, Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 205 p., paperback. (Translated from ‘The Human Brain’, Prentice Hall, 1977).

This is, incidentally, an issue that I’ve often alluded to – i.e. the ‘two brains of the humans’. The left half-brain, ‘the robot brain’ and the right half-brain, ‘the holistic, intuitive brain’.

In an earlier essay: ‘The Origin Of Mind And Other Trifles’ I’ve very briefly related on an author, that has somehow managed to put things more or less on it’s head in his otherwise interesting book, THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAK-DOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MIND. By Julian Jaynes. Boston, 1990.

That authors thesis is, very roughly, that the left-brain caracteristics are an more advanced evolution of the – more primitive – right-brains caracteristica. And, especially, that human ‘consciousness’ is mostly a quality of the more recently developed left brain.

Also that the right-brain made ‘communication’ with ‘the Gods’ possible, and that this ‘communication’ meant that humans thence had less ‘counciousness’ of their own (and less ‘free will’, I presume?).

Frankly, the first thesis is mostly nonsens, in so far as the stark predominance of the left brain is certainly not an advancement or progress. Quite the opposite it represent a degeneration of the harmonious human mind of yore. A harmonious equilibrium you, incidentally, are likely to find universally in the Cosmos whereever sane ‘human’ life is prospering.

(As an aside and just very briefly: The Universe was not ‘born’ or ‘created’ and did not ‘start’ with the phantasm called ‘The Big Bang’.

You have really no reason to believe the Universe was ‘born’ or ‘created’ (out of what?) just like you have really no reason to believe that ‘humans’ are younger than the Universe itself!

Most people will just have to contend with ‘We don’t know’ and always be vigilant against all and everyone trying to impose their ignorance upon them with more or less silly, ostensibly ‘scientifically confirmed’ facts.

“Man is not born to solve the mystery of Existence; but he must, nevertheless, attempt it, in order that he may learn how to keep within the limits of the knowable”. (Goethe) (Note 2)

Like I tweeted recently: It’s as silly to believe you may discover ‘the origin’ of language as to think you may discover ‘the origin’ of the Universe.)

But Mr. Jaynes is right in so far as there is a difference of the quality of conscienceness between the typical right-brain dominated compared to the left-brain dominated individual.

The left-brain dominated person has a quality of consciousness much more confined to only that very person, whereas counsciousness of the right-brain is much less limited and more universal, eventually, perhaps, feeling a degree of community with everyone else and the Cosmos – and perhaps ‘the Gods’ – albeit to varying degrees, of course.

The author maintains, that the left brain has grown much more dominating especially in the last few milleniums, and that this has resulted in humans having got much more counciousness.

As told, this is almost completely rubbish. In fact it’s the other way around: The (partly) withering away of (the use of) the right brain means the counciousness of humans have become very much limited and confined to oneself, ultimately resulting in ‘The egotistic Robots’.

Whence the ‘Human Robots’ that are in fact now running most of our Earth and that, if left unchecked, will surely and in quite short order mean total destruction of Earth and Humanity.

More here:
The Robots’ Cash Ban

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

Off hand ‘Menneskets Dobbelthjerne’ appears to be a rather dry, very ‘scientific’ exposition of the accepted knowledge on the issue in the late seventies. I have to leave it at that and reserve my opinion subject further perusal of the book.

(Note 2. Here quoted from the titel page of ‘A Biographical History of Philosophy. By G.H. Lewes. London/Newyork, Routledge & Sons, 1891).

4. THE EAGLE IN SPLENDOUR. NAPOLEON I AND HIS COURT. By Philip Mansel. London, 1987, 232 p.

This beautiful, profusely illustrated, large book (small quarto) is quite a find for 3 dollars. From the inside front flap of the dustcover I cite.

‘This is a new view of the most famous man in history. It shows him as a monarch rather than as a genius on the battlefield.

‘Although Napoleon rose through the events of the Revolution, he was primarily interested in establishing a dynasty to rank with the Bourbons of the Habsburgs, and in extending his influence through Europe.

‘Philip Mansel’s fascinating book shows the ruthlessness with which Napoleon sought to achieve these ends. His establishment of a court was a calculated act, to enhance his power and prestige.

‘His policy of territorial expansionism was pursued with an arrogance and inhumanity which turned all Europe against him.

‘His extraordinary brothers and sisters were given thrones and courts in Italy, Spain, Holland and Germany, where they lived lives of luxury and self-aggrandizement in the napoleonic style.’


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Kjellerup og Prins Jørgen

Idag skal vi se lidt på et par bøger med lokal- og personal-historiske ramifikationer. Jeg kan se, at det nok vil blive en uimodståelig fristelse at knytte nogle familie- og lokalhistorier fra det Nordenfjordske til omtalen af bøgerne. Disse meddelelser vil fortrinsvis have interesse slægt og venner, hvem de da også er tiltænkt, og alle øvrige af de ærede læsere være hermed forlods advaret!

1. KJELLERUP, af Aage Brask (1943).

Aage Brask’s indholdsrige bog om familiegården KJELLERUP skylder for mit vedkommende størstedelen af sin interesse, at min fars familie næsten udelukkende kommer fra Himmerland. Og uagtet Kjellerup er beliggende i Onsild Herred lige syd for Mariager Fjord befinder vi os dog i et grænseområde, hvorfra mange tråde går ind i Himmerland. For øvrigt foregår flere af Aage Brasks bøger i det samme geografiske område, d.v.s. enten på grænsen til eller i Himmerland.

Aage Brask er da også selv født og opvokset i Himmerland, nærmere betegnet på den lille herregaard Volstrup, beliggende nogle få kilometer nordvest for Hobro. Han selv ejede i årene 1934-62 gården Christianslund i Ørum sogn mellem Langå og Randers. Han er af gammel landmandsslægt og efter alt at dømme har allerede de (i.h.t. forfatteren) tidligst kendte medlemmer af slægten ofte været dygtige og vindskibelige folk, som har forstået at gøre sig erhversmæssigt gældende, ofte udover lokalområdet.

Om det tidligst kendte medlem af slægten vides kun lidt udover navnet ‘Niels Hansen i Drostrup’ (i Rud sogn lidt øst for Hadsten), samt at han levede i slutningen af 1500- og beg. af 1600-tallet, og hans hustrus navn kendes ikke.

Herudover ved man, at gården i Drostrup har været en usædvanlig stor bondegård, hvis hartkort (omregnet fra ældre tiders afgifter) var på over 20 tdr. Jf. at man senere regner en gård på 12 tdr. Hk. for en proprietærgård (heraf betegnelsen tolvmændene resp. tolvmandsforeningerne) og en gård med mere end 20 tdr. for en herregaard. Men intet tyder iøvrigt på, at gården i Drostrup var andet end en bondegaard.

Niels Hansen havde antageligt 7 børn af et første ægteskab. En søn Hans Nielsen Drostrup blev en i sin tid meget anset borgmester i Mariager, og regnedes som en af datidens jyske matadorer. Endvidere var en datter Esther gift med Peder Nielsen Hamborg, hvis søn Mathias Hamborg i nogle år omkr. 1700 var “Hobro’s ubestridte førstemand”.

Endelig var en datter Anna gift med Søren Jensen i Skjellerup Vestergaard, beliggende lige syd for Mariager fjord, lidt øst for Hobro. Denne Søren Jensens søn Anders Sørensen Vestergaard blev forpagter på KJELLERUP og hans søn igen, Jens Brask, købte på et tidspunkt gården, og blev forf. Aage Brask’s tip-tipoldefar. (Jens Brask var opkaldt efter sin mors 1. mand, ret beset burde vor forfatter måske have heddet Vestergaard og ikke Brask?).

Det naturligvis morsomt, hvis man kan hente en eller anden konkret oplysning om slægt eller forfædre i et lokalhistorisk topografisk bogværk som dette. Men det vil trods alt kun være en begrænset kreds, der kan være heldige at finde relevante personalhistoriske oplysninger, også uanset at bogen her indeholder en overvældende mængde facts, herunder datoer og navne på steder og personer.

Ikke desto mindre turde bogen fortjene udbredelse qua forfatterens ret unikke evne til at fremstille en uhyre mængde lokal- og personalhistoriske detaljer med en smittende fortælleglæde og i en flydende og upretentiøs stil.

Med flydende menes bestemt ikke udflydende, for forfatterens største aktiv er måske hans præcision i fremstillingen, som kan søges anskueligjort med et par smagsprøver (her fra bogens kapitel om Borgerlige ejere af Kjellerup (s.155), parantetserne er mine tilføjelser):

“Anne Nielsdatter, som må være den i (den personalhistorisk interesserede Hobro-degn) Ole Hermansen Nysteds optegnelser nævnte Anna Nielsdatter Drostrup, var antagelig født i 1604 som datter af fæstebonden Niels Hansen i Drostrup i Rud sogn, der havde mange børn.

“Han var bl.a. (far til den bekendte Mariager-borgmester Hans Nielsen Drostrup samt) bedstefar til den tidligere omtalte cancellisekretær Niels Hansen Drostrup til Kollerup, til 2 herredsfogeder af navnet Schade, Albert og Mathias, som imidlertid ikke gjorde ham ære, til Mathias Pedersen Hamborg, en stor købmand og jordegodsejer i Hobro, til landsdommer Knud Ahasverus Becker til Bækkeskov, som blev myrdet af sine egne bønder, og antagelig også til Rasmus Nielsen Overgaard, der havde tjent med liv og blod under Københavns belejring, havde forskellige herregaarde i forpagtning, blev ejer af Quistrup (med Ausumgaard), som han fik tilladelse til at besidde med de adelen og københavns borgere tilkommende priviligier.

“Hun må have været gift, før hun ægtede Søren Jensen, idet den meget agtede rådmand Niels Rasmussen i Mariager nævnes som halvbroder til hendes børn med Søren Jensen.

“Disse var foruden Anders Sørensen og en datter Anne, der en tid levede som enke i Assens ved Mariager og senere holdt hus for broderen Anders, sønnerne Rasmus, der nævnes som forpagter på Strandet og døde i 1709, Jens, der levede og døde i Norge, hvor han efterlod sig afkom, samt Albert, der en tid var foged hos fætteren Niels Hansen Drostrup på Kollerup, og senere havde en række store gårde i forpagtning, bl.a. Ørslev Kloster, Lerkenfeld og Skivehus.

“Fra Albert Sørensen, der var en ret fremtrædende mand, nedstammer en slægt Winding (med bl.a. de to komponister Winding) gennem sønnen præsten Anders (Westenhof) Winding i Vestervig (samt videre gennem en kvindelinje bl.a. polarforskeren Knud Rasmussen og medlemmer af kunstnerslægten Rosing på Grønland).

Om nævnte Mathias Pedersen Hamborg i Hobro giver Brask andetsteds lidt flere oplysninger:

“Nogenlunde samtidig med Mette Sophie Kalow døde byfogeden i Hobro Lauritz Christensen Skipper, der tilhørte en af egnens kendte slægter, og som var gift med Mette Lauritzdatter Skaarup af en anset Hobro-slægt; Mathias Hamborg havde haft god forbindelse med byfogden, og han optrådte nu som lavværge for enken for senere at ægte hende.

“Hun førte en del med sig, og han er nu en del år byens ubestridte førstemand, hvilket også fremgår af skatteansættelsen. F.eks. blev han i 1710 ansat til at udrede 32 Rdl. i krigsstyr, hvilket var langt det største beløb i byen, medens byfogden, den iøvrigt fremtrædende Chr. Nielsen Hostrup, blot skulle betale 8 Rdl.

“Mathias Hamborg døde først – i 1718, men uanset bevillingen (til at hensidde i uskiftet bo) lod enken dog afholde skifte i 1720 “eftersom bemeldte min sal. mands arvinger indstændig derom anholder, og jeg for den gode sal. mands skyld gerne ser deres gavn og fremtarv”.

“Formuen synes nu nærmest at være blevet lidt forringet, der var nok nogle flere ejendomme i Hobro, men der var mindre bøndergods, Mathias Hamborg havde også i 1716 solgt 1 gård i Vester Tørslev og 1 gård i Kastbjerg med 4 gadehuse til sin fættersøn og Gudsøn Jens Brask i Kjellerup; det var ligeledes svundet lidt i sølvet, og der var nu en gæld på ialt ca. 1875 Rdl., hvoraf 285 Rdl. til Jens Brask og 200 Rdl. til Niels Pedersen (Abildgaard) på Thostrup Hovgaard, der var gift med en niece af Hamborg.

“Til deling var der nu kun godt 1700 Rdl., men det var måske heller ikke særlig heldigt for Mathias Hamborgs arvinger, at Mette Lauritzdatter fra ægteskabet med byfoged Skipper havde 2 døtre i live.

“Mette Lauritzdatter og hendes slægt havde stor betydning for kirken i Hobro. I 1699 skænkede hun og hendes første mand dels en lysekrone, dels en altertavle, som hun og Mathias Hamborg i 1703 lod bekoste malet og stafferet “med brogede farver og forgyldning”, og efter sin 2. mands død gav hun 6 kirketofts agre til kirken for en familiebegravelse i denne for sine mænd, den lille Karen Hamborg og sine egne efterkommere, i hvilken anledning der blev opsat et marmorepitafium med en fyldig indskrift.

“(Mathias’ bror) Thomas Pedersen Hamborg i Skjellerup optræder meget hyppigt på Onsild Herreds ting og beklæder ofte dommersædet. Han er nok identisk med en flere gange nævnt Thomas Vestergaard og har derfor sandsynligvis boet i den forhen omtalte gaard Vestergaard eller i en del deraf.
“Han må være død før 3/9 1718, da Maren Christensdatter, sal. Thomas Pedersens enke i Skjellerup nævnes på Onsild Herreds ting. De havde ifølge Mette Skaarups skifte med mandens arvinger kun en datter Karen, der angives gift med Niels Pedersen (Abildgaard) på Thostrup Hovgaard ved Hobro”.

Sidstnævnte ægtepar er min farfars tip3-oldeforældre. Andetsteds. Herudover er min fars forslægt så vidt jeg ved helt overvejende af Himmerlandsk landalmue, og det er derfor naturligvis en sjælden undtagelse, at kunne finde lidt udførligere oplysninger om enkeltpersoner i 16-1700-tallet, jf. ovenfor. Så tak til Aage Brask for hans flittige og grundige arbejde! Næste titel

2. BILLEDER FRA ENEVÆLDENS HISTORIE af Norman Hall Hansen (1949) er en lidt mere ydmyg sag sammenlignet med Aage Brask’s omfattende og detaljerede værk om Kjellerup.

På godt 100 sider bringes 15 mindre afhandlinger om personer og hændelser fra enevældstiden, blandt hvilke: Eventyresken Dina Skomagers – Prins Jørgen af Danmark – En Nordjydsk handelsfyrste – Christian 7. og teatret – Regerinsskiftet i 1784 – Enevældens historieskriver – m.m.

Det er den lille afhandling på knap 7 sider om Prins Jørgen, jeg vil bruge som anledning til at fortælle lidt flere lokal- og familiehistorier fra min nordenfjordske hjemegn, hvorfor jeg endnu engang advarer den ukendte læser…

Først nogle udtog fra artiklen, der begynder således:

“Fra BBC’s udsendelser under den sidste krig kender vi alle Prins Jørgens March, varskoet om at nu kunde vi sætte os hen og afvente den danske stemme fra London og et af den gamle tonedigter Henry Purcells mesterværker. Nu huskes Purcell, der var organist ved Westminster Abbey, væsentligt for sin kirkemusik, og hans mange festkantater, operaer og dramatiske arbejder høres kun sjeldent.

“Mange lyttere har vel undret sig over hvem den prins Jørgen var, til hvis ære den djærve march er skrevet, og det er da om ham, der her skal fortælles.

“Jørgen var den yngste af Frederik 3.’s 2 sønner i ægteskabet med dronning Sophie Amalie, og kom til verden på Københavns slot d. 21. april 1653. Som skik og brug fordrede det i højadelige kredse blev han i femtenårsalderen sendt på en større udenlandsrejse, og under ledelse af sin hofmester Christian Günther v. d. Osten besøgte han Holland, de spanske Nederlande, Frankrig, England og Italien.

“Ved sin faders død i februar 1670 fik han testamentarisk tillagt Vordingborg amt på livstid med hovedgaardene Beldringe og Lekkende foruden en aarlig livrente på 30.000 daler, og i de følgende år erhvervede han gården jungshoved og lod i Vordingborg opføre det forlængst forsvundne “Prins Jørgens Slot”, et jagtslot i italiensk stil.

“På en senere udenlandsrejse studerede han krigskunst i Frankrig og Tyskland, og han deltog med hæder i den skaanske krig sammen med sin broder Christian 5., hvis liv han reddede i slaget ved Landskrona i 1677, hvor baade han og kongen med egen haand skal have nedlagt flere fjender.

“Prins Jørgen skildres som en høj, smuk, lys mand. At han var i besiddelse af personligt mod har vi set, men af væsen var han tilbageholdende og indesluttet og havde som sin fader vanskeligt ved at udtrykke sig i tale.

“Første gang den europæiske politiks søgelys falder på den danske prins er ved den polske kong Michaels død i efteråret 1673, hvor Jørgen blev stillet i forslag som hans efterfølger af et parti indenfor den polske adel, vel nærmest for at undgå valget af andre tronprætendenter, der støttedes af henholdsvis den franske konge og den østrigske kejser.

“Polakkerne ønskede ikke at deres land skulde komme i afhængighedsforhold til nogen af de nævnte stormagter, og det skulde derfor synes som om en dansk prins måtte have gode chancer for at blive valgt til polsk konge.

“Imidlertid strandede disse bestræbelser, væsentligst på grund af prinsens vægring ved at opgive sin lutherske tro, og den polske rigsdag valgte den fra krigene med Tyrkiet berømte feltherre Johan Sobiesky til konge.

“Prinsen nærmede sig nu de tredive år og af politiske grunde gjaldt det om at finde en passende brud til ham. Valget faldt da på den Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celleske prinsesse Sophie Dorothea, om hvis haand Jørgen konkurrede med prins Georg af Hannover, den senere Georg 1. af Storbritannien, og det blev denne, der gik af med sejren, således at den tyske prinsesse blev stammoder til det hannoveranske kongehus i England.

“Christian 5.’s opmærksomhed vendte sig derefter mod England, og i foråret 1683 rettedes gennem den danske gesandt i London en officiel henvendelse til kong Karl 2. om hans broderdatter prinsesse Annes hånd. Hun var yngste datter af hertugen af York, den senere Jakob (James) 2., hvis ældre datter Mary i 1677 var blevet gift med hertug Wilhelm af Oranien, den senere kong Wilhelm 3. af England.

“I juli samme år afhentedes prins Jørgen og hans overkammerherre grev Christian Siegfried von Plessen i Glückstadt af hertugen af Yorks overkammerherre John Churchill, der i de kommende år skulde erhverve et verdensnavn som feltherre, nemlig Marlborough, den fra den franske soldatervise kendte “Mallebrok”.

“Dette første møde mellem de to så vidt forskellige mænd, den overlegne og handlekraftige diplomat og feltherre og den noget forsagte og beskedne prins – han betegnes i en samtidig biografi som “mild and gentle” – skulle udvikle sig til et varmt venskab.

“Den 27. juli 1683 fandt formælingen sted i Sct. James’ Palace i nærværelse af hoffet og kong Karl 2, og det nygifte prinsepar tog ophold på Windsor Castle. Ved en i oktober måned underskrevet ægtepagt tillagdes der Jørgen, som nu antog navnet George, en betydelig appanage og ejendommen Wandsworth Manor som residens. Samtidig benaadedes han med hosebaandsordenen.

“Intet tydede på, at dette af politiske grunde indgåede ægteskab skulle blive andet og mere end en formel alliance, et personligt baand mellem de to kongehuse, og i begyndelsen gjorde tilmed sprogvanskeligheder forholdet mellem ægtefællerne besværligt, idet brudgommen ikke talte engelsk og bruden ikke tysk. Dette udjævnedes imidlertid snart, og forholdet udviklede sig til et sjældent smukt og harmonisk samliv med trofast gensidig støtte i medgang og modgang, – og modgang og sorg blev dem rigeligt tildelt i deres femogtyveårige ægeskab.

“Inden sit toogfyrretyvende år skænkede Anne sin mand sytten børn, der dog alle var enten dødfødte eller døde i en spæd alder. Kun een lille prins nåede elleveårs alderen inden han afgik ved døden, og skæbnen nægtede således Prins Jørgen at blive stamfader til et engelsk kongehus.

“Men med et slag ændredes Jørgens stilling ved kong Wilhelm 3.’s pludselige død i foråret 1702 efter et fald med hesten på en ridetur i Hampton Court, og kronen gik nu over til Anne som den retmæssige arvtager. Kort efter kongens højtidelige bisættelse i Westminster abbey i april måned fandt Annes kroning sted, og Jørgen blev således “Prince Consort”, idet det ikke lykkedes Anne at få parlamentets samtykke til at give ham kongelig rang.

“Derimod forhøjedes hans årlige appanage til 100.000 pund, og slottene i Kensington og Winchester blev stillet til hans rådighed. Umiddelbart derefter fik dronningen udvirket hans udnævnelse til titulær øverstbefalende over hær og flåde med rang af generalissimus og storadmiral, og Marlborough tilbagekaldes til hoffet, benådedes med hosebåndsordenen og udnævntes til general for alle engelske tropper ude og hjemme.

“Marlboroughs stigende stjerne under krigene med Frankrig og Spanien undgik dog ikke at vække Jørgens misundelse, og forholdet mellem de to mænd kølnedes efterhånden. Medvirkende hertil var den intrigante og ærgerrige lady Marlboroughs optræden overfor dronningen, der omsider førte til at hun afskedigedes fra hoffet i unåde.

“Nominelt var, som allerede nævnt, prinsgemalen den øverstkommanderende over hær og flåde, men i praksis betød dette kun at han præsiderede i admiralitetsrådet, og over hærens anliggender var den populære hertug af Marlborough enerådende. Flådens uheldige indsats ved flere lejligheder udsatte Jørgen for en stærk kritik, tildels med urette, da det jo ikke var ham personlig med det samlede admiralitet, der var ansvarlig for søkrigens førelse.

“Man kan dog roligt sige, at Jørgen savnede de egenskaber, der gør en mand leder af format, men kan på den anden side ikke frakende ham pligtfølelse, troskab og loyalitet. Når han aldrig nåede at vinde egentlig folkeyndest skyldtes det medfødte mangler i hans optræden. Hans sygdom, en astma der aldrig forlod ham, medførte at han til stadighed var besværet af åndenød, hoste og talevanskeligheder, og også led af en konstant hovedpine.

“Han er i samtidige memoirer blevet betegnet som svær eller fed med forkærlighed for nyheder, for flasken og for dronningen. Kærligheden til hans gemalinde, hvem han var en trofast og opofrende husbond igennem deres lange ægteskab, tjener nu ikke til hans forklejnelse, og hang til drik synes ikke at have præget ham mere end mange andre af tidens mænd.

“Bordets glæder var jo en vigtig bestanddel i datidens selskabelige omgang. Hvad angår hans forkærlighed for nyheder, navnlig politiske, så behøver denne ikke at betegne andet end et naturligt og prisværdigt ønske om at blive holdt underrettet om begivenhederne i det urolige Europa, og iøvrigt også under de alt andet end rolige indre forhold i landet.

“Hans samtidige er dog alle enige om at karakterisere ham som et elskværdigt og beskedent menneske, der var fri for laster og levede i et særdeles lykkeligt ægteskab. Hans hovedinteresser synes at have været heste og jagtudflugter, og han syslede også en del med matematik og nærede stor interesse for de skønne kunster.

“Winston Chruchill har sikkert i bogen om sin berømte forfader Marlborough truffet rigtigt når han hverken tillægger ham dygtighed eller lærdom, men kalder ham et jævnt, normalt mandfolk uden svig og ærgerrighed og med en betydelig appetit for bordets glæder, en egenskab han jo i høj grad delte med sin samtid.

“Formodningen om, at han havde hang til drikkeri kan også skyldes, at han ofte medførte en flaske med medicin for at afbøde virkningen af de hyppige anfald af hoste og åndenød.

“I august 1702 rejste Jørgen med dronning Anne til Bath for at gennemgå en kur for sin astma, og i de følgende år var hans helbred meget svingende. I oktober 1708 døde prinsen efter et længere smertefuldt sygeleje i Kensington Palace, 55 år gammel, og han bisattes kort derefter i Karl 2.’s kapel i Westminster abbey.

“Han var under sine mange og ofte langvarige sygdomsanfald blevet plejet af dronningen med aldrig svigtende troskab, og et sjædent smukt samliv opløstes ved hans bortgang.

“I et brev af 9. november fra Sct. James’ Palace giver dronning Anne Frederik 4. af Danmark – Monsieur mon Frere et Neveu, som hun kalder ham – meddelelse om dødsfaldet, og i parlamentets kondolencetale til dronningen fremhæves prinsgemalens “høje dyder, der til evig tid vil gøre hans minde dyrebart” og hans “kærlighed til fædrelandet, hvorved han havde vundet alle undersaatters hjerter og sat sig et uforglemmeligt eftermæle”.

“Han overlevedes i seks år af sin barnløse dronning, efter hvis død det Hannoveranske Kurfyrstehus besatte den engelske trone med Kong Georg 1.”

Ups, – det blev vistnok til det meste af artiklen, dog med undtagelse af de mange politiske forviklinger i England i årene før Anne bliver dronning. Vil man læse mere om Prins Jørgen kan man med fordel konsultere nogle af historiken Chr. H. Brasch’s arbejder, herunder “Prins Georg af Danmark i hans Ægteskab med Dronning Anna of Storbrittannien” (1890), “Griffenfelds Kjærlighed til Charlotte Amelie la Tremouille” (1885) og “Det polske Kongevalg 1674. Med hensyn til Prins Georg af Danmark” (1882).

Tilbage bliver nu at trække en tråd til Nordjysk lokal- og personalhistorie, hvilket faktisk er muligt, selvom tråden er tynd.

Efter Jørgens hjemkomst fra sin 1. udenlandsrejse i anledning af faderens død i beg. af 1670 synes – i henhold til medicinhistorikeren Carøe’s meddelelser – Prinsens hidtidge barber (kirurg/læge/spindoktor) at være afskediget og erstattet af en Thomas Speitzer.

I en på Rigsarkivet opbevaret tysksproget supplikation til “hans kongelige majestæts højtbetroede Deputerede- og General-Commisariat” vedr. et kongeligt løfte til hans søn ‘Greger Speitzer’ om stilligen som garnisionsfeltskær i Fredericia underskriver Thomas Speitzer sig som “Ihr hoheit Printz Georgs Leib Balbier” (hans højhed prins Georgs livbarber). Brevet er udateret, men må være fra engang i 1670’erne.

Thomas Speitzer er antageligt kommet til Danmark med oberst Hans Schack, den senere feltherre, som dennes barber og kirurg/læge. Overlæge Torben Geill har i et hæfte om politikeren Carl Ploug (der var tip3-oldebarn af Thomas Speitzer) oplyst, at den her omhandlede kirurgslægt Speitzer stammer fra Triest i det daværende Østrig-Ungarn (Torben Geill havde vistnok en østrigsk hustru). At dømme efter navnet, håndværket og hjemstedet kunne slægten forresten vistnok gerne have en jødisk baggrund, men herom vides mig bekendt iøvrigt intet.

Sønnen Gregers var ved sin død regimentsfeltskær i Randers og angives at have bl.a. en søn Parmo Gregersen Speitzer. Denne blev officer og tjente i hestegarden i 30-40 år. Han blev efter Den Store Nordiske Krig i 1721 afdanket som major fra et norsk rytterregiment og tog ophold i Gøttrup by og sogn i Vester Hanherred, hvor han havde slægtninge, idet hans (formentlige) bror Mads Gregersen Speitzer ejede Aggersborggaard.

Parmo og hustru Maria Jakobsdatter havde kun 1 barn, datteren Mette Marie, der blev gift med en kirurg fra København Frederik Petersen. De boede i landsbyen Gøttrup, dengang en af Danmarks største landsbyer, og fik 2 sønner samt en datter, der døde ung.

Den ældste søn Parmo Carl Petersen blev provst i Kolding (og blev morfar til politikeren Carl Ploug), mens den yngre søn Christoffer Frederik Petersen (f.1743) blev forligskommisær i Vester Hanherred (min tip3-oldefar).

En nu desværre afdød slægsforsker, Fru Inger Ahl har for en snes år siden velvilligst meddelt mig, at bemeldte Parmo blev født 9. april 1670 i Fredericia. Desværre tabte jeg forbindelsen til hende, forinden jeg fik opklaret kilden til oplysningen, og jeg har endnu ikke fundet den af egen kraft.

Dette ville imidlertid ikke være uden interesse, idet hans afstamning så vidt jeg forstår p.t. ikke kan betragtes som ganske afklaret. I synderlighed forekommer det en smule suspekt, at han ikke nævnes med et ord i den omfattende skifteopgørelse 1692 efter hans formodede far Gregers Thomasen Speitzer i Randers, som er bevaret in extenso. Hvorimod hans formodede søskende, herunder Mads Gregersen Speitzer, alle er nævnt i skiftet.

Tænkeligt kan han have været en fætter og ikke en bror til Mads Speitzer, og der kendes da også en bror Jürgen til Gregers, samt herudover en militærkirurg Parmo Speitzer, nævnt i et brev fra 1678, om hvem jeg iøvrigt intet ved.
Eller han kan evt. have været en adoptivsøn. Der har under alle omstændigheder tydeligvis været tale om en eller anden form a nært slægtskab, omendskønt dette på nuv. tidspunkt så vidt jeg ved ikke kan konkretiseres nærmere.

Nogle flere oplysninger om Nordenfjordsk lokal- og personal-historie kan findes her:

En minderune

Bogsamlere Uden Bøger (rev.)

Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour

Lidt om kabaler m.m. (Bonde af Thy)


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Crossposted on og (slightly amended)

Tweets on

Louis Sancho and the CERN/LHC

Today is Sunday and it’s been a real nice and sunny late autumn day. Its also the closing day of the ongoing dutch book sale in the Heilig Geist Church House here in downtown Copenhagen.

I’ve managed to haul a couple of bags shock full of 75-cents books all the way to a nice café not too far away. Even if four or five freezing street musicians did their best to blow me away with their electric amplifiers.

Frankly I don’t understand the City Council allows power amplified street music. It’s annoying for many passers-by and for the businesses nearby and, incidentally, too loud background music only tend to dilute or even totally drown the performers personal statements.

But here we are and I would like to mention a few of the books I fetched at the sale. But, as before, let’s first take a quick look at at a couple a my recent tweets (from It’s the same text in all three tweets but with different links.

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018
STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

So it seems the Chinese are planning to build a particle accelerator much more powerful than Europe’s notorious CERN/LHC, the Large Hadron Collider.

I always thought the – relatively few, to be sure – chinese persons I have talked to seemed to be quite smart. But building and operating another Large Hadron Collider much, much more powerful than the CERN/LHC is obviously anything but smart.

Just from I posted my first comment on the Large Hadron Collider in (June 2014 and) January 2015, (Link 1) I’ve had a hard time grasping that seemingly no one from our top global leadership were able to apprehend the stark and imminent danger posed by monster machines like CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

They are in fact monstrously large bombs, ‘able to blow up stars and planets’.

The worst case scenario is supposed to be our Earth blowing up like a Nova or even Supernova.

In which case the fireball could be typically 300 million km across (equal to the diameter of Earths orbit around the Sun) and hence evaporating Earth and (some of) the inner planets AND POSSIBLY KICKING OUR SUN RIGHT OUT OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY (Link 2).

Please read this short extract from the home page of Luis Sancho, top of the world theoretical physicist:

‘LUIS SANCHO – On himself: top of the world of systems sciences and cybernetics. IQ 180. But now 80% of my papers have been erased from ‘Google Scholars’.
See my best work, ‘Absolute relativity: the 5th dimension’, at kindle )

On CERN science and scientists:

Cern is full of 20 something very smart who think because they have a ‘title’ and went through the industry of information they know a lot.

They are very smart. So smart that they will die of it. Because the Universe is NOT SMART BUT INTELLIGENT.

Smart people (try and) ‘cheat’ the laws of the Universe.

Those people are nuts, evil children, and they don’t even know they are

Absolute evil = death is 1/2 of the Universe

‘those who pretend to impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’. (Einstein)

The two biggest infamous basterds of modern science, the inventors of cybernetics and the H-bomb were obsessed with extinction.

‘They knew they were the parents of the two sciences, nuclear physics and robots that would kill us. They ONLY talked of THIS. It was their obsession

Don’t you get it? It is all a moral question!! They know they can kill the planet, they don’t care

They live off making weapons, they are nuclear scientists, they live with death.

When CERN crosses the so-called ‘bag number’ (number of strange quarks needed to coalescence into a strangelet) we shall die.


CERN is a cosmic bomb, able to blow up stars and planets, the 3rd evolution of nuclear bombs after the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.’

(extracted from

and a comment I posted on the widely read, critical blog in april 2017:

gamleboeger19 April 2017 at 06:44 )

However it seems the CERN/LHC has now been (or is to be) shut down for 10 years ‘to be upgraded’. Has somebody perhaps seen the light after all?

The critical blog, writing since 2004, was suppressed from Blogger (a Google company) from Nov.10 until Dec.1. Most observers presumably think the actual reason was the penultimate entry, that dealt with a woman authors book critical of the main-stream holocaust story.

But probably this would not be the real reason. You see – the global TPTB have no qualms whatsoever with being flagged as evil or avaricious. That is merely some sort of an ideal for them, I’m afraid?

However they certainly cannot bear and tolerate being flagged as clueless – which is, nevertheless, what the CERN/LHC conundrum may perhaps have proven them to be?

Doesn’t the above exposition by Louis Sancho tend to strongly suggest that humans will be unable to understand and navigate the dangers of the Universe without a keen sense of morals? And not without a functioning right half-brain.

Hence the urgent issue for the TPTB with the outspoken and popular aanirfan blog – with thousands of hits daily – was perhaps more likely that aanirfan on April 19, 2017 had published my above comment with the exposé on and by Louis Sancho. Only several months later it was announced that the Large Hadron Collider was scheduled to be shut down ‘for 10 years’.

You need to be aware, ofcourse, that both my blogs and certainly the aanirfan blog have been read by the top power brokers of the world. And they couldn’t see the light?

Link 1.
(pls. scroll down for english text)
STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

And (danish only)

Link 2.

But now today’s main dish, – a few more 75-cent books:

1. MATTHIAS CLAUDIUS OG HANS VENNEKREDS. Af Richard Petersen. Kjøbenhavn 1884, Schønbergs Forlag. 420 p. Bound in rather frugal half cloth. (Note 1)

Matthias Claudius (1740-1815) was a renowned german poet, writer and journalist. Also called ‘the Wandsbecker Bote’ after his like named journal (1770-75).

He knew/befriended many comtemporary german male and women writers and thinkers, among others Klopstock, Lessing, Herder, Jacobi, Lavater and Gallitzin.

The author Richard Petersen (1838-1905) was renowned as an author of biographies, among which the above ranks among his most important.

He also treated of Henrik Steffens, Thomas Kingo, Frederika Bremer, Mme de Staël Holstein, Jens Baggesen & Sofie v. Haller, J.K.Lavater and others.

Sadly he didn’t manage to finish his biography of Carl Ploug, the prominent Danish 19. century publisher, editor, poet and politician.

Wandsbeck, now part of greater Hamburg, was then a small city just outside Hamburg on the border to then more or less Danish Holstein.

In my childhood’s Jutland you might still hear old people say ‘go to Wandsbeck’ for ‘go to blazes’. Perhaps because the city of Wandsbeck in the past was thought to owe its existense to rouges, criminals and bankrupts.

From the preface: “Min bog har imidlertid et videregaaende formaal end at skildre selve Claudius’ livsførelse og gjerning, idet den tager sigte paa også at fremstille hans ‘vennekreds’.

“Jeg tror, de fleste læsere ville indrømme mig, at det saaledes er hensigtsmæssigst og bedst; han maa ses i sin samtid for at kunne forstaas.”

Note 1.
Only today (Nov.29.) I have noted an inscription from a previous owner on a flyleaf that somehow got stuck to another: ‘H.H.Lefolii, Jul 1885 – gave fra min hustru’ (i.e.: Christmas 1885 – present from my wife).

H.H. Lefolii (born in Copenhagen 1819 – d.1908) was a prominent nineteenth century school man and translator of historical sources. His wife was Christiane Dor. Julie Strandbygaard.

2. KRISTEN KOLD – FOLKEHØJSKOLENS BANEBRYDER. Af Frederik Nygård. Bd. 1-2. Odense, 1895, ca. 500 p. Taveligt, noget slidt halvlæder, bogblokken pæn og venholdt.

Kr. Kold (1816-70) was a Danish school pioneer of world wide renown. Perhaps his thinking on childrens schools was most widely acclaimed.

Here is a few lines from page 209, vol 2, that seems to summarize Kold’s mission statement:

‘I sin tale ved ‘Vennemødet’ i København den 11.Sept.1866 karakterisererde Kold sin højskolevirksomhed i følgende slutningsord:

‘Jeg vil slutte med den bemærkning, at oplysning har jeg næppe så godt greb paa, som jeg har paa oplivelse. Jeg opliver først, og saa oplyser jeg bagefter, eller i al fald opliver og oplyser jeg paa en gang.

‘Og det tror jeg er rigtigt, thi oplivelse er det, som man trænger til. Altsaa er det at oplive langt mere min opgave ved skolen end at oplyse.’

3. DEN MENNESKELIGE PERSONLIGHED OG DENS BESTAAEN EFTER LEGEMETS DØD. Af Frederic W.H.Myers. København, 1968-69, 2 vols., 667 + 637 p. Original cloth.

This is ofcourse the famous classic for everyone interested in the esoterical aspects of the human personality – like dreams, spooks, telepathy and so on and so forth.

It’s quite incredible you can buy these two massive volumes in rather nice condition for one-and-a-half quid!

4. GEORG BRANDES – I MODSIGELSERNES TEGN BERLIN 1877-83. Af Jørgen Knudsen. Gyldendal, 1988. 361 p. Softcover.

From the back cover:

‘Dette bind fortæller om de seks aar, Georg Brandes boede i Berlin i et frivilligt eksil – en central periode i hans liv og udvikling, desuden en særdeles veldokumenteret periode.

Nyt stof er beretningen om hans ægteskab. Her kastes et ganske grelt lys over hans rolle som kvindesagens forkæmper. Nyt stof er også beretningen om hans årelange betagelse af den gifte tyske kvinde Lulu v. d. Leyen – en dramatisk trekanthistorie, som skulle trække lange spor efter sig.

Også Brandes’ forhold til det moderne gennembruds mænd er belyst – hans forsøg på at holde sine folk til ilden og holde sammen på tropperne. Uden at blive oplevet som tyran af dem.

Et gennemgående tema i bogen er den rådvildhed og ubeslutsomhed, som denne viljekraftens besynger viser sig at være ramt af i disse år. Som tømmermænd efter rusen, sådan følger de lammende modsigelser efter den bevingede frigørelse. Men det er modsigelserne, der tvinger historien videre, når de bliver uudholdelige.’

Obviously another nice buy for 75 cents.

5. STRINDBERG ET ROUSSEAU. By Elie Poulenard. Paris, 1959, Presses Universitaires, 187 p., soft cover.

A fly leaf has this inscription: ‘A Monsieur le lecteur Bent Culmsee, hommage amical de l’auteur – E.Poulenard.

There are 17 parts, among which:

Chap. IX: Pourquoi Strindberg s’est-il proclamé disciple de Rousseau?

Appendice III: L’égocentrisme chez Rousseau et Strindberg

App. IV: Strindberg, Rousseau, Tolstoi, les socialistes agraires et la méthode d’attaque indirecte de Kierkegaard.

App. VII: Rousseau condamné par Nietzsche.

6. DE STORE ROMANER. Af Henning Kehler. København, 1940, Gyldendal, 188 p. soft cover.

From the back cover:

‘Faa foredragsserier i statsradiofonien har haft samme kvalitet og er blevet lyttet til under samme opmærksomhed hos den mere kræsne del af lytternes store skare som Henning Kehlers ‘De store Romaner’.

‘Henning Kehler har bagefter gennemskrevet foredragene og udvidet dem betydeligt. Bogen gennemgaar Gralsromanen, Tristanromanen, Don Quixote, Simplicius Simplicissimus, Robinson Krusoe, Gil Blas, Wilhelm Meister, Ivanhoe, Madame Bovary, Raskolnikov og En dansk Students Eventyr.

‘De store Romaner’ er en i sin art, ved sin idé og udførelse, enestaaende ledetraad i romanens historie og tolkning af de ypperste romanværker.’

7. HIPPOLYTE TAINE. ÉTAPES DE SON OEUVRE. par Paul-Victor Rubow. Copenhagen/Paris 1930, 157 p. Softcover.

I already own a copy of this litte book, but the present specimen is in very nice condition, and for 75 cents I thought I could afford a keeper and a user.

8. ARCHETYPES. The Persistence of Unifying Patterns. By Elemira Zolla (Rome). NewYork/London, 1982, 140 p. Hardcover.

From the front inside flap of the dustcover:

‘Throughout the world there persist constants known as archetypes – patterns of impulse, thought and behaviour that mold not only man’s history but also his dreams.

‘Professor Zolla shows ways to define and evaluate those patterns in their various guises, ancient and contemporary. He has gathered together a vast amount of material drawn from eastern and western traditions, from science, leterature, art and poetry. The interpretations he puts forward are often highly original and challenging to established ways of thinking.

‘There emerges from this book what can only be described as a global metaphysical system, yet professor Zolla’s language is not that of a treatise. Rather, he presents a brilliant series of lessons in the art of centering, which allows us to relate to the archetypes creatively.

‘Zolla’s deep, polymathic probing of the terms of human existence makes it sensible to compare him with Simone Weil, while some of his conclusions about ultimate mysteries – expressed in signs, symbols, and sacraments, the sense of which we have lost – will make us think of the later T.S.Eliot.’

9. Two more books with essays by Paul V. Rubow and also five more french books on french literature.

(Posted 18.Nov./07.Dec.2018)

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Tweets on

Another Fine Mess – Oliver!

Today we’ll take a look at and analyze a bit on another tweet from October 15. Only this tweet was not posted.

(15.Oct.2018) Today was visited by my kid sister. After taking her to the train station I returned home after dark at about 8 p.m. At corner of Mariendalsvej, just outside the candy store, a fast, black Mercedes with Mossad hit-squad was waiting for me. Two men outside, one partly disguised as police officer with reflective stripes and some sort of a badge. Just as I went by the first man called out to the other that had started mowing my way, to lay off. Obviously because a biker just passed very close by me – just in the right/wrong seconds!

However I never intended to tweet about the following incidents, that’s necessary to have in mind when analyzing the above:

On October 11. I had been using the laundry in our basement since midday. At abt. 2.30 p.m. I happened to see this from my street window: A MC-Police Officer (MC-PO) had seemingly stopped a somewhat dilapidated small car with a somewhat dilapidated small, fat, dark-haired man directly in front of the street door to our appartment house.

The small man soon ‘took the air’ but the MC-PO kept vigil with his MC and the car for about an hour (more or less).

At abt. 3 p.m. I had to pass closely by this (friendly looking!) PO to fetch the last of my laundered clothes in the basement.

In the late a.m. on the day before, i.e. Wednesday October 10, I had tweeted about certain clairvoyant visions from the early hours in the a.m.

Also I blogged about these tweets later in the day, must have been roughly mid afternoon, from a downtown café:
As you can see I’m somewhat critical of Mossad and their friends in the tweets/blog entry.

After having posted the blog-update I was walking along Vesterbrogade in downtown Copenhagen when being overtaken by an enormous convoy of Police MC’s plus a couple of darkened cars.

I don’t remember to have ever seen such a giant MC-convoy and naturally wondered – but only slightly – what was going on.

Only a couple of days later – on Oct. 12. – I learned that the Head of State (HoS) of a certain M.E. nation was on official visit in Denmark. I usually skim several it-newssites, danish and international, daily and am sure I didn’t then see one word about this state visit.

So here is the mess – perhaps:

Said HoS hypothetically may have instantly taken affront by me tweeting something about a few of my many bad experiences with Mossad and their friends – on the exact(?) same (hour? and) morning said HoS touched down with his plane in the Copenhagen airport (But I have still no precise idea when that was).

Perhaps his embassy may then have asked their honourable Danish government to instantly pay me back for my gross misconduct and provocation?

It may thus – hypothetically – have been decided to place a PET/Mossad agent with a dilapidated car and a (sane, clever and honest, obviously) MC-PO directly in front of my street door?

That certainly should throw a scare into me – right? Yes, if I had just a wispy, tiny inkling about the whereabout of a certain touchy HoS from a certain touchy M.E. nation – then I certainly might well have felt a bit uneasy with being watched and surrounded by police?

But where do the hit-squad fit into the mess? Well, our honourable MC-PO ofcourse quickly became aware that his presence didn’t seem to bother me in the least. I guess that’s something PO’s soon learn to discern in their line of duty?

Hence that’s what he would report to his superiors, that would report to MOJ, that would report to his superiours here or on the embassy, that would report to their govt., that would report to their HoS?

Hypothetically, then, trying to turn a small mess to a grand success the embassy may perhaps have decided to get clever: If he’s so conficent with PO’s – why not just set up a hit-squad with agents at least partly disguised as Police Officers.

And as we through our full-spectrum surveillance of his daily routine and his flat know the plans for taking his sister to the station in detail – it should be easy to pick a stake out.

By the way, any hit-squad with agents disguised as PO’s is basically very dangerous. Their camouflage sort of put you off guard. If you are not sort of protected by a very strongly developed sixt-sense, you will normally be dead meat.

Summing up: I’m somewhat at a loss to fully understand the instant affront hypothetically taken by said HoS. As a matter of fact I can’t help wondering, if Mossad and their friends haven’t perhaps been pulling the leg of his excellency’s a bit; or at the very least the leg of our MOJ, perhaps?

The reason is one have to suppose that Mossad and their friends through their year-long full-spectrum surveillance of my flat most likely may have always been very well aware, that I probably hadn’t the faintest idea about this HoS’ planned visit to Denmark?

But then again Mossad and their friends always were spoiling for a fight – weren’t they?

Update 22.Okt.2018.

It seems the above blog entry from Sunday 21st (and together with my entry from Saturday 20th ) has not been received particularly favourably by the The-Powers-That-Be.

At least I was already today, monday 22nd, starkly and very vividly warned by telepathy in two clairvoyant visions early in the a.m. I have also tweeted about it this morning, here are the tweets (only very slightly amended):

(22.10.2018)Tonite in clairvoyant vision saw decadent score of people walking along nightly road. Appeared to be mostly assorted rogues, lunatics and traitors. Opposition traitors just cast their disguise and joined the gang. Someone said: Let’s deliver the package’ (i.e. myself to Mossad?)

It might thus perhaps be deducted that the Govt. and their loyal opposition, perhaps unsurprisingly has resolved to combine their hatred for myself – ‘the undaunted regime critic’? For instance this link may hypothetically pertain to the governments oppositions leader as MOJ, if I’m not entirely mistaken?

And ofcourse the SecretService/SecretPolice/Mossad are supposed to handle the particulars?

(22Okt2018)Tonite in clairvoyant vision saw man in darkblue ‘uniform’ presenting himself as from Goldma (or something) wanting to inspect my flat. As I declined he wanted to use my WC. As again declined he tried to force his way in. Perhaps the Govt. dont like my blogs?

(Posted 21.Oct.2018/Updated 22.Oct.2018)

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Tweets on

CERN – DNA – Deepfake Videos – Ghost Town Manhattan – F35 – MORAL ANTIMATTER

“Make housing plentiful and cheap…
…and you’d have an angry mob with pitchforks and torches at the door”.

(20.Okt.2018) Ten days ago I pledged to report on a bag of 5-kr books acquired at the end of September in the permanent dutch book sale at the Coal Market Square here in downtown Copenhagen. So here we go – or almost. Because today I feel like firstly commenting on a few recent tweets on @gamleboeger.

So let’s take a quick look. I almost exclusively tweet with links to online news. These are all from October 15.

1. Genome Hackers Show No One’s DNA Is Anonymous Anymore

>Earthling’s governments obviously have no ability and/or intention of protecting their citizens from maliciously invasive troublemakers in all areas of privacy.

But your personal DNA is really your most private and valuable possession, don’t you think?

It’s obviously also valuable for someone else. And at some point this someone want to rob you of your possessions, all of them, everything you have. You can bet on that – and is what we see here.

2. Deepfake Videos Are Getting Real and That’s a Problem.
Seeing isn’t believing anymore. Deep-learning computer applications can now generate fake video and audio recordings that look strikingly real.

>In many ways the digital world is becoming downright demonic. Hasn’t digital imagery now almost become the direct opposite of classic, straight photography, valued for its honesty?

3. How Manhattan Became a Rich Ghost Town.
New York’s empty storefronts are a dark omen for the future of cities.

Here we see another showcase of how the deranged money-printing frenzy has warped all asset valuations. Most metropolitan downtown areas are fastly becoming depopulated and cleared of real, living store-fronts. Almost no one running a honest, sane business can pay the outrageous rents demanded by billionaire real-estate owners.

Remember – these large investors have access to almost unlimited funds almost for free. Something that’s certainly not awailable to most large, medium or – heaven forbid – mom-and-pop stores.

4. World’s oldest woman, 129, who says her long life is a punishment from God remembers the one happy day in her life – when she returned home after surviving a Stalin purge in World War Two

Curious story, really: One happy day in 129 years! But undoubtly in many cases living conditions for ‘the plebs’ are balancing precariously on the edge.

5. It’s bizarre, really. You’d think that citizens would want good, livable housing to be readily available and dirt cheap. Food and clothing and heat they want to be plentiful and cheap, but not housing.

6. They’ve been trained to view housing as an “investment”, not as a basic necessity. Make housing plentiful and cheap and you’d have an angry mob with pitchforks and torches at the door.

7. Violence, Public Anger Erupts In China As Home Prices Slide.
“People are so used to rising prices that it never occurred to them that [prices] can fall too…”

>To 5, 6 & 7: Like touched upon above, real estate valuations are way, way off the chart of sanity.

Among the causes: Many governments sponsor home ownership with tax deduction benefits. That is, the poor people sponsor the rich, the poor-poor sponsor the rich-poor and the poor-rich sponsor the rich. Also governments sponsor the banks by making much larger loans possible.

But above all, the insane money printing is warping values, as I’ve expounded upon already

NINE-ELEVEN-EIGHTEEN or Ob Einem Manne Sey Zunemen Ein Eelichs Weyb Oder Nicht?

8. The Online Censors.
Facebook’s long history of closing down free speech.

The Online Censors

9. “I have said it before and I will say it again: in a corporatist system, wherein there is no clear line between corporate power and government power, corporate censorship is government censorship…”: We’re “Trapped In An Orwellian Oligarchy”

>To 8 & 9: These corporations are then clearly and blatantly operation in disregard of the Danish Constitution (Grundlov). I suppose this applies to most European and many overseas countries and their respective constitution as well.

10. Perpetual Taxes on Property.
Eric Peters on moral obnoxiousness.

Perpetual Taxes on Property

>It’s interesting to note, that most or all countries globally now in reality have abolished private ownership to agri-land and real estate. That is, if you are not able to pay the taxes on your land or lot, then the govt. takes possession – in quite short order!

11. The American Ruling Class: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution

The American Ruling Class

12. “My dog can recognize faces,” he says. “My teenage daughter speaks three languages. I would not entrust my savings to either of them.”

>To 12: Of course you shouldn’t entrust your savings to robots. But that’s what everyone now do every day as many or even most world leaders and top business executives are IN FACT ROBOTS: They are almost totally left-brain dominated ‘human’ (or rather inhuman) robots.

If you don’t have an effectively functioning right half-brain working smoothly together with your equally effectively functioning left half-brain – but only a functioning left-half – then you are in fact largely a robot!

Hence these leaders fascination with artificial intelligence (i.e. robots): The ‘human’ robots themselves ofcourse want to ‘breed and proliferate’…

More here
The Robots’ Cash Ban

13. And as he continues to expose one fraud after another, Griffin – unlike Goldman – is truly doing God’s work.
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”

>Read more about this real world hero in the Zerohedge article!

A little more about ‘gods workers’ here


14. Exorbitant cost, multiple failures, years overdue: A recap of the ongoing F-35 calamity (VIDEO)

>Inbelievable any responsible government dare to defend procuring this monster aircraft. The price is monstreous – and what about the umbilical cord that has to be live in real time via satellite between the Pentagon and any plane wanting to fly?

Can anyone outside the US but a rank traitor defend this? Please explain to me how, thanks?

15. The European Union believes that it is able to accommodate 3.8 billion more refugees and migrants!
Taken from an official EU Commission Home Affairs Committee document:

16. According to the EU Commission, the EU member states can accomadate 3.8 billion – yes, BILLION – refugees/asylum seekers/economic migrants (a majority of whom are Muslims from Africa and the Middle East). The EU’s current total population is approximately 510 million.

SERIOUSLY? The European Union believes that it is able to accommodate 3.8 billion more refugees and migrants!

>More crazy, crazy, dangerous paper work?

17. China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”
Posted on Oct 13, 2018

China’s Massive Particle Accelerator –“Could Create a Phase Transition That Rips the Very Fabric of Spacetime”

>I’ve had a hard time grasping that no one from our top global leadership are able to understand the stark and imminent danger posed by monster machines like the CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

They are in fact monstrously large bombs, ‘able to blow up stars and planets’.
The worst case scenario is supposed to be our Earth blowing up like a Nova or even Supernova. In which case the fireball may be typically 300 million km across, evaporating Earth and the inner planets AND POSSIBLY KICKING OUR SUN RIGHT OUT OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY.

Please read these extracts from the home page of Luis Sancho, top of the world theoretical physicist:

LUIS SANCHO – On himself:

Top of the world of systems sciences and cybernetics. IQ 180. But now 80% of my papers have been erased from GoogleScholars.
See my best work, ‘Absolute relativity: the 5th dimension’, at kindle

And on CERN science and scientists:

Cern is full of 20 something very smart who think because they have a ‘title’ and went through the industry of information they know a lot

They are very smart. So smart that they will die from it. Because the Universe is NOT SMART BUT INTELLIGENT.

Smart people (try and) ‘cheat’ the laws of the Universe.

Those people are nuts, evil children, and they don’t even know they are

‘those who pretend to impose truth with power will be the laugh of the gods’. (Einstein)

The two biggest infamous basterds of modern science, inventors of cybernetics and the H-bomb, were obsessed with extinction.

They knew they were the parents of the two sciences, nuclear physics and robots, that would kill us. They ONLY talked of THIS. It was their obsession

Don’t you get it? It is all a moral question!! They know they can kill the planet, they don’t care.

They live off making weapons, they are nuclear scientists, they live with death

When CERN crosses the so-called ‘bag number’ (number of strange quarks needed to coalescence into a strangelet) we shall die.


CERN is cosmic bomb, able to blow up stars and planets, the 3rd evolution of nuclear bombs after the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb

(all from and )

However it seems the CERN/LHC has now been (or is to be) shut down for 10 years ‘to be upgraded’. Has somebody perhaps seen the light after all?

More here (pls. scroll down for english text)
STELLA NOVA – Menneskehedens farligste terroristvåben nogensinde?

18. BP: Sanktionen gegen Russland-Energie würden Europa lahmlegen

BP: Sanktionen gegen Russland-Energie würden Europa lahmlegen

>Obviously the US-sanctions on Russia are equally malicious to Europe…


19. 40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes

20. Datatilsynet truede med melde TDC’s masseovervågning til politiet

21. Efter knap 2 års ulovlig masseovervågning: Pape ser på lov for telelogning

22. Det er mere end på tide, at Søren Pape Poulsen reviderer de danske logningsregler

23. (Men er det ikke Grundlovsstridigt at give en fremmed Spiontjeneste den magt?) ‘Udgivelsen af »Syv år for PET« ville kræve godkendelse fra CIA’

24. ‘Scharf skulle have skadet PETs forhold til samarbejdspartnere og andre efterretningstjenester. For at han måtte nævne andre tjenester, ville det ifølge den daværende juridiske chef have krævet skriftlig godkendelse’ (med hvilken lovhjemmel?)

25. Angiveligt har Scharf brudt den saakaldte (Grundlovsstridige, og i saa fald forræderiske?) »tredjelandsregel«, der betyder, at hvis en tjeneste som PET får efterretninger fra et andet lands efterretningstjeneste kan de ikke videregives (til Tinget?) uden oprindelseslandets samtykke.

26. »Det (efterretningssamarbejde, red.) er en nedarvet tradition, som baserer sig på tillid, og hvis den tillid bliver brudt, mister man muligheden for at få informationer,« sagde Finn Borch Andersen i retten og uddybede, at det i sidste ende kunne betyde, at PET ikke længere ville modtage efterretninger gennem andre tjenester. (Note 1)

27.0. FBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold Worth up to $250 million. Article by Mac Slavo.

FBI Steals Treasure Hunters’ Civil War Gold

> As I have touched upon already five years ago (link 1, below), the Global caste of ‘consolidated’ Secret Police/SecretServices may eventually have become an agressive entity, that is – quite simply – grasping for world power in their own right?

Some recent observations:

28.1. (10.Okt.2018) Tonite had clairvoyant vision of my book storeroom being burglarized. The front door kicked in. Saw 2 men, one with earphones and large green cap/beret (military men?). The gang left Denmark for Ukraine in 3 small aircraft + one fast driving car. Did Mossad panic on account of me telling abt. bugged photo shop?

28.2. (10.Okt.2018) Yesterday I told friendly photo-dealer I suspected his shop was being bugged (by PET/Mossad?). This summer I have noted a certain response to what being said in the shop. Reason for installing bugs is most likely the Secret Police (PET) wants to know if I sell recently acquired things with a profit?

>The reason for the embassy having ordered the bugging as indicated very probably is a burning desire from SKAT/PET/Mossad to catch me in buying an item in this generally customer friendly store and soon after perhaps sell it with a profit?

Why is this desire so burning at the rogue agencies? Because (like I’ve touched upon already – link 2.) they will then roll out some of their usual spiteful and reckless abuse of power and instantly

– ransack my home, accusing me of trading illegally
– steal my cash and valuables,
– steal my keys to my safe deposit box, and steal the content, and perhaps most importantly
– steal my computer files, some of which might well be quite compromising for TPTB if brought to the attention of a wider audience (link 3,4 and 5).

When the Secret Police is illegally and maliciously harassing law abiding citicens it’s always very important to cheat or rob the targets of any financial assets so as to prevent them from hiring a lawyer.
Hence a bug at my favourite photo dealer is deemed so very desirable by these rogue power abusers?

(See also and )

29. Most Americans Don’t Know that the Federal Reserve Banks Are Private Corporations

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

30. ‘Central and fractional-reserve banking has to be the greatest system of theft and plunder ever devised by mankind. It is evil to its very core’.

31. In order for the bankers to establish what they call their “New World Order,” they need chaos to tenderize the masses, but they also have to be seen as saviors that deserve to be in a position of authority over the global economy.

32. What mainstream economists don’t seem to grasp is that central banks and international banks are ALWAYS positioned to benefit from the crash of the bubbles they create. It is the reason why they inflated the bubbles from the very beginning

33. Central banks are not afraid to allow markets to plummet, they WANT markets to plummet. The banks simply want to be sure they are set up for optimum benefit when the system does crash.

Se also
NINE-ELEVEN-EIGHTEEN or Ob Einem Manne Sey Zunemen Ein Eelichs Weyb Oder Nicht?

34. High-Ranking Retired General Leonid Ivashov: The Pro-Israeli Lobby Permeates All The Administrative Structures Of The Russian Federation; Russia’s Sovereignty Is At Stake

>The power-structure of Russia often may appear rather hazy for outsiders?

35. Maskeret mand slæbte pige henad fortov
Mand med maske forsøgte angiveligt at bortføre pige fra 4. klasse på Lystrup Skole ved Aarhus – massive undersøgelser fra Østjyllands Politi har endnu ikke ledt til nogen spor af manden

>Kidnappings (of children) are perhaps much more ubiquitous than most people think. Here are a few impressions by myself (on twitter):

(27Feb2018) At abt. 3 AM had clairvoyant vision of small girl held captive in crate, and scared witless. I guess the SecretPolice/SecretServices would like to #kidnap my nephews kids? I wonder if to be locked-up in suspected Mossad-safe-house in the near vicinity?

(15.May.2018) Have just learned that suspected Mossad safe-house in our neighbourhood has recently had sound-proof room installed. Ideal for confining and torturing #kidnapped: A Mossad specialty?

36. Seven Ways Hackers Can Steal Your Keyless Car in Seconds.
And owners of high-risk vehicles could see insurance costs spiral

37. Department of Defense weapons systems can ‘easily be hacked’ with many using default passwords allowing testers to take complete control of them ‘within seconds’, shocking report warns

>Electronic locks are seriously problematic for their owners! They are not secure at all and may in fact be turned against you (as in locking you out from your car or house). More here

38. Pope Francis compares having abortion to ‘hiring a hit man’.
‘Is it right to ‘take out’ a human life to solve a problem? Pope asks

But now today’s ‘main dish’, – a few more 75-cent books:

1. POLITISKE AFHANDLINGER. Af D-d (D.G.Monrad), fra 1.December 1869 til 30. November 1870. København, 1870, A.F.Høst, 464 p. Bound in half calf.

Fra Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (1920) (udtog):

Ditlev Gothard Monrad (1811-87), biskop, politiker. Mest helstatsmand og ‘er overhovedet Junigrundlovens fader’. Departementschef og direktør i Kultusministeriet. Minister, Konsejlspræsident.

‘Han gjorde i disse stillinger et enestående sagligt og parlamentarisk arbejde, hans veltalenhed, uhyre arbejdskraft og evne til personlig paavirkning stillede ham øverst blandt lederne.

‘Hans vaaben var en storslaaet, patetisk og ætsende veltalenhed, dybere og mørkere end Lehmanns, og en hensynsløs energi…’

Medarbejder/redaktør efterhånden ved Fædrelandet, Dansk Folkeblad og Berlingste Tidende. Det er artikler fra sidstnævnte blad, der er samlet i ovennævnte bog.

I think this small book is quite uncommon, as not to be found on

2. CARL GEORG ANDRÆ. En Biografisk Fremstilling – Med bidrag til belysning af hans samtidige. Af Poul Andræ. 3 vols. København 1897, 1909, 1911. Gyldendal, 319 + 196 + 263 p. Bound in half calf.

Fra Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon (1920) hidsættes (i udtog):

C.C.G.Andræ (1812-93), matematiker, politiker. Direktør for Gradmålingen (Geodætisk Institut) 1853-84. En ‘overordentlig klar og skarp matematisk begavelse.’ Hans værk ‘Den Danske Gradmaaling’ (4 bd, 1867-84) staar i den teoretiske Geodæsi som epokegørende.

Han kom ind i politik 1848 som kongevalgt medlem af den grundlovgivende rigsforsamling. Bondevennerne satte ham i Folketinget 1849, formand til 1852. Har stor fortjeneste af skabelsen af en parlamentarisk tradition. Finansminister, Konsejlspræsident, Helstatsmand. Opfandt det første forholdstalsvalgsystem (1855).

Andræ var en i mange henseender overlegen personlighed. Han dømte altid klart og nøgternt, og tiden har på mange punkter vist, at han dømte rigtigt. Men havde ‘teoretikerens ulyst til at tage ansvaret’.

I forordet til bind 3 hedder det: ‘Med det foreliggende tredie bind afslutter jeg min biografi om Andræ med dertil knyttede ‘Bidrag til belysning af hans samtidige… ‘
Men der synes dog at være kommet et bind 4 senere.

In a recent blog update
Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour
I touched upon the Nordic peoples’ apparent disdain for ancestry. Here is a curious statement of Mr. Andræ’s that seems to support this:

Fra bd. 1, s.7: ‘Men Andræ afviste altid saadanne spørgsmaal: “Nej, der har saamænd ikke været nogen af betydning blandt dem, det jeg veed af”; – “moi, je suis mon ancêtre”, kunde han spøgende tilføie og yttre sig ret tilfreds ved ikke at kjende nærmere til den fædrene familie.’

3. DET SYTTENDE OG ATTENDE AARHUNDREDE. Af J.A.Fridericia, København 1910-11, Erslevs Forlag, 590 p., half calf.

4. HISTOIRE DE LA RÉVOLUTION FRANCAISE. Par M. Louis Blanc. Vol. 1 + 2. Bruxelles 1847-48, Meline, Cans et Co., 516 + 426 p. Half calf.

5. OPTEGNELSER FRA ET OPHOLD I FRANKRIG FRA 1815-18. Af Feltpræst Kristoffer Nyholms efterladte papirer. Udg. af C.V.Nyholm. København, 1897, Gad, 172 p, half calf.

This slim volume is a seemingly quite rare specimen of memoires from the Danish military corps dispatched to France after the fall of Napoleon.

My great-great grandfather was there as a 24 year old soldier, confirmed by the following piece from a Danish local paper:

De første linjer af en lille nekrolog om min tipoldefar i Thisted Amts Avis fra 26. april 1875:

“Den 19de døde i Lund, Lild sogn, aftægtsmand Otte Andersen i en alder af 84 år. Den afdøde var med på toget til Frankrig i 1815, da Napoleon var styrtet og Frederik den 6te havde sluttet sig til de allierede….”

Se also
En minderune

6. FRANKRIG UNDER RESTAURATIONEN. Efter de interessanteste og bedste skrifter og andre hjælpekilder – af Fr. Klee. København, 1860, Berlingske Bogtr. – Stenderup. 459 p. Half calf.

7. GEORG BRANDES’ LÆREÅR. Læsning – Ideer – Smag – Kritik, 1857-1872. København, 1955, Gyldendal. 473 p. Soft cover.

8. THE BOOK OF INSULTS – ANCIENT & MODERN. By Nancy McPhee. NewYork/London, 1978, Paddington Press, 160 p, Soft cover.

Note 1.
Question is how much value these ‘informations’ really have? Comp. leading Moss.-agent in Denmark, Victor Ostrovsky, who in his book BY WAY OF DECEPTION (N.Y., 1990) tells about a Moss. doctrine of NEVER giving valuable informations to alien agencies while staunchly demanding this kind of information from the corresponding agencies.

Note 2.

Your Galactic Police

Link 1.
Danmark i kosmos?

Link 2.
Helsingborg’ske shenanigans? (updated)

Link 3.


Link 4.

Nullermand eller regimekritiker?

Link 5.

Swedbank – Lunar Lander Crash – NotreDame – Die Gnosis


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Indian Summer

(10.Okt.2018) On this wonderful early oktober indian summer day here in Copenhagen I had to post three personal tweets in the a.m.:

1. (10.Okt.2018) Tonite had clairvoyant vision of my book storeroom being burglarized. The front door kicked in. Saw 2 men, one with earphones and large green cap/beret (military men?). The gang left Denmark for Ukraine in 3 small aircraft + one fast car. Did Mossad panic on account of me telling abt. bugged photo shop?

2. (10.Okt.2018) Yesterday I told friendly photo-dealer that I suspected his shop was being bugged (by Mossad/PET?). This summer I have noted a certain response to what being said in the shop. Reason for installing bugs is most likely the SecretService/SecretPolice want to bait and harass me if I would sell recently acquired thing with a profit?

3. (10.Okt.2018) Directly opposite the photoshop is Danish MOD. Also this morn had clairvoyant vision of leaving the shop on dark day/evening and seeing hit-team set up just outside the MOD from personnel disguised as Danish military. Perhaps our MOD dont like my blog?
Sweet Dreams

Ad.1. Seems the Ukraine has taken a keen interest in my demeanor. Perhaps not surprising, as the reportedly ubiquitous and very active Ukrainian mafia is said to be very close to Mossad and their friends? (Link 4)

Ad.2. No doubth the store is being surveilled (perhaps by listening in on iphones or even by bugs placed in the shop?). I’ve learned this from noting certain effects to what was talked about in there.

The reason for the embassy having ordered the bugging as indicated very probably is a burning desire from SKAT/PET/Mossad to catch me in buying an item in this generally friendly store and soon after to sell it, perhaps even with a profit?

Why is this desire so burning at these (rogue?) agencies? Because (like I’ve touched upon already – link 1.) they then will roll out all of their most insolent and reckless abuse of power and instantly

– RANSACK my home, accusing me of trading illegally
– STEAL my cash and valuables,
– STEAL my keys to my safe deposit box, and steal the content, and perhaps most importantly
– STEAL my computer files, some of which might well be quite compromising for TPTB if brought to the attention of a wider audience (link 2 og 3).

So of course bugging of my favourite photo dealer is deemed desirable by these rogue power abusers.

Ad 3. The reason for a hit-squad set-up on a dark (everning or) morning might well be the upcoming yearly winter sale at said store. Normally is scheduled for every November 1st, and most often many of we photo nerds show up early enough for it still being dark.

A hit squad disguised as Danish military men would hardly seem suspicious even right outside the Ministry of Defence, where military men, cars, and small groups are seen all the time.


This week has two dutch book sales running here in downtown Copenhagen. One in the Heilig Geist church house and one on the Coal Market square. Prices yesterday were 20 kr ($3) and 45 kr ($7) respectively.

In the Church House – said to be the oldest house in Copenhagen – I bought these:

4. UDVALGTE AFHANDLINGER. By A.B.Drachmann, Copenhagen, 1911, Gyldendal, 261 p. hardcover.

This nicely bound volume by one of our leading experts in the classical languages (1860-1935) contains 16 essays, among which one may note

– Prometheus
– Historien og det Overnaturlige
– Søren Kirkegaards Papirer
– Johan Nicolai Madvig
– Georg Zoëga
– Hovedtræk of Græsk Religiøsitet
– U.v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

The last of these essays (originally published in the Copenhagen daily Politiken on Mar.6, 1910) begins thus:

‘I den uge, vi nu gaar ind i, vil den mand, hvis navn staar over disse linier, holde et par forelæsninger ved Kjøbenhavns Universitet.

‘Det er noget af en begivenhed – af flere grunde. Siden Schleiermacher – vistnok i 1833 – holdt en række forelæsninger i Kjøbenhavn, vides ingen tysk lærd at have talt fra vort universitets katheder.

‘Til gjendjæld er den, der nu vil gjøre det, en mand, der i anseelse og betydelighed meget vel kan sammenstilles med Schleiermacher: v. Wilamowitz er ubestridt nutidens berømteste philolog, som Schleiermacher var sin tids berømteste theolog.

‘Men ganske vist staar den klassiske philologi ikke saa nær ved midpunktet for vore dages interesser, som theologien gjorde i begyndelsen af forrige aarhundrede; et par ord om den tyske videnskabsmands personlighed og livsværk vil derfor maaske ikke være uden nytte for det danske publikum’.

> Quite astonishing – from 1833 to 1910 no german scholar has talked to an audience in the University of Copenhagen!

Later Mr. Drachmann continues:

‘Naar nu v. Wilamowitz om faa dage vil tale i Kjøbenhavn om et par emner af sin videnskab, saa er det ifølge sagens natur ikke netop den store fortolker af græske litteraturværker, man vil faa at høre; den art themaer egner sig ikke for det brede publikum og enkelte timer.

‘Det er kulturhistorikeren med den uhyre viden, der omfattende syn og den aandfulde opfattelse, der vil komme til orde.’

These last lines together with the penultimate essay above leads nicely to our next titel:

5. DER GLAUBE DER HELLENEN. By Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 2.vols, Basel/Stuttgart, Benno Schwabe & Co, 1931/1959, 405+626 pages, bound in orig. cloth.

This title is the last major work by this author. As such perhaps also his most mature? Vol. 2 was issued posthumously. Here are a couple of quite arbitrarily found samples:

(Vol. 1, p.184) ‘Waldnymphen wohnen in einem Haine; dass ihnen ein einzelner Baum geweiht wäre, ist mir nicht erinnerlich. Wohl aber steht schon im Aproditehymnus, dass die Nymphe in einem Baume lebt, mit ihm geboren wird und stirbt.

‘Die komplementaere Zusammenstellung von Laubbaum und Nadelbaum stehr hier zuerst. Dann hat also jeder Baum eine Seele, eigentlich nur der gewachsene, nicht der gepflanzte. Es ist das also ein anderer Glaube als der gewohnte an die goettlichen Nymphen, die doch nicht sterben. Die Scheu der Menschen liegt in ihm, die das Leben der schoenen Baeume doch vernichten muss, aber einzelne darum verschont und heiligt.’

(Vol. 2, p.235) ‘Aber diese Zeit war nicht mehr. Der Glaube an die Goetter war erschuettert und bestimmte das Handeln der Menschen so wenig wie die alten Ehrbegriffe, jene Gesetze, die nicht aufgeschrieben zu werden brauchten, weil sie durch den himmlichen Aether herrschen, wie Sophokles glaubte…’

(And page 342) ‘Die verwuestenden Kriege und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, durch die das Landvolk immer mehr in die Staedte getrieben ward, so dass die Doerfer, soweit sich in ihnen noch ein freier und sesshafter Bauernstand hielt, ihre bedeutung verloren, haben sehr viele der alten Kulte ihre Heroen und Goetter untergehen lassen…’

>I have no hope to ever manage to read these two volumes from cover to cover, but they are small and compact and easy to travel with (perhaps together with an Erle Stanley Gardner detective novel – the only type of fiction I seem to occasionally read now) so as to maybe read a few pages once in a while. I’m sure one can have no nicer company.

6. THE JESUS CONSPIRACY. The Turin Shroud And The Truth About The Resurrection. By Holger Kersten and Elmar R. Gruber. Translated from German 1992/1994. Element Books. 373 p. Hardcover.

On the backside of dust cover you read:

‘This thrilling and sensational exposé of the faking of the dating evidence of the Turin Shroud is pure dynamite. Its extraordinary revelations put into question the most fundamental doctrines of the Christian Church.

‘Revelation: Jesus survived the crucifixion.
‘Revelation: He could not have risen from the dead.
‘Revelation: The Shroud is real, not a medieval fake.
‘Revelation: The radocarbon tests were a deliberate deceit.
‘Revelation: Powers in the Vatican conspired in the fraud.

‘In the face of determined resistance, Holger Kersten and Elmar Gruber embark on a breathtaking chase across Europe in the pursuit of the truth. Showing extraordinary determination and scholarship, they lay out clear evidence as proof of these revelations. As breathlessly exiting as a thriller, this controversial book will shock many in high places.’

>Sounds good – but talk is easy. Perchance time will show if it’s much hot air or not?

Quite a nice buy for $3 each volume at Forum Antiquariat in the Heilig Geist Church House, – me thinks.

At Vangsgaard’s at the Coal Market square I bought these two volumes yesterday at $7 each:

7. DAS RELIGIÔSE BEWUSSTSEIN DER MENSCHHEIT – Im Stufengang Seiner Entwicklung. Von Eduard von Hartmann. Berlin, 1882, Carl Duncker, 627p.

My ‘Lexicon der parapsychologie und ihrer Grenzgebiete’ (v. Werner F. Bonin, 1981) says this of E.v.Hartmann (1842-1906):

‘Deutscher Philosoph. In seinem Versuch einer Synthese der Lehren Hegels, Schellings und Schopenhauers erklaerte H. das Unbewusste als den letzten Grund der Welt: Das Absolute ist der einheitliche unbewusste Geist.

‘Seine ‘Philosophie des Unbewussten’ (1869) beeinflusste wesentlich die Tiefenpshchologie und deren Aufnahme beim Publikum. Das postulierte Unbewusste machte es H. nicht moeglich, an eine individuelle Unsterblichkeit zu glauben; folgerichtig wandte er sich in mehreren Arbeiten gegen den Spiritismus. Die psychokinetischen Phaenomene mancher spiritistischen Medien betrachtete er als Betrug oder Taeuschung.

‘Aussersinnliche Warnehmung hielt er jedoch als ‘Telefonanschluss im Absoluten’ (dem Unbewussten) fuer moeglich. Gegen H’s Kritik am Spiritismus schrieb Aksakow ein erfolgreiches Werk ‘Animismus und Spiritismus’ (1898).

>This massive, original edition of one of the major works of a pioneering thinker in his field is somewhat worn on the outside but still holding tidily together. It’s obviously another very fine and interesting buy for a very moderate price.

8. EFTERLADTE SKRIFTER. Af Poul M(artin) Møller. 3rd vol. Kjøbenhavn, 1843, C.A.Reitzel. 369 p. Contemporary paper hard cover.

This outwardly very well preserved volume – the inside is somwhat foxed throughout – from one of the great names in Danish litterature and philosophy is twice interesting. Firstly because it’s an original edition, issued a few years after the authors early death in 1838, 44 years old.

Secondly because this 3rd volume (of a 3 volume set) contains his ‘Strøtanker’ (aphorisms), which are particularly enticing and amusing and generally quite clever. Here are a few specimens:

‘Paa den vulgære tænknings standpunct bliver verden betragtet som summen af alle enkelte ting.’

‘En philosoph, der er meget nymodens, bliver snart meget gammeldags.’

‘Et philosophisk værk, hvori der slet ingen sætninger findes, som udrevne af deres sammenhæng, kunde gjøres latterlige for menigmand, kan ikke have nogen videnskabelig betydenhed.’

‘De bedste hoveder ere langtfra de, om hvem deres lærere sige, at de strax forstaae alt, hvad der foredrages for dem. De bedste hoveder ville tænke dem de mange muelige maader, hvorpaa en aphoristisk sætning kan integreres.’

‘Det er yderst mærkeligt, at kun de sande philosophiske genier holde sig i philosophiens annaler. Deres samtid, som forfølger dem, har ogsaa en hemmelig respect for dem.’

‘Selvbehaget yttrer sig undertiden deri, at man under sin tales pauser lade sin tunge slikke læben lidt om den røde rand, for ligesom at smage på sine egne honningsøde ord.’

‘Det gaar med det gode, som med det skjønne – det maa umiddelbart erkjendes, kan ei skildres ved farveløse begreber.’

‘Som enkeltvæsen opfylder mennesket sin bestemmelse ved at være borger; som den, i hvem noget universelt lever, er han et led af menneskehedens totalitet i alle tider og alle egne.’

That’s it for today. Next time I would like to tell a litte about a bag of 5 kr’s books (75cents books) I acquired one of the last days of September. (link 5)

Link 1.

Link 2.

Link 3.

Link 4.

Link 5.
75-Cents Books – And More


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Kai Friis Moeller – H.G. Wells – Queen Christina – Madame de Pompadour

(18.Sept.2018) Today is tuesday and I believe perhaps I’ve never seen a nicer September day here in Copenhagen. Bright and clear and sunny and neither hot nor cold nor windy – just about perfect.

It was thus sort of unfortunate that I didn’t feel like making a photographic outing with one of my old plate cameras this morning. Also I have some Ektachromes in the refrigerator in various cut film sizes that perhaps ought to be put to task before too long. But just not today.

Instead I’ve managed to get Ubuntu installed on an old ThinkPad of mine. And – ofcourse – I’ve also managed to get a chance to visit the book cases in the Copenhagen book street, Fiolstraede, as well as the ongoing dutch book sale in the CoalMarket (Kultorvet).

At Paludan’s in Fiolstraede I found two slim volumes by one of the greatest critics in 20th century Denmark – le redoutable Kai Friis Moeller. Both volumes issued in 1946. The price was 10 kr each ($1,50).

1. ET NARRESKIB. Af Kai Friis Moeller. Copenhagen, 1946, Gyldendal, 75p. Very nicely bound in contemporary, wine red cloth. Original edition was issued in 1935.

The six essays offered here seem to more or less have a common thread of sarcasm. Here is the beginning of item number four: LE NU ARTISTIQUE.

‘Hr. Dr. phil. Martin Ellehauge, der har vundet sig en position ved at skrive bøger paa engelsk om engelske dramatikere, er nu debuteret ogsaa som dansk forfatter med en bog om sine dramatiske landsmænd.

‘Hvad man end kan sige om denne gennemgang af efterkrigstidens danske dramatik, saa vil den i hvert fald ikke friste læseren til at gentage den kompliment, som hans første bog om engelsk skuespildigtning skal have indbragt ham i TIMES’ LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, at ‘hans kritik er behagelig fri for modefordomme’:

‘Bogen er i hver eneste linje ligefrem imprægneret med alle den hyperortodokse psyko-analytikers seksuelle tvangstanker, ytrede med en fanatisk ihærdighed, som hundrede aar ud i fremtiden vil gøre den til en lækkerbidsken for den forsker, der maatte ønske at studere danske modefordomme af 1933 i deres naiveste form.’

(There you are – please!)

2. PROFANE PROFETER. Af Kai Friis Moeller. Copenhagen, 1946, Gyldendal, 148p. Original edition was issued in 1922.

There are 11 essays, and here a couple of samples from EN GUDFORLADT BIBEL:

‘I et tidligere kapitel har jeg refereret, hvorledes H.G.Wells i sin nyeste bog, THE SALVAGING OF CIVILISATION, foreholder vor stakkels verdensdel USA som den ideelle, rent unationale statsformation, efter hvis mønster man foreløbig burde omdanne de nationalitetsbestemte europæiske riger til ‘Europas forenede Stater’ – som det første skridt henimod virkeliggørelsen af tusindaarsriget ‘The World State’. Jeg har tillige paavist, at denne skønne fantasi bygger paa en fuldkommen misforstaaelse af amerikanismen.

A few pages later he says:

‘Lad os et øjeblik sammenholde denne kaadmundede bestemmelse af nationalitetsbegrebet med en anden og mere alvorlig. Den hidrører ikke fra nogen af Mr. Wells’ modstandere, men tværtimod fra en af de store ahner til den tidsaand, hvis endelige forfald markeres tydeligt igennem bøger som den foreligende.

‘Den jeg vil citere, er ERNEST RENAN: I et navnkundigt foredrag, holdt paa Sorbonne i 1882, har han stillet nøjagtigt det samme spørgsmaal som nu Wells: Qu’est-ce qu’une nation? Og ligesom wells, blot grundigere, har han paavist, at hverken i Racen, Sproget, Religionen, Interessefællesskabet eller Geografien har nationen det, den kan hælde sit hoved til.

‘Men af den grund falder det ham ikke ind at lade haant om den nationale idé. Tværtimod giver han den klare definition heraf, som Encyclopaedia Britannica opgiver at finde, og som Wells finder det næsten hyklersk blot at søge efter:

‘En nation er en sjæl, et aandeligt princip. To omstændigheder, der i virkeligheden er een og samme, danner denne sjæl, dette aandelige princip. Den ene ligger i det forbigangne, den anden i det nærværende. Den ene er den fælles besiddelse af en rig arv af minder; den anden er den nuværende slægts samtykke, beslutningen om at leve sammen, viljen til fremdeles at gøre den arv gældende, som man har modtaget udelt’.

These lines of M. Renan brings to mind an essay from two years ago (Link 1) in which I stated: ‘Moral betyder ansvar for vort fælles kosmiske arvegods’, which should somehow update the above to be suitable for our own age, the Space Age? (The mantra may perhaps be translated into English approx. like this: ‘Morality means respect and responsibility for the common cosmic heritage’?).

In the dutch book sale in the CoalMarket the price today is 20 kr ($3). I found these

3. BAROKTIDS-MÄNNISKORNA I ROM. Av Kasimir Chledowski. 2nd ed. (Translated from the polish by E.Weer). Hugo Gerber, Stockholm, 1920. 531 p. ill.

This beautifully bound volume, printed on de luxe paper, has 17 chapters and among the names treated are: Orsini, Borghese, Galilei, Bernini, de la Trémouille, and – in chapt. 12 – ‘Drottning Kristina in Rom’.

This strange woman probably still have an interest for some readers in the Nordic countries. The author treats of her on 82 pages, but doesn’t mention the follwing curious facts about her ancestors.

She may, ofcourse, have her name from her great-grandmother Christina, duchess of Holstein-Gottorp. Christina of Holstein again had the same name as her mother, Countess (‘Landgravess / Landgrevinde’) of Hesse, married to the well known Landgrave of Hesse, Philip the Magnanimous (1504-67), called ‘an eminent warrior’ but also renowned for his weakness towards the fair sex.

Philip was a direct descendent of Germany’s national Saint, St.Elizabeth – also called Elizabeth of Thüringen or of Hungary. Elizabeth (1207-31) was a daughter of the Hungarian king Andreas II and his German queen Gertrud of Merania.

Queen Christina also – through her great-grandfather, the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp – descended from a nephew af St.Elizabeth, i.e. the Hungarian king Stephan V, whose queen was a turkish princess Elizabeth of Kumania (daughter of a Prince Zayhan ‘of the family of the Chans of the Kuths’).

Queen Christina hence had trace amounts of both Hungarian and Turkish blood running in her veins, and this fact may, or may not, explain some of her resolve and hard edges, not (now) typical of the Nordic peoples?

Much has been written about Queen Christine (1629-89), but as far as I know the above facts haven’t been mentioned. Space age Germanic peoples – and especially the Nordics? – normally dont talk about their ancestors. Perhaps they have been mesmerized into believing they haven’t any?

If so this would fit smoothly with the modern (Danish) political philosophy of disruption: ‘Burn everything down every 7 years’ (link 2) – and ‘Don’t look back – look forward!’. The problem is, ofcourse, if you don’t have a history – neither do you have a future. (link 3)

In any case, the Nordic peoples and their culture are – sadly, but obviously – dying. The same applies, I’m afraid, to much of (Western) Europe. Except for Hungary, perhaps, that seems to have more stamina than most. (note 1)

(Incidentally queen Christina was a second cousin to one Joachim von Holstein, who owned an estate in Mecklenburg (note 2) and whose son was captain Philip Christoph von Holstein (1693-1759). This gentleman lived for a few years in the first half of the 18th century in a village in Northern Jutland, Goettrup. He was one of the Godfathers for my maternal great-great-great-great-grandfather, born 1742, who got his name Christopher after him).

4. MADAME DE POMPADOUR. By Nancy Mitford. Translated into Danish by K. Windfeld-Hansen. Copenhagen, Grafisk, 1955, soft cover.

I’ve already managed to read a few dozen pages of this very interesting tale from the reign of Louis XV, the french king that ruled for abt. two generations in the 18th century.

One irritating detail is she gets around the complicated family history of the most important persons she relates about in a rather cavalier way. F.i. she doesn’t mention, that the so-called Regent – the Duke (Philip) of Orleans, that ruled from 1715-23 while Louis XV was but a child – was a nephew of Louis XIV. And so on and so forth, the extended royal family was enormous and is hardly possible to keep tab on for most readers without some help from the author.

But it’s nearly always particularly interesting to read female authors of history and memoirs. Usually you are then also relieved of the burden of hearing of all the foolish and dreary wars and campaigns.

Note 1.
As an aside: The Hungarian language is said to have more affinities with Sumerian than any other known language. A distant second and/or third reportedly are Finnish and Turkish.

Note 2.
Joachim Jürgen v. Holstein was a grandson of the Duke Johan Frederik of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp (1578-1634). He became archbishop of Bremen-Verden and was, like his grandfather Philip the Magnanimous, renowned for his weakness towards the fair sex, even if he never married. A historian (1718) relates about him, that he was “von einer sehr geistlichen Lebens-Art, da er nur 3 Maitressen zugleich hielt”.





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(*)My twitter account now has been banned by the friendly folks at Twitter – i.e. I cannot access it. My first blog, that I started in 2008 was totally blocked in 2014 (after attaining abt. 100 hits/day) when I posted this satire (in danish) ).

NINE-ELEVEN-EIGHTEEN or Ob Einem Manne Sey Zunemen Ein Eelichs Weyb Oder Nicht?

That’s a lot in one headline! But let’s just start at ‘the beginning’.

Nine-Eleven seems to have been the beginning of the so-called ‘War on Terror’. Planned and perpetrated, perhaps, by certain parties that hoped to win the world? – or perhaps to wreck the world through the ensuing chaos?

If this hypothesis is tentatively accepted, what can we then possibly say abt. how things are running along right now?

Well – in some ways the hypothetical plotters obviously have had at least some degree of success:

1. The economy is now almost perfectly set up for the next Grand Wrecking Party. Trillions of ‘fake’ dollars ‘printed’ and circulated without being backed by a corresponding amount of trillions of dollars of new value created – ofcourse amounts to really stealing the necessary ‘collateral’ from the value of already existing dollars/dollar-accounts. That is, the value of your dollar bills and your saving accounts is correspondingly diminished. Keine Hexerei – nur Behändigkeit!

These trillions of – what virtually amounts to – counterfeit dollars ofcourse tend to insanely inflate the nominal dollar value of the various kinds of hard assets, especially land and housing.

The money printers – the large global banks and private bankers, that also own/control the major central banks – have managed to have their puppet-economists and puppet-politicians obfuscate these rather simple facts mainly by keeping the value of land and housing out of the inflationary indexes. Quite insane, obviously!

In the last decade ‘everybody’ have been borrowing money like mad to buy starkly inflated assets – bonds, shares and housing mostly – at very low if not nearly zero rates.

Made possible by the banks having now for some years been swimming in massive amounts of easy – ‘counterfeit’ – dollars and euros.

The catch, ofcourse, is that all these loans ultimately have to be repaid in full. That is – if you and your progeny are not to be effectively debt-slaves for the rest of yours and their life. And remember most peoples salaries have in fact been stagnating or even diminishing throughout the same decade.

So when the general populace begin to realize that everybody are too deeply indebted to ever being able to repay this debt, then the panic should start? And that, I (and others) believe, is where we may be right now. That is, in these days and hours. Even Goldman-Sachs claim most crash indicators have been flashing a stark red within the last few days (cfm. zerohedge dot com).

2. There is thus seemingly an urgent need for another horrible, massively brutal and reckless terror- or war-happening? And as today is Sunday Sept.9th – wouldn’t it be just hunky-dory if ‘someone’ could please stage a chemical-attack in Syria, or something, on Nine-Eleven-Eighteen?

Personally I’ve cancelled my appointments and travels for tuesday (as a matter of fact had planned to visit Helsingborg, Sweden with relatives that very day), partly because it would certainly have been a well-nigh impossible-to-withstand temptation for certain parties to make a hit/kidnapping in the general chaos if a major war would please start in Syria that very day?

Because – mind you – an US-American assault on Syria in the wake of another false-flag chemical attack could, or should necessarily result in a Russian selfdefense-attack on the US-warships used as platforms for firing cruise-missiles?

If Russia once more wince from returning fire they could easily loose every and all vestige of any credibility left among friends and foes alike. Some observers think this could be the end of Putin’s rule in Russia.

Doubtless the insane global power brokers are – well, yes insane enough to test Mr. Putin. Some observers are ofcourse also clever judges of character so as to have noted, that Putin is not really a warrior. He is obviously a fighter, but seemingly no warrior. Perhaps he might give in?

In that case he – as well as all of Russia – is dead meat. Perhaps Mr. Putin and his friends might hope for a safe haven in f.i. Israel? But Russia in general would be sunk – set up to be raped and robbed once more, like when Mr. Rasputin helped to set it up for 1917?

Because the insane ‘Raubmörder’ – perhaps the bane of our beautiful planet, as the right honourable Mr. Voltaire reportedly thought? – will never let go of their prey and spoils of war until someone draw a line of fire!

But now back to our headline. This really nice early autumn day here in Copenhagen also is the last day of the ongoing dutch book sale in our downtown Heillig-Geist Church-house. The price today is 5 kroner pr item (80 US-cents, 70 Euro-cents). So lets take a look at my booty.

The second part of today’s headline

1. OB EINEM MANNE SEY ZUNEMEN EIN EELICHS WEYB ODER NICHT is the title of a small book by Abrecht von EYB, issued in Nürberg in 1472.

This new edition is a photographic reprint from 1993. 157 pages, bound in dark blue cloth, with original dust cover. From the back cover:

‘Zum erstenmal in der frühen Eheliteratur Deutschlands wird hier auch die Frau als Wesen geistiger Individualität gesehen. Zahlreiche den Ausführungen beigefügte Beispiele aus der Novellen- und Legendenliteratur sorgen für eine lehrreiche, differenzierte und – zumal für heutige Leser – erbaulich-vergnügliche Auseinandersetzung mit einem Thema von zeitloser Aktualität, das über die Jahrhunderte hinweg nach wie vor die Gemüter beiderlei Geschlechts bewegt und beschäftigt.

‘Die in der vorliegenden Ausgabe im Anhang untergebrachte Einführung von Helmut Weinacht bietet u.a. einen kurzen biographischen Abriss zu Albrecht von Eyb sowie eine Rezeptions- und Forschungsgeschichte. Dem reprographischen Nachdruck neu hinzugefügt sind 16 Holzschnittillustrationen aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, die den Text anschaulich ergänzen.’

It’s curious, though not necessarily easy, to read this german text from the late middle ages. But it would certainly have been helpful if the typeface had been just a trifle larger.

2.PROFILER. With drawings by Otto C. Carit Andersens Forlag, Copenhagen, 1944. 128p.

This small volume (in paperback) is an (anonymously edited) anthology of 11 essays by then living, well known danish authors, in which each on abt. a dozen pages tell about their life and work-day.

The authors are: Kjeld Abell, Knuth Becker, H.C.Branner, Aage Dons, Leck Fischer, Mogens Klitgaard, Jacob Paludan, Nis Petersen, Soya, Knud Sønderby, Johs. Wolff.

That is, pretty much the danish parnassus in the late war years. I’m sure it augurs for interesting reading.

3. FRANKRIGS LITERATURHISTORIE – I DET ATTENDE AARHUNDREDE. By Hermann Hettner. På dansk v. H.Schwanenflügel. Kjøbenhavn, Høst & Søn, 1875 (inside it says 1876).

From the short foreword I quote:

‘Det er ingen glimrende, men højst mærkværdig og vigtig Litteraturepoke, som jeg her skildrer. Man kan hverken skjænke Karaktererne eller Ideerne sin fulde Sympathi og Beundring; men dens indflydelse er så vidtomfattende og mægtig, at dens virkninger spores endnu den dag i dag.

‘Enhver har lov til at rose sig af sin flid. Jeg har redelig arbejdet efter kilderne. Man fører ofte disse forfattere paa tale; men man kjender kun lidt til dem. De fleste ville synes, at jeg har brugt for lyse, en eller anden, at jeg har anvendt for mørke farver. Jeg malte, hvad jeg saa.

‘Bibliografisk fuldstændighed har jeg paa intet punkt havt til hensigt at give. Litteraturhistorien er ikke historien om bøgerne, men ideernes og deres videnskabelige og kunstneriske formers historie’.

I’m quite sure I already own a sample of this book. But I don’t remember if it’s perhaps in a later edition or another language (originally issued in Germany). In any case this volume has all the charms of it’s time – nice paper that’s not too white, beautifully printed and bound – whence I may opt for discarding the other.

By the way I noticed this very specimen also in the previous sale. It’s both strange and also telling that nobody but myself in all of Copenhagen have felt compelled to pay 80 cents for this magnaficent volume on french literature in the ages of Louis XIV and XV. (Note 1)

4. DEN UNGE BRANDES. Miljø – Venner – Rejser – Kriser. By Henning Fenger. Gyldendal 1957, 273 p. Illustrated.

This volume is the second in a series by the author. It covers the years 1859-72 approx., i.e. the young years of Brandes (b.1842).

This softcover volume is in a somewhat shabby condition. But it shines by its many old and hard to find photographs (or Daguerreotypes) of Mr. Brandes and his family and friends.

Opposite page 224 is reproduced a photograph from 1870 of Hippolyte Taine, the french writer who was a friend of Mr. Brandes.

As an aside: I own many – or even most? – of Mr. Taine’s work in more or less contemporaty french editions. Only the work reportedly most used by Brandes (Taine’s book on contemporary french philosophers) eloped me like this:

I had found the book in a certain dutch book-sale and paid for it. But as the very nice shop assistant would help me bag my books, this very book slipped, fell to the floor and ‘broke it’s back’. Which wexed me so much I instantly discarded it. I shouldn’t have done that, ofcourse, and have come to ‘regret it ever since’. Especially ofcourse after learning this title was one of Mr. Brandes favourites, read and reread by him.

Perhaps I’m not supposed to have a keen interest in Mr. Brandes and his work, being as I am a distant relative of the redoutable editor (C.Ploug) of the main conservative paper in 19th century Copenhagen (Fædrelandet). But I have come to respect Mr. Brandes for his mature view, especially in his late years, and I look forward to skimming this volume.

Also today I fetched five more volumes of the French series of volumes that I talked about last

5. PARIS OU LE LIVRE DES CENT-ET-UN. Paris, Chez Ladvocat, 1832-34. Each volume abt. 400 pages. Bound in contemporary half calf. Passably preserved outside as well as inside. Volumes 4, 6, 9, 10 and 15 (vol.15 being the last in the series).

I have now learned this series was written and issued by a group of writers (101 in all?) in order to help a friendly but recently bankrupted publisher. The essays are thus supposed to be original items and not just reprints.

Among the content of the 9th volume you find (please excuse the missing diacritical signs, they are simply too much trouble to hunt down on my danish keyboard):

– Napoleon au Conseil-D’Etat. par M. Cormenin

– La Sorbonne. par M. Antoine Delatour

– Le Bois de Boulogne. par M. Amedee Gratiot

– La Force. par un Prevenu.

– Le Boulevart (sic) Du Temple. par M.N.Brazier.

– Une Visite a Saint-Germain. par M. Henry Martin

– La Vie De Cafe. par M. Merville.

– Une Seance Dans Un Cabinet De Lecture. par m. A.Fontaney

– Une Agence Dramatique. par m. Leon Halevy

– La Libraire a Paris. par M. Frederic Loulie

– Dix Heures Au Chateau de Ham. par L’Editeur du Livre des Cent-Et-Un.

6. GODE KLERKE. Litterære Essays. Af K.F.Plesner. København, Samleren, 1944. 185 pages.

Among the essays you find:

– Kardinal de Bernis

– Gamle Sibbern

– P.O.Brøndsted som kulturpersonlighed

– Poul Chievitz

– Valdemar Vedel

– Niels Møller

– Kai Friis Møller, skolar og poet

– Nis Petersen. Minder og dokumentation.

I’m quite sure I already own this title, must be somewhere in a stack or a book case. But for 80 cents I guess you can afford both ‘a user and a keeper’ of this slim volume.

On page 156 mr. Plesner writes in his essay on Kai Friis Møller, the leading critic:

‘Selv har han aldrig givet pardon eller taget personlige hensyn. “Hvor megen pris man end sætter på en forfatter, er det dog altid ærgerligt at måtte give ham ret i et og alt”, skriver han i en anmeldelse af Paul V. Rubow, den eneste fagfælle, for hvis lærdom og stil han viser tydelig respekt.’

7. DIE GÖTTLICHE KOMÖDIE. Von Karl Vossler. 2nd ed. 2 volumes. Heidelberg, Carl Winther, 1925, in all 835p. Very nicely bound in contemporary cloth

I had noticed these two beautifully bound volumes several times throughout this sale. But only today I learned they were dealing exclusively with Mr. Dantes famous comedy.

I dare to wager there must be some part(s) of these impressive volumes that’s of general interest also to the layman. From the foreword I quote:

‘Einem weiteren Kreise gebildeter Leser will dieses Werk das Verständnis von Dantes Göttlicher Komödie erschliessen. Zuerst sollen die bildungsgeschichtlichen Grundlagen betrachtet werden, auf denen die Dichtung sich erhebt, sodann diese selbst in ihrer poetischen Ursprünglichkeit und eigenart.

‘Im ersten Teil haben die Quellen des Dichters, im zweiten hat nur sein Werk das Wort; daher man den zweiten unabhängig vom ersten geniessen kann und vielleicht gut tut, zuerst den zweiten zu lesen, denne der erste setzt eine grosse Vertrautheit mit dem Gedichte voraus.’

All right – that’s it for today. Be safe – and look sharp for nine-eleven!

Note 1.
My massive, one volume ‘Oxford Companion To German Literature’ (by Henry and mary Garland, 1976, 977 pages) squanders fully eleven-and-a-half short (useless) lines on mr. Hettner!

But my Swedish encyclopaedia (Svensk Uppslagsbok, vol.12, 1935) uses almost a half page, and says a.o.: ‘En bestämd rationalistisk uppfattning, ej fri från moraliserande inslag, dominerar det friskt skrivna och populära arbetet, vars omdömen ännu för t.ex. 1920-talets Schück äre i stort sett auktoritativa.’

(Henrik Schück (1855-1947) was a swedish university professor and for many years a leading literature critic and -historian)


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